#include "door.hpp" #include <components/esm/loaddoor.hpp> #include <components/esm/doorstate.hpp> #include "../mwbase/environment.hpp" #include "../mwbase/world.hpp" #include "../mwbase/windowmanager.hpp" #include "../mwbase/soundmanager.hpp" #include "../mwbase/mechanicsmanager.hpp" #include "../mwworld/ptr.hpp" #include "../mwworld/nullaction.hpp" #include "../mwworld/failedaction.hpp" #include "../mwworld/actionteleport.hpp" #include "../mwworld/actiondoor.hpp" #include "../mwworld/cellstore.hpp" #include "../mwworld/esmstore.hpp" #include "../mwphysics/physicssystem.hpp" #include "../mwworld/inventorystore.hpp" #include "../mwworld/actiontrap.hpp" #include "../mwworld/customdata.hpp" #include "../mwgui/tooltips.hpp" #include "../mwrender/objects.hpp" #include "../mwrender/renderinginterface.hpp" #include "../mwmechanics/actorutil.hpp" namespace MWClass { class DoorCustomData : public MWWorld::CustomData { public: int mDoorState; // 0 = nothing, 1 = opening, 2 = closing virtual MWWorld::CustomData *clone() const; virtual DoorCustomData& asDoorCustomData() { return *this; } virtual const DoorCustomData& asDoorCustomData() const { return *this; } }; MWWorld::CustomData *DoorCustomData::clone() const { return new DoorCustomData (*this); } void Door::insertObjectRendering (const MWWorld::Ptr& ptr, const std::string& model, MWRender::RenderingInterface& renderingInterface) const { if (!model.empty()) { renderingInterface.getObjects().insertModel(ptr, model, true); } } void Door::insertObject(const MWWorld::Ptr& ptr, const std::string& model, MWPhysics::PhysicsSystem& physics) const { if(!model.empty()) physics.addObject(ptr, model, MWPhysics::CollisionType_Door); // Resume the door's opening/closing animation if it wasn't finished if (ptr.getRefData().getCustomData()) { const DoorCustomData& customData = ptr.getRefData().getCustomData()->asDoorCustomData(); if (customData.mDoorState > 0) { MWBase::Environment::get().getWorld()->activateDoor(ptr, customData.mDoorState); } } MWBase::Environment::get().getMechanicsManager()->add(ptr); } std::string Door::getModel(const MWWorld::ConstPtr &ptr) const { const MWWorld::LiveCellRef<ESM::Door> *ref = ptr.get<ESM::Door>(); const std::string &model = ref->mBase->mModel; if (!model.empty()) { return "meshes\\" + model; } return ""; } std::string Door::getName (const MWWorld::ConstPtr& ptr) const { const MWWorld::LiveCellRef<ESM::Door> *ref = ptr.get<ESM::Door>(); return ref->mBase->mName; } boost::shared_ptr<MWWorld::Action> Door::activate (const MWWorld::Ptr& ptr, const MWWorld::Ptr& actor) const { MWWorld::LiveCellRef<ESM::Door> *ref = ptr.get<ESM::Door>(); const std::string &openSound = ref->mBase->mOpenSound; const std::string &closeSound = ref->mBase->mCloseSound; const std::string lockedSound = "LockedDoor"; const std::string trapActivationSound = "Disarm Trap Fail"; MWWorld::ContainerStore &invStore = actor.getClass().getContainerStore(actor); bool needKey = ptr.getCellRef().getLockLevel() > 0; bool hasKey = false; std::string keyName; // make key id lowercase std::string keyId = ptr.getCellRef().getKey(); Misc::StringUtils::lowerCaseInPlace(keyId); for (MWWorld::ContainerStoreIterator it = invStore.begin(); it != invStore.end(); ++it) { std::string refId = it->getCellRef().getRefId(); Misc::StringUtils::lowerCaseInPlace(refId); if (refId == keyId) { hasKey = true; keyName = it->getClass().getName(*it); } } if (needKey && hasKey) { if(actor == MWMechanics::getPlayer()) MWBase::Environment::get().getWindowManager()->messageBox(keyName + " #{sKeyUsed}"); unlock(ptr); //Call the function here. because that makes sense. // using a key disarms the trap ptr.getCellRef().setTrap(""); } if (!needKey || hasKey) { if(!ptr.getCellRef().getTrap().empty()) { // Trap activation boost::shared_ptr<MWWorld::Action> action(new MWWorld::ActionTrap(actor, ptr.getCellRef().getTrap(), ptr)); action->setSound(trapActivationSound); return action; } if (ptr.getCellRef().getTeleport()) { boost::shared_ptr<MWWorld::Action> action(new MWWorld::ActionTeleport (ptr.getCellRef().getDestCell(), ptr.getCellRef().getDoorDest(), true)); action->setSound(openSound); return action; } else { // animated door boost::shared_ptr<MWWorld::Action> action(new MWWorld::ActionDoor(ptr)); int doorstate = getDoorState(ptr); bool opening = true; float doorRot = ptr.getRefData().getPosition().rot[2] - ptr.getCellRef().getPosition().rot[2]; if (doorstate == 1) opening = false; if (doorstate == 0 && doorRot != 0) opening = false; if (opening) { MWBase::Environment::get().getSoundManager()->fadeOutSound3D(ptr, closeSound, 0.5f); // Doors rotate at 90 degrees per second, so start the sound at // where it would be at the current rotation. float offset = doorRot/(3.14159265f * 0.5f); action->setSoundOffset(offset); action->setSound(openSound); } else { MWBase::Environment::get().getSoundManager()->fadeOutSound3D(ptr, openSound, 0.5f); float offset = 1.0f - doorRot/(3.14159265f * 0.5f); action->setSoundOffset(std::max(offset, 0.0f)); action->setSound(closeSound); } return action; } } else { // locked, and we can't open. boost::shared_ptr<MWWorld::Action> action(new MWWorld::FailedAction); action->setSound(lockedSound); return action; } } void Door::lock (const MWWorld::Ptr& ptr, int lockLevel) const { if(lockLevel!