forked from mirror/openmw-tes3mp
Merge branch 'master' into physicsaedra2
Conflicts: apps/openmw/mwworld/player.cppactorid
@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
#include "cursorreplace.hpp"
#include <boost/filesystem.hpp>
#include <openengine/ogre/imagerotate.hpp>
#include <OgreResourceGroupManager.h>
#include <OgreRoot.h>
using namespace MWGui;
OEngine::Render::ImageRotate::rotate("textures\\", "mwpointer_vresize.png", 90);
OEngine::Render::ImageRotate::rotate("textures\\", "mwpointer_dresize1.png", -45);
OEngine::Render::ImageRotate::rotate("textures\\", "mwpointer_dresize2.png", 45);
@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
#include <string>
namespace MWGui
/// \brief MyGUI does not support rotating cursors, so we have to do it manually
class CursorReplace
@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
enum DrawState
DrawState_Weapon = 0,
DrawState_Spell = 1,
DrawState_Nothing = 2,
@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
#include "spells.hpp"
#include <components/esm/loadspel.hpp>
#include "../mwworld/environment.hpp"
#include "../mwworld/world.hpp"
#include "magiceffects.hpp"
namespace MWMechanics
void Spells::addSpell (const ESM::Spell *spell, MagicEffects& effects) const
for (std::vector<ESM::ENAMstruct>::const_iterator iter = spell->effects.list.begin();
iter!=spell->effects.list.end(); ++iter)
EffectParam param;
param.mMagnitude = iter->magnMax; /// \todo calculate magnitude
effects.add (EffectKey (*iter), param);
Spells::TIterator Spells::begin() const
return mSpells.begin();
Spells::TIterator Spells::end() const
return mSpells.end();
void Spells::add (const std::string& spellId)
if (std::find (mSpells.begin(), mSpells.end(), spellId)!=mSpells.end())
mSpells.push_back (spellId);
void Spells::remove (const std::string& spellId)
TContainer::iterator iter = std::find (mSpells.begin(), mSpells.end(), spellId);
if (iter!=mSpells.end())
mSpells.erase (iter);
if (spellId==mSelectedSpell)
MagicEffects Spells::getMagicEffects (const MWWorld::Environment& environment) const
MagicEffects effects;
for (TIterator iter = mSpells.begin(); iter!=mSpells.end(); ++iter)
const ESM::Spell *spell = environment.mWorld->getStore().spells.find (*iter);
if (spell->data.type==ESM::Spell::ST_Ability || spell->data.type==ESM::Spell::ST_Blight ||
spell->data.type==ESM::Spell::ST_Disease || spell->data.type==ESM::Spell::ST_Curse)
addSpell (spell, effects);
return effects;
void Spells::clear()
void Spells::setSelectedSpell (const std::string& spellId)
mSelectedSpell = spellId;
const std::string Spells::getSelectedSpell() const
return mSelectedSpell;
@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
#include <vector>
#include <string>
namespace ESM
struct Spell;
namespace MWWorld
struct Environment;
namespace MWMechanics
class MagicEffects;
/// \brief Spell list
/// This class manages known spells as well as abilities, powers and permanent negative effects like
/// diseaes.
class Spells
typedef std::vector<std::string> TContainer;
typedef TContainer::const_iterator TIterator;
std::vector<std::string> mSpells;
std::string mSelectedSpell;
void addSpell (const ESM::Spell *, MagicEffects& effects) const;
TIterator begin() const;
TIterator end() const;
void add (const std::string& spell);
///< Adding a spell that is already listed in *this is a no-op.
void remove (const std::string& spell);
///< If the spell to be removed is the selected spell, the selected spell will be changed to
/// no spell (empty string).
MagicEffects getMagicEffects (const MWWorld::Environment& environment) const;
///< Return sum of magic effects resulting from abilities, blights, deseases and curses.
void clear();
///< Remove all spells of al types.
void setSelectedSpell (const std::string& spellId);
///< This function does not verify, if the spell is available.
const std::string getSelectedSpell() const;
///< May return an empty string.
@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
#include <OgreRenderQueue.h>
namespace MWRender
// Render queue groups
enum RenderQueueGroups
// Sky early (atmosphere, clouds, moons)
RQG_Water = Ogre::RENDER_QUEUE_7+1,
RQG_UnderWater = Ogre::RENDER_QUEUE_7+1,
RQG_OcclusionQuery = Ogre::RENDER_QUEUE_8,
// Sky late (sun & sun flare)
// Visibility flags
enum VisibilityFlags
// Terrain
RV_Terrain = 1,
// Statics (e.g. trees, houses)
RV_Statics = 2,
// Small statics
RV_StaticsSmall = 4,
// Water
RV_Water = 8,
// Actors (player, npcs, creatures)
RV_Actors = 16,
// Misc objects (containers, dynamic objects)
RV_Misc = 32,
RV_Sky = 64,
// Sun glare (not visible in reflection)
RV_Glare = 128,
RV_Map = RV_Terrain + RV_Statics + RV_StaticsSmall + RV_Misc + RV_Water,
/// \todo markers (normally hidden)
@ -0,0 +1,308 @@
#include "shaderhelper.hpp"
#include "renderingmanager.hpp"
#include "shadows.hpp"
#include <OgreHighLevelGpuProgramManager.h>
#include <OgreHighLevelGpuProgram.h>
#include <OgreGpuProgramParams.h>
#include <components/settings/settings.hpp>
using namespace Ogre;
using namespace MWRender;
ShaderHelper::ShaderHelper(RenderingManager* rend)
mRendering = rend;
void ShaderHelper::applyShaders()
if (!Settings::Manager::getBool("shaders", "Objects")) return;
bool mrt = RenderingManager::useMRT();
bool shadows = Settings::Manager::getBool("enabled", "Shadows");
bool split = Settings::Manager::getBool("split", "Shadows");
// shader for normal rendering
createShader(mrt, shadows, split, "main");
// fallback shader without mrt and without shadows
// (useful for reflection and for minimap)
createShader(false, false, false, "main_fallback");
void ShaderHelper::createShader(const bool mrt, const bool shadows, const bool split, const std::string& name)
HighLevelGpuProgramManager& mgr = HighLevelGpuProgramManager::getSingleton();
const int numsplits = 3;
// the number of lights to support.
