forked from mirror/openmw-tes3mp
@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
void RenderScene_vs(in float4 position : POSITION
,in float2 uv :TEXCOORD0
,uniform float4x4 wvp
,out float4 oPosition : POSITION
,out float2 oUV :TEXCOORD0)
oPosition = mul(wvp, position);
oUV = uv;
void RenderScene_ps(in float4 position : POSITION
,in float2 uv :TEXCOORD0
,uniform sampler2D tex1 : TEXUNIT0
,out float4 oColor : COLOR)
float4 scene =tex2D(tex1, uv);
oColor= scene;
@ -1,63 +0,0 @@
vertex_program RenderGBuffer_vs cg
profiles vs_4_0 vs_1_1 arbvp1
entry_point RenderScene_vs
param_named_auto wvp worldviewproj_matrix
fragment_program RenderGBuffer_ps cg
entry_point RenderScene_ps
profiles ps_4_0 ps_2_x arbfp1
material RenderScene
vertex_program_ref RenderGBuffer_vs
fragment_program_ref RenderGBuffer_ps
texture_unit tex1
material RenderSceneNoDepth
depth_write off
vertex_program_ref RenderGBuffer_vs
fragment_program_ref RenderGBuffer_ps
texture_unit tex1
@ -1,117 +0,0 @@
#define VISIBILITY 1500.0 // how far you can look through water
#define BIG_WAVES_X 0.3 // strength of big waves
#define BIG_WAVES_Y 0.3
#define MID_WAVES_X 0.3 // strength of middle sized waves
#define MID_WAVES_Y 0.15
#define SMALL_WAVES_X 0.15 // strength of small waves
#define SMALL_WAVES_Y 0.1
#define WAVE_CHOPPYNESS 0.15 // wave choppyness
#define WAVE_SCALE 0.01 // overall wave scale
#define ABBERATION 0.001 // chromatic abberation amount
float3 intercept(float3 lineP,
float3 lineN,
float3 planeN,
float planeD)
float distance = (planeD - dot(planeN, lineP)) / dot(lineN, planeN);
return lineP + lineN * distance;
float3 perturb1(shTexture2D tex, float2 coords, float bend, float2 windDir, float windSpeed, float timer)
float2 nCoord = float2(0.0);
nCoord = coords * (WAVE_SCALE * 0.05) + windDir * timer * (windSpeed*0.04);
float3 normal0 = 2.0 * shSample(tex, nCoord + float2(-timer*0.015,-timer*0.05)).rgb - 1.0;
nCoord = coords * (WAVE_SCALE * 0.1) + windDir * timer * (windSpeed*0.08)-normal0.xy*bend;
float3 normal1 = 2.0 * shSample(tex, nCoord + float2(+timer*0.020,+timer*0.015)).rgb - 1.0;
nCoord = coords * (WAVE_SCALE * 0.25) + windDir * timer * (windSpeed*0.07)-normal1.xy*bend;
float3 normal2 = 2.0 * shSample(tex, nCoord + float2(-timer*0.04,-timer*0.03)).rgb - 1.0;
nCoord = coords * (WAVE_SCALE * 0.5) + windDir * timer * (windSpeed*0.09)-normal2.xy*bend;
float3 normal3 = 2.0 * shSample(tex, nCoord + float2(+timer*0.03,+timer*0.04)).rgb - 1.0;
nCoord = coords * (WAVE_SCALE* 1.0) + windDir * timer * (windSpeed*0.4)-normal3.xy*bend;
float3 normal4 = 2.0 * shSample(tex, nCoord + float2(-timer*0.2,+timer*0.1)).rgb - 1.0;
nCoord = coords * (WAVE_SCALE * 2.0) + windDir * timer * (windSpeed*0.7)-normal4.xy*bend;
float3 normal5 = 2.0 * shSample(tex, nCoord + float2(+timer*0.1,-timer*0.06)).rgb - 1.0;
float3 normal = normalize(normal0 * BIG_WAVES_X + normal1 * BIG_WAVES_Y +
normal2 * MID_WAVES_X + normal3 * MID_WAVES_Y +
normal4 * SMALL_WAVES_X + normal5 * SMALL_WAVES_Y);
return normal;
float3 perturb(shTexture2D tex, float2 coords, float bend, float2 windDir, float windSpeed, float timer)
float3 col = float3(0.0);
float2 nCoord = float2(0.0); //normal coords
nCoord = coords * (WAVE_SCALE * 0.025) + windDir * timer * (windSpeed*0.03);
col += shSample(tex,nCoord + float2(-timer*0.005,-timer*0.01)).rgb*0.20;
nCoord = coords * (WAVE_SCALE * 0.1) + windDir * timer * (windSpeed*0.05)-(col.xy/col.zz)*bend;
col += shSample(tex,nCoord + float2(+timer*0.01,+timer*0.005)).rgb*0.20;
nCoord = coords * (WAVE_SCALE * 0.2) + windDir * timer * (windSpeed*0.1)-(col.xy/col.zz)*bend;
