#ifndef _GAME_RENDER_TERRAIN_H #define _GAME_RENDER_TERRAIN_H #include #include "../mwworld/ptr.hpp" namespace Ogre{ class SceneManager; class TerrainGroup; class TerrainGlobalOptions; class Terrain; } namespace MWRender{ /** * Implements the Morrowind terrain using the Ogre Terrain Component * * This currently has two options as to how the terrain is rendered, one * is that one cell is rendered as one Ogre::Terrain and the other that * it is rendered as 4 Ogre::Terrain segments * * Splitting it up into segments has the following advantages * * Seems to be faster * * Terrain can now be culled more aggressivly using view frustram culling * * We don't hit splat limits as much */ class TerrainManager{ public: TerrainManager(Ogre::SceneManager*); virtual ~TerrainManager(); void setDiffuse(const Ogre::ColourValue& diffuse); void setAmbient(const Ogre::ColourValue& ambient); void cellAdded(MWWorld::Ptr::CellStore* store); void cellRemoved(MWWorld::Ptr::CellStore* store); private: Ogre::TerrainGlobalOptions* mTerrainGlobals; Ogre::TerrainGroup* mTerrainGroup; /** * Should each cell be split into a further four Ogre::Terrain objects * * This has the advantage that it is possible to cull more terrain and * we are more likly to be able to be able to fit all the required splats * in (Ogre's default material generator only works with about 6 textures) */ static const bool SPLIT_TERRAIN = true; /** * The length in verticies of a single terrain block. * This takes into account the SPLIT_TERRAIN option */ int mLandSize; /** * The length in game units of a single terrain block. * This takes into account the SPLIT_TERRAIN option */ int mRealSize; /** * The distance that the current cell should be shaded into the neighbouring * texture. The distance is in terms of the splat size of a texture */ static const float TERRAIN_SHADE_DISTANCE = 0.25f; /** * Setups up the list of textures for part of a cell, using indexes as * an output to create a mapping of MW LtexIndex to the relevant terrain * layer * * @param terrainData the terrain data to setup the textures for * @param store the cell store for the given terrain cell * @param fromX the ltex index in the current cell to start making the texture from * @param fromY the ltex index in the current cell to start making the texture from * @param size the size (number of splats) to get * @param indexes a mapping of ltex index to the terrain texture layer that * can be used by initTerrainBlendMaps */ void initTerrainTextures(Ogre::Terrain::ImportData* terrainData, MWWorld::Ptr::CellStore* store, int fromX, int fromY, int size, std::map& indexes); /** * Creates the blend (splatting maps) for the given terrain from the ltex data. * * @param terrain the terrain object for the current cell * @param store the cell store for the given terrain cell * @param fromX the ltex index in the current cell to start making the texture from * @param fromY the ltex index in the current cell to start making the texture from * @param size the size (number of splats) to get * @param indexes the mapping of ltex to blend map produced by initTerrainTextures */ void initTerrainBlendMaps(Ogre::Terrain* terrain, MWWorld::Ptr::CellStore* store, int fromX, int fromY, int size, const std::map& indexes); /** * Gets a LTEX index at the given point, assuming the current cell * starts at (0,0). This supports getting values from the surrounding * cells so negative x, y is acceptable * * @param store the cell store for the current cell * @param x, y the splat position of the ltex index to get relative to the * first splat of the current cell */ int getLtexIndexAt(MWWorld::Ptr::CellStore* store, int x, int y); /** * Retrives the texture that is the normal and parallax map for the * terrain. If it doesn't exist a blank texture is used * * The file name of the texture should be the same as the file name of * the base diffuse texture, but with _n appended before the extension * * @param fileName the name of the *diffuse* texture */ Ogre::TexturePtr getNormalDisp(const std::string& fileName); /** * Due to the fact that Ogre terrain doesn't support vertex colours * we have to generate them manually * * @param store the cell store for the given terrain cell * @param fromX the *vertex* index in the current cell to start making texture from * @param fromY the *vertex* index in the current cell to start making the texture from * @param size the size (number of vertexes) to get * * @TODO FIXME the return of this function possibly copies the image data */ Ogre::Image getVertexColours(MWWorld::Ptr::CellStore* store, int fromX, int fromY, int size); }; } #endif // _GAME_RENDER_TERRAIN_H