forked from mirror/openmw-tes3mp
new water WIP, caustics, chromatic abberation, accurate fresnel, underwater reflection, etc
@ -1 +1 @@
Subproject commit 5a9bda6010413555736479ef03103f764fecb91d
Subproject commit bf003238a27d94be43724e6774d25c38b4d578c8
@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
#define VISIBILITY 1500.0 // how far you can look through water
#define BIG_WAVES_X 0.3 // strength of big waves
#define BIG_WAVES_Y 0.3
#define MID_WAVES_X 0.3 // strength of middle sized waves
#define MID_WAVES_Y 0.15
#define SMALL_WAVES_X 0.15 // strength of small waves
#define SMALL_WAVES_Y 0.1
#define WAVE_CHOPPYNESS 0.15 // wave choppyness
#define WAVE_SCALE 0.01 // overall wave scale
#define ABBERATION 0.001 // chromatic abberation amount
float3 intercept(float3 lineP,
float3 lineN,
float3 planeN,
float planeD)
float distance = (planeD - dot(planeN, lineP)) / dot(lineN, planeN);
return lineP + lineN * distance;
float3 perturb1(shTexture2D tex, float2 coords, float bend, float2 windDir, float windSpeed, float timer)
float2 nCoord = float2(0.0);
nCoord = coords * (WAVE_SCALE * 0.05) + windDir * timer * (windSpeed*0.04);
float3 normal0 = 2.0 * shSample(tex, nCoord + float2(-timer*0.015,-timer*0.05)).rgb - 1.0;
nCoord = coords * (WAVE_SCALE * 0.1) + windDir * timer * (windSpeed*0.08)-normal0.xy*bend;
float3 normal1 = 2.0 * shSample(tex, nCoord + float2(+timer*0.020,+timer*0.015)).rgb - 1.0;
nCoord = coords * (WAVE_SCALE * 0.25) + windDir * timer * (windSpeed*0.07)-normal1.xy*bend;
float3 normal2 = 2.0 * shSample(tex, nCoord + float2(-timer*0.04,-timer*0.03)).rgb - 1.0;
nCoord = coords * (WAVE_SCALE * 0.5) + windDir * timer * (windSpeed*0.09)-normal2.xy*bend;
float3 normal3 = 2.0 * shSample(tex, nCoord + float2(+timer*0.03,+timer*0.04)).rgb - 1.0;
nCoord = coords * (WAVE_SCALE* 1.0) + windDir * timer * (windSpeed*0.4)-normal3.xy*bend;
float3 normal4 = 2.0 * shSample(tex, nCoord + float2(-timer*0.2,+timer*0.1)).rgb - 1.0;
nCoord = coords * (WAVE_SCALE * 2.0) + windDir * timer * (windSpeed*0.7)-normal4.xy*bend;
float3 normal5 = 2.0 * shSample(tex, nCoord + float2(+timer*0.1,-timer*0.06)).rgb - 1.0;
float3 normal = normalize(normal0 * BIG_WAVES_X + normal1 * BIG_WAVES_Y +
normal2 * MID_WAVES_X + normal3 * MID_WAVES_Y +
normal4 * SMALL_WAVES_X + normal5 * SMALL_WAVES_Y);
return normal;
float3 perturb(shTexture2D tex, float2 coords, float bend, float2 windDir, float windSpeed, float timer)
float3 col = float3(0.0);
float2 nCoord = float2(0.0); //normal coords
nCoord = coords * (WAVE_SCALE * 0.025) + windDir * timer * (windSpeed*0.03);
col += shSample(tex,nCoord + float2(-timer*0.005,-timer*0.01)).rgb*0.20;
nCoord = coords * (WAVE_SCALE * 0.1) + windDir * timer * (windSpeed*0.05)-(col.xy/col.zz)*bend;
col += shSample(tex,nCoord + float2(+timer*0.01,+timer*0.005)).rgb*0.20;
nCoord = coords * (WAVE_SCALE * 0.2) + windDir * timer * (windSpeed*0.1)-(col.xy/col.zz)*bend;
