forked from mirror/openmw-tes3mp
Worked on the config system
git-svn-id: ea6a568a-9f4f-0410-981a-c910a81bb256
This commit is contained in:
16 changed files with 549 additions and 145 deletions
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,232 @@
OpenMW - the completely unofficial reimplementation of Morrowind
Written by Nicolay Korslund
License: See GPL3.txt
Current version: 0.2 (second release, very pre-alpha)
Date: 2008 jun. 17
QUICK NOTE: You must own and install Morrowind before you can use
OpenMW. Let me repeat that: OpenMW will NOT run if you do not have
Morrowind installed on your system!
New in version 0.2
The second release should now work with the GDC compiler (the D
frontend for GCC) and DSSS. Since GDC is the only option for compiling
on other Unixes, on 64 bit and on Mac, this will probably make porting
to these platforms much easier. DSSS (a specialized D build tool) will
hopefully make porting to Windows a lot easier.
To compile, you no longer use 'make'. Instead you use 'dsss build',
which will run 'make' for you. (More details below.)
See the changelog at the end.
Installation from source
These instructions are for the brave souls who seek to compile OpenMW
on their own. If you are using the binary version, you can skip to the
next section.
Supported platforms:
The only operating system that has been tested and is known to work is
32bit Ubuntu Linux 8.04. Windows and other platforms have not been
tested as of yet.
Dependencies needed to build OpenMW:
OGRE 1.4.5 (3d engine)
Audiere 1.9.4 (sound engine)
OIS-1.2.0 (input system)
gcc and g++ (C++ compiler)
GNU make (build tool for C++ files)
DMD 1.030 (D compiler)
or GDC 4.1.3 (alternative D compiler)
Monster 0.8 (scripting language and tools)
DSSS 0.75 (D build tool)
curl (for DSSS)
The above versions are the ones I have tested recently, but other
versions might work. OGRE and Audiere will require their own set of
dependencies. I recommend using an automated package tool to install
as many of these as possible. On ubuntu, try typing:
sudo apt-get install libogre-dev libaudiere-dev build-essential g++ curl gdc
This takes care of OGRE, Audiere, the C and D compilers, make and
curl. The rest have to be installed manually. There is a libois-dev
package in Ubuntu (OIS version 0.99), but this has NOT been tested.
You can find the other libraries and tools here:
If you are using a DSSS binary and not compiling from source (I
recommend the binary), make sure to get one that matches your D
compiler. Ie. get the GDC version if you installed GDC, and the DMD
version for DMD.
If you want to install Ogre and Audiere manually as well, try:
Once everything is set up correctly, you might need to alter a couple
of lines in the Makefile. The Makefile is only used to compile the C++
parts of OpenMW, that interfaces with Ogre, OIS and Audiere. On the
OGCC=g++ `pkg-config --cflags OGRE`
Insert the path to your OIS include directory (or leave it blank if
you installed OIS in /usr). For example, you might add:
You might also need to add other include paths or options for Ogre if
the pkg-config command doesn't work for some reason. Mine outputs
$ pkg-config --cflags OGRE
After you are reasonably satisfied, you can try running make manually
to see if the C++ parts compile. When you are ready to compile the D
parts and link it all together, type:
dsss build
If something goes terribly wrong during the build (it probably will),
_and_ you figure out how to solve it, I would appreciate if you told
me about it so I could update these instructions.
Running the binary
The binary downloads have been compiled on a 32-bit Ubuntu 8.04 box
with the libraries mentioned below. They might not work on other linux
systems due to differing library setups. If this is the case, then
your only option is to compile from source.
The binary depends on the following libraries:
OGRE 1.4
Audiere 1.9.4
and Morrowind of course. If you followed the compilation instructions
above, you will have these already. If not, you can find them here:
Alternatively (on Ubuntu 8.04) you can at least get Ogre and Audiere
with the command:
sudo apt-get install libogre14 libaudiere-1.9.4
Before you can run OpenMW, you have to help it find the Morrowind data
files. The 'morro' program needs the files Morrowind.esm and
Morrowind.bsa, and the directories Sound/ and Music/ from your
Morrowind Data Files directory. By default it expects to find these in
the data/ directory. (Can be changed in morro.ini.)
