forked from mirror/openmw-tes3mp
Merged multiple WIPs into one big mess
Merge branch 'master' into stream_bufferactorid
@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
#include "source.h"
#include "sources/memsource.h"
#include <vector>
#include <assert.h>
namespace Mangle {
namespace Sound {
/** A sample buffer is a factory that creates SampleSources from one
single sound source. It is helpful when you have many instances of
one sound and want to use one shared memory buffer.
This is just a helper class - you don't have to include it in your
program if you don't need it.
class SampleBuffer
std::vector<uint8_t> buffer;
/// Reads the source into a memory buffer. Not heavily optimized.
SampleBuffer(SampleSource *source)
size_t final = 0;
const int add = 16*1024;
// Allocate more memory
size_t newSize = final + add;
// Fill in data
size_t read = source->read(&buffer[final], add);
// If we couldn't read enough data, we should be at the end
// of the stream
assert(read == add || source->eof());
final += read;
// Downsize the buffer to the actual length
/// Get a new source
SampleSource *get()
{ return new MemorySource(&buffer[0], buffer.size()); }
@ -1,83 +0,0 @@
#include <string>
#include <stdint.h>
#include "../stream/stream.h"
namespace Mangle {
namespace Sound {
/// An abstract interface for a read-once stream of audio data.
/** All instances of this is created through InputSource. Objects
should be manually deleted through a call to drop() when they are
no longer needed.
class InputStream
/// Get the sample rate, number of channels, and bits per
/// sample. NULL parameters are ignored.
virtual void getInfo(int32_t *rate, int32_t *channels, int32_t *bits) = 0;
/// Get decoded sound data from the stream.
/** Stores 'length' bytes (or less) in the buffer pointed to by
'output'. Returns the number of bytes written. The function will
only return less than 'length' at the end of the stream. When
the stream is empty, all subsequent calls will return zero.
@param output where to store data
@param length number of bytes to get
@return number of bytes actually written
virtual uint32_t getData(void *output, uint32_t length) = 0;
/// Kill this object
virtual void drop() = 0;
/// Virtual destructor
virtual ~InputStream() {}
/// Abstract interface representing one sound source.
/** A sound source may represent one sound file or buffer, and is a
factory for producing InputStream objects from that
sound. Instances of this class are created by an InputManager. All
instances should be deleted through drop() when they are no longer
class InputSource
/// Create a stream from this sound
virtual InputStream *getStream() = 0;
/// Kill this object
virtual void drop() = 0;
/// Virtual destructor
virtual ~InputSource() {}
/// Main interface to a sound decoder backend.
/** An input manager is a factory of InputSource objects.
class InputManager
/// If true, the stream version of load() works
bool canLoadStream;
/// Load a sound input source from file
virtual InputSource *load(const std::string &file) = 0;
/// Load a sound input source from stream (if canLoadStream is true)
virtual InputSource *load(Stream::Stream *input) = 0;
/// Virtual destructor
virtual ~InputManager() {}
}} // namespaces
@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
#include "../output.h"
#include <AL/al.h>
#include <AL/alc.h>
#include <list>
namespace Mangle {
namespace Sound {
/// OpenAL sound output
class OpenAL_Sound : public Sound
ALuint inst;
OpenAL_Sound(SampleSource *input);
/// Play or resume the sound
void play();
/// Stop the sound
void stop();
/// Pause the sound, may be resumed later
void pause();
/// Check if the sound is still playing
bool isPlaying();
/// Set the volume. The parameter must be between 0.0 and 1.0.
void setVolume(float);
/// Set the 3D position.
void setPos(float x, float y, float z);
class OpenALFactory : public SoundFactory
ALCdevice *Device;
ALCcontext *Context;
bool didSetup;
/// Initialize object. Pass true (default) if you want the
/// constructor to set up the current ALCdevice and ALCcontext for
/// you.