col += shSample(tex,nCoord + float2(-timer*0.02,-timer*0.03)).rgb*0.20;
nCoord = coords * (WAVE_SCALE * 0.5) + windDir * timer * (windSpeed*0.2)-(col.xy/col.zz)*bend;
col += shSample(tex,nCoord + float2(+timer*0.03,+timer*0.02)).rgb*0.15;
nCoord = coords * (WAVE_SCALE* 0.8) + windDir * timer * (windSpeed*1.0)-(col.xy/col.zz)*bend;
col += shSample(tex, nCoord + float2(-timer*0.06,+timer*0.08)).rgb*0.15;
nCoord = coords * (WAVE_SCALE * 1.0) + windDir * timer * (windSpeed*1.3)-(col.xy/col.zz)*bend;
col += shSample(tex,nCoord + float2(+timer*0.08,-timer*0.06)).rgb*0.10;
return col;
float3 getCaustics (shTexture2D causticMap, float3 worldPos, float3 eyePosWS, float3 worldNormal, float3 lightDirectionWS0, float waterLevel, float waterTimer, float3 windDir_windSpeed)
float3 waterEyePos = intercept(, eyePosWS - worldPos, float3(0,1,0), waterLevel);
float waterDepth = shSaturate((waterEyePos.y - worldPos.y) / 50.0);
float3 causticPos = intercept(,, float3(0,1,0), waterLevel);
///\ todo clean this up
float causticdepth = length(;
causticdepth = 1.0-shSaturate(causticdepth / VISIBILITY);
causticdepth = shSaturate(causticdepth);
// NOTE: the original shader calculated a tangent space basis here,
// but using only the world normal is cheaper and i couldn't see a visual difference
// also, if this effect gets moved to screen-space some day, it's unlikely to have tangent information
float3 causticNorm = * perturb(causticMap, causticPos.xz, causticdepth, windDir_windSpeed.xy, windDir_windSpeed.z, waterTimer).xzy * 2 - 1;
//float fresnel = pow(clamp(dot(LV,causticnorm),0.0,1.0),2.0);
float NdotL = max(dot(,,0.0);
float causticR = 1.0-perturb(causticMap, causticPos.xz, causticdepth, windDir_windSpeed.xy, windDir_windSpeed.z, waterTimer).z;
/// \todo sunFade
// float3 caustics = clamp(pow(float3(causticR)*5.5,float3(5.5*causticdepth)),0.0,1.0)*NdotL*sunFade*causticdepth;
float3 caustics = clamp(pow(float3(causticR)*5.5,float3(5.5*causticdepth)),0.0,1.0)*NdotL*causticdepth;
float causticG = 1.0-perturb(causticMap,causticPos.xz+(1.0-causticdepth)*ABBERATION, causticdepth, windDir_windSpeed.xy, windDir_windSpeed.z, waterTimer).z;
float causticB = 1.0-perturb(causticMap,causticPos.xz+(1.0-causticdepth)*ABBERATION*2.0, causticdepth, windDir_windSpeed.xy, windDir_windSpeed.z, waterTimer).z;
//caustics = shSaturate(pow(float3(causticR,causticG,causticB)*5.5,float3(5.5*causticdepth)))*NdotL*sunFade*causticdepth;
caustics = shSaturate(pow(float3(causticR,causticG,causticB)*5.5,float3(5.5*causticdepth)))*NdotL*causticdepth;
caustics *= 3;
// shore transition
caustics = shLerp (float3(1,1,1), caustics, waterDepth);
return caustics;
@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
material quad
depth_write on
vertex_program quad_vertex
fragment_program quad_fragment
depth_write $depth_write
texture_unit SceneBuffer
material quad_noDepthWrite
parent quad
depth_write off
@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
#include "core.h"
shInput(float2, uv0)
shOutput(float2, UV)
shUniform(float4x4, wvp) @shAutoConstant(wvp, worldviewproj_matrix)
shOutputPosition = shMatrixMult(wvp, shInputPosition);
UV = uv0;
shInput(float2, UV)
shOutputColour(0) = shSample(SceneBuffer, UV);
@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
shader_set quad_vertex
source quad.shader
type vertex
profiles_cg vs_2_0 vp40 arbvp1
profiles_hlsl vs_2_0
shader_set quad_fragment
source quad.shader
type fragment
profiles_cg ps_2_x ps_2_0 ps fp40 arbfp1
profiles_hlsl ps_2_0
Binary file not shown.
