#include "worldimp.hpp" #ifdef _WIN32 #include #elif defined HAVE_UNORDERED_MAP #include #else #include #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "../mwbase/environment.hpp" #include "../mwbase/soundmanager.hpp" #include "../mwbase/mechanicsmanager.hpp" #include "../mwbase/windowmanager.hpp" #include "../mwbase/scriptmanager.hpp" #include "../mwmechanics/creaturestats.hpp" #include "../mwmechanics/movement.hpp" #include "../mwmechanics/npcstats.hpp" #include "../mwmechanics/spellcasting.hpp" #include "../mwmechanics/levelledlist.hpp" #include "../mwmechanics/combat.hpp" #include "../mwmechanics/aiavoiddoor.hpp" //Used to tell actors to avoid doors #include "../mwrender/animation.hpp" #include "../mwrender/renderingmanager.hpp" #include "../mwrender/camera.hpp" #include "../mwscript/interpretercontext.hpp" #include "../mwscript/globalscripts.hpp" #include "../mwclass/door.hpp" #include "../mwphysics/physicssystem.hpp" #include "../mwphysics/actor.hpp" #include "player.hpp" #include "manualref.hpp" #include "cellstore.hpp" #include "cellfunctors.hpp" #include "containerstore.hpp" #include "inventorystore.hpp" #include "actionteleport.hpp" //#include "projectilemanager.hpp" #include "weather.hpp" #include "contentloader.hpp" #include "esmloader.hpp" namespace { // Wraps a value to (-PI, PI] void wrap(float& rad) { if (rad>0) rad = std::fmod(rad+Ogre::Math::PI, 2.0f*Ogre::Math::PI)-Ogre::Math::PI; else rad = std::fmod(rad-Ogre::Math::PI, 2.0f*Ogre::Math::PI)+Ogre::Math::PI; } } namespace MWWorld { struct GameContentLoader : public ContentLoader { GameContentLoader(Loading::Listener& listener) : ContentLoader(listener) { } bool addLoader(const std::string& extension, ContentLoader* loader) { return mLoaders.insert(std::make_pair(extension, loader)).second; } void load(const boost::filesystem::path& filepath, int& index) { LoadersContainer::iterator it(mLoaders.find(Misc::StringUtils::lowerCase(filepath.extension().string()))); if (it != mLoaders.end()) { it->second->load(filepath, index); } else { std::string msg("Cannot load file: "); msg += filepath.string(); throw std::runtime_error(msg.c_str()); } } private: typedef std::tr1::unordered_map LoadersContainer; LoadersContainer mLoaders; }; int World::getDaysPerMonth (int month) const { switch (month) { case 0: return 31; case 1: return 28; case 2: return 31; case 3: return 30; case 4: return 31; case 5: return 30; case 6: return 31; case 7: return 31; case 8: return 30; case 9: return 31; case 10: return 30; case 11: return 31; } throw std::runtime_error ("month out of range"); } void World::adjustSky() { if (mSky && (isCellExterior() || isCellQuasiExterior())) { //mRendering->skySetHour (mGlobalVariables["gamehour"].getFloat()); //mRendering->skySetDate (mGlobalVariables["day"].getInteger(), // mGlobalVariables["month"].getInteger()); mRendering->setSkyEnabled(true); } else mRendering->setSkyEnabled(false); } World::World ( osgViewer::Viewer* viewer, osg::ref_ptr rootNode, Resource::ResourceSystem* resourceSystem, const Files::Collections& fileCollections, const std::vector& contentFiles, ToUTF8::Utf8Encoder* encoder, const std::map& fallbackMap, int activationDistanceOverride, const std::string& startCell, const std::string& startupScript) : mResourceSystem(resourceSystem), mFallback(fallbackMap), mPlayer (0), mLocalScripts (mStore), mSky (true), mCells (mStore, mEsm), mGodMode(false), mScriptsEnabled(true), mContentFiles (contentFiles), mActivationDistanceOverride (activationDistanceOverride), mStartupScript(startupScript), mStartCell (startCell), mTeleportEnabled(true), mLevitationEnabled(true), mGoToJail(false), mDaysInPrison(0) { mPhysics = new MWPhysics::PhysicsSystem(resourceSystem, rootNode); //mPhysEngine = mPhysics->getEngine(); #if 0 mProjectileManager.reset(new ProjectileManager(renderer.getScene(), *mPhysEngine)); #endif mRendering = new MWRender::RenderingManager(viewer, rootNode, resourceSystem); //mPhysEngine->setSceneManager(renderer.getScene()); mWeatherManager = new MWWorld::WeatherManager(mRendering,&mFallback); mEsm.resize(contentFiles.size()); Loading::Listener* listener = MWBase::Environment::get().getWindowManager()->getLoadingScreen(); listener->loadingOn(); GameContentLoader gameContentLoader(*listener); EsmLoader esmLoader(mStore, mEsm, encoder, *listener); gameContentLoader.addLoader(".esm", &esmLoader); gameContentLoader.addLoader(".esp", &esmLoader); gameContentLoader.addLoader(".omwgame", &esmLoader); gameContentLoader.addLoader(".omwaddon", &esmLoader); gameContentLoader.addLoader(".project", &esmLoader); loadContentFiles(fileCollections, contentFiles, gameContentLoader); listener->loadingOff(); // insert records that may not be present in all versions of MW if (mEsm[0].getFormat() == 0) ensureNeededRecords(); mStore.setUp(); mStore.movePlayerRecord(); mSwimHeightScale = mStore.get().find("fSwimHeightScale")->getFloat(); mGlobalVariables.fill (mStore); mWorldScene = new Scene(*mRendering, mPhysics); } void World::startNewGame (bool bypass) { mGoToJail = false; mLevitationEnabled = true; mTeleportEnabled = true; // Rebuild player setupPlayer(); renderPlayer(); mRendering->resetCamera(); MWBase::Environment::get().getWindowManager()->updatePlayer(); if (!bypass) { // set new game mark mGlobalVariables["chargenstate"].setInteger (1); mGlobalVariables["pcrace"].setInteger (3); } else mGlobalVariables["chargenstate"].setInteger (-1); if (bypass && !mStartCell.empty()) { ESM::Position