OpenALFactory(bool doSetup = true)
: didSetup(doSetup)
needsUpdate = false;
has3D = true;
canRepeatStream = false;
canLoadFile = false;
canLoadStream = false;
canLoadSource = true;
// Set up sound system
Device = alcOpenDevice(NULL);
Context = alcCreateContext(Device, NULL);
if(!Device || !Context)
fail("Failed to initialize context or device");
// Deinitialize sound system
if(Context) alcDestroyContext(Context);
if(Device) alcCloseDevice(Device);
Sound *load(const std::string &file, bool stream=false) { assert(0); }
Sound *load(Stream::Stream *input, bool stream=false) { assert(0); }
Sound *load(SampleSource* input, bool stream=false)
{ return new OpenAL_Sound(input); }
void update() {}
setListenerPos(float x, float y, float z,
float fx, float fy, float fz,
float ux, float uy, float uz)
ALfloat orient[6];
orient[0] = fx;
orient[1] = fy;
orient[2] = fz;
orient[3] = ux;
orient[4] = uy;
orient[5] = uz;
alListener3f(AL_POSITION, x, y, z);
alListenerfv(AL_ORIENTATION, orient);
}} // namespaces
@ -1 +0,0 @@
@ -1,95 +0,0 @@
#include "audiere_imp.h"
// Exception handling
class Audiere_Exception : public std::exception
std::string msg;
Audiere_Exception(const std::string &m) : msg(m) {}
~Audiere_Exception() throw() {}
virtual const char* what() const throw() { return msg.c_str(); }
static void fail(const std::string &msg)
throw Audiere_Exception("Audiere exception: " + msg);
using namespace audiere;
using namespace Mangle::Sound;
needsUpdate = false;
has3D = false;
canRepeatStream = true;
canLoadFile = true;
canLoadSource = false;
canLoadStream = false;
device = OpenDevice("");
if(device == NULL)
fail("Failed to open device");
// --- Manager ---
Sound *AudiereManager::load(const std::string &file, bool stream)
{ return new AudiereSound(file, device, stream); }
// --- Sound ---
AudiereSound::AudiereSound(const std::string &file,
AudioDevicePtr _device,
bool _stream)
: device(_device), stream(_stream)
sample = OpenSampleSource(file.c_str());
fail("Couldn't load file " + file);
buf = CreateSampleBuffer(sample);
Instance *AudiereSound::getInstance(bool is3d, bool repeat)
// Ignore is3d. Audiere doesn't implement 3d sound. We could make a
// hack software 3D implementation later, but it's not that
// important.
SampleSourcePtr sample = buf->openStream();
fail("Failed to open sample stream");
OutputStreamPtr sound = OpenSound(device, sample, stream);
return new AudiereInstance(sound);
// --- Instance ---
AudiereInstance::AudiereInstance(OutputStreamPtr _sound)
: sound(_sound) {}
void AudiereInstance::play()
{ sound->play(); }
void AudiereInstance::stop()
{ sound->stop(); }
void AudiereInstance::pause()
{ stop(); }
bool AudiereInstance::isPlaying()
{ return sound->isPlaying(); }
void AudiereInstance::setVolume(float vol)
{ sound->setVolume(vol); }
@ -1,77 +0,0 @@
#include "../sound.h"
#include <assert.h>
#include <audiere.h>
namespace Mangle {
namespace Sound {
/// Implementation of Sound::Manager for Audiere
class AudiereManager : public Manager
audiere::AudioDevicePtr device;
virtual Sound *load(const std::string &file, bool stream=false);
/// not implemented yet
virtual Sound *load(Stream::Stream *input, bool stream=false)
{ assert(0); }
/// disabled
virtual Sound *load(InputSource *input, bool stream=false)
{ assert(0); }
/// disabled
virtual void update() { assert(0); }
/// disabled
virtual void setListenerPos(float x, float y, float z,
float fx, float fy, float fz,
float ux, float uy, float uz)
{ assert(0); };
/// Audiere Sound implementation
class AudiereSound : public Sound
audiere::AudioDevicePtr device;
audiere::SampleSourcePtr sample;
audiere::SampleBufferPtr buf;
bool stream;
virtual Instance *getInstance(bool is3d, bool repeat);
virtual void drop()
{ delete this; }
AudiereSound(const std::string &file, audiere::AudioDevicePtr device,
bool stream);
/// Audiere Instance implementation
class AudiereInstance : public Instance
audiere::OutputStreamPtr sound;
virtual void play();
virtual void stop();
virtual void pause();
virtual bool isPlaying();
virtual void setVolume(float);
/// disabled
virtual void setPos(float x, float y, float z)
{ assert(0); }
virtual void drop()
{ delete this; }
}} // Namespace
@ -1,59 +0,0 @@
#include "../input.h"
#include <audiere.h>
namespace Mangle {
namespace Sound {
/// Implementation of Sound::InputManager for Audiere
class AudiereInput : public InputManager
/// Load a source from a file
InputSource *load(const std::string &file);
/// Load a source from a stream
virtual InputSource *load(Stream::Stream *input);
/// Audiere InputSource implementation
class AudiereSource : public InputSource
audiere::SampleBufferPtr buf;
AudiereSource(const std::string &file);
AudiereSource(Stream::Stream *input);
InputStream *getStream();
void drop() { delete this; }
/// Audiere InputStream implementation
class AudiereStream : public InputStream
audiere::SampleSourcePtr sample;
int frameSize; // Size of one frame, in bytes
static const int PSIZE = 10;
// Temporary storage for unevenly read samples. See the comment for
// getData() in the .cpp file.