I recommend creating a symbolic link to your original Morrowind
install. For example, if you have Morrowind installed in:
c:\Program Files\Bethesda Softworks\Morrowind\
and your windows c: drive is mounted on /media/hda1, then run the
following command:
ln -s "/media/hda1/Program Files/Bethesda Softworks/Morrowind/Data Files/" data
Also, if you have OGRE installed in a non-standard directory (ie. NOT
to /usr/lib/OGRE), you have to change the PluginFolder in plugins.cfg.
Finally, you can change screen resolution and fullscreen mode in
ogre.cfg. (I don't recommend fullscreen mode yet, since it may mess up
your screen and input settings if the program crashes.)
Running OpenMW:
If Azura is with you and all the stars and planets are aligned in your
favor, you should now be able to run OpenMW using the program called
Write morro -h to see a list of options.
Running without parameters should bring you into the cave called Sud,
or the last cell loaded. You are in free float mode. Move around with
WASD (or arrow keys), move up and down with left shift and ctrl, exit
with 'q' or escape.
To load another cell, specify the cell name on the command line. Use
the 'esmtool' program to get a list of cells (see below.) Note that
you must use quotation marks "" if the cell name contains spaces or
other weird characters. Exterior cells are disabled at the moment.
Enjoy! ;-)
Other included tools:
esmtool - Used to inspect ES files (ESM, ESP, ESS). Run without
arguments to get a list of options.
bsatool - Tool for viewing and extracting files from BSA archives.
(Can also be used to test the NIF parser on a BSA.)
niftool - Decodes one or more NIF files and prints the details.
0.3 (work in progress)
- updated Makefile and sources for increased portability (thanks to
Dmitry Marakasov for FreeBSD tips and testing!)
0.2 (2008 jun. 17) - latest release
- compiles with gdc
- switched to DSSS for building D code
- includes the program esmtool
0.1 (2008 jun. 03)
- first release
@ -4,11 +4,8 @@
CXX?= g++
# Replace this path with your OIS include path
# Compiler settings for Ogre + OIS. Change as needed.
OGCC=$(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) `pkg-config --cflags OGRE` -I$(OIS_PATH)
OGCC=$(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) `pkg-config --cflags OGRE OIS`
# Compiler settings for Audiere
AGCC=$(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) `audiere-config --cxxflags`
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,124 @@
OpenMW - the completely unofficial reimplementation of Morrowind
Written by Nicolay Korslund
License: See GPL3.txt
Current version: 0.3 (still very pre-alpha)
Date: 2008 jul. 6
QUICK NOTE: You must own and install Morrowind before you can use
OpenMW. Let me repeat that: OpenMW will NOT run if you do not have
Morrowind installed on your system!
Release notes for 0.3
This release adds support for building and running on Windows. As a
result, the installation instructions have been split into the files
INSTALL-win32.txt and INSTALL-linux.txt. These files cover both the
binary packages and installation from source.
See also the changelog at the end.
Note: if you are using a localized (non-English) version of Morrowind,
the default starting cell (Sud) might not exist, and the esmtool will
probably fail with UTF errors, since the system currently expects UTF8
input. This will be fixed in a future release - I have even added
localized support as one of the major goals on the web page.
On the immediate TODO list:
- read the input files in the correct code page
- support for Mac
- collision detection
- displaying creatures correcty, animation
- rendering NPCs
- GUI/HUD system
- rendering outdoor scenes (exterior cells)
Currently supported platforms are Windows and Linux. Tested on Windows
XP and Ubuntu 8.04.
For instructions, see the files INSTALL-win32.txt or
FreeBSD has also been tested but is only partially supported, due to
sketchy D compiler support. Linux 64 bit currently does NOT work, for
the same reason.
Programs included in this package:
openmw - The main program. Run openmw -h for a list of options.
esmtool - Used to inspect ES files (ESM, ESP, ESS). Run without
arguments to get a list of options.
bsatool - Tool for viewing and extracting files from BSA archives.
(Can also be used to test the NIF parser on a BSA.)
niftool - Decodes one or more NIF files and prints the details.