// when rendering an object, OGRE automatically picks the lights that are
// closest to the object being rendered. unfortunately this mechanism does
// not work perfectly for objects batched together (they will all use the same
// lights). to work around this, we are simply pushing the maximum number
// of lights here in order to minimize disappearing lights.
int num_lights = Settings::Manager::getInt("num lights", "Objects");
// vertex
HighLevelGpuProgramPtr vertex;
if (!mgr.getByName(name+"_vp").isNull())
vertex = mgr.createProgram(name+"_vp", ResourceGroupManager::DEFAULT_RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME,
vertex->setParameter("profiles", "vs_4_0 vs_2_x vp40 arbvp1");
vertex->setParameter("entry_point", "main_vp");
StringUtil::StrStreamType outStream;
outStream <<
"void main_vp( \n"
" float4 position : POSITION, \n"
" float4 normal : NORMAL, \n"
" float4 colour : COLOR, \n"
" in float2 uv : TEXCOORD0, \n"
" out float2 oUV : TEXCOORD0, \n"
" out float4 oPosition : POSITION, \n"
" out float4 oPositionObjSpace : TEXCOORD1, \n"
" out float4 oNormal : TEXCOORD2, \n"
" out float oDepth : TEXCOORD3, \n"
" out float4 oVertexColour : TEXCOORD4, \n";
if (shadows && !split) outStream <<
" out float4 oLightSpacePos0 : TEXCOORD5, \n"
" uniform float4x4 worldMatrix, \n"
" uniform float4x4 texViewProjMatrix0, \n";
for (int i=0; i<numsplits; ++i)
outStream <<
" out float4 oLightSpacePos"<<i<<" : TEXCOORD"<<i+5<<", \n"
" uniform float4x4 texViewProjMatrix"<<i<<", \n";
outStream <<
" uniform float4x4 worldMatrix, \n";
outStream <<
" uniform float4x4 worldViewProj \n"
") \n"
"{ \n"
" oVertexColour = colour; \n"
" oUV = uv; \n"
" oNormal = normal; \n"
" oPosition = mul( worldViewProj, position ); \n"
" oDepth = oPosition.z; \n"
" oPositionObjSpace = position; \n";
if (shadows && !split) outStream <<
" oLightSpacePos0 = mul(texViewProjMatrix0, mul(worldMatrix, position)); \n";
outStream <<
" float4 wPos = mul(worldMatrix, position); \n";
for (int i=0; i<numsplits; ++i)
outStream <<
" oLightSpacePos"<<i<<" = mul(texViewProjMatrix"<<i<<", wPos); \n";
outStream <<
vertex->getDefaultParameters()->setNamedAutoConstant("worldViewProj", GpuProgramParameters::ACT_WORLDVIEWPROJ_MATRIX);
if (shadows)
vertex->getDefaultParameters()->setNamedAutoConstant("worldMatrix", GpuProgramParameters::ACT_WORLD_MATRIX);
if (!split)
vertex->getDefaultParameters()->setNamedAutoConstant("texViewProjMatrix0", GpuProgramParameters::ACT_TEXTURE_VIEWPROJ_MATRIX, 0);
for (int i=0; i<numsplits; ++i)
vertex->getDefaultParameters()->setNamedAutoConstant("texViewProjMatrix"+StringConverter::toString(i), GpuProgramParameters::ACT_TEXTURE_VIEWPROJ_MATRIX, i);
// fragment
HighLevelGpuProgramPtr fragment;
if (!mgr.getByName(name+"_fp").isNull())
fragment = mgr.createProgram(name+"_fp", ResourceGroupManager::DEFAULT_RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME,
fragment->setParameter("profiles", "ps_4_0 ps_2_x fp40 arbfp1");
fragment->setParameter("entry_point", "main_fp");
StringUtil::StrStreamType outStream;
if (shadows) outStream <<
"float depthShadow(sampler2D shadowMap, float4 shadowMapPos, float2 offset) \n"
"{ \n"
" shadowMapPos /= shadowMapPos.w; \n"
" float3 o = float3(offset.xy, -offset.x) * 0.3f; \n"
" float c = (shadowMapPos.z <= tex2D(shadowMap, shadowMapPos.xy - o.xy).r) ? 1 : 0; // top left \n"
" c += (shadowMapPos.z <= tex2D(shadowMap, shadowMapPos.xy + o.xy).r) ? 1 : 0; // bottom right \n"
" c += (shadowMapPos.z <= tex2D(shadowMap, shadowMapPos.xy + o.zy).r) ? 1 : 0; // bottom left \n"
" c += (shadowMapPos.z <= tex2D(shadowMap, shadowMapPos.xy - o.zy).r) ? 1 : 0; // top right \n"
" return c / 4; \n"
"} \n";
outStream <<
"void main_fp( \n"
" in float2 uv : TEXCOORD0, \n"
" out float4 oColor : COLOR, \n"
" uniform sampler2D texture : register(s0), \n"
" float4 positionObjSpace : TEXCOORD1, \n"
" float4 normal : TEXCOORD2, \n"
" float iDepth : TEXCOORD3, \n"
" float4 vertexColour : TEXCOORD4, \n"
" uniform float4 fogColour, \n"
" uniform float4 fogParams, \n";
if (shadows) outStream <<
" uniform float4 shadowFar_fadeStart, \n";
if (shadows && !split) outStream <<
" uniform sampler2D shadowMap : register(s1), \n"
" float4 lightSpacePos0 : TEXCOORD5, \n"
" uniform float4 invShadowmapSize0, \n";
outStream <<
" uniform float4 pssmSplitPoints, \n";
for (int i=0; i<numsplits; ++i)
outStream <<
" uniform sampler2D shadowMap"<<i<<" : register(s"<<i+1<<"), \n"
" float4 lightSpacePos"<<i<<" : TEXCOORD"<<i+5<<", \n"
" uniform float4 invShadowmapSize"<<i<<", \n";
if (mrt) outStream <<
" out float4 oColor1 : COLOR1, \n"
" uniform float far, \n";
for (int i=0; i<num_lights; ++i)
outStream <<
" uniform float4 lightDiffuse"<<i<<", \n"
" uniform float4 lightPositionObjSpace"<<i<<", \n"
" uniform float4 lightAttenuation"<<i<<", \n";
outStream <<
" uniform float4 lightAmbient, \n"
" uniform float4 ambient, \n"
" uniform float4 diffuse, \n"
" uniform float4 emissive \n"
") \n"
"{ \n"
" float4 tex = tex2D(texture, uv); \n"
" float d; \n"
" float attn; \n"
" float3 lightDir; \n"
" float3 lightColour = float3(0, 0, 0); \n";
for (int i=0; i<num_lights; ++i)
outStream <<
" lightDir = lightPositionObjSpace"<<i<<".xyz - ( * lightPositionObjSpace"<<i<<".w); \n"
// pre-multiply light color with attenuation factor
" d = length( lightDir ); \n"
" attn = ( 1.0 / (( lightAttenuation"<<i<<".y ) + ( lightAttenuation"<<i<<".z * d ) + ( lightAttenuation"<<i<<".w * d * d ))); \n"
" lightDiffuse"<<i<<" *= attn; \n";
if (i == 0 && shadows)
outStream <<
" float shadow; \n";
if (!split) outStream <<
" shadow = depthShadow(shadowMap, lightSpacePos0, invShadowmapSize0.xy); \n";
for (int j=0; j<numsplits; ++j)
std::string channel;
if (j==0) channel = "x";
else if (j==1) channel = "y";
else if (j==2) channel = "z";
if (j==0)
outStream << " if (iDepth <= pssmSplitPoints." << channel << ") \n";
else if (j < numsplits - 1)
outStream << " else if (iDepth <= pssmSplitPoints." << channel << ") \n";
outStream << " else \n";
outStream <<
" { \n"
" shadow = depthShadow(shadowMap" << j << ", lightSpacePos" << j << ", invShadowmapSize" << j << ".xy); \n"
" } \n";
outStream <<
" float fadeRange = shadowFar_fadeStart.x - shadowFar_fadeStart.y; \n"
" float fade = 1-((iDepth - shadowFar_fadeStart.y) / fadeRange); \n"
" shadow = (iDepth > shadowFar_fadeStart.x) ? 1 : ((iDepth > shadowFar_fadeStart.y) ? 1-((1-shadow)*fade) : shadow); \n"
" += shadow * lit(dot(normalize(lightDir), normalize(normal)), 0, 0).y * lightDiffuse"<<i<<".xyz;\n";
else outStream <<
" += lit(dot(normalize(lightDir), normalize(normal)), 0, 0).y * lightDiffuse"<<i<<".xyz;\n";
outStream <<