pos; if (findExteriorPosition (mStartCell, pos)) { changeToExteriorCell (pos); } else { findInteriorPosition (mStartCell, pos); changeToInteriorCell (mStartCell, pos); } } else { for (int i=0; i<5; ++i) MWBase::Environment::get().getScriptManager()->getGlobalScripts().run(); if (!getPlayerPtr().isInCell()) { ESM::Position pos; const int cellSize = 8192; pos.pos[0] = cellSize/2; pos.pos[1] = cellSize/2; pos.pos[2] = 0; pos.rot[0] = 0; pos.rot[1] = 0; pos.rot[2] = 0; mWorldScene->changeToExteriorCell(pos, true); } } if (!bypass) { std::string video = mFallback.getFallbackString("Movies_New_Game"); if (!video.empty()) MWBase::Environment::get().getWindowManager()->playVideo(video, true); } // enable collision if (!mPhysics->toggleCollisionMode()) mPhysics->toggleCollisionMode(); // we don't want old weather to persist on a new game delete mWeatherManager; mWeatherManager = 0; mWeatherManager = new MWWorld::WeatherManager(mRendering,&mFallback); if (!mStartupScript.empty()) MWBase::Environment::get().getWindowManager()->executeInConsole(mStartupScript); } void World::clear() { mWeatherManager->clear(); mRendering->clear(); #if 0 mProjectileManager->clear(); #endif mLocalScripts.clear(); mWorldScene->changeToVoid(); mStore.clearDynamic(); mStore.setUp(); if (mPlayer) { mPlayer->clear(); mPlayer->setCell(0); mPlayer->getPlayer().getRefData() = RefData(); mPlayer->set(mStore.get().find ("player")); } mCells.clear(); mDoorStates.clear(); mGodMode = false; mScriptsEnabled = true; mSky = true; mTeleportEnabled = true; mLevitationEnabled = true; mGlobalVariables.fill (mStore); } int World::countSavedGameRecords() const { return mCells.countSavedGameRecords() +mStore.countSavedGameRecords() +mGlobalVariables.countSavedGameRecords() #if 0 +mProjectileManager->countSavedGameRecords() #endif +1 // player record +1 // weather record +1 // actorId counter +1 // levitation/teleport enabled state +1; // camera } int World::countSavedGameCells() const { return mCells.countSavedGameRecords(); } void World::write (ESM::ESMWriter& writer, Loading::Listener& progress) const { // Active cells could have a dirty fog of war, sync it to the CellStore first for (Scene::CellStoreCollection::const_iterator iter (mWorldScene->getActiveCells().begin()); iter!=mWorldScene->getActiveCells().end(); ++iter) { //CellStore* cellstore = *iter; //mRendering->writeFog(cellstore); } MWMechanics::CreatureStats::writeActorIdCounter(writer); mStore.write (writer, progress); // dynamic Store must be written (and read) before Cells, so that // references to custom made records will be recognized mCells.write (writer, progress); mGlobalVariables.write (writer, progress); mPlayer->write (writer, progress); mWeatherManager->write (writer, progress); #if 0 mProjectileManager->write (writer, progress); #endif writer.startRecord(ESM::REC_ENAB); writer.writeHNT("TELE", mTeleportEnabled); writer.writeHNT("LEVT", mLevitationEnabled); writer.endRecord(ESM::REC_ENAB); writer.startRecord(ESM::REC_CAM_); writer.writeHNT("FIRS", isFirstPerson()); writer.endRecord(ESM::REC_CAM_); } void World::readRecord (ESM::ESMReader& reader, uint32_t type, const std::map& contentFileMap) { switch (type) { case ESM::REC_ACTC: MWMechanics::CreatureStats::readActorIdCounter(reader); return; case ESM::REC_ENAB: reader.getHNT(mTeleportEnabled, "TELE"); reader.getHNT(mLevitationEnabled, "LEVT"); return; default: if (!mStore.readRecord (reader, type) && !mGlobalVariables.readRecord (reader, type) && !mPlayer->readRecord (reader, type) && !mWeatherManager->readRecord (reader, type) && !mCells.readRecord (reader, type, contentFileMap) #if 0 && !mProjectileManager->readRecord (reader, type) #endif ) { throw std::runtime_error ("unknown record in saved game"); } break; } } void World::ensureNeededRecords() { std::map gmst; // Companion (tribunal) gmst["sCompanionShare"] = ESM::Variant("Companion Share"); gmst["sCompanionWarningMessage"] = ESM::Variant("Warning message"); gmst["sCompanionWarningButtonOne"] = ESM::Variant("Button 1"); gmst["sCompanionWarningButtonTwo"] = ESM::Variant("Button 2"); gmst["sCompanionShare"] = ESM::Variant("Companion Share"); gmst["sProfitValue"] = ESM::Variant("Profit Value"); gmst["sTeleportDisabled"] = ESM::Variant("Teleport disabled"); gmst["sLevitateDisabled"] = ESM::Variant("Levitate disabled"); // Missing in unpatched MW 1.0 gmst["sDifficulty"] = ESM::Variant("Difficulty"); gmst["fDifficultyMult"] = ESM::Variant(5.f); gmst["sAuto_Run"] = ESM::Variant("Auto Run"); gmst["sServiceRefusal"] = ESM::Variant("Service Refusal"); gmst["sNeedOneSkill"] = ESM::Variant("Need one skill"); gmst["sNeedTwoSkills"] = ESM::Variant("Need two skills"); gmst["sEasy"] = ESM::Variant("Easy"); gmst["sHard"] = ESM::Variant("Hard"); gmst["sDeleteNote"] = ESM::Variant("Delete Note"); gmst["sEditNote"] = ESM::Variant("Edit Note"); gmst["sAdmireSuccess"] = ESM::Variant("Admire Success"); gmst["sAdmireFail"] = ESM::Variant("Admire Fail"); gmst["sIntimidateSuccess"] = ESM::Variant("Intimidate Success"); gmst["sIntimidateFail"] = ESM::Variant("Intimidate Fail"); gmst["sTauntSuccess"] = ESM::Variant("Taunt Success"); gmst["sTauntFail"] = ESM::Variant("Taunt Fail"); gmst["sBribeSuccess"] = ESM::Variant("Bribe Success"); gmst["sBribeFail"] = ESM::Variant("Bribe Fail"); gmst["fNPCHealthBarTime"] = ESM::Variant(5.f); gmst["fNPCHealthBarFade"] = ESM::Variant(1.f); // Werewolf (BM) gmst["fWereWolfRunMult"] = ESM::Variant(1.f); gmst["fWereWolfSilverWeaponDamageMult"] = ESM::Variant(1.f); std::map