Thanks goes out to:
- The NifTools group / NIFLA for their great work on decoding the NIF
file format.
- Dmitry Marakasov for testing and porting to FreeBSD.
- Nebelmann for continued testing on 64 bit linux.
- Bethesda Softworks for creating Morrowind!
0.3 (work in progress)
- built and tested on Windows XP
- partial support for FreeBSD (exceptions do not work)
- removed some config files, since these are auto-generated when
- made the config system more robust (an Ogre config windows opened
when needed)
- alternatively reads config file from ~/.openmw/ on unix systems.
- updated Makefile and sources for increased portability (thanks to
Dmitry Marakasov.)
0.2 (2008 jun. 17) - latest release
- compiles with gdc
- switched to DSSS for building D code
- includes the program esmtool
0.1 (2008 jun. 03)
- first release
@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ void main()
if(loot) writefln("You have loot.");
if(level>1) writefln("You are level ", level);
1) Kill monster
1) Kill a monster
2) Read a book
3) Read an NPC
4) Sell some loot
@ -25,6 +25,7 @@ module core.config;
import std.string;
import std.file;
import std.path;
import std.stdio;
import monster.util.string;
@ -54,6 +55,7 @@ struct ConfigManager
IniWriter iniWriter;
// Sound setting
float musicVolume;
float sfxVolume;
float mainVolume;
@ -64,6 +66,15 @@ struct ConfigManager
float mouseSensY;
bool flipMouseY;
// Ogre configuration
bool showOgreConfig; // The configuration setting
// The actual result, overridable by a command line switch, and also
// set to true if firstRun is true.
bool finalOgreConfig;
// Other settings
bool firstRun;
// Number of current screen shot. Saved upon exit, so that shots
// from separate sessions don't overwrite each other.
int screenShotNum;
@ -75,6 +86,9 @@ struct ConfigManager
char[] musDir; // Explore music
char[] musDir2; // Battle music
// Configuration file
char[] confFile = "openmw.ini";
// Cell to load at startup
char[] defaultCell;
@ -133,12 +147,68 @@ struct ConfigManager
// Initialize the key binding manager
// On Linux / Unix, if openmw.ini is not found in the current
// directory, use ~/openmw/openmw.ini instead.
confFile = expandTilde("~/.openmw/openmw.ini");
if(reset) with(keyBindings)
// I think DMD is on the brink of collapsing here. This has been
// moved elsewhere, because DMD couldn't handle one more import in
// this file.
// Read config from morro.ini, if it exists. The reset parameter is
// set to true if we should use default key bindings instead of the
// ones from the config file.
void readIni(bool reset)
// Read configuration file, if it exists.
IniReader ini;
// TODO: Right now we have to specify each option twice, once for
// reading and once for writing. Fix it? Nah. Don't do anything,
// this entire configuration scheme is likely to change anyway.
screenShotNum = ini.getInt("General", "Screenshots", 0);
mainVolume = saneVol(ini.getFloat("Sound", "Main Volume", 0.7));
musicVolume = saneVol(ini.getFloat("Sound", "Music Volume", 0.5));
sfxVolume = saneVol(ini.getFloat("Sound", "SFX Volume", 0.5));
useMusic = ini.getBool("Sound", "Enable Music", true);
mouseSensX = ini.getFloat("Controls", "Mouse Sensitivity X", 0.2);
mouseSensY = ini.getFloat("Controls", "Mouse Sensitivity Y", 0.2);
flipMouseY = ini.getBool("Controls", "Flip Mouse Y Axis", false);
defaultCell = ini.getString("General", "Default Cell", "Sud");
firstRun = ini.getBool("General", "First Run", true);
showOgreConfig = ini.getBool("General", "Show Ogre Config", false);
// This flag determines whether we will actually show the Ogre
// config dialogue. The EITHER of the following are true, the
// config box will be shown:
// - The program is being run for the first time
// - The "Show Ogre Config" option in openmw.ini is set.