" float3 lightingFinal = * * + * +; \n"
" float fogValue = saturate((iDepth - fogParams.y) * fogParams.w); \n"
" = lerp(lightingFinal *,, fogValue); \n"
" oColor.a = tex.a * diffuse.a * vertexColour.a; \n";
if (mrt) outStream <<
" oColor1 = float4(iDepth / far, 0, 0, (oColor.a == 1)); \n"; // only write to MRT if alpha is 1
outStream <<
for (int i=0; i<num_lights; ++i)
fragment->getDefaultParameters()->setNamedAutoConstant("lightPositionObjSpace"+StringConverter::toString(i), GpuProgramParameters::ACT_LIGHT_POSITION_OBJECT_SPACE, i);
fragment->getDefaultParameters()->setNamedAutoConstant("lightDiffuse"+StringConverter::toString(i), GpuProgramParameters::ACT_LIGHT_DIFFUSE_COLOUR, i);
fragment->getDefaultParameters()->setNamedAutoConstant("lightAttenuation"+StringConverter::toString(i), GpuProgramParameters::ACT_LIGHT_ATTENUATION, i);
fragment->getDefaultParameters()->setNamedAutoConstant("emissive", GpuProgramParameters::ACT_SURFACE_EMISSIVE_COLOUR);
fragment->getDefaultParameters()->setNamedAutoConstant("diffuse", GpuProgramParameters::ACT_SURFACE_DIFFUSE_COLOUR);
fragment->getDefaultParameters()->setNamedAutoConstant("ambient", GpuProgramParameters::ACT_SURFACE_AMBIENT_COLOUR);
fragment->getDefaultParameters()->setNamedAutoConstant("lightAmbient", GpuProgramParameters::ACT_AMBIENT_LIGHT_COLOUR);
fragment->getDefaultParameters()->setNamedAutoConstant("fogColour", GpuProgramParameters::ACT_FOG_COLOUR);
fragment->getDefaultParameters()->setNamedAutoConstant("fogParams", GpuProgramParameters::ACT_FOG_PARAMS);
if (shadows)
fragment->getDefaultParameters()->setNamedConstant("shadowFar_fadeStart", Vector4(mRendering->getShadows()->getShadowFar(), mRendering->getShadows()->getFadeStart()*mRendering->getShadows()->getShadowFar(), 0, 0));
for (int i=0; i < (split ? numsplits : 1); ++i)
fragment->getDefaultParameters()->setNamedAutoConstant("invShadowmapSize" + StringConverter::toString(i), GpuProgramParameters::ACT_INVERSE_TEXTURE_SIZE, i+1);
if (split)
Vector4 splitPoints;
const PSSMShadowCameraSetup::SplitPointList& splitPointList = mRendering->getShadows()->getPSSMSetup()->getSplitPoints();
// Populate from split point 1, not 0, since split 0 isn't useful (usually 0)
for (int i = 1; i < numsplits; ++i)
splitPoints[i-1] = splitPointList[i];
fragment->getDefaultParameters()->setNamedConstant("pssmSplitPoints", splitPoints);
if (mrt)
fragment->getDefaultParameters()->setNamedAutoConstant("far", GpuProgramParameters::ACT_FAR_CLIP_DISTANCE);
@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
#include <string>
namespace MWRender
class RenderingManager;
/// \brief manages the main shader
class ShaderHelper
ShaderHelper(RenderingManager* rend);
void applyShaders();
///< apply new settings
RenderingManager* mRendering;
void createShader(const bool mrt, const bool shadows, const bool split, const std::string& name);
@ -0,0 +1,173 @@
#include "shadows.hpp"
#include <components/settings/settings.hpp>
#include <openengine/ogre/renderer.hpp>
#include <OgreSceneManager.h>
#include <OgreColourValue.h>
#include <OgreShadowCameraSetupLiSPSM.h>
#include <OgreShadowCameraSetupPSSM.h>
#include <OgreHardwarePixelBuffer.h>
#include <OgreOverlayContainer.h>
#include <OgreOverlayManager.h>
#include "renderconst.hpp"
using namespace Ogre;
using namespace MWRender;
Shadows::Shadows(OEngine::Render::OgreRenderer* rend) :
mShadowFar(1000), mFadeStart(0.9)
mRendering = rend;
mSceneMgr = mRendering->getScene();
void Shadows::recreate()
bool enabled = Settings::Manager::getBool("enabled", "Shadows");
// Split shadow maps are currently disabled because the terrain cannot cope with them
// (Too many texture units) Solution would be a multi-pass terrain material
bool split = Settings::Manager::getBool("split", "Shadows");
//const bool split = false;
if (!enabled)
int texsize = Settings::Manager::getInt("texture size", "Shadows");
// no point light shadows, i'm afraid. might revisit this with Deferred Shading
mSceneMgr->setShadowTextureCountPerLightType(Light::LT_POINT, 0);
mSceneMgr->setShadowTextureCountPerLightType(Light::LT_DIRECTIONAL, split ? 3 : 1);
mSceneMgr->setShadowTextureCount(split ? 3 : 1);
mShadowFar = split ? Settings::Manager::getInt("split shadow distance", "Shadows") : Settings::Manager::getInt("shadow distance", "Shadows");
mFadeStart = Settings::Manager::getFloat("fade start", "Shadows");
ShadowCameraSetupPtr shadowCameraSetup;
if (split)
mPSSMSetup = new PSSMShadowCameraSetup();
mPSSMSetup->calculateSplitPoints(3, mRendering->getCamera()->getNearClipDistance(), mShadowFar);
const Real adjustFactors[3] = {64, 64, 64};
for (int i=0; i < 3; ++i)
mPSSMSetup->setOptimalAdjustFactor(i, adjustFactors[i]);
/*if (i==0)
mSceneMgr->setShadowTextureConfig(i, texsize, texsize, Ogre::PF_FLOAT32_R);
else if (i ==1)
mSceneMgr->setShadowTextureConfig(i, texsize/2, texsize/2, Ogre::PF_FLOAT32_R);
else if (i ==2)
mSceneMgr->setShadowTextureConfig(i, texsize/4, texsize/4, Ogre::PF_FLOAT32_R);*/
shadowCameraSetup = ShadowCameraSetupPtr(mPSSMSetup);
LiSPSMShadowCameraSetup* lispsmSetup = new LiSPSMShadowCameraSetup();
shadowCameraSetup = ShadowCameraSetupPtr(lispsmSetup);
// Set visibility mask for the shadow render textures
int visibilityMask = RV_Actors * Settings::Manager::getBool("actor shadows", "Shadows")
+ (RV_Statics + RV_StaticsSmall) * Settings::Manager::getBool("statics shadows", "Shadows")
+ RV_Misc * Settings::Manager::getBool("misc shadows", "Shadows");
for (int i = 0; i < (split ? 3 : 1); ++i)
TexturePtr shadowTexture = mSceneMgr->getShadowTexture(i);
Viewport* vp = shadowTexture->getBuffer()->getRenderTarget()->getViewport(0);
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// --------------------------- Debug overlays to display the content of shadow maps -----------------------------------
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
OverlayManager& mgr = OverlayManager::getSingleton();
Overlay* overlay;
// destroy if already exists
if (overlay = mgr.getByName("DebugOverlay"))
overlay = mgr.create("DebugOverlay");
for (size_t i = 0; i < (split ? 3 : 1); ++i) {
TexturePtr tex = mRendering->getScene()->getShadowTexture(i);
// Set up a debug panel to display the shadow
if (MaterialManager::getSingleton().resourceExists("Ogre/DebugTexture" + StringConverter::toString(i)))
MaterialManager::getSingleton().remove("Ogre/DebugTexture" + StringConverter::toString(i));
MaterialPtr debugMat = MaterialManager::getSingleton().create(
"Ogre/DebugTexture" + StringConverter::toString(i),
TextureUnitState *t = debugMat->getTechnique(0)->getPass(0)->createTextureUnitState(tex->getName());
OverlayContainer* debugPanel;
// destroy container if exists