col += shSample(tex,nCoord + float2(-timer*0.02,-timer*0.03)).rgb*0.20;
nCoord = coords * (WAVE_SCALE * 0.5) + windDir * timer * (windSpeed*0.2)-(col.xy/col.zz)*bend;
col += shSample(tex,nCoord + float2(+timer*0.03,+timer*0.02)).rgb*0.15;
nCoord = coords * (WAVE_SCALE* 0.8) + windDir * timer * (windSpeed*1.0)-(col.xy/col.zz)*bend;
col += shSample(tex, nCoord + float2(-timer*0.06,+timer*0.08)).rgb*0.15;
nCoord = coords * (WAVE_SCALE * 1.0) + windDir * timer * (windSpeed*1.3)-(col.xy/col.zz)*bend;
col += shSample(tex,nCoord + float2(+timer*0.08,-timer*0.06)).rgb*0.10;
return col;
float3 getCaustics (shTexture2D causticMap, float3 worldPos, float3 eyePosWS, float3 worldNormal, float3 lightDirectionWS0, float waterLevel, float waterTimer, float3 windDir_windSpeed)
float3 waterEyePos = intercept(, eyePosWS - worldPos, float3(0,1,0), waterLevel);
float waterDepth = shSaturate((waterEyePos.y - worldPos.y) / 50.0);
float3 causticPos = intercept(,, float3(0,1,0), waterLevel);
///\ todo clean this up
float causticdepth = length(;
causticdepth = 1.0-shSaturate(causticdepth / VISIBILITY);
causticdepth = shSaturate(causticdepth);
// NOTE: the original shader calculated a tangent space basis here,
// but using only the world normal is cheaper and i couldn't see a visual difference
// also, if this effect gets moved to screen-space some day, it's unlikely to have tangent information
float3 causticNorm = * perturb(causticMap, causticPos.xz, causticdepth, windDir_windSpeed.xy, windDir_windSpeed.z, waterTimer).xzy * 2 - 1;
//float fresnel = pow(clamp(dot(LV,causticnorm),0.0,1.0),2.0);
float NdotL = max(dot(,,0.0);
float causticR = 1.0-perturb(causticMap, causticPos.xz, causticdepth, windDir_windSpeed.xy, windDir_windSpeed.z, waterTimer).z;
/// \todo sunFade
// float3 caustics = clamp(pow(float3(causticR)*5.5,float3(5.5*causticdepth)),0.0,1.0)*NdotL*sunFade*causticdepth;
float3 caustics = clamp(pow(float3(causticR)*5.5,float3(5.5*causticdepth)),0.0,1.0)*NdotL*causticdepth;
float causticG = 1.0-perturb(causticMap,causticPos.xz+(1.0-causticdepth)*ABBERATION, causticdepth, windDir_windSpeed.xy, windDir_windSpeed.z, waterTimer).z;
float causticB = 1.0-perturb(causticMap,causticPos.xz+(1.0-causticdepth)*ABBERATION*2.0, causticdepth, windDir_windSpeed.xy, windDir_windSpeed.z, waterTimer).z;
//caustics = shSaturate(pow(float3(causticR,causticG,causticB)*5.5,float3(5.5*causticdepth)))*NdotL*sunFade*causticdepth;
caustics = shSaturate(pow(float3(causticR,causticG,causticB)*5.5,float3(5.5*causticdepth)))*NdotL*causticdepth;
caustics *= 3;
// shore transition
caustics = shLerp (float3(1,1,1), caustics, waterDepth);
return caustics;
@ -1,30 +1,33 @@
// note: the fixed function water is created manually, not here
material Water
material openmw_water
vertex_program water_vertex
vertex_program water_vertex
fragment_program water_fragment
