@ -59,17 +59,38 @@ void MWWorld::InventoryStore::equip (int slot, const ContainerStoreIterator& ite
if (iterator.getContainerStore()!=this)
throw std::runtime_error ("attempt to equip an item that is not in the inventory");
std::pair<std::vector<int>, bool> slots;
if (iterator!=end())
std::pair<std::vector<int>, bool> slots = Class::get (*iterator).getEquipmentSlots (*iterator);
slots = Class::get (*iterator).getEquipmentSlots (*iterator);
if (std::find (slots.first.begin(), slots.first.end(), slot)==slots.first.end())
throw std::runtime_error ("invalid slot");
/// \todo restack item previously in this slot (if required)
// restack item previously in this slot (if required)
if (mSlots[slot] != end())
for (MWWorld::ContainerStoreIterator iter (begin()); iter!=end(); ++iter)
if (stacks(*iter, *mSlots[slot]))
iter->getRefData().setCount( iter->getRefData().getCount() + mSlots[slot]->getRefData().getCount() );
/// \todo unstack item pointed to by iterator if required)
// unstack item pointed to by iterator if required
if (iterator!=end() && !slots.second && iterator->getRefData().getCount() > 1) // if slots.second is true, item can stay stacked when equipped
// add the item again with a count of count-1, then set the count of the original (that will be equipped) to 1
int count = iterator->getRefData().getCount();
mSlots[slot] = iterator;
@ -147,7 +168,18 @@ void MWWorld::InventoryStore::autoEquip (const MWMechanics::NpcStats& stats)
/// \todo unstack, if reqquired (itemsSlots.second)
if (!itemsSlots.second) // if itemsSlots.second is true, item can stay stacked when equipped
// unstack item pointed to by iterator if required
if (iter->getRefData().getCount() > 1)
// add the item again with a count of count-1, then set the count of the original (that will be equipped) to 1
int count = iter->getRefData().getCount();
slots[*iter2] = iter;
@ -168,3 +200,20 @@ void MWWorld::InventoryStore::autoEquip (const MWMechanics::NpcStats& stats)
bool MWWorld::InventoryStore::stacks(const Ptr& ptr1, const Ptr& ptr2) const
bool canStack = MWWorld::ContainerStore::stacks(ptr1, ptr2);
if (!canStack)
return false;
// don't stack if the item being checked against is currently equipped.
for (TSlots::const_iterator iter (mSlots.begin());
iter!=mSlots.end(); ++iter)
if (ptr1 == **iter)
return false;
return true;