if (debugPanel =
mgr.getOverlayElement("Ogre/DebugTexPanel" + StringConverter::toString(i)
catch (Ogre::Exception&) {}
debugPanel = (OverlayContainer*)
(OverlayManager::getSingleton().createOverlayElement("Panel", "Ogre/DebugTexPanel" + StringConverter::toString(i)));
debugPanel->_setPosition(0.8, i*0.25);
debugPanel->_setDimensions(0.2, 0.24);
PSSMShadowCameraSetup* Shadows::getPSSMSetup()
return mPSSMSetup;
float Shadows::getShadowFar() const
return mShadowFar;
float Shadows::getFadeStart() const
return mFadeStart;
@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
// forward declares
namespace Ogre
class SceneManager;
class PSSMShadowCameraSetup;
namespace OEngine{
namespace Render{
class OgreRenderer;
namespace MWRender
class Shadows
Shadows(OEngine::Render::OgreRenderer* rend);
void recreate();
Ogre::PSSMShadowCameraSetup* getPSSMSetup();
float getShadowFar() const;
float getFadeStart() const;
OEngine::Render::OgreRenderer* mRendering;
Ogre::SceneManager* mSceneMgr;
Ogre::PSSMShadowCameraSetup* mPSSMSetup;
float mShadowFar;
float mFadeStart;
@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
#include "nifoverrides.hpp"
#include <OgreStringConverter.h>
#include <boost/algorithm/string.hpp>
using namespace NifOverrides;
Ogre::ConfigFile Overrides::mTransparencyOverrides = Ogre::ConfigFile();
void Overrides::loadTransparencyOverrides (const std::string& file)
TransparencyResult Overrides::getTransparencyOverride(const std::string& texture)
TransparencyResult result;
result.first = false;
std::string tex = texture;
Ogre::ConfigFile::SectionIterator seci = mTransparencyOverrides.getSectionIterator();
while (seci.hasMoreElements())
Ogre::String sectionName = seci.peekNextKey();
if (sectionName == tex)
result.first = true;
result.second = Ogre::StringConverter::parseInt(mTransparencyOverrides.getSetting("alphaRejectValue", sectionName));
return result;
@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
#include <OgreConfigFile.h>
namespace NifOverrides
typedef std::pair<bool, int> TransparencyResult;
/// \brief provide overrides for some model / texture properties that bethesda has chosen poorly
class Overrides
static Ogre::ConfigFile mTransparencyOverrides;
void loadTransparencyOverrides (const std::string& file);
static TransparencyResult getTransparencyOverride(const std::string& texture);
@ -1,13 +1,16 @@
configure_file(${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/water/caustic_0.png "${OpenMW_BINARY_DIR}/resources/water/caustic_0.png" COPYONLY)
configure_file(${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/water/ "${OpenMW_BINARY_DIR}/resources/water/" COPYONLY)
configure_file(${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/water/Example_FresnelPS.asm "${OpenMW_BINARY_DIR}/resources/water/Example_FresnelPS.asm" COPYONLY)
configure_file(${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/water/ "${OpenMW_BINARY_DIR}/resources/water/" COPYONLY)
configure_file(${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/water/ "${OpenMW_BINARY_DIR}/resources/water/" COPYONLY)
configure_file(${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/water/ "${OpenMW_BINARY_DIR}/resources/water/" COPYONLY)
configure_file(${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/water/ "${OpenMW_BINARY_DIR}/resources/water/" COPYONLY)
configure_file(${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/water/Water02.jpg "${OpenMW_BINARY_DIR}/resources/water/Water02.jpg" COPYONLY)
configure_file(${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/water/water.compositor "${OpenMW_BINARY_DIR}/resources/water/water.compositor" COPYONLY)
configure_file(${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/water/ "${OpenMW_BINARY_DIR}/resources/water/" COPYONLY)
configure_file(${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/water/Examples-Water.material "${OpenMW_BINARY_DIR}/resources/water/Examples-Water.material" COPYONLY)
configure_file(${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/water/WaterNormal1.tga "${OpenMW_BINARY_DIR}/resources/water/WaterNormal1.tga" COPYONLY)
configure_file(${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/water/water.material "${OpenMW_BINARY_DIR}/resources/water/water.material" COPYONLY)
configure_file(${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/water/WaterNormal2.tga "${OpenMW_BINARY_DIR}/resources/water/WaterNormal2.tga" COPYONLY)
configure_file(${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/water/ "${OpenMW_BINARY_DIR}/resources/water/" COPYONLY)
configure_file(${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/gbuffer/ "${OpenMW_BINARY_DIR}/resources/gbuffer/" COPYONLY)
configure_file(${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/gbuffer/gbuffer.material "${OpenMW_BINARY_DIR}/resources/gbuffer/gbuffer.material" COPYONLY)
configure_file(${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/gbuffer/gbuffer.compositor "${OpenMW_BINARY_DIR}/resources/gbuffer/gbuffer.compositor" COPYONLY)
configure_file(${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/shadows/depthshadowcaster.material "${OpenMW_BINARY_DIR}/resources/shadows/depthshadowcaster.material" COPYONLY)
configure_file(${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/shadows/ "${OpenMW_BINARY_DIR}/resources/shadows/" COPYONLY)
@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
void RenderScene_vs(in float4 position : POSITION
,in float2 uv :TEXCOORD0
,uniform float4x4 wvp
,out float4 oPosition : POSITION
,out float2 oUV :TEXCOORD0)
oPosition = mul(wvp, position);
oUV = uv;
void RenderScene_ps(in float4 position : POSITION
,in float2 uv :TEXCOORD0
,uniform sampler2D tex1 : TEXUNIT0
,out float4 oColor : COLOR)
float4 scene =tex2D(tex1, uv);
oColor= scene;
@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
// Compositor that just controls output to the MRT textures
compositor gbuffer
// MRT output. Currently this is a color texture plus a depth texture
texture mrt_output target_width target_height PF_FLOAT16_RGBA PF_FLOAT16_RGBA chain_scope depth_pool 2
target mrt_output
input none
pass clear
// make sure to set this to the viewport background color from outside
colour_value 0 0 0 1
pass render_scene
// Renders everything except water
first_render_queue 0
last_render_queue 70
input none
pass render_quad
material RenderScene
input 0 mrt_output 0
// Finalizer compositor to render objects that we don't want in the MRT textures (ex. water)
// NB the water has to be rendered in a seperate compositor anyway, because it
// accesses the MRT textures which can't be done while they are still being rendered to.