char pullOver[PSIZE];
// How much of the above buffer is in use
int pullSize;
AudiereStream(audiere::SampleSourcePtr _sample);
void getInfo(int32_t *rate, int32_t *channels, int32_t *bits);
uint32_t getData(void *data, uint32_t length);
void drop() { delete this; }
}} // Namespace
@ -1,75 +0,0 @@
#include "../input.h"
#include <exception>
#include <vector>
#include <assert.h>
extern "C"
#include <libavcodec/avcodec.h>
#include <libavformat/avformat.h>
namespace Mangle {
namespace Sound {
/// FFmpeg exception
class FFM_Exception : public std::exception
std::string msg;
FFM_Exception(const std::string &m);
~FFM_Exception() throw();
virtual const char* what() const throw();
/// FFMpeg implementation of InputManager
class FFM_InputManager : public InputManager
static bool init;
virtual InputSource *load(const std::string &file);
/// not supported
virtual InputSource *load(Stream::Stream *input) { assert(0); }
/// FFMpeg implementation of InputSource
class FFM_InputSource : public InputSource
std::string name;
FFM_InputSource(const std::string &file);
virtual InputStream *getStream();
virtual void drop();
/// FFMpeg implementation of InputStream
class FFM_InputStream : public InputStream
AVFormatContext *FmtCtx;
AVCodecContext *CodecCtx;
int StreamNum;
bool empty;
std::vector<uint8_t> storage;
FFM_InputStream(const std::string &file);
virtual void getInfo(int32_t *rate, int32_t *channels, int32_t *bits);
virtual uint32_t getData(void *data, uint32_t length);
virtual void drop();
}} // namespaces
@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
#include "input_filter.h"
#include "input_ffmpeg.h"
#include "output_openal.h"
namespace Mangle {
namespace Sound {
/// An InputFilter that adds FFmpeg decoding to OpenAL
class OpenAL_FFM_Manager : public InputFilter
set(new OpenAL_Manager,
new FFM_InputManager);
delete snd;
delete inp;
@ -1,125 +0,0 @@
#include "../sound.h"
#include <AL/al.h>
#include <AL/alc.h>
#include <list>
namespace Mangle {
namespace Sound {
class OpenAL_Stream_Instance;
/// OpenAL implementation of Manager
class OpenAL_Manager : public Manager
// List of all streaming sounds - these need to be updated regularly
typedef std::list<OpenAL_Stream_Instance*> LST;
virtual ~OpenAL_Manager();
LST::iterator add_stream(OpenAL_Stream_Instance*);
void remove_stream(LST::iterator);
virtual Sound *load(const std::string &file, bool stream=false);
virtual Sound *load(Stream::Stream *input, bool stream=false);
virtual Sound *load(InputSource* input, bool stream=false);
virtual void update();
virtual void setListenerPos(float x, float y, float z,
float fx, float fy, float fz,
float ux, float uy, float uz);
ALCdevice *Device;
ALCcontext *Context;
LST streaming;
/// OpenAL implementation of Sound
class OpenAL_Sound : public Sound
InputSource *source;
OpenAL_Manager *owner;
bool stream;
// Used for non-streaming files, contains the entire sound buffer if
// non-zero
ALuint bufferID;
OpenAL_Sound(InputSource *src, OpenAL_Manager *own, bool str)
: source(src), owner(own), stream(str), bufferID(0) {}
virtual Instance *getInstance(bool is3d, bool repeat);
void drop() { delete this; }
/// Shared parent class that holds an OpenAL sound instance. Just used
/// for shared functionality, has no setup or cleanup code.
class OpenAL_Instance_Base : public Instance
ALuint inst;
void drop() { delete this; }
virtual void play();
virtual void stop();
virtual void pause();
virtual bool isPlaying();
virtual void setVolume(float);
virtual void setPos(float x, float y, float z);
/// Non-streaming OpenAL-implementation of Instance. Uses a shared
/// sound buffer in OpenAL_Sound.
class OpenAL_Simple_Instance : public OpenAL_Instance_Base
OpenAL_Simple_Instance(ALuint buf);
/// Streaming OpenAL-implementation of Instance.
class OpenAL_Stream_Instance : public OpenAL_Instance_Base
// Since OpenAL streams have to be updated manually each frame, we
// need to have a sufficiently large buffer so that we don't run out
// of data in the mean time. Each instance will take around 512 Kb
// of memory, independent of how large the file is.
static const int BUFS = 4;
static const int SIZE = 128*1024;
// Buffers
ALuint bufs[BUFS];
// Sound format settings
int rate, fmt;
// Source of data
InputStream *stream;
OpenAL_Manager *owner;
// List iterator, used for removing ourselves from the streaming
// list when we're deleted.
