forked from mirror/openmw-tes3mp
Fixes for warnings when building with MSVC
Most warnings are innocuous (wrong type-specifier for forward declarations, conversion of literals into unsigned integers, warnings about methods optimized out), but I believe actual bugs were revealed in vartypedelegate.cpp and combat.cpp.
This commit is contained in:
37 changed files with 314 additions and 311 deletions
@ -610,6 +610,7 @@ if (WIN32)
4305 # Truncating value (double to float, for example)
4309 # Variable overflow, trying to store 128 in a signed char for example
4355 # Using 'this' in member initialization list
4505 # Unreferenced local function has been removed
4701 # Potentially uninitialized local variable used
4800 # Boolean optimization warning, e.g. myBool = (myInt != 0) instead of myBool = myInt
@ -218,8 +218,6 @@ int main(int argc, char**argv)
std::cout << "Invalid or no mode specified, dying horribly. Have a nice day." << std::endl;
return 1;
return 0;
void loadCell(ESM::Cell &cell, ESM::ESMReader &esm, Arguments& info)
@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
std::cerr << "cfg file does not exist" << std::endl;
MwIniImporter importer;
importer.setVerbose(vm.count("verbose") != 0);
// Font encoding settings
std::string encoding(vm["encoding"].as<std::string>());
@ -292,264 +292,264 @@ void CSMDoc::Document::addGmsts()
static const float gmstFloatsValues[] =
0.3, // fAIFleeFleeMult
7.0, // fAIFleeHealthMult
3.0, // fAIMagicSpellMult
1.0, // fAIMeleeArmorMult
1.0, // fAIMeleeSummWeaponMult
2.0, // fAIMeleeWeaponMult
5.0, // fAIRangeMagicSpellMult
5.0, // fAIRangeMeleeWeaponMult
2000.0, // fAlarmRadius
1.0, // fAthleticsRunBonus
40.0, // fAudioDefaultMaxDistance
5.0, // fAudioDefaultMinDistance
50.0, // fAudioMaxDistanceMult
20.0, // fAudioMinDistanceMult
60.0, // fAudioVoiceDefaultMaxDistance
10.0, // fAudioVoiceDefaultMinDistance
50.0, // fAutoPCSpellChance
80.0, // fAutoSpellChance
50.0, // fBargainOfferBase
-4.0, // fBargainOfferMulti
24.0, // fBarterGoldResetDelay
1.75, // fBaseRunMultiplier
1.25, // fBlockStillBonus
150.0, // fBribe1000Mod
75.0, // fBribe100Mod
35.0, // fBribe10Mod
60.0, // fCombatAngleXY
60.0, // fCombatAngleZ
0.25, // fCombatArmorMinMult
-90.0, // fCombatBlockLeftAngle
30.0, // fCombatBlockRightAngle
4.0, // fCombatCriticalStrikeMult
0.1, // fCombatDelayCreature
0.1, // fCombatDelayNPC
128.0, // fCombatDistance
0.3, // fCombatDistanceWerewolfMod
30.0, // fCombatForceSideAngle
0.2, // fCombatInvisoMult
1.5, // fCombatKODamageMult
45.0, // fCombatTorsoSideAngle
0.3, // fCombatTorsoStartPercent
0.8, // fCombatTorsoStopPercent
15.0, // fConstantEffectMult
72.0, // fCorpseClearDelay
72.0, // fCorpseRespawnDelay
0.5, // fCrimeGoldDiscountMult
0.9, // fCrimeGoldTurnInMult
1.0, // fCrimeStealing
0.5, // fDamageStrengthBase
0.1, // fDamageStrengthMult
5.0, // fDifficultyMult
2.5, // fDiseaseXferChance
-10.0, // fDispAttacking
-1.0, // fDispBargainFailMod
1.0, // fDispBargainSuccessMod
0.0, // fDispCrimeMod
-10.0, // fDispDiseaseMod
3.0, // fDispFactionMod
1.0, // fDispFactionRankBase
0.5, // fDispFactionRankMult
1.0, // fDispositionMod
50.0, // fDispPersonalityBase
0.5, // fDispPersonalityMult
-25.0, // fDispPickPocketMod
5.0, // fDispRaceMod
-0.5, // fDispStealing
-5.0, // fDispWeaponDrawn
0.5, // fEffectCostMult
0.1, // fElementalShieldMult
3.0, // fEnchantmentChanceMult
0.5, // fEnchantmentConstantChanceMult
100.0, // fEnchantmentConstantDurationMult
0.1, // fEnchantmentMult
1000.0, // fEnchantmentValueMult
0.3, // fEncumberedMoveEffect