compositor gbufferFinalizer
texture no_mrt_output target_width target_height PF_R8G8B8A8 depth_pool 2 no_fsaa
texture previousscene target_width target_height PF_R8G8B8A8
target previousscene
input previous
target no_mrt_output
input none
shadows off
pass clear
buffers colour
colour_value 0 0 0 0
pass render_quad
material RenderSceneNoDepth
input 0 previousscene
pass render_scene
first_render_queue 71
last_render_queue 100
input none
pass clear
pass render_quad
material RenderSceneNoDepth
input 0 no_mrt_output
@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
vertex_program RenderGBuffer_vs cg
profiles vs_4_0 vs_1_1 arbvp1
entry_point RenderScene_vs
param_named_auto wvp worldviewproj_matrix
fragment_program RenderGBuffer_ps cg
entry_point RenderScene_ps
profiles ps_4_0 ps_2_x arbfp1
material RenderScene
vertex_program_ref RenderGBuffer_vs
fragment_program_ref RenderGBuffer_ps
texture_unit tex1
material RenderSceneNoDepth
depth_write off
vertex_program_ref RenderGBuffer_vs
fragment_program_ref RenderGBuffer_ps
texture_unit tex1
Binary file not shown.
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 4.7 KiB |
@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<MyGUI type="Resource" version="1.1">
<Resource type="ResourceSkin" name="Skin name 0" size="32 32" texture="">
<BasisSkin type="SubSkin" offset="0 0 32 32" align="Stretch">
<State name="normal" offset="0 0 32 32"/>
@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
void main_vp(
float4 position : POSITION,
float2 uv : TEXCOORD0,
out float4 oPosition : POSITION,
out float2 oDepth : TEXCOORD0,
out float2 oUv : TEXCOORD1,
uniform float4x4 wvpMat)
// this is the view space position
oPosition = mul(wvpMat, position);
// depth info for the fragment.
oDepth.x = oPosition.z;
oDepth.y = oPosition.w;
// clamp z to zero. seem to do the trick. :-/
oPosition.z = max(oPosition.z, 0);
oUv = uv;
void main_fp(
float2 depth : TEXCOORD0,
float2 uv : TEXCOORD1,
uniform sampler2D texture1 : register(s0),
out float4 oColour : COLOR)
float finalDepth = depth.x / depth.y;
// use alpha channel of the first texture
float alpha = tex2D(texture1, uv).a;
// discard if alpha is less than 0.5
clip((alpha >= 0.5) ? 1 : -1);
oColour = float4(finalDepth, finalDepth, finalDepth, 1);
void main_fp_noalpha(
float2 depth : TEXCOORD0,
float2 uv : TEXCOORD1,
out float4 oColour : COLOR)
float finalDepth = depth.x / depth.y;
oColour = float4(finalDepth, finalDepth, finalDepth, 1);
@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
vertex_program depth_shadow_caster_vs cg
profiles vs_1_1 arbvp1
entry_point main_vp
param_named_auto wvpMat worldviewproj_matrix
fragment_program depth_shadow_caster_ps cg
profiles ps_2_0 arbfp1
entry_point main_fp
fragment_program depth_shadow_caster_ps_noalpha cg
profiles ps_2_0 arbfp1
entry_point main_fp_noalpha
material depth_shadow_caster
vertex_program_ref depth_shadow_caster_vs
fragment_program_ref depth_shadow_caster_ps
material depth_shadow_caster_noalpha
vertex_program_ref depth_shadow_caster_vs
fragment_program_ref depth_shadow_caster_ps_noalpha
@ -0,0 +1,574 @@
# Bethesda has used wrong transparency settings for many textures
# (who would have guessed)
# This is very unfortunate because objects with real transparency:
# - cannot cast shadows
# - cannot receive advanced framebuffer effects like depth of field or ambient occlusion
# - cannot cover lens flare effects (the lens flare will just shine through)
# This file lists textures that should be using alpha rejection instead of transparency
# basically these are textures that are not translucent (i.e. at one spot on the texture, either transparent or opaque)
# Note: all the texture names here have to be lowercase
# fauna
alphaRejectValue = 128
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# banners and flags
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# characters
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# misc items
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# building materials
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@ -1,116 +0,0 @@
// Vertex program for fresnel reflections / refractions
void main_vp(
float4 pos : POSITION,
float4 normal : NORMAL,
float2 tex : TEXCOORD0,
out float4 oPos : POSITION,
out float3 noiseCoord : TEXCOORD0,
out float4 projectionCoord : TEXCOORD1,
out float3 oEyeDir : TEXCOORD2,
out float3 oNormal : TEXCOORD3,
uniform float4x4 worldViewProjMatrix,
uniform float3 eyePosition, // object space
uniform float timeVal,
uniform float scale, // the amount to scale the noise texture by
uniform float scroll, // the amount by which to scroll the noise
uniform float noise // the noise perturb as a factor of the time
oPos = mul(worldViewProjMatrix, pos);
// Projective texture coordinates, adjust for mapping
float4x4 scalemat = float4x4(0.5, 0, 0, 0.5,
0,-0.5, 0, 0.5,
0, 0, 0.5, 0.5,
0, 0, 0, 1);
projectionCoord = mul(scalemat, oPos);
// Noise map coords
noiseCoord.xy = (tex + (timeVal * scroll)) * scale;
noiseCoord.z = noise * timeVal;
oEyeDir = normalize( - eyePosition);
oNormal = normal.rgb;
// Fragment program for distorting a texture using a 3D noise texture
void main_fp(
float3 noiseCoord : TEXCOORD0,
float4 projectionCoord : TEXCOORD1,
float3 eyeDir : TEXCOORD2,
float3 normal : TEXCOORD3,
out float4 col : COLOR,
uniform float4 tintColour,
uniform float noiseScale,
uniform float fresnelBias,
uniform float fresnelScale,
uniform float fresnelPower,
uniform sampler2D waterTex : register(s0),
uniform sampler2D noiseMap : register(s1),
uniform sampler2D reflectMap : register(s2),
uniform sampler2D refractMap : register(s3)
// Do the tex projection manually so we can distort _after_
float2 final = projectionCoord.xy / projectionCoord.w;
// Noise
float3 noiseNormal = (tex2D(noiseMap, (noiseCoord.xy / 5)).rgb - 0.5).rbg * noiseScale;
final += noiseNormal.xz;
// Fresnel
//normal = normalize(normal + noiseNormal.xz);
float fresnel = fresnelBias + fresnelScale * pow(1 + dot(eyeDir, normal), fresnelPower);
// Reflection / refraction
float4 reflectionColour = tex2D(reflectMap, final);
float4 refractionColour = tex2D(refractMap, final) + tintColour;
// Final colour
col = lerp(refractionColour, reflectionColour, fresnel) * tex2D(waterTex, noiseNormal) / 3 ;