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 192 KiB |
Binary file not shown.
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 34 KiB |
Binary file not shown.
@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
void main_vp
in float4 inPos : POSITION,
out float4 pos : POSITION,
out float2 uv0 : TEXCOORD0,
out float4 noiseCoord : TEXCOORD1,
uniform float4x4 worldViewProj,
uniform float timeVal,
uniform float scale
// Use standardise transform, so work accord with render system specific (RS depth, requires texture flipping, etc)
pos = mul(worldViewProj, inPos);
// The input positions adjusted by texel offsets, so clean up inaccuracies
inPos.xy = sign(inPos.xy);
// Convert to image-space
uv0 = (float2(inPos.x, -inPos.y) + 1.0f) * 0.5f;
noiseCoord = (pos + timeVal) * scale;
float4 main_fp_nomrt (float2 iTexCoord : TEXCOORD0,
float3 noiseCoord : TEXCOORD1,
uniform sampler2D RT : register(s0),
uniform sampler2D NormalMap : register(s1),
uniform sampler2D CausticMap : register(s2)) : COLOR
float4 normal = tex2D(NormalMap, noiseCoord) * 2 - 1;
float4 col = tex2D(RT, iTexCoord + normal.xy * 0.015) +
(tex2D(CausticMap, noiseCoord) / 5);
|||| = lerp(, float3(0.15, 0.40, 0.40), 0.4);
return col;
float4 main_fp (float2 iTexCoord : TEXCOORD0,
float3 noiseCoord : TEXCOORD1,
uniform float far,
uniform sampler2D RT : register(s0),
uniform sampler2D NormalMap : register(s1),
uniform sampler2D CausticMap : register(s2),
uniform sampler2D DepthMap : register(s3)) : COLOR
float4 normal = tex2D(NormalMap, noiseCoord) * 2 - 1;
float depth = tex2D(DepthMap, iTexCoord + normal.xy * 0.015).r * far;
depth = saturate(depth / 2000.f);
float4 color = tex2D(RT, iTexCoord + normal.xy * 0.015) +
(tex2D(CausticMap, noiseCoord) / 5);
|||| = lerp(, float3(0.15, 0.40, 0.40), 0.4);
return lerp(color, float4(0.15, 0.40, 0.40, 1), depth);
@ -1,121 +0,0 @@
void main_vp
in float4 iPos : POSITION
, in float2 iUv : TEXCOORD0
, out float4 oPos : POSITION
, out float3 oScreenCoords : TEXCOORD0
, out float2 oUv : TEXCOORD1
, out float oDepth : TEXCOORD2
, out float4 oEyeVector : TEXCOORD3
, uniform float4x4 wvpMat
, uniform float4 camPosObjSpace
oPos = mul(wvpMat, iPos);
oUv = iUv * 10; // uv scale
oDepth = oPos.z;
float4x4 scalemat = float4x4( 0.5, 0, 0, 0.5,
0, -0.5, 0, 0.5,
0, 0, 0.5, 0.5,
0, 0, 0, 1 );
float4 texcoordProj = mul(scalemat, oPos);
oScreenCoords = float3(texcoordProj.x, texcoordProj.y, texcoordProj.w);
oEyeVector = camPosObjSpace - iPos;
void main_fp
out float4 oColor : COLOR
, in float3 iScreenCoords : TEXCOORD0
, in float2 iUv : TEXCOORD1
, in float iDepth : TEXCOORD2
, in float4 iEyeVector : TEXCOORD3
, uniform float renderTargetFlipping
, uniform float4 lightPosObjSpace0
, uniform float4 lightSpecularColour0
, uniform sampler2D reflectionMap : register(s0)
, uniform sampler2D refractionMap : register(s1)
, uniform sampler2D depthMap : register(s2)
, uniform sampler2D normalMap : register(s3)
, uniform float time