5.0, // fEncumbranceStrMult
0.04, // fEndFatigueMult
0.25, // fFallAcroBase
0.01, // fFallAcroMult
400.0, // fFallDamageDistanceMin
0.0, // fFallDistanceBase
0.07, // fFallDistanceMult
2.0, // fFatigueAttackBase
0.0, // fFatigueAttackMult
1.25, // fFatigueBase
4.0, // fFatigueBlockBase
0.0, // fFatigueBlockMult
5.0, // fFatigueJumpBase
0.0, // fFatigueJumpMult
0.5, // fFatigueMult
2.5, // fFatigueReturnBase
0.02, // fFatigueReturnMult
5.0, // fFatigueRunBase
2.0, // fFatigueRunMult
1.5, // fFatigueSneakBase
1.5, // fFatigueSneakMult
0.0, // fFatigueSpellBase
0.0, // fFatigueSpellCostMult
0.0, // fFatigueSpellMult
7.0, // fFatigueSwimRunBase
0.0, // fFatigueSwimRunMult
2.5, // fFatigueSwimWalkBase
0.0, // fFatigueSwimWalkMult
0.2, // fFightDispMult
0.005, // fFightDistanceMultiplier
50.0, // fFightStealing
3000.0, // fFleeDistance
512.0, // fGreetDistanceReset
0.1, // fHandtoHandHealthPer
1.0, // fHandToHandReach
0.5, // fHoldBreathEndMult
20.0, // fHoldBreathTime
0.75, // fIdleChanceMultiplier
1.0, // fIngredientMult
0.5, // fInteriorHeadTrackMult
128.0, // fJumpAcrobaticsBase
4.0, // fJumpAcroMultiplier
0.5, // fJumpEncumbranceBase
1.0, // fJumpEncumbranceMultiplier
0.5, // fJumpMoveBase
0.5, // fJumpMoveMult
1.0, // fJumpRunMultiplier
0.5, // fKnockDownMult
5.0, // fLevelMod
0.1, // fLevelUpHealthEndMult
0.6, // fLightMaxMod
10.0, // fLuckMod
10.0, // fMagesGuildTravel
1.5, // fMagicCreatureCastDelay
0.0167, // fMagicDetectRefreshRate
1.0, // fMagicItemConstantMult
1.0, // fMagicItemCostMult
1.0, // fMagicItemOnceMult
1.0, // fMagicItemPriceMult
0.05, // fMagicItemRechargePerSecond
1.0, // fMagicItemStrikeMult
1.0, // fMagicItemUsedMult
3.0, // fMagicStartIconBlink
0.5, // fMagicSunBlockedMult
0.75, // fMajorSkillBonus
300.0, // fMaxFlySpeed
0.5, // fMaxHandToHandMult
400.0, // fMaxHeadTrackDistance
200.0, // fMaxWalkSpeed
300.0, // fMaxWalkSpeedCreature
0.9, // fMedMaxMod
0.1, // fMessageTimePerChar
5.0, // fMinFlySpeed
0.1, // fMinHandToHandMult
1.0, // fMinorSkillBonus
100.0, // fMinWalkSpeed
5.0, // fMinWalkSpeedCreature
1.25, // fMiscSkillBonus
2.0, // fNPCbaseMagickaMult
0.5, // fNPCHealthBarFade
3.0, // fNPCHealthBarTime
1.0, // fPCbaseMagickaMult
0.3, // fPerDieRollMult
5.0, // fPersonalityMod
1.0, // fPerTempMult
-1.0, // fPickLockMult
0.3, // fPickPocketMod
20.0, // fPotionMinUsefulDuration
0.5, // fPotionStrengthMult
0.5, // fPotionT1DurMult
1.5, // fPotionT1MagMult
20.0, // fPotionT4BaseStrengthMult
12.0, // fPotionT4EquipStrengthMult
3000.0, // fProjectileMaxSpeed
400.0, // fProjectileMinSpeed
25.0, // fProjectileThrownStoreChance
3.0, // fRepairAmountMult
1.0, // fRepairMult
1.0, // fReputationMod
0.15, // fRestMagicMult
0.0, // fSeriousWoundMult
0.25, // fSleepRandMod
0.3, // fSleepRestMod
-1.0, // fSneakBootMult
0.5, // fSneakDistanceBase
0.002, // fSneakDistanceMultiplier
0.5, // fSneakNoViewMult
1.0, // fSneakSkillMult
0.75, // fSneakSpeedMultiplier
1.0, // fSneakUseDelay
500.0, // fSneakUseDist
1.5, // fSneakViewMult
3.0, // fSoulGemMult
0.8, // fSpecialSkillBonus
7.0, // fSpellMakingValueMult
2.0, // fSpellPriceMult
10.0, // fSpellValueMult
0.25, // fStromWalkMult
0.7, // fStromWindSpeed
3.0, // fSuffocationDamage
0.9, // fSwimHeightScale
0.1, // fSwimRunAthleticsMult
0.5, // fSwimRunBase
0.02, // fSwimWalkAthleticsMult
0.5, // fSwimWalkBase
1.0, // fSwingBlockBase
1.0, // fSwingBlockMult
1000.0, // fTargetSpellMaxSpeed
1000.0, // fThrownWeaponMaxSpeed
300.0, // fThrownWeaponMinSpeed
0.0, // fTrapCostMult
4000.0, // fTravelMult