// Old version to match ATI PS 1.3 implementation
void main_vp_old(
float4 pos : POSITION,
float4 normal : NORMAL,
float2 tex : TEXCOORD0,
out float4 oPos : POSITION,
out float fresnel : COLOR,
out float3 noiseCoord : TEXCOORD0,
out float4 projectionCoord : TEXCOORD1,
uniform float4x4 worldViewProjMatrix,
uniform float3 eyePosition, // object space
uniform float fresnelBias,
uniform float fresnelScale,
uniform float fresnelPower,
uniform float timeVal,
uniform float scale, // the amount to scale the noise texture by
uniform float scroll, // the amount by which to scroll the noise
uniform float noise // the noise perturb as a factor of the time
oPos = mul(worldViewProjMatrix, pos);
// Projective texture coordinates, adjust for mapping
float4x4 scalemat = float4x4(0.5, 0, 0, 0.5,
0,-0.5, 0, 0.5,
0, 0, 0.5, 0.5,
0, 0, 0, 1);
projectionCoord = mul(scalemat, oPos);
// Noise map coords
noiseCoord.xy = (tex + (timeVal * scroll)) * scale;
noiseCoord.z = noise * timeVal;
// calc fresnel factor (reflection coefficient)
float3 eyeDir = normalize( - eyePosition);
fresnel = fresnelBias + fresnelScale * pow(1 + dot(eyeDir, normal), fresnelPower);
@ -1,72 +0,0 @@
// conversion from Cg generated ARB_fragment_program to ps.1.4 by NFZ
// command line args: -profile arbfp1 -entry main_fp
// program main_fp
// c0 : distortionRange
// c1 : tintColour
// testure 0 : noiseMap
// texture 1 : reflectMap
// texture 2 : refractMap
// v0.x : fresnel
// : noiseCoord
// t1.xyw : projectionCoord
def c2, 2, 1, 0, 0
// Cg: distort.x = tex3D(noiseMap, noiseCoord).x;
// arbfp1: TEX R0.x, fragment.texcoord[0], texture[0], 3D;
// sample noise map using noiseCoord in TEX unit 0
texld r0,
// get projected texture coordinates from TEX coord 1
// will be used in phase 2
texcrd r1.xy, t1_dw.xyw
mov r1.z, c2.y
// Cg: distort.y = tex3D(noiseMap, noiseCoord + yoffset).x;
// arbfp1: ADD, fragment.texcoord[0], c1;
// arbfp1: TEX R1.x, R1, texture[0], 3D;
// arbfp1: MOV R0.y, R1.x;
// Cg: distort = (distort * 2 - 1) * distortionRange;
// arbfp1: MAD R0.xy, R0, c0.x, -c0.y;
// arbfp1: MUL R0.xy, R0, u0.x;
// (distort * 2 - 1) same as 2*(distort -.5) so use _bx2
// Cg: final = projectionCoord.xy / projectionCoord.w;
// Cg: final += distort;
// arbfp1: RCP R0.w, fragment.texcoord[1].w;
// arbfp1: MAD R0.xy, fragment.texcoord[1], R0.w, R0;
// final = (distort * projectionCoord.w) + projectionCoord.xy
// for ps.1.4 have to re-arrange things a bit to perturb projected texture coordinates
mad, r0_bx2, c0.x, r1
// do dependant texture reads
// Cg: reflectionColour = tex2D(reflectMap, final);
// arbfp1: TEX R0, R0, texture[1], 2D;
// sampe reflectMap using dependant read : texunit 1
texld r1,
// Cg: refractionColour = tex2D(refractMap, final) + tintColour;
// arbfp1: TEX R1, R0, texture[2], 2D;
// sample refractMap : texunit 2
texld r2,
// adding tintColour that is in global c1
// arbfp1: ADD R1, R1, u1;
add r2, r2, c1
// Cg: col = lerp(refractionColour, reflectionColour, fresnel);
// arbfp1: ADD R0, R0, -R1;
// arbfp1: MAD result.color, fragment.color.primary.x, R0, R1;
lrp r0, v0.x, r1, r2
@ -1,149 +0,0 @@
vertex_program Water/GlassVP cg
entry_point glass_vp
profiles vs_1_1 arbvp1
param_named_auto worldViewProj worldviewproj_matrix
fragment_program Water/GlassFP cg
entry_point main_ps
profiles ps_2_0 arbfp1
material Water/Compositor
depth_check off
vertex_program_ref Water/GlassVP
param_named_auto timeVal time 0.25
param_named scale float 0.1
fragment_program_ref Water/GlassFP
param_named tintColour float4 0 0.35 0.35 1
texture_unit RT
tex_coord_set 0
tex_address_mode clamp
filtering linear linear linear
texture WaterNormal1.tga 2d
tex_coord_set 1
//tex_address_mode clamp
filtering linear linear linear
texture caustic_0.png 2d
tex_coord_set 2
//tex_address_mode clamp
filtering linear linear linear
vertex_program Water/RefractReflectVP cg
entry_point main_vp
profiles vs_1_1 arbvp1
vertex_program Water/RefractReflectVPold cg
entry_point main_vp_old
profiles vs_1_1 arbvp1
fragment_program Water/RefractReflectFP cg
entry_point main_fp
// sorry, ps_1_1 and fp20 can't do this
profiles ps_2_0 arbfp1
fragment_program Water/RefractReflectPS asm
source Example_FresnelPS.asm
// sorry, only for ps_1_4 :)
syntax ps_1_4
material Examples/Water0
depth_write off
vertex_program_ref Water/RefractReflectVP
param_named_auto worldViewProjMatrix worldviewproj_matrix
param_named_auto eyePosition camera_position_object_space
param_named_auto timeVal time 0.15
param_named scroll float 1
param_named scale float 1
param_named noise float 1
// scroll and noisePos will need updating per frame
fragment_program_ref Water/RefractReflectFP
param_named fresnelBias float -0.1
param_named fresnelScale float 0.8
param_named fresnelPower float 20
param_named tintColour float4 1 1 1 1
param_named noiseScale float 0.05
// Water
scene_blend alpha_blend
// Water texture
texture Water02.jpg
// min / mag filtering, no mip
filtering linear linear none
alpha_op_ex source1 src_manual src_current 0.9
// Noise
alpha_op_ex source1 src_manual src_current 0.9
// Perlin noise volume
// min / mag filtering, no mip
filtering linear linear none
@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
sampler RT : register(s0);
sampler NormalMap : register(s1);
sampler CausticMap : register(s2);
float4 main_ps(float2 iTexCoord : TEXCOORD0,
float3 noiseCoord : TEXCOORD1,
uniform float4 tintColour) : COLOR
float4 normal = tex2D(NormalMap, noiseCoord);
return tex2D(RT, iTexCoord + normal.xy * 0.05) +
(tex2D(CausticMap, noiseCoord) / 5) +
tintColour ;
@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
void glass_vp
in float4 inPos : POSITION,
out float4 pos : POSITION,
out float2 uv0 : TEXCOORD0,
out float4 noiseCoord : TEXCOORD1,
uniform float4x4 worldViewProj,
uniform float timeVal,
uniform float scale
// Use standardise transform, so work accord with render system specific (RS depth, requires texture flipping, etc)
pos = mul(worldViewProj, inPos);
// The input positions adjusted by texel offsets, so clean up inaccuracies
inPos.xy = sign(inPos.xy);
// Convert to image-space
uv0 = (float2(inPos.x, -inPos.y) + 1.0f) * 0.5f;
noiseCoord = (pos + timeVal) * scale;
Binary file not shown.