globals; // vanilla Morrowind does not define dayspassed. globals["dayspassed"] = ESM::Variant(1); // but the addons start counting at 1 :( globals["werewolfclawmult"] = ESM::Variant(25.f); globals["pcknownwerewolf"] = ESM::Variant(0); // following should exist in all versions of MW, but not necessarily in TCs globals["gamehour"] = ESM::Variant(0.f); globals["timescale"] = ESM::Variant(30.f); globals["day"] = ESM::Variant(1); globals["month"] = ESM::Variant(1); globals["year"] = ESM::Variant(1); globals["pcrace"] = ESM::Variant(0); globals["pchascrimegold"] = ESM::Variant(0); globals["pchasgolddiscount"] = ESM::Variant(0); globals["crimegolddiscount"] = ESM::Variant(0); globals["crimegoldturnin"] = ESM::Variant(0); globals["pchasturnin"] = ESM::Variant(0); for (std::map::iterator it = gmst.begin(); it != gmst.end(); ++it) { if (!mStore.get().search(it->first)) { ESM::GameSetting setting; setting.mId = it->first; setting.mValue = it->second; mStore.insertStatic(setting); } } for (std::map::iterator it = globals.begin(); it != globals.end(); ++it) { if (!mStore.get().search(it->first)) { ESM::Global setting; setting.mId = it->first; setting.mValue = it->second; mStore.insertStatic(setting); } } } World::~World() { #if 0 // Must be cleared before mRendering is destroyed mProjectileManager->clear(); #endif delete mWeatherManager; delete mWorldScene; delete mRendering; delete mPhysics; delete mPlayer; } const ESM::Cell *World::getExterior (const std::string& cellName) const { // first try named cells const ESM::Cell *cell = mStore.get().searchExtByName (cellName); if (cell != 0) { return cell; } // didn't work -> now check for regions const MWWorld::Store ®ions = mStore.get(); MWWorld::Store::iterator it = regions.begin(); for (; it != regions.end(); ++it) { if (Misc::StringUtils::ciEqual(cellName, it->mName)) { return mStore.get().searchExtByRegion(it->mId); } } return 0; } const MWWorld::Fallback *World::getFallback() const { return &mFallback; } CellStore *World::getExterior (int x, int y) { return mCells.getExterior (x, y); } CellStore *World::getInterior (const std::string& name) { return mCells.getInterior (name); } CellStore *World::getCell (const ESM::CellId& id) { if (id.mPaged) return getExterior (id.mIndex.mX, id.mIndex.mY); else return getInterior (id.mWorldspace); } void World::useDeathCamera() { if(mRendering->getCamera()->isVanityOrPreviewModeEnabled() ) { mRendering->getCamera()->togglePreviewMode(false); mRendering->getCamera()->toggleVanityMode(false); } if(mRendering->getCamera()->isFirstPerson()) mRendering->getCamera()->toggleViewMode(true); } MWWorld::Player& World::getPlayer() { return *mPlayer; } const MWWorld::ESMStore& World::getStore() const { return mStore; } std::vector& World::getEsmReader() { return mEsm; } LocalScripts& World::getLocalScripts() { return mLocalScripts; } bool World::hasCellChanged() const { return mWorldScene->hasCellChanged(); } void World::setGlobalInt (const std::string& name, int value) { if (name=="gamehour") setHour (value); else if (name=="day") setDay (value); else if (name=="month") setMonth (value); else mGlobalVariables[name].setInteger (value); } void World::setGlobalFloat (const std::string& name, float value) { if (name=="gamehour") setHour (value); else if (name=="day") setDay(static_cast(value)); else if (name=="month") setMonth(static_cast(value)); else mGlobalVariables[name].setFloat (value); } int World::getGlobalInt (const std::string& name) const { return mGlobalVariables[name].getInteger(); } float World::getGlobalFloat (const std::string& name) const { return mGlobalVariables[name].getFloat(); } char World::getGlobalVariableType (const std::string& name) const { return mGlobalVariables.getType (name); } std::string World::getCellName (const MWWorld::CellStore *cell) const { if (!cell) cell = mWorldScene->getCurrentCell(); if (!cell->getCell()->isExterior() || !cell->getCell()->mName.empty()) return cell->getCell()->mName; if (const ESM::Region* region = getStore().get().search (cell->getCell()->mRegion)) return region->mName; return getStore().get().find ("sDefaultCellname")->mValue.getString(); } void World::removeRefScript (MWWorld::RefData *ref) { mLocalScripts.remove (ref); } Ptr World::searchPtr (const std::string& name, bool activeOnly) { Ptr ret; // the player is always in an active cell. if (name=="player") { return mPlayer->getPlayer(); } std::string lowerCaseName = Misc::StringUtils::lowerCase(name); for (Scene::CellStoreCollection::const_iterator iter (mWorldScene->getActiveCells().begin()); iter!=mWorldScene->getActiveCells().end(); ++iter) { // TODO: caching still doesn't work efficiently here (only works for the one CellStore that the reference is in) CellStore* cellstore = *iter; Ptr ptr = mCells.getPtr (lowerCaseName, *cellstore, false); if (!ptr.isEmpty()) return ptr; } if (!activeOnly) { ret = mCells.getPtr (lowerCaseName); if (!ret.isEmpty()) return ret; } for (Scene::CellStoreCollection::const_iterator iter (mWorldScene->getActiveCells().begin()); iter!