16000.0,// fTravelTimeMult
0.1, // fUnarmoredBase1
0.065, // fUnarmoredBase2
30.0, // fVanityDelay
10.0, // fVoiceIdleOdds
0.0, // fWaterReflectUpdateAlways
10.0, // fWaterReflectUpdateSeldom
0.1, // fWeaponDamageMult
1.0, // fWeaponFatigueBlockMult
0.25, // fWeaponFatigueMult
150.0, // fWereWolfAcrobatics
150.0, // fWereWolfAgility
1.0, // fWereWolfAlchemy
1.0, // fWereWolfAlteration
1.0, // fWereWolfArmorer
150.0, // fWereWolfAthletics
1.0, // fWereWolfAxe
1.0, // fWereWolfBlock
1.0, // fWereWolfBluntWeapon
1.0, // fWereWolfConjuration
1.0, // fWereWolfDestruction
1.0, // fWereWolfEnchant
150.0, // fWereWolfEndurance
400.0, // fWereWolfFatigue
100.0, // fWereWolfHandtoHand
2.0, // fWereWolfHealth
1.0, // fWereWolfHeavyArmor
1.0, // fWereWolfIllusion
1.0, // fWereWolfIntellegence
1.0, // fWereWolfLightArmor
1.0, // fWereWolfLongBlade
1.0, // fWereWolfLuck
100.0, // fWereWolfMagicka
1.0, // fWereWolfMarksman
1.0, // fWereWolfMediumArmor
1.0, // fWereWolfMerchantile
1.0, // fWereWolfMysticism
1.0, // fWereWolfPersonality
1.0, // fWereWolfRestoration
1.5, // fWereWolfRunMult
1.0, // fWereWolfSecurity
1.0, // fWereWolfShortBlade
1.5, // fWereWolfSilverWeaponDamageMult
1.0, // fWereWolfSneak
1.0, // fWereWolfSpear
1.0, // fWereWolfSpeechcraft
150.0, // fWereWolfSpeed
150.0, // fWereWolfStrength
100.0, // fWereWolfUnarmored
1.0, // fWereWolfWillPower
15.0, // fWortChanceValue
0.3f, // fAIFleeFleeMult
7.0f, // fAIFleeHealthMult
3.0f, // fAIMagicSpellMult
1.0f, // fAIMeleeArmorMult
1.0f, // fAIMeleeSummWeaponMult
2.0f, // fAIMeleeWeaponMult
5.0f, // fAIRangeMagicSpellMult
5.0f, // fAIRangeMeleeWeaponMult
2000.0f, // fAlarmRadius
1.0f, // fAthleticsRunBonus
40.0f, // fAudioDefaultMaxDistance
5.0f, // fAudioDefaultMinDistance
50.0f, // fAudioMaxDistanceMult
20.0f, // fAudioMinDistanceMult
60.0f, // fAudioVoiceDefaultMaxDistance
10.0f, // fAudioVoiceDefaultMinDistance
50.0f, // fAutoPCSpellChance
80.0f, // fAutoSpellChance
50.0f, // fBargainOfferBase
-4.0f, // fBargainOfferMulti
24.0f, // fBarterGoldResetDelay
1.75f, // fBaseRunMultiplier
1.25f, // fBlockStillBonus
150.0f, // fBribe1000Mod
75.0f, // fBribe100Mod
35.0f, // fBribe10Mod
60.0f, // fCombatAngleXY
60.0f, // fCombatAngleZ
0.25f, // fCombatArmorMinMult
-90.0f, // fCombatBlockLeftAngle
30.0f, // fCombatBlockRightAngle
4.0f, // fCombatCriticalStrikeMult
0.1f, // fCombatDelayCreature
0.1f, // fCombatDelayNPC
128.0f, // fCombatDistance
0.3f, // fCombatDistanceWerewolfMod
30.0f, // fCombatForceSideAngle
0.2f, // fCombatInvisoMult
1.5f, // fCombatKODamageMult
45.0f, // fCombatTorsoSideAngle
0.3f, // fCombatTorsoStartPercent
0.8f, // fCombatTorsoStopPercent
15.0f, // fConstantEffectMult
72.0f, // fCorpseClearDelay
72.0f, // fCorpseRespawnDelay
0.5f, // fCrimeGoldDiscountMult
0.9f, // fCrimeGoldTurnInMult
1.0f, // fCrimeStealing
0.5f, // fDamageStrengthBase
0.1f, // fDamageStrengthMult
5.0f, // fDifficultyMult
2.5f, // fDiseaseXferChance
-10.0f, // fDispAttacking
-1.0f, // fDispBargainFailMod
1.0f, // fDispBargainSuccessMod
0.0f, // fDispCrimeMod
-10.0f, // fDispDiseaseMod
3.0f, // fDispFactionMod
1.0f, // fDispFactionRankBase
0.5f, // fDispFactionRankMult
1.0f, // fDispositionMod
50.0f, // fDispPersonalityBase
0.5f, // fDispPersonalityMult
-25.0f, // fDispPickPocketMod
5.0f, // fDispRaceMod
-0.5f, // fDispStealing
-5.0f, // fDispWeaponDrawn
0.5f, // fEffectCostMult
0.1f, // fElementalShieldMult
3.0f, // fEnchantmentChanceMult
0.5f, // fEnchantmentConstantChanceMult
100.0f, // fEnchantmentConstantDurationMult