fragment_program water_fragment
cull_hardware none
texture_unit reflectionMap
texture_unit reflectionMap
texture_alias WaterReflection
texture_alias WaterReflection
tex_address_mode clamp
texture_unit refractionMap
texture_unit refractionMap
texture_alias WaterRefraction
texture_alias WaterRefraction
tex_address_mode clamp
texture_unit depthMap
texture_unit depthMap
texture_alias SceneDepth
tex_address_mode clamp
texture_unit normalMap
texture_unit normalMap
direct_texture water_nm.png
@ -0,0 +1,228 @@
#include "core.h"
// Inspired by Blender GLSL Water by martinsh ( )
shUniform(float4x4, wvp) @shAutoConstant(wvp, worldviewproj_matrix)
shInput(float2, uv0)
shOutput(float2, UV)
shOutput(float3, screenCoordsPassthrough)
shOutput(float4, position)
shOutput(float, depthPassthrough)
shOutputPosition = shMatrixMult(wvp, shInputPosition);
UV = uv0;
#if !SH_GLSL
float4x4 scalemat = float4x4( 0.5, 0, 0, 0.5,
0, -0.5, 0, 0.5,
0, 0, 0.5, 0.5,
0, 0, 0, 1 );
mat4 scalemat = mat4(0.5, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0,
0.0, -0.5, 0.0, 0.0,
0.0, 0.0, 0.5, 0.0,
0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 1.0);
float4 texcoordProj = shMatrixMult(scalemat, shOutputPosition);
screenCoordsPassthrough = float3(texcoordProj.x, texcoordProj.y, texcoordProj.w);
position = shInputPosition;
depthPassthrough = shOutputPosition.z;
// tweakables ----------------------------------------------------
#define BIG_WAVES_X 0.3 // strength of big waves
#define BIG_WAVES_Y 0.3
#define MID_WAVES_X 0.3 // strength of middle sized waves
#define MID_WAVES_Y 0.15
#define SMALL_WAVES_X 0.15 // strength of small waves
#define SMALL_WAVES_Y 0.1
#define WAVE_CHOPPYNESS 0.15 // wave choppyness
#define WAVE_SCALE 150 // overall wave scale
#define ABBERATION 0.001 // chromatic abberation amount
#define BUMP 1.5 // overall water surface bumpiness
#define REFL_BUMP 0.11 // reflection distortion amount
#define REFR_BUMP 0.08 // refraction distortion amount
#define SCATTER_AMOUNT 3.0 // amount of sunlight scattering
#define SCATTER_COLOUR float3(0.0,1.0,0.95) // colour of sunlight scattering
#define SUN_EXT float3(0.45, 0.55, 0.68) //sunlight extinction
#define SPEC_HARDNESS 256 // specular highlights hardness
// ---------------------------------------------------------------
float fresnel_dielectric(float3 Incoming, float3 Normal, float eta)
/* compute fresnel reflectance without explicitly computing
the refracted direction */
float c = abs(dot(Incoming, Normal));
float g = eta * eta - 1.0 + c * c;
float result;
if(g > 0.0) {
g = sqrt(g);
float A =(g - c)/(g + c);
float B =(c *(g + c)- 1.0)/(c *(g - c)+ 1.0);
result = 0.5 * A * A *(1.0 + B * B);
result = 1.0; /* TIR (no refracted component) */
return result;
shInput(float2, UV)
shInput(float3, screenCoordsPassthrough)
shInput(float4, position)
shInput(float, depthPassthrough)