=mWorldScene->getActiveCells().end(); ++iter) { CellStore* cellstore = *iter; Ptr ptr = cellstore->searchInContainer(lowerCaseName); if (!ptr.isEmpty()) return ptr; } Ptr ptr = mPlayer->getPlayer().getClass() .getContainerStore(mPlayer->getPlayer()).search(lowerCaseName); return ptr; } Ptr World::getPtr (const std::string& name, bool activeOnly) { Ptr ret = searchPtr(name, activeOnly); if (!ret.isEmpty()) return ret; throw std::runtime_error ("unknown ID: " + name); } Ptr World::searchPtrViaActorId (int actorId) { // The player is not registered in any CellStore so must be checked manually if (actorId == getPlayerPtr().getClass().getCreatureStats(getPlayerPtr()).getActorId()) return getPlayerPtr(); // Now search cells return mWorldScene->searchPtrViaActorId (actorId); } struct FindContainerFunctor { Ptr mContainedPtr; Ptr mResult; FindContainerFunctor(const Ptr& containedPtr) : mContainedPtr(containedPtr) {} bool operator() (Ptr ptr) { if (mContainedPtr.getContainerStore() == &ptr.getClass().getContainerStore(ptr)) { mResult = ptr; return false; } return true; } }; Ptr World::findContainer(const Ptr& ptr) { if (ptr.isInCell()) return Ptr(); Ptr player = getPlayerPtr(); if (ptr.getContainerStore() == &player.getClass().getContainerStore(player)) return player; const Scene::CellStoreCollection& collection = mWorldScene->getActiveCells(); for (Scene::CellStoreCollection::const_iterator cellIt = collection.begin(); cellIt != collection.end(); ++cellIt) { FindContainerFunctor functor(ptr); (*cellIt)->forEachContainer(functor); if (!functor.mResult.isEmpty()) return functor.mResult; } return Ptr(); } void World::addContainerScripts(const Ptr& reference, CellStore * cell) { if( reference.getTypeName()==typeid (ESM::Container).name() || reference.getTypeName()==typeid (ESM::NPC).name() || reference.getTypeName()==typeid (ESM::Creature).name()) { MWWorld::ContainerStore& container = reference.getClass().getContainerStore(reference); for(MWWorld::ContainerStoreIterator it = container.begin(); it != container.end(); ++it) { std::string script = it->getClass().getScript(*it); if(script != "") { MWWorld::Ptr item = *it; item.mCell = cell; mLocalScripts.add (script, item); } } } } void World::enable (const Ptr& reference) { // enable is a no-op for items in containers if (!reference.isInCell()) return; if (!reference.getRefData().isEnabled()) { reference.getRefData().enable(); if(mWorldScene->getActiveCells().find (reference.getCell()) != mWorldScene->getActiveCells().end() && reference.getRefData().getCount()) mWorldScene->addObjectToScene (reference); } } void World::removeContainerScripts(const Ptr& reference) { if( reference.getTypeName()==typeid (ESM::Container).name() || reference.getTypeName()==typeid (ESM::NPC).name() || reference.getTypeName()==typeid (ESM::Creature).name()) { MWWorld::ContainerStore& container = reference.getClass().getContainerStore(reference); for(MWWorld::ContainerStoreIterator it = container.begin(); it != container.end(); ++it) { std::string script = it->getClass().getScript(*it); if(script != "") { MWWorld::Ptr item = *it; mLocalScripts.remove (item); } } } } void World::disable (const Ptr& reference) { // disable is a no-op for items in containers if (!reference.isInCell()) return; if (reference.getRefData().isEnabled()) { reference.getRefData().disable(); if(mWorldScene->getActiveCells().find (reference.getCell())!=mWorldScene->getActiveCells().end() && reference.getRefData().getCount()) mWorldScene->removeObjectFromScene (reference); } } void World::advanceTime (double hours) { MWBase::Environment::get().getMechanicsManager()->advanceTime(static_cast(hours * 3600)); mWeatherManager->advanceTime (hours); hours += mGlobalVariables["gamehour"].getFloat(); setHour (hours); int days = static_cast(hours / 24); if (days>0) mGlobalVariables["dayspassed"].setInteger ( days + mGlobalVariables["dayspassed"].getInteger()); } void World::setHour (double hour) { if (hour<0) hour = 0; int days = static_cast(hour / 24); hour = std::fmod (hour, 24); mGlobalVariables["gamehour"].setFloat(static_cast(hour)); //mRendering->skySetHour (hour); mWeatherManager->setHour(static_cast(hour)); if (days>0) setDay (days + mGlobalVariables["day"].getInteger()); } void World::setDay (int day) { if (day<1) day = 1; int month = mGlobalVariables["month"].getInteger(); while (true) { int days = getDaysPerMonth (month); if (day<=days) break; if (month<11) { ++month; } else { month = 0; mGlobalVariables["year"].setInteger (mGlobalVariables["year"].getInteger()+1); } day -= days; } mGlobalVariables["day"].setInteger (day); mGlobalVariables["month"].setInteger (month); //mRendering->skySetDate (day, month); } void World::setMonth (int month) { if (month<0) month = 0; int years = month / 12; month = month % 12; int days = getDaysPerMonth (month); if (mGlobalVariables["day"].getInteger()>days) mGlobalVariables["day"].setInteger (days); mGlobalVariables["month"].setInteger (month); if (years>0) mGlobalVariables["year"].setInteger (years+mGlobalVariables["year"].getInteger()); //mRendering->skySetDate (mGlobalVariables["day"].getInteger(), month); } int World::getDay() const { return mGlobalVariables["day"].getInteger(); } int World::getMonth() const { return mGlobalVariables["month"].getInteger(); } int World::getYear() const { return mGlobalVariables["year"].getInteger(); } std::string World::getMonthName (int month) const { if (month==-1) month = getMonth(); const int months = 12; if (month<0 || month>=months) return ""; static const char *monthNames[months] = { "sMonthMorningstar", "sMonthSunsdawn", "sMonthFirstseed", "sMonthRainshand", "sMonthSecondseed", "sMonthMidyear", "sMonthSunsheight", "sMonthLastseed", "sMonthHeartfire", "sMonthFrostfall", "sMonthSunsdusk", "sMonthEveningstar" }; return getStore().get().find (monthNames[month])->mValue.getString(); } TimeStamp