0.1f, // fEnchantmentMult
1000.0f, // fEnchantmentValueMult
0.3f, // fEncumberedMoveEffect
5.0f, // fEncumbranceStrMult
0.04f, // fEndFatigueMult
0.25f, // fFallAcroBase
0.01f, // fFallAcroMult
400.0f, // fFallDamageDistanceMin
0.0f, // fFallDistanceBase
0.07f, // fFallDistanceMult
2.0f, // fFatigueAttackBase
0.0f, // fFatigueAttackMult
1.25f, // fFatigueBase
4.0f, // fFatigueBlockBase
0.0f, // fFatigueBlockMult
5.0f, // fFatigueJumpBase
0.0f, // fFatigueJumpMult
0.5f, // fFatigueMult
2.5f, // fFatigueReturnBase
0.02f, // fFatigueReturnMult
5.0f, // fFatigueRunBase
2.0f, // fFatigueRunMult
1.5f, // fFatigueSneakBase
1.5f, // fFatigueSneakMult
0.0f, // fFatigueSpellBase
0.0f, // fFatigueSpellCostMult
0.0f, // fFatigueSpellMult
7.0f, // fFatigueSwimRunBase
0.0f, // fFatigueSwimRunMult
2.5f, // fFatigueSwimWalkBase
0.0f, // fFatigueSwimWalkMult
0.2f, // fFightDispMult
0.005f, // fFightDistanceMultiplier
50.0f, // fFightStealing
3000.0f, // fFleeDistance
512.0f, // fGreetDistanceReset
0.1f, // fHandtoHandHealthPer
1.0f, // fHandToHandReach
0.5f, // fHoldBreathEndMult
20.0f, // fHoldBreathTime
0.75f, // fIdleChanceMultiplier
1.0f, // fIngredientMult
0.5f, // fInteriorHeadTrackMult
128.0f, // fJumpAcrobaticsBase
4.0f, // fJumpAcroMultiplier
0.5f, // fJumpEncumbranceBase
1.0f, // fJumpEncumbranceMultiplier
0.5f, // fJumpMoveBase
0.5f, // fJumpMoveMult
1.0f, // fJumpRunMultiplier
0.5f, // fKnockDownMult
5.0f, // fLevelMod
0.1f, // fLevelUpHealthEndMult
0.6f, // fLightMaxMod
10.0f, // fLuckMod
10.0f, // fMagesGuildTravel
1.5f, // fMagicCreatureCastDelay
0.0167f, // fMagicDetectRefreshRate
1.0f, // fMagicItemConstantMult
1.0f, // fMagicItemCostMult
1.0f, // fMagicItemOnceMult
1.0f, // fMagicItemPriceMult
0.05f, // fMagicItemRechargePerSecond
1.0f, // fMagicItemStrikeMult
1.0f, // fMagicItemUsedMult
3.0f, // fMagicStartIconBlink
0.5f, // fMagicSunBlockedMult
0.75f, // fMajorSkillBonus
300.0f, // fMaxFlySpeed
0.5f, // fMaxHandToHandMult
400.0f, // fMaxHeadTrackDistance
200.0f, // fMaxWalkSpeed
300.0f, // fMaxWalkSpeedCreature
0.9f, // fMedMaxMod
0.1f, // fMessageTimePerChar
5.0f, // fMinFlySpeed
0.1f, // fMinHandToHandMult
1.0f, // fMinorSkillBonus
100.0f, // fMinWalkSpeed
5.0f, // fMinWalkSpeedCreature
1.25f, // fMiscSkillBonus
2.0f, // fNPCbaseMagickaMult
0.5f, // fNPCHealthBarFade
3.0f, // fNPCHealthBarTime
1.0f, // fPCbaseMagickaMult
0.3f, // fPerDieRollMult
5.0f, // fPersonalityMod
1.0f, // fPerTempMult
-1.0f, // fPickLockMult
0.3f, // fPickPocketMod
20.0f, // fPotionMinUsefulDuration
0.5f, // fPotionStrengthMult
0.5f, // fPotionT1DurMult
1.5f, // fPotionT1MagMult
20.0f, // fPotionT4BaseStrengthMult
12.0f, // fPotionT4EquipStrengthMult
3000.0f, // fProjectileMaxSpeed
400.0f, // fProjectileMinSpeed
25.0f, // fProjectileThrownStoreChance
3.0f, // fRepairAmountMult
1.0f, // fRepairMult
1.0f, // fReputationMod
0.15f, // fRestMagicMult
0.0f, // fSeriousWoundMult
0.25f, // fSleepRandMod
0.3f, // fSleepRestMod
-1.0f, // fSneakBootMult
0.5f, // fSneakDistanceBase
0.002f, // fSneakDistanceMultiplier
0.5f, // fSneakNoViewMult
1.0f, // fSneakSkillMult
0.75f, // fSneakSpeedMultiplier
1.0f, // fSneakUseDelay
500.0f, // fSneakUseDist
1.5f, // fSneakViewMult
3.0f, // fSoulGemMult
0.8f, // fSpecialSkillBonus
7.0f, // fSpellMakingValueMult
2.0f, // fSpellPriceMult
10.0f, // fSpellValueMult
0.25f, // fStromWalkMult
0.7f, // fStromWindSpeed
3.0f, // fSuffocationDamage
0.9f, // fSwimHeightScale
0.1f, // fSwimRunAthleticsMult
0.5f, // fSwimRunBase
0.02f, // fSwimWalkAthleticsMult