shUniform(float, far) @shAutoConstant(far, far_clip_distance)
shUniform(float3, windDir_windSpeed) @shSharedParameter(windDir_windSpeed)
#define WIND_SPEED windDir_windSpeed.z
#define WIND_DIR windDir_windSpeed.xy
shUniform(float, waterTimer) @shSharedParameter(waterTimer)
shUniform(float2, waterSunFade_sunHeight) @shSharedParameter(waterSunFade_sunHeight)
shUniform(float4, sunPosition) @shAutoConstant(sunPosition, light_position, 0)
shUniform(float4, sunSpecular) @shAutoConstant(sunSpecular, light_specular_colour, 0)
shUniform(float, renderTargetFlipping) @shAutoConstant(renderTargetFlipping, render_target_flipping)
shUniform(float3, fogColor) @shAutoConstant(fogColor, fog_colour)
shUniform(float4, fogParams) @shAutoConstant(fogParams, fog_params)
shUniform(float4, cameraPos) @shAutoConstant(cameraPos, camera_position_object_space)
float2 screenCoords = screenCoordsPassthrough.xy / screenCoordsPassthrough.z;
screenCoords.y = (1-shSaturate(renderTargetFlipping))+renderTargetFlipping*screenCoords.y;
float depth = shSample(depthMap, screenCoords).x * far - depthPassthrough;
float shoreFade = shSaturate(depth / 50.0);
float2 nCoord = float2(0.0);
nCoord = UV * (WAVE_SCALE * 0.05) + WIND_DIR * waterTimer * (WIND_SPEED*0.04);
float3 normal0 = 2.0 * shSample(normalMap, nCoord + float2(-waterTimer*0.015,-waterTimer*0.005)).rgb - 1.0;
nCoord = UV * (WAVE_SCALE * 0.1) + WIND_DIR * waterTimer * (WIND_SPEED*0.08)-(normal0.xy/normal0.zz)*WAVE_CHOPPYNESS;
float3 normal1 = 2.0 * shSample(normalMap, nCoord + float2(+waterTimer*0.020,+waterTimer*0.015)).rgb - 1.0;
nCoord = UV * (WAVE_SCALE * 0.25) + WIND_DIR * waterTimer * (WIND_SPEED*0.07)-(normal1.xy/normal1.zz)*WAVE_CHOPPYNESS;
float3 normal2 = 2.0 * shSample(normalMap, nCoord + float2(-waterTimer*0.04,-waterTimer*0.03)).rgb - 1.0;
nCoord = UV * (WAVE_SCALE * 0.5) + WIND_DIR * waterTimer * (WIND_SPEED*0.09)-(normal2.xy/normal2.z)*WAVE_CHOPPYNESS;
float3 normal3 = 2.0 * shSample(normalMap, nCoord + float2(+waterTimer*0.03,+waterTimer*0.04)).rgb - 1.0;
nCoord = UV * (WAVE_SCALE* 1.0) + WIND_DIR * waterTimer * (WIND_SPEED*0.4)-(normal3.xy/normal3.zz)*WAVE_CHOPPYNESS;
float3 normal4 = 2.0 * shSample(normalMap, nCoord + float2(-waterTimer*0.02,+waterTimer*0.1)).rgb - 1.0;
nCoord = UV * (WAVE_SCALE * 2.0) + WIND_DIR * waterTimer * (WIND_SPEED*0.7)-(normal4.xy/normal4.zz)*WAVE_CHOPPYNESS;
float3 normal5 = 2.0 * shSample(normalMap, nCoord + float2(+waterTimer*0.1,-waterTimer*0.06)).rgb - 1.0;
float3 normal = (normal0 * BIG_WAVES_X + normal1 * BIG_WAVES_Y +
normal2 * MID_WAVES_X + normal3 * MID_WAVES_Y +
normal4 * SMALL_WAVES_X + normal5 * SMALL_WAVES_Y).xzy;
normal = normalize(float3(normal.x * BUMP, normal.y, normal.z * BUMP));
// normal for sunlight scattering
float3 lNormal = (normal0 * BIG_WAVES_X*0.5 + normal1 * BIG_WAVES_Y*0.5 +
normal2 * MID_WAVES_X*0.2 + normal3 * MID_WAVES_Y*0.2 +
normal4 * SMALL_WAVES_X*0.1 + normal5 * SMALL_WAVES_Y*0.1).xzy;