World::getTimeStamp() const { return TimeStamp (mGlobalVariables["gamehour"].getFloat(), mGlobalVariables["dayspassed"].getInteger()); } bool World::toggleSky() { #if 0 if (mSky) { mSky = false; mRendering->skyDisable(); return false; } else { mSky = true; mRendering->skyEnable(); return true; } #endif return 0; } int World::getMasserPhase() const { return 0;//mRendering->skyGetMasserPhase(); } int World::getSecundaPhase() const { return 0;//mRendering->skyGetSecundaPhase(); } void World::setMoonColour (bool red) { //mRendering->skySetMoonColour (red); } float World::getTimeScaleFactor() const { return mGlobalVariables["timescale"].getFloat(); } void World::changeToInteriorCell (const std::string& cellName, const ESM::Position& position) { mPhysics->clearQueuedMovement(); if (mCurrentWorldSpace != cellName) { // changed worldspace #if 0 mProjectileManager->clear(); #endif mRendering->notifyWorldSpaceChanged(); mCurrentWorldSpace = cellName; } removeContainerScripts(getPlayerPtr()); mWorldScene->changeToInteriorCell(cellName, position); addContainerScripts(getPlayerPtr(), getPlayerPtr().getCell()); } void World::changeToExteriorCell (const ESM::Position& position) { mPhysics->clearQueuedMovement(); if (mCurrentWorldSpace != "sys::default") // FIXME { // changed worldspace #if 0 mProjectileManager->clear(); #endif mRendering->notifyWorldSpaceChanged(); } removeContainerScripts(getPlayerPtr()); mWorldScene->changeToExteriorCell(position, true); addContainerScripts(getPlayerPtr(), getPlayerPtr().getCell()); } void World::changeToCell (const ESM::CellId& cellId, const ESM::Position& position, bool detectWorldSpaceChange) { if (!detectWorldSpaceChange) mCurrentWorldSpace = cellId.mWorldspace; if (cellId.mPaged) changeToExteriorCell (position); else changeToInteriorCell (cellId.mWorldspace, position); } void World::markCellAsUnchanged() { return mWorldScene->markCellAsUnchanged(); } float World::getMaxActivationDistance () { if (mActivationDistanceOverride >= 0) return static_cast(mActivationDistanceOverride); return getStore().get().find("iMaxActivateDist")->getFloat() * 5 / 4; } MWWorld::Ptr World::getFacedObject() { std::string facedHandle; if (MWBase::Environment::get().getWindowManager()->isGuiMode() && MWBase::Environment::get().getWindowManager()->isConsoleMode()) getFacedHandle(facedHandle, getMaxActivationDistance() * 50, false); else { float telekinesisRangeBonus = mPlayer->getPlayer().getClass().getCreatureStats(mPlayer->getPlayer()).getMagicEffects() .get(ESM::MagicEffect::Telekinesis).getMagnitude(); telekinesisRangeBonus = feetToGameUnits(telekinesisRangeBonus); float activationDistance = getMaxActivationDistance() + telekinesisRangeBonus; getFacedHandle(facedHandle, activationDistance); } //if (facedHandle.empty()) return MWWorld::Ptr(); //return getPtrViaHandle(facedHandle); } std::pair World::getHitContact(const MWWorld::Ptr &ptr, float distance) { const ESM::Position &posdata = ptr.getRefData().getPosition(); osg::Quat rot = osg::Quat(posdata.rot[0], osg::Vec3f(-1,0,0)) * osg::Quat(posdata.rot[2], osg::Vec3f(0,0,-1)); osg::Vec3f pos (posdata.asVec3()); MWRender::Animation* anim = mRendering->getAnimation(ptr); if (anim != NULL) { const osg::Node* node = anim->getNode("Head"); if (node == NULL) node = anim->getNode("Bip01 Head"); if (node != NULL) { osg::MatrixList mats = node->getWorldMatrices(); if (mats.size()) pos = mats[0].getTrans(); } } std::pair result = mPhysics->getHitContact(ptr, pos, rot, distance); if(result.first.isEmpty()) return std::make_pair(MWWorld::Ptr(), osg::Vec3f()); return std::make_pair(result.first, result.second); } void World::deleteObject (const Ptr& ptr) { if (!ptr.getRefData().isDeleted()) { ptr.getRefData().setCount(0); if (ptr.isInCell() && mWorldScene->getActiveCells().find(ptr.getCell()) != mWorldScene->getActiveCells().end() && ptr.getRefData().isEnabled()) { mWorldScene->removeObjectFromScene (ptr); mLocalScripts.remove (ptr); removeContainerScripts (ptr); } } } void World::undeleteObject(const Ptr& ptr) { if (!ptr.getCellRef().hasContentFile()) return; if (ptr.getRefData().isDeleted()) { ptr.getRefData().setCount(1); if (mWorldScene->getActiveCells().find(ptr.getCell()) != mWorldScene->getActiveCells().end() && ptr.getRefData().isEnabled()) { mWorldScene->addObjectToScene(ptr); std::string script = ptr.getClass().getScript(ptr); if (!script.empty()) mLocalScripts.add(script, ptr); addContainerScripts(ptr, ptr.getCell()); } } } MWWorld::Ptr World::moveObject(const Ptr &ptr, CellStore* newCell, float x, float y, float z) { ESM::Position pos = ptr.getRefData().getPosition(); pos.pos[0] = x; pos.pos[1] = y; pos.pos[2] = z; ptr.getRefData().setPosition(pos); Ogre::Vector3 vec(x, y, z); CellStore *currCell = ptr.isInCell() ? ptr.getCell() : NULL; // currCell == NULL should only happen for player, during initial startup bool isPlayer = ptr == mPlayer->getPlayer(); bool haveToMove = isPlayer || (currCell && mWorldScene->isCellActive(*currCell)); MWWorld::Ptr newPtr = ptr; if (currCell != newCell) { removeContainerScripts(ptr); if (isPlayer) { if (!newCell->isExterior()) changeToInteriorCell(Misc::StringUtils::lowerCase(newCell->getCell()->mName), pos); else { if (mWorldScene->isCellActive(*newCell)) mWorldScene->changePlayerCell(newCell, pos, false); else mWorldScene->changeToExteriorCell(pos, false); } addContainerScripts (getPlayerPtr(), newCell); newPtr = getPlayerPtr(); } else { bool currCellActive = mWorldScene->isCellActive(*currCell); bool newCellActive = mWorldScene->isCellActive(*newCell); if (!currCellActive && newCellActive) { newPtr = ptr.getClass().copyToCell(ptr, *newCell, pos); mWorldScene->addObjectToScene(newPtr); std::string script = newPtr.getClass().getScript(newPtr); if (!script.empty()) { mLocalScripts.add(script, newPtr); } addContainerScripts(newPtr, newCell); } else if (!newCellActive && currCellActive) { mWorldScene->removeObjectFromScene(ptr); mLocalScripts.remove(ptr); removeContainerScripts (ptr); haveToMove = false; newPtr = ptr.getClass().copyToCell(ptr, *newCell); newPtr.getRefData().setBaseNode(0); } else if (!currCellActive && !newCellActive) newPtr = ptr.getClass().copyToCell(ptr, *newCell); else // both cells active { newPtr = ptr.getClass().copyToCell(ptr, *newCell, pos); mRendering->updatePtr(ptr, newPtr); ptr.getRefData().setBaseNode(NULL); MWBase::Environment::get().getSoundManager()->updatePtr (ptr, newPtr); mPhysics->updatePtr(ptr, newPtr); MWBase::MechanicsManager *mechMgr = MWBase::Environment::get().getMechanicsManager(); mechMgr->updateCell(ptr, newPtr); std::string script = ptr.getClass().getScript(ptr); if (!script.empty()) { mLocalScripts.remove(ptr); removeContainerScripts (ptr); mLocalScripts.add(script, newPtr); addContainerScripts (newPtr, newCell); } } ptr.getRefData().setCount(0); } } if (haveToMove && newPtr.getRefData().getBaseNode()) { mRendering->moveObject(newPtr, osg::Vec3f(vec.x, vec.y, vec.z)); mPhysics->updatePosition(newPtr); } if (isPlayer) { //mWorldScene->playerMoved (vec); } return newPtr; } MWWorld::Ptr World::moveObjectImp(const Ptr& ptr, float x, float y, float z) { CellStore *cell = ptr.getCell(); if (cell->isExterior()) { int cellX, cellY; positionToIndex(x, y, cellX, cellY); cell = getExterior(cellX, cellY); } return moveObject(ptr, cell, x, y, z); } MWWorld::Ptr World::moveObject (const Ptr& ptr, float x, float y, float z) { return moveObjectImp(ptr, x, y, z); } void World::scaleObject (const Ptr& ptr, float scale) { ptr.getCellRef().setScale(scale); mWorldScene->updateObjectScale(ptr); } void World::rotateObjectImp (const Ptr& ptr, Ogre::Vector3 rot, bool adjust) { const float two_pi = Ogre::Math::TWO_PI; const float pi = Ogre::Math::PI; ESM::Position pos = ptr.getRefData().getPosition(); float *objRot = pos.rot; if(adjust) { objRot[0] += rot.x; objRot[1] += rot.y; objRot[2] += rot.z; } else { objRot[0] = rot.x; objRot[1] = rot.y; objRot[2] = rot.z; } if(ptr.getClass().isActor()) { /* HACK? Actors shouldn't really be rotating around X (or Y), but * currently it's done so for rotating the camera, which needs * clamping. */ const float half_pi = Ogre::Math::HALF_PI; if(objRot[0] < -half_pi) objRot[0] = -half_pi; else if(objRot[0] > half_pi) objRot[0] = half_pi; } else { while(objRot[0] < -pi) objRot[0] += two_pi; while(objRot[0] > pi) objRot[0] -= two_pi; } while(objRot[1] < -pi) objRot[1] += two_pi; while(objRot[1] > pi) objRot[1] -= two_pi; while(objRot[2] < -pi) objRot[2] += two_pi; while(objRot[2] > pi) objRot[2] -= two_pi; ptr.getRefData().setPosition(pos); if(ptr.getRefData().getBaseNode() != 0) mWorldScene->updateObjectLocalRotation(ptr); } void World::localRotateObject (const Ptr& ptr, float x, float y, float z) { LocalRotation rot = ptr.getRefData().getLocalRotation(); rot.rot[0]=Ogre::Degree(x).valueRadians(); rot.rot[1]=Ogre::Degree(y).valueRadians(); rot.rot[2]=Ogre::Degree(z).valueRadians(); wrap(rot.rot[0]); wrap(rot.rot[1]); wrap(rot.rot[2]); ptr.getRefData().setLocalRotation(rot); if (ptr.getRefData().getBaseNode() != 0) { mWorldScene->updateObjectLocalRotation(ptr); } } void World::adjustPosition(const Ptr &ptr, bool force) { ESM::Position pos (ptr.getRefData().getPosition()); if(!ptr.getRefData().getBaseNode()) { // will be adjusted when Ptr's cell becomes active return; } float terrainHeight = -FLT_MAX;//mRendering->getTerrainHeightAt(Ogre::Vector3(pos.pos)); if (pos.pos[2] < terrainHeight) pos.pos[2] = terrainHeight; pos.pos[2] += 20; // place slightly above. will snap down to ground with code below ptr.getRefData().setPosition(pos); if (force || !isFlying(ptr)) { osg::Vec3f traced = mPhysics->traceDown(ptr, 500); if (traced.z() < pos.pos[2]) pos.pos[2] = traced.z(); } moveObject(ptr, ptr.getCell(), pos.pos[0], pos.pos[1], pos.pos[2]); } void World::fixPosition(const Ptr &actor) { const float dist = 8000; ESM::Position pos (actor.getRefData().getPosition()); pos.pos[2] += dist; actor.getRefData().setPosition(pos); osg::Vec3f traced = mPhysics->traceDown(actor, dist*1.1f); moveObject(actor, actor.getCell(), traced.x(), traced.y(), traced.z()); } void World::rotateObject (const Ptr& ptr,float x,float y,float z, bool adjust) { rotateObjectImp(ptr, Ogre::Vector3(Ogre::Degree(x).valueRadians(), Ogre::Degree(y).valueRadians(), Ogre::Degree(z).valueRadians()), adjust); } MWWorld::Ptr World::safePlaceObject(const MWWorld::Ptr& ptr, MWWorld::CellStore* cell, ESM::Position pos) { return copyObjectToCell(ptr,cell,pos,false); } void World::indexToPosition (int cellX, int cellY, float &x, float &y, bool centre) const { const int cellSize = 8192; x = static_cast(cellSize * cellX); y = static_cast(cellSize * cellY); if (centre) { x += cellSize/2; y += cellSize/2; } } void World::positionToIndex (float x, float y, int &cellX, int &cellY) const { const int cellSize = 8192; cellX = static_cast(std::floor(x / cellSize)); cellY = static_cast(std::floor(y / cellSize)); } void World::queueMovement(const Ptr &ptr, const osg::Vec3f &velocity) { mPhysics->queueObjectMovement(ptr, velocity); } void World::doPhysics(float duration) { mPhysics->stepSimulation(duration); processDoors(duration); //mProjectileManager->update(duration); const MWPhysics::PtrVelocityList &results = mPhysics->applyQueuedMovement(duration); MWPhysics::PtrVelocityList::const_iterator player(results.end()); for(MWPhysics::PtrVelocityList::const_iterator iter(results.begin());iter != results.end();++iter) { if(iter->first == getPlayerPtr()) { // Handle player last, in case a cell transition occurs player = iter; continue; } moveObjectImp(iter->first, iter->second.x(), iter->second.y(), iter->second.z()); } if(player != results.end()) moveObjectImp(player->first, player->second.x(), player->second.y(), player->second.z()); } bool World::castRay (float x1, float y1, float z1, float x2, float y2, float z2) { Ogre::Vector3 a(x1,y1,z1); Ogre::Vector3 b(x2,y2,z2); return 0;//mPhysics->castRay(a,b,false,true); } void World::processDoors(float duration) { #if 0 std::map::iterator it = mDoorStates.begin(); while (it != mDoorStates.end()) { if (!mWorldScene->isCellActive(*it->first.getCell()) || !it->first.getRefData().getBaseNode()) { // The door is no longer in an active cell, or it was disabled. // Erase from mDoorStates, since we no longer need to move it. // Once we load the door's cell again (or re-enable the door), Door::insertObject will reinsert to mDoorStates. mDoorStates.erase(it++); } else { float oldRot = Ogre::Radian(it->first.getRefData().getLocalRotation().rot[2]).valueDegrees(); float diff = duration * 90; float targetRot = std::min(std::max(0.f, oldRot + diff * (it->second == 1 ? 1 : -1)), 90.f); localRotateObject(it->first, 0, 0, targetRot); bool reached = (targetRot == 90.f && it->second) || targetRot == 0.f; /// \todo should use convexSweepTest here std::vector collisions = mPhysics->getCollisions(it->first, OEngine::Physic::CollisionType_Actor , OEngine::Physic::CollisionType_Actor); for (std::vector::iterator cit = collisions.begin(); cit != collisions.end(); ++cit) { MWWorld::Ptr ptr = getPtrViaHandle(*cit); if (ptr.getClass().isActor()) { // Collided with actor, ask actor to try to avoid door if(ptr != MWBase::Environment::get().getWorld()->getPlayerPtr() ) { MWMechanics::AiSequence& seq = ptr.getClass().getCreatureStats(ptr).getAiSequence(); if(seq.getTypeId() != MWMechanics::AiPackage::TypeIdAvoidDoor) //Only add it once seq.stack(MWMechanics::AiAvoidDoor(it->first),ptr); } // we need to undo the rotation localRotateObject(it->first, 0, 0, oldRot); reached = false; } } if (reached) { // Mark as non-moving it->first.getClass().setDoorState(it->first, 0); mDoorStates.erase(it++); } else ++it; } } #endif } bool World::toggleCollisionMode() { return mPhysics->toggleCollisionMode(); } bool World::toggleRenderMode (MWRender::RenderMode mode) { switch (mode) { case MWRender::Render_CollisionDebug: return mPhysics->toggleDebugRendering(); default: return mRendering->toggleRenderMode(mode); } } const ESM::Potion *World::createRecord (const ESM::Potion& record) { return mStore.insert(record); } const ESM::Class *World::createRecord (const ESM::Class& record) { return mStore.insert(record); } const ESM::Spell *World::createRecord (const ESM::Spell& record) { return mStore.insert(record); } const ESM::Cell *World::createRecord (const ESM::Cell& record) { return mStore.insert(record); } const ESM::CreatureLevList *World::createOverrideRecord(const ESM::CreatureLevList &record) { return mStore.overrideRecord(record); } const ESM::ItemLevList *World::createOverrideRecord(const ESM::ItemLevList &record) { return mStore.overrideRecord(record); } const ESM::NPC *World::createRecord(const ESM::NPC &record) { bool update = false; if (Misc::StringUtils::ciEqual(record.mId, "player")) { std::vector ids; getStore().get().listIdentifier(ids); unsigned int i=0; for (; igetPlayer().get()->mBase; update = record.isMale() != player->isMale() || !Misc::StringUtils::ciEqual(record.mRace, player->mRace) || !Misc::StringUtils::ciEqual(record.mHead, player->mHead) || !Misc::StringUtils::ciEqual(record.mHair, player->mHair); } const ESM::NPC *ret = mStore.insert(record); if (update) { mRendering->renderPlayer(getPlayerPtr()); scaleObject(getPlayerPtr(), 1.f); // apply race height } return ret; } const ESM::Armor *World::createRecord (const ESM::Armor& record) { return mStore.insert(record); } const ESM::Weapon *World::createRecord (const ESM::Weapon& record) { return mStore.insert(record); } const ESM::Clothing *World::createRecord (const ESM::Clothing& record) { return mStore.insert(record); } const ESM::Enchantment *World::createRecord (const ESM::Enchantment& record) { return mStore.insert(record); } const ESM::Book *World::createRecord (const ESM::Book& record) { return mStore.insert(record); } void World::update (float duration, bool paused) { if (mGoToJail && !paused) goToJail(); updateWeather(duration, paused); if (!paused) doPhysics (duration); mWorldScene->update (duration, paused); /* performUpdateSceneQueries (); updateWindowManager (); */ updateSoundListener(); /* if (!paused && mPlayer->getPlayer().getCell()->isExterior()) { ESM::Position pos = mPlayer->getPlayer().getRefData().getPosition(); mPlayer->setLastKnownExteriorPosition(Ogre::Vector3(pos.pos)); } */ // Sink the camera while sneaking bool sneaking = getPlayerPtr().getClass().getCreatureStats(getPlayerPtr()).getStance(MWMechanics::CreatureStats::Stance_Sneak); bool inair = !isOnGround(getPlayerPtr()); bool swimming = isSwimming(getPlayerPtr()); static const float i1stPersonSneakDelta = getStore().get().find("i1stPersonSneakDelta")->getFloat(); if(!paused && sneaking && !