0.5f, // fSwimWalkBase
1.0f, // fSwingBlockBase
1.0f, // fSwingBlockMult
1000.0f, // fTargetSpellMaxSpeed
1000.0f, // fThrownWeaponMaxSpeed
300.0f, // fThrownWeaponMinSpeed
0.0f, // fTrapCostMult
4000.0f, // fTravelMult
16000.0f,// fTravelTimeMult
0.1f, // fUnarmoredBase1
0.065f, // fUnarmoredBase2
30.0f, // fVanityDelay
10.0f, // fVoiceIdleOdds
0.0f, // fWaterReflectUpdateAlways
10.0f, // fWaterReflectUpdateSeldom
0.1f, // fWeaponDamageMult
1.0f, // fWeaponFatigueBlockMult
0.25f, // fWeaponFatigueMult
150.0f, // fWereWolfAcrobatics
150.0f, // fWereWolfAgility
1.0f, // fWereWolfAlchemy
1.0f, // fWereWolfAlteration
1.0f, // fWereWolfArmorer
150.0f, // fWereWolfAthletics
1.0f, // fWereWolfAxe
1.0f, // fWereWolfBlock
1.0f, // fWereWolfBluntWeapon
1.0f, // fWereWolfConjuration
1.0f, // fWereWolfDestruction
1.0f, // fWereWolfEnchant
150.0f, // fWereWolfEndurance
400.0f, // fWereWolfFatigue
100.0f, // fWereWolfHandtoHand
2.0f, // fWereWolfHealth
1.0f, // fWereWolfHeavyArmor
1.0f, // fWereWolfIllusion
1.0f, // fWereWolfIntellegence
1.0f, // fWereWolfLightArmor
1.0f, // fWereWolfLongBlade
1.0f, // fWereWolfLuck
100.0f, // fWereWolfMagicka
1.0f, // fWereWolfMarksman
1.0f, // fWereWolfMediumArmor
1.0f, // fWereWolfMerchantile
1.0f, // fWereWolfMysticism
1.0f, // fWereWolfPersonality
1.0f, // fWereWolfRestoration
1.5f, // fWereWolfRunMult
1.0f, // fWereWolfSecurity
1.0f, // fWereWolfShortBlade
1.5f, // fWereWolfSilverWeaponDamageMult
1.0f, // fWereWolfSneak
1.0f, // fWereWolfSpear
1.0f, // fWereWolfSpeechcraft
150.0f, // fWereWolfSpeed
150.0f, // fWereWolfStrength
100.0f, // fWereWolfUnarmored
1.0f, // fWereWolfWillPower
15.0f, // fWortChanceValue
static const char *gmstIntegers[] =
@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ namespace ESM
namespace Files
class ConfigurationManager;
struct ConfigurationManager;
namespace CSMDoc
@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
namespace Files
class ConfigurationManager;
struct ConfigurationManager;
namespace CSMDoc
@ -46,4 +46,4 @@ namespace CSMDoc
@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ namespace CSMWorld
class IdTable;
class IdTable;
class RecordBase;
struct RecordBase;
class ModifyCommand : public QUndoCommand
@ -137,4 +137,4 @@ namespace CSMWorld
@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
namespace CSMWorld
class CollectionBase;
class RecordBase;
struct RecordBase;
class IdTable : public QAbstractItemModel
@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
namespace ESM
class Dialogue;
struct Dialogue;
namespace CSMWorld
@ -47,4 +47,4 @@ namespace CSMWorld
@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ namespace ESM
namespace CSMWorld
class Cell;
struct Cell;
/// \brief Wrapper for CellRef sub record
struct CellRef : public ESM::CellRef
@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
namespace CSMWorld
struct Cell;
struct UniversalId;
class UniversalId;
/// \brief References in cells
class RefCollection : public Collection<CellRef>
@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ namespace CSMWorld
class RefIdColumn;
class RefIdData;
class RecordBase;
struct RecordBase;
class RefIdAdapter
@ -35,4 +35,4 @@ namespace CSMWorld
@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ void CSVRender::LightingDay::activate (Ogre::SceneManager *sceneManager,
if (defaultAmbient)
mSceneManager->setAmbientLight (*defaultAmbient);
mSceneManager->setAmbientLight (Ogre::ColourValue (0.7, 0.7, 0.7, 1));
mSceneManager->setAmbientLight (Ogre::ColourValue (0.7f, 0.7f, 0.7f, 1.0f));
