use lazy_static::lazy_static; use prometheus::*; lazy_static! { pub static ref SKILL_LEVEL: IntGaugeVec = register_int_gauge_vec!( "openmw_player_skill_level", "The skill levels of players", &["player", "skill", "skill_id"] ) .unwrap(); pub static ref SKILL_PROGRESS: GaugeVec = register_gauge_vec!( "openmw_player_skill_progress", "The skill progress of players", &["player", "skill", "skill_id"] ) .unwrap(); pub static ref ATTRIBUTE_LEVEL: IntGaugeVec = register_int_gauge_vec!( "openmw_player_attr_level", "The attribute levels of players", &["player", "attribute", "attribute_id"] ) .unwrap(); pub static ref LEVEL: IntGaugeVec = register_int_gauge_vec!("openmw_player_level", "The level of players", &["player"]) .unwrap(); pub static ref LEVEL_PROGRESS: IntGaugeVec = register_int_gauge_vec!( "openmw_player_level_progress", "The level progress of players", &["player"] ) .unwrap(); pub static ref MAGICKA_BASE: GaugeVec = register_gauge_vec!( "openmw_player_magicka_base", "The base magicka of players", &["player"] ) .unwrap(); pub static ref MAGICKA: GaugeVec = register_gauge_vec!( "openmw_player_magicka", "The current magicka of players", &["player"] ) .unwrap(); pub static ref HEALTH_BASE: GaugeVec = register_gauge_vec!( "openmw_player_health_base", "The base health of players", &["player"] ) .unwrap(); pub static ref HEALTH: GaugeVec = register_gauge_vec!( "openmw_player_health", "The current health of players", &["player"] ) .unwrap(); pub static ref FATIGUE_BASE: GaugeVec = register_gauge_vec!( "openmw_player_fatigue_base", "The base fatigue of players", &["player"] ) .unwrap(); pub static ref FATIGUE: GaugeVec = register_gauge_vec!( "openmw_player_fatigue", "The current fatigue of players", &["player"] ) .unwrap(); pub static ref DISTANCE_TRAVELED: HistogramVec = register_histogram_vec!( "openmw_player_distance_traveled", "The amount of distance a player has travelled", &["player"] ) .unwrap(); }