lNormal = normalize(float3(lNormal.x * BUMP, lNormal.y, lNormal.z * BUMP));
float3 lVec = normalize(;
float3 vVec = normalize( -;
float isUnderwater = (cameraPos.y > 0) ? 0.0 : 1.0;
// sunlight scattering
float3 pNormal = float3(0,1,0);
vec3 lR = reflect(lVec, lNormal);
vec3 llR = reflect(lVec, pNormal);
float s = shSaturate(dot(lR, vVec)*2.0-1.2);
float lightScatter = shSaturate(dot(-lVec,lNormal)*0.7+0.3) * s * SCATTER_AMOUNT * waterSunFade_sunHeight.x * shSaturate(1.0-exp(-waterSunFade_sunHeight.y));
float3 scatterColour = shLerp(vec3(SCATTER_COLOUR)*vec3(1.0,0.4,0.0), SCATTER_COLOUR, shSaturate(1.0-exp(-waterSunFade_sunHeight.y*SUN_EXT)));
// fresnel
float ior = (cameraPos.y>0)?(1.333/1.0):(1.0/1.333); //air to water; water to air
float fresnel = fresnel_dielectric(-vVec, normal, ior);
fresnel = shSaturate(fresnel);
// reflection
float3 reflection = shSample(reflectionMap, screenCoords+(normal.xz*REFL_BUMP)).rgb;
// refraction
float3 R = reflect(vVec, normal);
float3 refraction = float3(0,0,0);
refraction.r = shSample(refractionMap, (screenCoords-(shoreFade * normal.xz*REFR_BUMP))*1.0).r;
refraction.g = shSample(refractionMap, (screenCoords-(shoreFade * normal.xz*REFR_BUMP))*1.0-(R.xy*ABBERATION)).g;
refraction.b = shSample(refractionMap, (screenCoords-(shoreFade * normal.xz*REFR_BUMP))*1.0-(R.xy*ABBERATION*2.0)).b;
// brighten up the refraction underwater
refraction = (cameraPos.y < 0) ? shSaturate(refraction * 1.5) : refraction;
float waterSunGradient = dot(-vVec, -lVec);
waterSunGradient = shSaturate(pow(waterSunGradient*0.7+0.3,2.0));
float3 waterSunColour = float3(0.0,1.0,0.85)*waterSunGradient * 0.5;
float waterGradient = dot(-vVec, float3(0.0,-1.0,0.0));
waterGradient = clamp((waterGradient*0.5+0.5),0.2,1.0);
float3 watercolour = (float3(0.0078, 0.5176, 0.700)+waterSunColour)*waterGradient*2.0;
float3 waterext = float3(0.6, 0.9, 1.0);//water extinction
watercolour = mix(watercolour*0.3*waterSunFade_sunHeight.x, watercolour, shSaturate(1.0-exp(-waterSunFade_sunHeight.y*SUN_EXT)));
// specular
float specular = pow(max(dot(R, lVec), 0.0),SPEC_HARDNESS);
shOutputColour(0).xyz = shLerp( shLerp(refraction, scatterColour, lightScatter), reflection, fresnel) + specular *;
// smooth transition to shore (above water only)
shOutputColour(0).xyz = shLerp(shOutputColour(0).xyz, refraction, (1-shoreFade) * (1-isUnderwater));
// fog
float fogValue = shSaturate((depthPassthrough - fogParams.y) * fogParams.w);
shOutputColour(0).xyz = shLerp (shOutputColour(0).xyz, fogColor, fogValue);
@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
shader_set water_vertex
source water.shader
type vertex
profiles_cg vs_2_0 vp40 arbvp1
profiles_hlsl vs_2_0
shader_set water_fragment
source water.shader
type fragment
profiles_cg ps_2_x ps_2_0 ps fp40 arbfp1
profiles_hlsl ps_2_0
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