// - The -oc option is specified on the command line
// - The file ogre.cfg is missing
finalOgreConfig = showOgreConfig || firstRun ||
// Set default key bindings if the user specified the -rk setting,
// or if no config file was found.
if(reset || !ini.wasRead) with(keyBindings)
// Remove all existing key bindings
// Bind some default keys
bind(Keys.MoveLeft, KC.A, KC.LEFT);
@ -154,66 +224,41 @@ struct ConfigManager
bind(Keys.MusVolUp, KC.N2);
bind(Keys.SfxVolDown, KC.N3);
bind(Keys.SfxVolUp, KC.N4);
bind(Keys.Mute, KC.M);
bind(Keys.ToggleBattleMusic, KC.SPACE);
bind(Keys.Debug, KC.G);
bind(Keys.Pause, KC.PAUSE, KC.P);
bind(Keys.ScreenShot, KC.SYSRQ);
bind(Keys.Exit, KC.Q, KC.ESCAPE);
// I think DMD is on the brink of collapsing here. This has been
// moved elsewhere, because DMD couldn't handle one more import in
// this file.
// Read config from morro.ini, if it exists.
void readIni()
// Read configuration file, if it exists.
IniReader ini;
// TODO: Right now we have to specify each option twice, once for
// reading and once for writing. Fix it? Nah. Don't do anything,
// this entire configuration scheme is likely to change anyway.
screenShotNum = ini.getInt("General", "Screenshots", 0);
mainVolume = saneVol(ini.getFloat("Sound", "Main Volume", 0.7));
musicVolume = saneVol(ini.getFloat("Sound", "Music Volume", 0.5));
sfxVolume = saneVol(ini.getFloat("Sound", "SFX Volume", 0.5));
useMusic = ini.getBool("Sound", "Enable Music", true);
mouseSensX = ini.getFloat("Controls", "Mouse Sensitivity X", 0.2);
mouseSensY = ini.getFloat("Controls", "Mouse Sensitivity Y", 0.2);
flipMouseY = ini.getBool("Controls", "Flip Mouse Y Axis", false);
defaultCell = ini.getString("General", "Default Cell", "");
// Read key bindings
for(int i; i<Keys.Length; i++)
char[] s = keyToString[i];
keyBindings.bindComma(cast(Keys)i, ini.getString("Bindings", s, ""));
// Read key bindings
for(int i; i<Keys.Length; i++)
char[] s = keyToString[i];
keyBindings.bindComma(cast(Keys)i, ini.getString("Bindings", s, ""));
// Read specific directories
bsaDir = ini.getString("General", "BSA Directory", "./");
esmDir = ini.getString("General", "ESM Directory", "./");
sndDir = ini.getString("General", "SFX Directory", "sound/Sound/");
musDir = ini.getString("General", "Explore Music Directory", "sound/Music/Explore/");
musDir2 = ini.getString("General", "Battle Music Directory", "sound/Music/Battle/");
bsaDir = ini.getString("General", "BSA Directory", "data/");
esmDir = ini.getString("General", "ESM Directory", "data/");
sndDir = ini.getString("General", "SFX Directory", "data/Sound/");
musDir = ini.getString("General", "Explore Music Directory", "data/Music/Explore/");
musDir2 = ini.getString("General", "Battle Music Directory", "data/Music/Battle/");
// Create the config file
void writeConfig()
writefln("In writeConfig");
writefln("writeConfig(%s)", confFile);
comment("Don't write your own comments in this file, they");
comment("will disappear when the file is rewritten.");
@ -226,6 +271,14 @@ struct ConfigManager
writeInt("Screenshots", screenShotNum);
writeString("Default Cell", defaultCell);
// Save the setting as it appeared in the input. The setting
// you specify in the ini is persistent, specifying the -oc
// parameter does not change it.
writeBool("Show Ogre Config", showOgreConfig);
// The next run is never the first run.
writeBool("First Run", false);
writeFloat("Mouse Sensitivity X", mouseSensX);
writeFloat("Mouse Sensitivity Y", mouseSensY);
@ -271,6 +324,10 @@ struct ConfigManager
intuitive to try out a new mod without risking your savegame data
or original settings. So these would be handled in a separate
plugin manager.
In any case, the import should be interactive and user-driven, so
there is no use in making it before we have a gui of some sort up
and running.