OpenAL_Manager::LST::iterator lit;
// Load and queue a new buffer
void queueBuffer(ALuint buffer);
OpenAL_Stream_Instance(InputStream*, OpenAL_Manager*);
void update();
}} // namespaces
@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
#include <string>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include "../stream/stream.h"
namespace Mangle {
namespace Sound {
/// A stream containing raw sound data and information about the format
class SampleSource : public Stream::Stream
bool isEof;
// These are usually not needed for sound data
isSeekable = false;
hasPosition = false;
hasSize = false;
isEof = false;
/// Get the sample rate, number of channels, and bits per
/// sample. NULL parameters are ignored.
virtual void getInfo(int32_t *rate, int32_t *channels, int32_t *bits) const = 0;
bool eof() const { return isEof; }
// Disabled functions
void seek(size_t pos) const { assert(0); }
size_t tell() const { assert(0); }
size_t size() const { assert(0); }
/// A factory interface for loading SampleSources from file or stream
class SampleSourceLoader
/// If true, the stream version of load() works
bool canLoadStream;
/// If true, the file version of load() works
bool canLoadFile;
/// Load a sound input source from file (if canLoadFile is true)
virtual SampleSource *load(const std::string &file) = 0;
/// Load a sound input source from stream (if canLoadStream is true)
virtual SampleSource *load(Stream::Stream *input) = 0;
/// Virtual destructor
virtual ~SampleSourceLoader() {}
}} // namespaces
@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
#include "../source.h"
#include <audiere.h>
namespace Mangle {
namespace Sound {
/// A sample source that decodes files using Audiere
class AudiereSource : public SampleSource
audiere::SampleSourcePtr sample;
// Number of bytes we cache between reads. This should correspond to
// the maximum possible value of frameSize.
static const int PSIZE = 10;
// Size of one frame, in bytes
int frameSize;
// Temporary storage for unevenly read samples. See the comment for
// read() in the .cpp file.
char pullOver[PSIZE];
// How much of the above buffer is in use
int pullSize;
void getFormat();
/// Decode the given sound file
AudiereSource(const std::string &file);
/// Decode the given sound stream
AudiereSource(Stream::Stream *src);
/// Read directly from an existing audiere::SampleSource
AudiereSource(audiere::SampleSourcePtr src);
void getInfo(int32_t *rate, int32_t *channels, int32_t *bits);
size_t read(void *data, size_t length);
#include "loadertemplate.h"
/// A factory that loads AudiereSources from file and stream
typedef SSL_Template<AudiereSource,true,true> AudiereLoader;
}} // Namespace
@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
#include "../input.h"
#include <exception>
#include <vector>
#include <assert.h>
extern "C"
#include <libavcodec/avcodec.h>
#include <libavformat/avformat.h>
namespace Mangle {
namespace Sound {
class FFMpegSource : public SampleSource
AVFormatContext *FmtCtx;
AVCodecContext *CodecCtx;
int StreamNum;
std::vector<uint8_t> storage;
/// Decode the given sound file
FFMpegSource(const std::string &file);
/// Decode the given sound stream (not supported by FFmpeg)
FFMpegSource(Stream::Stream *src) { assert(0); }
// Overrides
void getInfo(int32_t *rate, int32_t *channels, int32_t *bits);
size_t read(void *data, size_t length);
#include "loadertemplate.h"
/// A factory that loads FFMpegSources from file
class FFMpegLoader : public SSL_Template<AudiereSource,false,true>
/// Sets up the libavcodec library. If you want to do your own
/// setup, send a setup=false parameter.
FFMpegLoader(bool setup=true);
}} // namespaces
@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
#ifndef SSL_TEMPL_H
#define SSL_TEMPL_H
template <class SourceT, bool stream, bool file>
class SSL_Template : public SampleSourceLoader
canLoadStream = stream;
canLoadFile = file;
SampleSource *load(const std::string &file)
return new SourceT(file);
SampleSource *load(Stream::Stream *input)
return new SourceT(input);
@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
#include "../source.h"
namespace Mangle {
namespace Sound {
/// A sample source reading directly from a memory buffer
class MemorySource : public SampleSource
char *buf;
size_t len;
size_t pos;
int32_t rate, channels, bits;
MemorySource(void *_buf, size_t _len, int32_t _rate, int32_t _channels, int32_t _bits)
: len(_len), pos(0), rate(_rate), channels(_channels), bits(_bits)
{ buf = (char*)_buf; }
/// Get the sample rate, number of channels, and bits per
/// sample. NULL parameters are ignored.
void getInfo(int32_t *_rate, int32_t *_channels, int32_t *_bits) const
if(_rate) *_rate = rate;
if(_channels) *_channels = channels;
if(_bits) *_bits = bits;
bool eof() const { return pos == len; }
size_t read(void *out, size_t count)
assert(len >= pos);
if(count > (len-pos))
count = len-pos;
if(count) memcpy(out, buf+pos, count);
pos += count;
return count;
}} // namespaces
Reference in New Issue