@ -376,4 +376,73 @@ void PlanarCollider::operate(osgParticle::Particle *particle, double dt)
SphericalCollider::SphericalCollider(const Nif::NiSphericalCollider* collider)
: mBounceFactor(collider->mBounceFactor),
mSphere(collider->mCenter, collider->mRadius)
: mBounceFactor(1.0f)
SphericalCollider::SphericalCollider(const SphericalCollider& copy, const osg::CopyOp& copyop)
: osgParticle::Operator(copy, copyop)
, mBounceFactor(copy.mBounceFactor)
, mSphere(copy.mSphere)
, mSphereInParticleSpace(copy.mSphereInParticleSpace)
void SphericalCollider::beginOperate(osgParticle::Program* program)
mSphereInParticleSpace = mSphere;
if (program->getReferenceFrame() == osgParticle::ParticleProcessor::ABSOLUTE_RF)
mSphereInParticleSpace.center() = program->transformLocalToWorld(mSphereInParticleSpace.center());
void SphericalCollider::operate(osgParticle::Particle* particle, double dt)
osg::Vec3f cent = (particle->getPosition() - mSphereInParticleSpace.center()); // vector from sphere center to particle
bool insideSphere = cent.length2() <= mSphereInParticleSpace.radius2();
if (insideSphere
|| (cent * particle->getVelocity() < 0.0f)) // if outside, make sure the particle is flying towards the sphere
// Collision test (finding point of contact) is performed by solving a quadratic equation:
// ||vec(cent) + vec(vel)*k|| = R /^2
// k^2 + 2*k*(vec(cent)*vec(vel))/||vec(vel)||^2 + (||vec(cent)||^2 - R^2)/||vec(vel)||^2 = 0
float b = -(cent * particle->getVelocity()) / particle->getVelocity().length2();
osg::Vec3f u = cent + particle->getVelocity() * b;
if (insideSphere
|| (u.length2() < mSphereInParticleSpace.radius2()))
float d = (mSphereInParticleSpace.radius2() - u.length2()) / particle->getVelocity().length2();
float k = insideSphere ? (std::sqrt(d) + b) : (b - std::sqrt(d));
if (k < dt)
// collision detected; reflect off the tangent plane
osg::Vec3f contact = particle->getPosition() + particle->getVelocity() * k;
osg::Vec3 normal = (contact - mSphereInParticleSpace.center());
float dotproduct = particle->getVelocity() * normal;
osg::Vec3 reflectedVelocity = particle->getVelocity() - normal * (2 * dotproduct);
reflectedVelocity *= mBounceFactor;