@ -23,13 +23,43 @@
module core.inifile;
import std.stdio;
import std.string;
import std.path;
import std.file;
import monster.util.string;
import monster.util.aa;
void safeMkdir(char[] npath)
char curDir[];
int index = 0;
int srch;
srch = npath[index..$].find('/');
if(srch == -1)
curDir = npath;
index += srch;
curDir = npath[0..index];
if(!exists(curDir) || !isdir(curDir))
while(srch != -1)
// Writes an ini file.
struct IniWriter
@ -41,12 +71,14 @@ struct IniWriter
if(ini is null) ini = new File();
char[] oldFile = file~".old";
// Windows doesn't support renaming into an existing file
if(exists(oldFile)) remove(oldFile);
rename(file, oldFile);
copy(file, oldFile);
// Make sure the output directory exists
char[] dr = getDirName(file);
||||, FileMode.OutNew);
@ -147,6 +179,7 @@ struct IniReader
section = null;
wasRead = false;
int getInt(char[] sec, char[] var, int def)
@ -187,6 +220,8 @@ struct IniReader
return def;
bool wasRead = false;
void readFile(char[] fn)
// Reset this struct
@ -196,6 +231,8 @@ struct IniReader
// and default values will be used instead.
if(!exists(fn)) return;
wasRead = true;
// Read buffer. Finite in size but perfectly safe - the readLine
// routine allocates more mem if it needs it.
char[300] buffer;
@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
# Main program #
# Add libraries and the two C++ object files
buildflags = -llOgreMain -llaudiere -llOIS cpp_audiere.o cpp_ogre.o
@ -16,25 +17,36 @@ version(Posix) {
prebuild += dsss clean niftool
# Bsa inspection tool #
# Esm inspection tool #
# Because of interdepencies between the ESM code and the resource
# manager, we have to include all the C++ stuff.
buildflags = -llOgreMain -llaudiere -llOIS cpp_audiere.o cpp_ogre.o
# Nif inspection tool #
buildflags = -debug=warnstd -debug=check -debug=statecheck -debug=strict -debug=verbose
# Clean the nif object files to make sure they are recompiled in debug mode
prebuild = dsss clean niftool
@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
; Don't write your own comments in this file, they
; will disappear when the file is rewritten.
ESM Directory=data/
BSA Directory=data/
SFX Directory=data/Sound/
Explore Music Directory=data/Music/Explore/
Battle Music Directory=data/Music/Battle/
Default Cell=Sud
Mouse Sensitivity X=0.2
Mouse Sensitivity Y=0.2
Flip Mouse Y Axis=no
; Key bindings. The strings must match exactly.
Move Left=a,left
Move Right=d,right
Turn Left=
Turn Right=
Move Forward=w,up
Move Backward=s,down
Move Up=left_shift
Move Down=left_ctrl
Increase Main Volume=numpad_plus
Decrease Main Volume=numpad_minus
Increase Music Volume=2
Decrease Music Volume=1
Increase SFX Volume=4
Decrease SFX Volume=3
Mute Sound=m
Toggle Battle Music=space
OGRE Test Action=g
Screen Shot=print_screen
Quick Exit=q,escape
Main Volume=0.7
Music Volume=0.4
SFX Volume=0.6
Enable Music=yes
@ -15,8 +15,8 @@ copy ..\ogre\bin\debug\cg.dll .
copy ..\audiere\bin\audiere.dll .