=0) ptr.getCellRef().setLockLevel(abs(lockLevel)); //Changes lock to locklevel, in positive else ptr.getCellRef().setLockLevel(abs(ptr.getCellRef().getLockLevel())); //No locklevel given, just flip the origional one } void Door::unlock (const MWWorld::Ptr& ptr) const { ptr.getCellRef().setLockLevel(-abs(ptr.getCellRef().getLockLevel())); //Makes lockLevel negative } bool Door::canLock(const MWWorld::ConstPtr &ptr) const { return true; } std::string Door::getScript (const MWWorld::ConstPtr& ptr) const { const MWWorld::LiveCellRef<ESM::Door> *ref = ptr.get<ESM::Door>(); return ref->mBase->mScript; } void Door::registerSelf() { boost::shared_ptr<Class> instance (new Door); registerClass (typeid (ESM::Door).name(), instance); } bool Door::hasToolTip (const MWWorld::ConstPtr& ptr) const { const MWWorld::LiveCellRef<ESM::Door> *ref = ptr.get<ESM::Door>(); return (ref->mBase->mName != ""); } MWGui::ToolTipInfo Door::getToolTipInfo (const MWWorld::ConstPtr& ptr, int count) const { const MWWorld::LiveCellRef<ESM::Door> *ref = ptr.get<ESM::Door>(); MWGui::ToolTipInfo info; info.caption = ref->mBase->mName; std::string text; if (ptr.getCellRef().getTeleport()) { text += "\n#{sTo}"; text += "\n" + getDestination(*ref); } if (ptr.getCellRef().getLockLevel() > 0) text += "\n#{sLockLevel}: " + MWGui::ToolTips::toString(ptr.getCellRef().getLockLevel()); else if (ptr.getCellRef().getLockLevel() < 0) text += "\n#{sUnlocked}"; if (ptr.getCellRef().getTrap() != "") text += "\n#{sTrapped}"; if (MWBase::Environment::get().getWindowManager()->getFullHelp()) { text += MWGui::ToolTips::getCellRefString(ptr.getCellRef()); text += MWGui::ToolTips::getMiscString(ref->mBase->mScript, "Script"); } info.text = text; return info; } std::string Door::getDestination (const MWWorld::LiveCellRef<ESM::Door>& door) { const MWWorld::ESMStore& store = MWBase::Environment::get().getWorld()->getStore(); std::string dest; if (door.mRef.getDestCell() != "") { // door leads to an interior, use interior name as tooltip dest = door.mRef.getDestCell(); } else { // door leads to exterior, use cell name (if any), otherwise translated region name int x,y; MWBase::Environment::get().getWorld()->positionToIndex (door.mRef.getDoorDest().pos[0], door.mRef.getDoorDest().pos[1], x, y); const ESM::Cell* cell = store.get<ESM::Cell>().find(x,y); if (cell->mName != "") dest = cell->mName; else { const ESM::Region* region = store.get<ESM::Region>().find(cell->mRegion); //name as is, not a token return region->mName; } } return "#{sCell=" + dest + "}"; } MWWorld::Ptr Door::copyToCellImpl(const MWWorld::ConstPtr &ptr, MWWorld::CellStore &cell) const { const MWWorld::LiveCellRef<ESM::Door> *ref = ptr.get<ESM::Door>(); return MWWorld::Ptr(cell.insert(ref), &cell); } void Door::ensureCustomData(const MWWorld::Ptr &ptr) const { if (!ptr.getRefData().getCustomData()) { std::auto_ptr<DoorCustomData> data(new DoorCustomData); data->mDoorState = 0; ptr.getRefData().setCustomData(data.release()); } } int Door::getDoorState (const MWWorld::ConstPtr &ptr) const { if (!ptr.getRefData().getCustomData()) return 0; const DoorCustomData& customData = ptr.getRefData().getCustomData()->asDoorCustomData(); return customData.mDoorState; } void Door::setDoorState (const MWWorld::Ptr &ptr, int state) const { if (ptr.getCellRef().getTeleport()) throw std::runtime_error("load doors can't be moved"); ensureCustomData(ptr); DoorCustomData& customData = ptr.getRefData().getCustomData()->asDoorCustomData(); customData.mDoorState = state; } void Door::readAdditionalState (const MWWorld::Ptr& ptr, const ESM::ObjectState& state) const { if (!state.mHasCustomState) return; ensureCustomData(ptr); DoorCustomData& customData = ptr.getRefData().getCustomData()->asDoorCustomData(); const ESM::DoorState& state2 = dynamic_cast<const ESM::DoorState&>(state); customData.mDoorState = state2.mDoorState; } void Door::writeAdditionalState (const MWWorld::ConstPtr& ptr, ESM::ObjectState& state) const { if (!ptr.getRefData().getCustomData()) { state.mHasCustomState = false; return; } const DoorCustomData& customData = ptr.getRefData().getCustomData()->asDoorCustomData(); ESM::DoorState& state2 = dynamic_cast<ESM::DoorState&>(state); state2.mDoorState = customData.mDoorState; } }