@ -22,6 +22,7 @@ MWMechanics::AiPackage::~AiPackage() {}
MWMechanics : : AiPackage : : AiPackage ( ) :
mTimer ( AI_REACTION_TIME + 1.0f ) , // to force initial pathbuild
mIsShortcutting ( false ) ,
mShortcutProhibited ( false ) , mShortcutFailPos ( )
@ -41,10 +42,8 @@ bool MWMechanics::AiPackage::followTargetThroughDoors() const
return false ;
bool MWMechanics : : AiPackage : : pathTo ( const MWWorld : : Ptr & actor , const ESM : : Pathgrid : : Point & dest , float duration , float destTolerance )
//Update various Timers
mTimer + = duration ; //Update timer
ESM : : Position pos = actor . getRefData ( ) . getPosition ( ) ; //position of the actor
@ -59,39 +58,21 @@ bool MWMechanics::AiPackage::pathTo(const MWWorld::Ptr& actor, const ESM::Pathgr
return false ;
/// Checks if you can't get to the end position at all, adds end position to end of path
/// Rebuilds path every [AI_REACTION_TIME] seconds, in case the target has moved
// handle path building and shortcutting
ESM : : Pathgrid : : Point start = pos . pos ;
float distTo NextWaypoin t = distance ( start , dest ) ;
bool isDestReached = ( distTo NextWaypoin t < = destTolerance ) ;
float distToTarget = distance ( start , dest ) ;
bool isDestReached = ( distToTarget < = destTolerance ) ;
if ( ! isDestReached & & mTimer > AI_REACTION_TIME )
osg : : Vec3f & lastActorPos = mLastActorPos ;
bool isStuck = distance ( start , lastActorPos . x ( ) , lastActorPos . y ( ) , lastActorPos . z ( ) ) < actor . getClass ( ) . getSpeed ( actor ) * mTimer
& & distance ( dest , start ) > 20 ;
lastActorPos = pos . asVec3 ( ) ;
bool wasShortcutting = mIsShortcutting ;
bool destInLOS = false ;
mIsShortcutting = shortcutPath ( start , dest , actor , & destInLOS ) ; // try to shortcut first
const ESM : : Cell * cell = actor . getCell ( ) - > getCell ( ) ;
bool needPathRecalc = doesPathNeedRecalc ( dest , cell ) ; //Only rebuild path if dest point has changed
bool isWayClear = true ;
if ( ! needPathRecalc ) // TODO: add check if actor is actually shortcutting
if ( ! mIsShortcutting )
isWayClear = checkWayIsClearForActor ( start , dest , actor ) ; // check if current shortcut is safe to follow
if ( ! isWayClear | | needPathRecalc ) // Only rebuild path if the target has moved or can't follow current shortcut
bool destInLOS = false ;
if ( isStuck | | ! isWayClear | | ! shortcutPath ( start , dest , actor , & destInLOS ) )
if ( wasShortcutting | | doesPathNeedRecalc ( dest , actor . getCell ( ) - > getCell ( ) ) ) // only rebuild path if the target has moved
mPathFinder . buildSyncedPath ( start , dest , actor . getCell ( ) ) ;
@ -111,28 +92,21 @@ bool MWMechanics::AiPackage::pathTo(const MWWorld::Ptr& actor, const ESM::Pathgr
if ( ! mPathFinder . getPath ( ) . empty ( ) ) //Path has points in it
ESM : : Pathgrid : : Point lastPos = mPathFinder . getPath ( ) . back ( ) ; //Get the end of the proposed path
if ( ! mPathFinder . getPath ( ) . empty ( ) ) //Path has points in it
ESM : : Pathgrid : : Point lastPos = mPathFinder . getPath ( ) . back ( ) ; //Get the end of the proposed path
if ( distance ( dest , lastPos ) > 100 ) //End of the path is far from the destination
mPathFinder . addPointToPath ( dest ) ; //Adds the final destination to the path, to try to get to where you want to go
if ( distance ( dest , lastPos ) > 100 ) //End of the path is far from the destination
mPathFinder . addPointToPath ( dest ) ; //Adds the final destination to the path, to try to get to where you want to go
mTimer = 0 ;
/// Checks if you aren't moving; attempts to unstick you
if ( isDestReached | | mPathFinder . checkPathCompleted ( pos . pos [ 0 ] , pos . pos [ 1 ] ) ) //Path finished?
actor . getClass ( ) . getMovementSettings ( actor ) . mPosition [ 0 ] = 0 ; // stop moving
actor . getClass ( ) . getMovementSettings ( actor ) . mPosition [ 1 ] = 0 ;
actor . getClass ( ) . getMovementSettings ( actor ) . mPosition [ 2 ] = 0 ;
// turn to destination point
zTurn ( actor , getZAngleToPoint ( start , dest ) ) ;
smoothTurn ( actor , getXAngleToPoint ( start , dest ) , 0 ) ;
@ -140,6 +114,8 @@ bool MWMechanics::AiPackage::pathTo(const MWWorld::Ptr& actor, const ESM::Pathgr
actor . getClass ( ) . getMovementSettings ( actor ) . mPosition [ 1 ] = 1 ; // run to target
// handle obstacles on the way
evadeObstacles ( actor , duration , pos ) ;
@ -155,24 +131,22 @@ void MWMechanics::AiPackage::evadeObstacles(const MWWorld::Ptr& actor, float dur
zTurn ( actor , mPathFinder . getZAngleToNext ( pos . pos [ 0 ] , pos . pos [ 1 ] ) ) ;
MWMechanics : : Movement & movement = actor . getClass ( ) . getMovementSettings ( actor ) ;
if ( mObstacleCheck . check ( actor , duration ) )
// check if stuck due to obstacles
if ( ! mObstacleCheck . check ( actor , duration ) ) return ;
// first check if obstacle is a door
MWWorld : : Ptr door = getNearbyDoor ( actor ) ; // NOTE: checks interior cells only
if ( door ! = MWWorld : : Ptr ( ) )
// first check if we're walking into a door
MWWorld : : Ptr door = getNearbyDoor ( actor ) ;
if ( door ! = MWWorld : : Ptr ( ) ) // NOTE: checks interior cells only
if ( ! door . getCellRef ( ) . getTeleport ( ) & & door . getCellRef ( ) . getTrap ( ) . empty ( )
& & door . getCellRef ( ) . getLockLevel ( ) < = 0 & & door . getClass ( ) . getDoorState ( door ) = = 0 ) {
MWBase : : Environment : : get ( ) . getWorld ( ) - > activateDoor ( door , 1 ) ;
else // probably walking into another NPC
mObstacleCheck . takeEvasiveAction ( movement ) ;
if ( ! door . getCellRef ( ) . getTeleport ( ) & & door . getCellRef ( ) . getTrap ( ) . empty ( )
& & door . getCellRef ( ) . getLockLevel ( ) < = 0 & & door . getClass ( ) . getDoorState ( door ) = = 0 ) {
MWBase : : Environment : : get ( ) . getWorld ( ) - > activateDoor ( door , 1 ) ;
else { //Not stuck, so reset things
movement . mPosition [ 1 ] = 1 ; //Just run forward
else // any other obstacle (NPC, crate, etc.)
mObstacleCheck . takeEvasiveAction ( movement ) ;
@ -191,7 +165,7 @@ bool MWMechanics::AiPackage::shortcutPath(const ESM::Pathgrid::Point& startPoint
if ( ! isPathClear
& & ( ! mShortcutProhibited | | ( PathFinder : : MakeOsgVec3 ( mShortcutFailPos ) - PathFinder : : MakeOsgVec3 ( startPoint ) ) . length ( ) > = PATHFIND_SHORTCUT_RETRY_DIST ) )
// take the direct path only if there aren't any obstacles
// check if target is clearly visible
isPathClear = ! MWBase : : Environment : : get ( ) . getWorld ( ) - > castRay (
static_cast < float > ( startPoint . mX ) , static_cast < float > ( startPoint . mY ) , static_cast < float > ( startPoint . mZ ) ,
static_cast < float > ( endPoint . mX ) , static_cast < float > ( endPoint . mY ) , static_cast < float > ( endPoint . mZ ) ) ;