mLight = mSceneManager->createLight();
mLight->setType (Ogre::Light::LT_DIRECTIONAL);
@ -33,4 +33,4 @@ void CSVRender::LightingDay::deactivate()
void CSVRender::LightingDay::setDefaultAmbient (const Ogre::ColourValue& colour)
mSceneManager->setAmbientLight (colour);
@ -13,12 +13,12 @@ void CSVRender::LightingNight::activate (Ogre::SceneManager *sceneManager,
if (defaultAmbient)
mSceneManager->setAmbientLight (*defaultAmbient);
mSceneManager->setAmbientLight (Ogre::ColourValue (0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 1));
mSceneManager->setAmbientLight (Ogre::ColourValue (0.2f, 0.2f, 0.2f, 1.0f));
mLight = mSceneManager->createLight();
mLight->setType (Ogre::Light::LT_DIRECTIONAL);
mLight->setDirection (Ogre::Vector3 (0, 0, -1));
mLight->setDiffuseColour (Ogre::ColourValue (0.2, 0.2, 0.2));
mLight->setDiffuseColour (Ogre::ColourValue (0.2f, 0.2f, 0.2f));
void CSVRender::LightingNight::deactivate()
@ -33,4 +33,4 @@ void CSVRender::LightingNight::deactivate()
void CSVRender::LightingNight::setDefaultAmbient (const Ogre::ColourValue& colour)
mSceneManager->setAmbientLight (colour);
@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ namespace CSVRender
mCamera->setPosition (300, 0, 0);
mCamera->lookAt (0, 0, 0);
mCamera->setNearClipDistance (0.1);
mCamera->setNearClipDistance (0.1f);
mCamera->setFarClipDistance (30000);
mCamera->roll (Ogre::Degree (90));
@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ namespace CSVRender
mWindow = Ogre::Root::getSingleton().createRenderWindow(windowTitle.str(), this->width(), this->height(), false, ¶ms);
Ogre::Real aspectRatio = Ogre::Real(width()) / Ogre::Real(height());
@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ void CSVWorld::VarTypeDelegateFactory::add (ESM::VarType type)
std::vector<std::string> enums =
CSMWorld::Columns::getEnums (CSMWorld::Columns::ColumnId_ValueType);
if (type<0 && type>=enums.size())
if (static_cast<size_t>(type) >= enums.size())
throw std::logic_error ("Unsupported variable type");
mValues.push_back (std::make_pair (type, QString::fromUtf8 (enums[type].c_str())));
@ -767,7 +767,7 @@ public:
PageDisplay ()
mPage = -1;
mPage = static_cast<size_t>(-1);
mViewTop = 0;
mViewBottom = 0;
mFocusItem = NULL;
@ -917,7 +917,7 @@ public:
mBook.reset ();
mPage = -1;
mPage = static_cast<size_t>(-1);
mViewTop = 0;
mViewBottom = 0;
@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ CompanionWindow::CompanionWindow(DragAndDrop *dragAndDrop, MessageBoxManager* ma
: WindowBase("openmw_companion_window.layout")
, mDragAndDrop(dragAndDrop)
, mMessageBoxManager(manager)
, mSelectedItem(-1)
, mSelectedItem(static_cast<size_t>(-1))
, mModel(NULL)
, mSortModel(NULL)
@ -111,7 +111,7 @@ namespace MWGui
ContainerWindow::ContainerWindow(DragAndDrop* dragAndDrop)
: WindowBase("openmw_container_window.layout")
, mDragAndDrop(dragAndDrop)
, mSelectedItem(-1)
, mSelectedItem(static_cast<size_t>(-1))
, mModel(NULL)
, mSortModel(NULL)
, mPickpocketDetected(false)
@ -510,7 +510,7 @@ namespace MWGui
void DialogueWindow::onScrollbarMoved(MyGUI::ScrollBar *sender, size_t pos)
mHistory->setPosition(0, (~pos) + 1);
void DialogueWindow::addResponse(const std::string &text, const std::string &title)
@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ namespace MWGui
, mPreview(new MWRender::InventoryPreview(MWBase::Environment::get().getWorld ()->getPlayerPtr()))
, mPreviewDirty(true)
, mDragAndDrop(dragAndDrop)
, mSelectedItem(-1)
, mSelectedItem(static_cast<size_t>(-1))
, mGuiMode(GM_Inventory)
static_cast<MyGUI::Window*>(mMainWidget)->eventWindowChangeCoord += MyGUI::newDelegate(this, &InventoryWindow::onWindowResize);
@ -42,6 +42,8 @@ namespace MWGui
std::map <int, std::vector<MagicEffectInfo> > mEffectSources;
virtual ~EffectSourceVisitor() {}
virtual void visit (MWMechanics::EffectKey key,
const std::string& sourceName, const std::string& casterHandle,
float magnitude, float remainingTime = -1);
@ -146,8 +146,8 @@ namespace MWMechanics
|| weapon.get<ESM::Weapon>()->mBase->mData.mFlags & ESM::Weapon::Magical))
damage *= multiplier;
if (weapon.get<ESM::Weapon>()->mBase->mData.mFlags & ESM::Weapon::Silver
& actor.getClass().isNpc() && actor.getClass().getNpcStats(actor).isWerewolf())
if ((weapon.get<ESM::Weapon>()->mBase->mData.mFlags & ESM::Weapon::Silver)
&& actor.getClass().isNpc() && actor.getClass().getNpcStats(actor).isWerewolf())
damage *= MWBase::Environment::get().getWorld()->getStore().get<ESM::GameSetting>().find("fWereWolfSilverWeaponDamageMult")->getFloat();
if (damage == 0 && attacker.getRefData().getHandle() == "player")
@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ namespace MWMechanics
return getLevelledItem(ref.getPtr().get<ESM::CreatureLevList>()->mBase, failChance);
catch (std::logic_error& e)
catch (std::logic_error&)
// Vanilla doesn't fail on nonexistent items in levelled lists
std::cerr << "Warning: ignoring nonexistent item '" << item << "'" << std::endl;
@ -267,7 +267,7 @@ void LocalMap::render(const float x, const float y,
// initialize to (0, 0, 0, 1)
for (int p=0; p<sFogOfWarResolution*sFogOfWarResolution; ++p)
buffer[p] = (255 << 24);
buffer[p] = (255u << 24);
memcpy(tex2->getBuffer()->lock(HardwareBuffer::HBL_DISCARD), &buffer[0], sFogOfWarResolution*sFogOfWarResolution*4);
@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ OcclusionQuery::OcclusionQuery(OEngine::Render::OgreRenderer* renderer, SceneNod
mSupported = (mSunTotalAreaQuery != 0) && (mSunVisibleAreaQuery != 0);
catch (Ogre::Exception& e)
catch (Ogre::Exception&)
mSupported = false;
@ -33,6 +33,7 @@ namespace MWRender
WeaponAnimation() : mPitchFactor(0) {}
virtual ~WeaponAnimation() {}
virtual void attachArrow(MWWorld::Ptr actor);
virtual void releaseArrow(MWWorld::Ptr actor);
@ -295,7 +295,7 @@ namespace MWScript
store = MWBase::Environment::get().getWorld()->getInterior(cellID);
catch(std::exception &e)
const ESM::Cell* cell = MWBase::Environment::get().getWorld()->getExterior(cellID);
@ -395,7 +395,7 @@ namespace MWScript
store = MWBase::Environment::get().getWorld()->getInterior(cellID);
catch(std::exception &e)
const ESM::Cell* cell = MWBase::Environment::get().getWorld()->getExterior(cellID);
@ -204,7 +204,7 @@ void FFmpeg_Decoder::open(const std::string &fname)
mFrame = avcodec_alloc_frame();
catch(std::exception &e)
if (mFormatCtx->pb->buffer != NULL)
@ -288,7 +288,7 @@ OpenAL_SoundStream::OpenAL_SoundStream(OpenAL_Output &output, ALuint src, Decode
catch(std::exception &e)
alDeleteBuffers(sNumBuffers, mBuffers);
@ -471,7 +471,7 @@ bool OpenAL_SoundStream::process()
mIsFinished = finished;
catch(std::exception &e) {
catch(std::exception&) {
std::cout<< "Error updating stream \""<<mDecoder->getName()<<"\"" <<std::endl;
mSamplesQueued = 0;
mIsFinished = true;
@ -781,7 +781,7 @@ ALuint OpenAL_Output::getBuffer(const std::string &fname)
catch(Ogre::FileNotFoundException &e)
std::string::size_type pos = fname.rfind('.');
if(pos == std::string::npos)
@ -859,7 +859,7 @@ MWBase::SoundPtr OpenAL_Output::playSound(const std::string &fname, float vol, f