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 182 KiB |
Binary file not shown.
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 192 KiB |
Binary file not shown.
After Width: | Height: | Size: 192 KiB |
@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
void main_vp
in float4 inPos : POSITION,
out float4 pos : POSITION,
out float2 uv0 : TEXCOORD0,
out float4 noiseCoord : TEXCOORD1,
uniform float4x4 worldViewProj,
uniform float timeVal,
uniform float scale
// Use standardise transform, so work accord with render system specific (RS depth, requires texture flipping, etc)
pos = mul(worldViewProj, inPos);
// The input positions adjusted by texel offsets, so clean up inaccuracies
inPos.xy = sign(inPos.xy);
// Convert to image-space
uv0 = (float2(inPos.x, -inPos.y) + 1.0f) * 0.5f;
noiseCoord = (pos + timeVal) * scale;
float4 main_fp_nomrt (float2 iTexCoord : TEXCOORD0,
float3 noiseCoord : TEXCOORD1,
uniform sampler2D RT : register(s0),
uniform sampler2D NormalMap : register(s1),
uniform sampler2D CausticMap : register(s2),
uniform float4 tintColour) : COLOR
float4 normal = tex2D(NormalMap, noiseCoord) * 2 - 1;
return tex2D(RT, iTexCoord + normal.xy * 0.015) +
(tex2D(CausticMap, noiseCoord) / 5) +
tintColour ;
float4 main_fp (float2 iTexCoord : TEXCOORD0,
float3 noiseCoord : TEXCOORD1,
uniform float far,
uniform sampler2D RT : register(s0),
uniform sampler2D NormalMap : register(s1),
uniform sampler2D CausticMap : register(s2),
uniform sampler2D DepthMap : register(s3),
uniform float4 tintColour) : COLOR
float4 normal = tex2D(NormalMap, noiseCoord) * 2 - 1;
float depth = tex2D(DepthMap, iTexCoord + normal.xy * 0.015).r * far;
depth = saturate(depth / 2000.f);
float4 color = tex2D(RT, iTexCoord + normal.xy * 0.015) +
(tex2D(CausticMap, noiseCoord) / 5) +
return lerp(color, float4(0, 0.65, 0.65, 1), depth);
@ -0,0 +1,121 @@
void main_vp
in float4 iPos : POSITION
, in float2 iUv : TEXCOORD0
, out float4 oPos : POSITION
, out float3 oScreenCoords : TEXCOORD0
, out float2 oUv : TEXCOORD1
, out float oDepth : TEXCOORD2
, out float4 oEyeVector : TEXCOORD3
, uniform float4x4 wvpMat
, uniform float4 camPosObjSpace
oPos = mul(wvpMat, iPos);
oUv = iUv * 10; // uv scale
oDepth = oPos.z;
float4x4 scalemat = float4x4( 0.5, 0, 0, 0.5,
0, -0.5, 0, 0.5,
0, 0, 0.5, 0.5,
0, 0, 0, 1 );
float4 texcoordProj = mul(scalemat, oPos);
oScreenCoords = float3(texcoordProj.x, texcoordProj.y, texcoordProj.w);
oEyeVector = camPosObjSpace - iPos;
void main_fp
out float4 oColor : COLOR
, in float3 iScreenCoords : TEXCOORD0
, in float2 iUv : TEXCOORD1
, in float iDepth : TEXCOORD2
, in float4 iEyeVector : TEXCOORD3
, uniform float renderTargetFlipping
, uniform float4 lightPosObjSpace0
, uniform float4 lightSpecularColour0
, uniform sampler2D reflectionMap : register(s0)
, uniform sampler2D refractionMap : register(s1)
, uniform sampler2D depthMap : register(s2)
, uniform sampler2D normalMap : register(s3)
, uniform float time
, uniform float far
, uniform float4 fogParams
, uniform float4 fogColour
, uniform float isUnderwater
float2 screenCoords = iScreenCoords.xy / iScreenCoords.z;
screenCoords.y = (1-saturate(renderTargetFlipping))+renderTargetFlipping*screenCoords.y;
// No need for transparency since we are using a refraction map
oColor.a = 1;
// Sample screen-space depth map and subtract pixel depth to get the real water depth
float depthTex = tex2D(depthMap, screenCoords).r;
float depth1 = depthTex * far - iDepth;
depth1 = saturate(depth1 / 500.f);
// Simple wave effect. to be replaced by something better
float2 uv1 = iUv + time * float2(0.5, 0);
float2 uv2 = iUv + time * float2(0, 0.5);
float2 uv3 = iUv + time * float2(-0.5, 0);
float2 uv4 = iUv + time * float2(0, -0.5);
float4 normal = tex2D(normalMap, uv1) + tex2D(normalMap, uv2) + tex2D(normalMap, uv3) + tex2D(normalMap, uv4);
normal = normal / 4.f;
normal = 2*normal - 1;
float2 screenCoords_reflect = screenCoords + normal.yx * 0.05;
float2 screenCoords_refract = screenCoords + normal.yx * 0.05 * depth1;
// Sample depth again with the refracted coordinates
depthTex = tex2D(depthMap, screenCoords_refract).r;
float depth2 = (depthTex * far - iDepth) / 500.f;
depth2 = (depthTex == 0 ? 1 : depth2);
// if depth2 is less than 0, this means we would refract something which is above water,
// which we don't want to - so in that case, don't refract
if (depth2 < 0.25) // delta due to inaccuracies
screenCoords_refract = screenCoords;
depth2 = depth1;
depth2 = saturate(depth2);
float4 reflection = tex2D(reflectionMap, screenCoords_reflect);
float4 refraction = tex2D(refractionMap, screenCoords_refract);
// tangent to object space
|||| = normal.xzy;
|||| = normalize(;
// fresnel
float facing = 1.0 - max(abs(dot(,, 0);
float reflectionFactor = saturate(0.35 + 0.65 * pow(facing, 2));
// specular
float3 lightDir = normalize(; // assumes that light 0 is a directional light
float3 halfVector = normalize(iEyeVector + lightDir);
float specular = pow(max(dot(,, 0), 64);
float opacity = depth2 * saturate(reflectionFactor + specular);
opacity *= (1-isUnderwater);
|||| += * specular;
