NOTE: This README is for ardekantur's Mac branch of OpenMW. A README
#Getting OpenMW Working on OS X
for the main branch has yet to be written. If you want to submit one,
please send me a message!
## Initial setup
First of all, clone OpenMW repo.
From the [official website][]:
$ git clone
> OpenMW is an attempt to reimplement the popular role playing game
Or use your github url if you forked.
Morrowind. It aims to be a fully playable, open source
implementation of the game. You must own Morrowind to use OpenMW.
About dependencies: I prefer not to install them globally (i. e. in /usr/local/), so I'm installing them in directory in my home directory. If OpenMW sources is in $HOME/path/openmw, I'm using $HOME/path/libs/root as prefix for boost and other libs.
About This Project
It's useful to create env var for lib install prefix:
This specific repository is a branch of OpenMW intended to keep pace
with development of the project in order to provide a Mac build for
interested parties to contribute. This is not an official, sanctioned
branch of the OpenMW project. I will only be able to answer specific
questions about getting this project running on Mac OS X, **no other
platform**. I will not even be able to guarantee my changes maintain
backwards compatibility against builds in other operating systems. You
have been warned.
$ export OMW_LIB_PREFIX=$HOME/path/libs/root`
Getting OpenMW Working
Most of libs can be installed from [Homebrew][homebrew]. Only mpg123 needs to be installed from source (due to lack of universal compilation support). I think that some of libs can be installed from MacPorts or Fink too.
1. Clone this repository.
As OpenMW currently only supports i386 architecture on OS X, denendencies also should support it. Set some env vars in current terminal:
2. Note about libs: I prefer not to install them globally (i. e. in /usr/local/), so I installing them in directory in my home directory. If OpenMW sources is in $HOME/path/openmw, I'm using $HOME/path/libs/root as prefix for boost and other libs.
It's useful to create env var for lib install prefix:
$ export OMW_LIB_PREFIX=$HOME/path/libs/root
3. First of all, set for current terminal some env vars:
$ export CFLAGS="-arch i386"
$ export CFLAGS="-arch i386"
$ export CXXFLAGS="-arch i386"
$ export CXXFLAGS="-arch i386"
$ export LDFLAGS="-arch i386"
$ export LDFLAGS="-arch i386"
All libs will build with correct architecture.
If you close your terminal, you should set env vars again before pcoceeding to next steps!
If you close your terminal, you should set env vars again before pcoceeding to next steps!
4. Download [boost][] (tested with 1.45) and install it with the following command:
## Boost
Download [boost][boost] and install it with the following command:
10. Generate the Makefile for OpenMW as follows and build OpenMW:
or install with homebrew:
$ brew install bullet --HEAD --universal
I prefer head because 2.79 has some issue which causes OpenMW to lag. Also you can edit formula and install 2.77, which is stable and haven't mentioned issue.
## Qt
Install [Qt][qt]. Qt SDK distributed by Nokia is not an option because it's 64 bit only, and OpenMW currently doesn't build for 64 bit on OS X. I'm installing it from Homebrew:
$ brew install qt --universal
## Run CMake
Generate the Makefile for OpenMW as follows and build OpenMW:
Note for users with recent Xcode versions: you must explicitly specify what set of compilers do you use! If not, gcc will be used for C and Clang for C++. Just add this two -D's to command: `-D CMAKE_C_COMPILER=/usr/bin/clang` and `-D CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=/usr/bin/clang`
Note for Xcode 4.3 users: you should specify full path to used SDK, because current CMake (2.8.7) couldn't find SDKs inside Xcode app bundle: