Finished most of data.h

This commit is contained in:
Nicolay Korslund 2010-01-07 15:51:42 +01:00
parent 5a90226e30
commit c0d9bdb499
2 changed files with 192 additions and 0 deletions

View file

@ -53,5 +53,7 @@ struct Named : Controlled
typedef Named NiSequenceStreamHelper;
} // Namespace

View file

@ -150,5 +150,195 @@ struct NiTriShapeData : ShapeData
struct NiAutoNormalParticlesData : ShapeData
int activeCount;
void read(NIFFile *nif)
// Should always match the number of vertices
activeCount = nif->getUshort();
// Skip all the info, we don't support particles yet
nif->getFloat(); // Active radius ?
nif->getUshort(); // Number of valid entries in the following arrays ?
// Particle sizes
struct NiRotatingParticlesData : NiAutoNormalParticlesData
void read(NIFFile *nif)
// Rotation quaternions. I THINK activeCount is correct here,
// but verts (vertex number) might also be correct, if there is
// any case where the two don't match.
struct NiPosData : Record
void read(NIFFile *nif)
int count = nif->getInt();
int type = nif->getInt();
if(type != 1 && type != 2)
fail("Cannot handle NiPosData type");
// TODO: Could make structs of these. Seems to be identical to
// translation in NiKeyframeData.
for(int i=0; i<count; i++)
float time = nif->getFloat();
nif->getVector(); // This isn't really shared between type 1
// and type 2, most likely
if(type == 2)
struct NiUVData : Record
void read(NIFFile *nif)
// TODO: This is claimed to be a "float animation key", which is
// also used in FloatData and KeyframeData. We could probably
// reuse and refactor a lot of this if we actually use it at some
// point.
for(int i=0; i<2; i++)
int count = nif->getInt();
nif->getInt(); // always 2
nif->getArrayLen<Vector4>(count); // Really one time float + one vector
// Always 0
struct NiFloatData : Record
void read(NIFFile *nif)
int count = nif->getInt();
nif->getInt(); // always 2
nif->getArrayLen<Vector4>(count); // Really one time float + one vector
struct NiPixelData : Record
unsigned int rmask, gmask, bmask, amask;
int bpp, mips;
void read(NIFFile *nif)
nif->getInt(); // always 0 or 1
rmask = nif->getInt(); // usually 0xff
gmask = nif->getInt(); // usually 0xff00
bmask = nif->getInt(); // usually 0xff0000
amask = nif->getInt(); // usually 0xff000000 or zero
bpp = nif->getInt();
// Unknown
mips = nif->getInt();
// Bytes per pixel, should be bpp * 8
int bytes = nif->getInt();
for(int i=0; i<mips; i++)
// Image size and offset in the following data field
int x = nif->getInt();
int y = nif->getInt();
int offset = nif->getInt();
// Skip the data
unsigned int dataSize = nif->getInt();
struct NiColorData : Record
struct ColorData
float time;
Vector4 rgba;
void read(NIFFile *nif)
int count = nif->getInt();
nif->getInt(); // always 1
// Skip the data
assert(ColorData.sizeof = 4*5);
nif->skip(ColorData.sizeof * count);
struct NiVisData : Record
void read(NIFFile *nif)
int count = nif->getInt();
Each VisData consists of:
float time;
byte isSet;
If you implement this, make sure you use a packed struct
(sizeof==5), or read each element individually.
struct NiSkinData : Record
void read(NIFFile *nif)
struct NiMorphData : Record
void read(NIFFile *nif)
struct NiKeyframeData : Record
void read(NIFFile *nif)
} // Namespace