|||| = lerp(,, opacity);
|||| += isUnderwater * float3(0, 0.35, 0.35); // underwater tint color
|||| = lerp(, float3(0, 0.65, 0.65), saturate(isUnderwater * (iDepth / 2000.f))); // underwater fog
// add fog
//float fogValue = saturate((iDepth - fogParams.y) * fogParams.w);
// = lerp(, fogColour, fogValue);
@ -0,0 +1,198 @@
vertex_program UnderwaterEffectVP cg
entry_point main_vp
profiles vs_1_1 arbvp1
param_named_auto worldViewProj worldviewproj_matrix
fragment_program UnderwaterEffectFP_NoMRT cg
entry_point main_fp_nomrt
profiles ps_2_0 arbfp1
fragment_program UnderwaterEffectFP cg
entry_point main_fp
profiles ps_2_0 arbfp1
vertex_program Water_VP cg
entry_point main_vp
profiles vs_2_x arbvp1
param_named_auto wvpMat worldviewproj_matrix
fragment_program Water_FP cg
entry_point main_fp
profiles ps_2_x arbfp1
material Water
cull_hardware none
vertex_program_ref Water_VP
param_named_auto camPosObjSpace camera_position_object_space
fragment_program_ref Water_FP
param_named_auto time time 0.1
//param_named_auto fogColour fog_colour
//param_named_auto fogParams fog_params
param_named_auto renderTargetFlipping render_target_flipping
param_named_auto far far_clip_distance
param_named_auto lightPosObjSpace0 light_position_object_space 0
param_named_auto lightSpecularColour0 light_specular_colour 0
param_named isUnderwater float 0
texture_unit reflectionMap
texture WaterReflection
tex_address_mode clamp
texture_unit refractionMap
tex_address_mode clamp
texture_unit depthMap
tex_address_mode clamp
texture_unit normalMap
texture WaterNormal2.tga
scheme Fallback
cull_hardware none
scene_blend alpha_blend
depth_write off
diffuse 0 0 0 1
emissive 0.6 0.7 1.0
ambient 0 0 0
// texture names set via code
scale 0.1 0.1
alpha_op_ex source1 src_manual src_current 0.7
material Water/CompositorNoMRT
depth_check off
vertex_program_ref UnderwaterEffectVP
param_named_auto timeVal time 0.25
param_named scale float 0.1
fragment_program_ref UnderwaterEffectFP_NoMRT
param_named tintColour float4 0 0.35 0.35 1
texture_unit RT
tex_coord_set 0
tex_address_mode clamp
filtering linear linear linear
texture WaterNormal2.tga 2d
tex_coord_set 1
//tex_address_mode clamp
filtering linear linear linear
texture caustic_0.png 2d
tex_coord_set 2
//tex_address_mode clamp
filtering linear linear linear
material Water/Compositor
depth_check off
vertex_program_ref UnderwaterEffectVP
param_named_auto timeVal time 0.25
param_named scale float 0.1
fragment_program_ref UnderwaterEffectFP
param_named tintColour float4 0 0.35 0.35 1
param_named_auto far far_clip_distance
texture_unit RT
tex_coord_set 0
tex_address_mode clamp
texture WaterNormal2.tga 2d
tex_coord_set 2
texture caustic_0.png 2d
tex_coord_set 3
texture_unit DepthMap
Binary file not shown.
@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
#include "imagerotate.hpp"
#include <OgreRoot.h>
#include <OgreSceneManager.h>
#include <OgreImage.h>
#include <OgreTexture.h>
#include <OgreRenderTarget.h>
#include <OgreCamera.h>
#include <OgreTextureUnitState.h>
#include <OgreHardwarePixelBuffer.h>
using namespace Ogre;
using namespace OEngine::Render;
void ImageRotate::rotate(const std::string& sourceImage, const std::string& destImage, const float angle)
Root* root = Ogre::Root::getSingletonPtr();
SceneManager* sceneMgr = root->createSceneManager(ST_GENERIC);
Camera* camera = sceneMgr->createCamera("ImageRotateCamera");
MaterialPtr material = MaterialManager::getSingleton().create("ImageRotateMaterial", ResourceGroupManager::DEFAULT_RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME);
TextureUnitState* tus = material->getTechnique(0)->getPass(0)->createTextureUnitState(sourceImage);
Degree deg(angle);
tus->setTextureBorderColour(ColourValue(0, 0, 0, 0));
Rectangle2D* rect = new Rectangle2D(true);
rect->setCorners(-1.0, 1.0, 1.0, -1.0);
// Render the background before everything else
// Use infinite AAB to always stay visible
AxisAlignedBox aabInf;
// Attach background to the scene
SceneNode* node = sceneMgr->getRootSceneNode()->createChildSceneNode();
// retrieve image width and height
TexturePtr sourceTexture = TextureManager::getSingleton().getByName(sourceImage);
unsigned int width = sourceTexture->getWidth();
unsigned int height = sourceTexture->getHeight();
TexturePtr destTexture = TextureManager::getSingleton().createManual(
width, height,
RenderTarget* rtt = destTexture->getBuffer()->getRenderTarget();
Viewport* vp = rtt->addViewport(camera);
vp->setClearEveryFrame(true, FBT_DEPTH);
// remove all the junk we've created
delete rect;
@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
#include <string>
namespace OEngine
namespace Render
/// Rotate an image by certain degrees and save as file, uses the GPU
/// Make sure Ogre Root is initialised before calling
class ImageRotate
* @param source image (file name - has to exist in an resource group)
* @param name of the destination texture to save to (in memory)
* @param angle in degrees to turn
static void rotate(const std::string& sourceImage, const std::string& destImage, const float angle);
Reference in New Issue