copy \windows\system32\d3dx9_30.dll d3dx9d_30.dll
echo Compiling main program (morro.exe)
gdc morro.d bsa\*.d core\*.d esm\*.d input\*.d nif\*.d ogre\*.d scene\*.d sound\*.d util\*.d cpp_audiere.o cpp_ogre.o ..\monster\monster\util\*.d ..\monster\monster\minibos\*.d ..\monster\monster\minibos\c\*.d ..\monster\monster\minibos\c\windows\*.d -I..\monster ogremain_d.dll ..\audiere\lib\audiere.lib OIS_d.dll -lstdc++ -o morro.exe
echo Compiling main program (openmw.exe)
gdc openmw.d bsa\*.d core\*.d esm\*.d input\*.d nif\*.d ogre\*.d scene\*.d sound\*.d util\*.d cpp_audiere.o cpp_ogre.o ..\monster\monster\util\*.d ..\monster\monster\minibos\*.d ..\monster\monster\minibos\c\*.d ..\monster\monster\minibos\c\windows\*.d -I..\monster ogremain_d.dll ..\audiere\lib\audiere.lib OIS_d.dll -lstdc++ -o openmw.exe
echo Setting up the correct Ogre cfg files
copy ogre.cfg.win32 ogre.cfg
@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
Render System=Direct3D9 Rendering Subsystem
[Direct3D9 Rendering Subsystem]
Allow NVPerfHUD=No
Anti aliasing=None
Floating-point mode=Fastest
Full Screen=No
Rendering Device=NVIDIA Quadro NVS 135M
Video Mode=800 x 600 @ 32-bit colour
[OpenGL Rendering Subsystem]
Colour Depth=32
Display Frequency=N/A
Full Screen=No
RTT Preferred Mode=FBO
Video Mode=800 x 600
@ -51,8 +51,9 @@ typedef void* ManualLoader;
// Do engine configuration. Returns 0 if we should continue, 1 if
// not.
int cpp_configure();
// not. The parameter (0 or 1) determine whether an Ogre config
// dialogue is shown.
int cpp_configure(int showConfig);
// Sets up the window
void cpp_initWindow();
@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ extern "C" void cpp_cleanup()
extern "C" int32_t cpp_configure()
extern "C" int32_t cpp_configure(int32_t showConfig)
mRoot = new Root();
@ -70,18 +70,17 @@ extern "C" int32_t cpp_configure()
// Show the configuration dialog and initialise the system
// You can skip this and use root.restoreConfig() to load configuration
// settings if you were sure there are valid ones saved in ogre.cfg
// Show the configuration dialog and initialise the system, if the
// showConfig parameter is specified. The settings are stored in
// ogre.cfg. If the parameter is false, the settings are assumed to
// come from ogre.cfg.
int result;
result = mRoot->showConfigDialog();
result = mRoot->restoreConfig();
// TODO: This should be controlled through the ini file. It's
// sensible to open the dialoge the first time, and later only
// open it when a command line parameter is given.
return 0;
return 1;
return !result;
// Initialize window. This will create and show the actual window.
@ -24,6 +24,7 @@
module ogre.ogre;
import core.resource;
import core.config;
import ogre.bindings;
import util.uniquename;
@ -80,7 +81,8 @@ void setupOgre()
// Later we will send some config info from core.config along with
// this function
if(cpp_configure()) OgreException("Configuration abort");
OgreException("Configuration abort");
@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
Email: < >
This file (morro.d) is part of the OpenMW package.
This file (openmw.d) is part of the OpenMW package.
OpenMW is distributed as free software: you can redistribute it
and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
@ -61,6 +61,7 @@ void main(char[][] args)
bool render = true;
bool help = false;
bool resetKeys = false;
bool showOgreFlag = false;
// Some examples to try:
@ -89,6 +90,7 @@ void main(char[][] args)
else if(a == "-h") help=true;
else if(a == "-rk") resetKeys = true;
else if(a == "-oc") showOgreFlag = true;
else cells ~= a;
if(cells.length + eCells.length/2 > 1 )
@ -101,6 +103,10 @@ void main(char[][] args)
scope(exit) config.writeConfig();
// If the -oc parameter is specified, we override any config
// setting.
if(showOgreFlag) config.finalOgreConfig = true;
if(cells.length == 0 && eCells.length == 0)
cells ~= config.defaultCell;
@ -115,6 +121,7 @@ void main(char[][] args)
writefln(" -n Only load, do not render");
writefln(" -ex,y Load exterior cell (x,y)");
writefln(" -rk Reset key bindings to default");
writefln(" -oc Show the Ogre config dialogue");
writefln(" -h Show this help");
writefln("Specifying more than one cell implies -n");
@ -1,14 +1,13 @@
# Defines plugins to load
# Define plugin folder
# Define plugins
# Plugin=Plugin_CgProgramManager
Reference in a new issue