buf = getBuffer(fname);
sound.reset(new OpenAL_Sound(*this, src, buf, Ogre::Vector3(0.0f), vol, basevol, pitch, 1.0f, 1000.0f, flags));
catch(std::exception &e)
if(buf && alIsBuffer(buf))
@ -898,7 +898,7 @@ MWBase::SoundPtr OpenAL_Output::playSound3D(const std::string &fname, const Ogre
buf = getBuffer(fname);
sound.reset(new OpenAL_Sound3D(*this, src, buf, pos, vol, basevol, pitch, min, max, flags));
catch(std::exception &e)
if(buf && alIsBuffer(buf))
@ -940,7 +940,7 @@ MWBase::SoundPtr OpenAL_Output::streamSound(DecoderPtr decoder, float volume, fl
sound.reset(new OpenAL_SoundStream(*this, src, decoder, volume, pitch, flags));
catch(std::exception &e)
@ -321,7 +321,7 @@ namespace MWSound
sound = mOutput->playSound(file, volume, basevol, pitch, mode|type, offset);
mActiveSounds[sound] = std::make_pair(MWWorld::Ptr(), soundId);
catch(std::exception &e)
//std::cout <<"Sound Error: "<<e.what()<< std::endl;
@ -349,7 +349,7 @@ namespace MWSound
mActiveSounds[sound] = std::make_pair(ptr, soundId);
catch(std::exception &e)
//std::cout <<"Sound Error: "<<e.what()<< std::endl;
@ -192,7 +192,6 @@ QVariant ContentSelectorModel::ContentModel::data(const QModelIndex &index, int
return Qt::AlignLeft + Qt::AlignVCenter;
return QVariant();
@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ public:
int getVer() const { return mHeader.mData.version; }
int getRecordCount() const { return mHeader.mData.records; }
float getFVer() const { if(mHeader.mData.version == VER_12) return 1.2; else return 1.3; }
float getFVer() const { if(mHeader.mData.version == VER_12) return 1.2f; else return 1.3f; }
const std::string getAuthor() const { return; }
const std::string getDesc() const { return mHeader.mData.desc.toString(); }
const std::vector<Header::MasterData> &getGameFiles() const { return mHeader.mMaster; }
@ -14,6 +14,8 @@ namespace ESM
/// \brief State for inventories and containers
struct InventoryState
virtual ~InventoryState() {}
// anything but lights (type, slot)
std::vector<std::pair<ObjectState, std::pair<unsigned int, int> > > mItems;
@ -129,7 +129,7 @@ struct Cell
bool hasWater() const
return (mData.mFlags&HasWater);
return (mData.mFlags & HasWater) != 0;
// Restore the given reader to the stored position. Will try to open
@ -30,8 +30,7 @@ bool loadOgrePlugin(const std::string &pluginDir, std::string pluginName, Ogre::
return false;
#endif //defined(DEBUG)
#else //!defined(DEBUG)
pluginPath = pluginDir + "/" + pluginName + pluginExt;
if (boost::filesystem::exists(pluginPath)) {
@ -40,6 +39,7 @@ bool loadOgrePlugin(const std::string &pluginDir, std::string pluginName, Ogre::
else {
return false;
@ -181,7 +181,7 @@ namespace Terrain
// shadow. TODO: repeated, put in function
if (mShadows)
for (Ogre::uint i = 0; i < (mSplitShadows ? 3 : 1); ++i)
for (Ogre::uint i = 0; i < (mSplitShadows ? 3u : 1u); ++i)
sh::MaterialInstanceTextureUnit* shadowTex = p->createTextureUnit ("shadowMap" + Ogre::StringConverter::toString(i));
shadowTex->setProperty ("content_type", sh::makeProperty<sh::StringValue> (new sh::StringValue("shadow")));
@ -334,7 +334,7 @@ namespace Terrain
// shadow
if (shadows)
for (Ogre::uint i = 0; i < (mSplitShadows ? 3 : 1); ++i)
for (Ogre::uint i = 0; i < (mSplitShadows ? 3u : 1u); ++i)
sh::MaterialInstanceTextureUnit* shadowTex = p->createTextureUnit ("shadowMap" + Ogre::StringConverter::toString(i));
shadowTex->setProperty ("content_type", sh::makeProperty<sh::StringValue> (new sh::StringValue("shadow")));
Reference in a new issue