, uniform float far
, uniform float4 fogParams
, uniform float4 fogColour
, uniform float isUnderwater
float2 screenCoords = iScreenCoords.xy / iScreenCoords.z;
screenCoords.y = (1-saturate(renderTargetFlipping))+renderTargetFlipping*screenCoords.y;
// No need for transparency since we are using a refraction map
oColor.a = 1;
// Sample screen-space depth map and subtract pixel depth to get the real water depth
float depthTex = tex2D(depthMap, screenCoords).r;
float depth1 = depthTex * far - iDepth;
depth1 = saturate(depth1 / 500.f);
// Simple wave effect. to be replaced by something better
float2 uv1 = iUv + time * float2(0.5, 0);
float2 uv2 = iUv + time * float2(0, 0.5);
float2 uv3 = iUv + time * float2(-0.5, 0);
float2 uv4 = iUv + time * float2(0, -0.5);
float4 normal = tex2D(normalMap, uv1) + tex2D(normalMap, uv2) + tex2D(normalMap, uv3) + tex2D(normalMap, uv4);
normal = normal / 4.f;
normal = 2*normal - 1;
float2 screenCoords_reflect = screenCoords + normal.yx * 0.05;
float2 screenCoords_refract = screenCoords + normal.yx * 0.05 * depth1;
// Sample depth again with the refracted coordinates
depthTex = tex2D(depthMap, screenCoords_refract).r;
float depth2 = (depthTex * far - iDepth) / 500.f;
depth2 = (depthTex == 0 ? 1 : depth2);
// if depth2 is less than 0, this means we would refract something which is above water,
// which we don't want to - so in that case, don't refract
if (depth2 < 0.25) // delta due to inaccuracies
screenCoords_refract = screenCoords;
depth2 = depth1;
depth2 = saturate(depth2);
float4 reflection = tex2D(reflectionMap, screenCoords_reflect);
float4 refraction = tex2D(refractionMap, screenCoords_refract);
// tangent to object space
|||| = normal.xzy;
|||| = normalize(;
// fresnel
float facing = 1.0 - max(abs(dot(,, 0);
float reflectionFactor = saturate(0.35 + 0.65 * pow(facing, 2));
// specular
float3 lightDir = normalize(; // assumes that light 0 is a directional light
float3 halfVector = normalize(iEyeVector + lightDir);
float specular = pow(max(dot(,, 0), 64);
float opacity = depth2 * saturate(reflectionFactor + specular);
opacity *= (1-isUnderwater);
|||| += * specular;
|||| = lerp(,, opacity);
|||| = lerp(, float3(0.15, 0.40, 0.40), isUnderwater*0.6); // underwater tint color
|||| = lerp(, float3(0.15, 0.40, 0.40), saturate(isUnderwater * (iDepth / 2000.f))); // underwater fog
// add fog
//float fogValue = saturate((iDepth - fogParams.y) * fogParams.w);
// = lerp(, fogColour, fogValue);
@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
compositor UnderwaterNoMRT
texture rt0 target_width target_height PF_R8G8B8
target rt0 { input previous }
// Start with clear output
input none
pass render_quad
material Water/CompositorNoMRT
input 0 rt0
compositor Underwater
texture_ref scene gbuffer mrt_output
texture rt0 target_width target_height PF_R8G8B8
target rt0 { input previous }
// Start with clear output
input none
pass render_quad
material Water/Compositor
input 0 rt0
Reference in New Issue