(swimming || inair)) mRendering->getCamera()->setSneakOffset(i1stPersonSneakDelta); else mRendering->getCamera()->setSneakOffset(0.f); } void World::updateSoundListener() { const ESM::Position& refpos = getPlayerPtr().getRefData().getPosition(); osg::Vec3f playerPos = refpos.asVec3(); const MWPhysics::Actor* actor = mPhysics->getActor(getPlayerPtr()); if (actor) playerPos.z() += 1.85f * actor->getHalfExtents().z(); osg::Quat playerOrient = osg::Quat(refpos.rot[1], osg::Vec3f(0,-1,0)) * osg::Quat(refpos.rot[0], osg::Vec3f(-1,0,0)) * osg::Quat(refpos.rot[2], osg::Vec3f(0,0,-1)); osg::Vec3f forward = playerOrient * osg::Vec3f(0,1,0); osg::Vec3f up = playerOrient * osg::Vec3f(0,0,1); MWBase::Environment::get().getSoundManager()->setListenerPosDir(playerPos, forward, up); } void World::updateWindowManager () { // inform the GUI about focused object MWWorld::Ptr object = getFacedObject (); MWBase::Environment::get().getWindowManager()->setFocusObject(object); // retrieve object dimensions so we know where to place the floating label if (!object.isEmpty ()) { Ogre::SceneNode* node = object.getRefData().getBaseNodeOld(); Ogre::AxisAlignedBox bounds = node->_getWorldAABB(); if (bounds.isFinite()) { Ogre::Vector4 screenCoords;// = mRendering->boundingBoxToScreen(bounds); MWBase::Environment::get().getWindowManager()->setFocusObjectScreenCoords( screenCoords[0], screenCoords[1], screenCoords[2], screenCoords[3]); } } } void World::performUpdateSceneQueries () { #if 0 if (!mRendering->occlusionQuerySupported()) { // cast a ray from player to sun to detect if the sun is visible // this is temporary until we find a better place to put this code // currently its here because we need to access the physics system const float* p = mPlayer->getPlayer().getRefData().getPosition().pos; Vector3 sun = mRendering->getSkyManager()->getRealSunPos(); mRendering->getSkyManager()->setGlare(!mPhysics->castRay(Ogre::Vector3(p[0], p[1], p[2]), sun)); } #endif } void World::getFacedHandle(std::string& facedHandle, float maxDistance, bool ignorePlayer) { //maxDistance += mRendering->getCameraDistance(); std::vector < std::pair < float, std::string > > results; if (MWBase::Environment::get().getWindowManager()->isGuiMode()) { float x, y; MWBase::Environment::get().getWindowManager()->getMousePosition(x, y); //results = mPhysics->getFacedHandles(x, y, maxDistance); } else { //results = mPhysics->getFacedHandles(maxDistance); } if (ignorePlayer && !results.empty() && results.front().second == "player") results.erase(results.begin()); if (results.empty() || results.front().second.find("HeightField") != std::string::npos) // Blocked by terrain facedHandle = ""; else facedHandle = results.front().second; } bool World::isCellExterior() const { const CellStore *currentCell = mWorldScene->getCurrentCell(); if (currentCell) { return currentCell->getCell()->isExterior(); } return false; } bool World::isCellQuasiExterior() const { const CellStore *currentCell = mWorldScene->getCurrentCell(); if (currentCell) { if (!(currentCell->getCell()->mData.mFlags & ESM::Cell::QuasiEx)) return false; else return true; } return false; } int World::getCurrentWeather() const { return mWeatherManager->getWeatherID(); } void World::changeWeather(const std::string& region, const unsigned int id) { mWeatherManager->changeWeather(region, id); } void World::modRegion(const std::string ®ionid, const std::vector &chances) { mWeatherManager->modRegion(regionid, chances); } Ogre::Vector2 World::getNorthVector (CellStore* cell) { MWWorld::CellRefList& statics = cell->get(); MWWorld::LiveCellRef* ref = statics.find("northmarker"); if (!ref) return Ogre::Vector2(0, 1); Ogre::Quaternion orient (Ogre::Radian(-ref->mData.getPosition().rot[2]), Ogre::Vector3::UNIT_Z); Ogre::Vector3 dir = orient * Ogre::Vector3(0,1,0); Ogre::Vector2 d = Ogre::Vector2(dir.x, dir.y); return d; } void World::getDoorMarkers (CellStore* cell, std::vector& out) { MWWorld::CellRefList& doors = cell->get(); CellRefList::List& refList = doors.mList; for (CellRefList::List::iterator it = refList.begin(); it != refList.end(); ++it) { MWWorld::LiveCellRef& ref = *it; if (!ref.mData.isEnabled()) continue; if (ref.mRef.getTeleport()) { World::DoorMarker newMarker; newMarker.name = MWClass::Door::getDestination(ref); ESM::CellId cellid; if (!ref.mRef.getDestCell().empty()) { cellid.mWorldspace = ref.mRef.getDestCell(); cellid.mPaged = false; } else { cellid.mPaged = true; MWBase::Environment::get().getWorld()->positionToIndex( ref.mRef.getDoorDest().pos[0], ref.mRef.getDoorDest().pos[1], cellid.mIndex.mX, cellid.mIndex.mY); } newMarker.dest = cellid; ESM::Position pos = ref.mData.getPosition (); newMarker.x = pos.pos[0]; newMarker.y = pos.pos[1]; out.push_back(newMarker); } } } void World::worldToInteriorMapPosition (Ogre::Vector2 position, float& nX, float& nY, int &x, int& y) { //mRendering->worldToInteriorMapPosition(position, nX, nY, x, y); } Ogre::Vector2 World::interiorMapToWorldPosition(float nX, float nY, int x, int y) { return Ogre::Vector2();//mRendering->interiorMapToWorldPosition(nX, nY, x, y); } bool World::isPositionExplored (float nX, float nY, int x, int y, bool interior) { return 0;//mRendering->isPositionExplored(nX, nY, x, y, interior); } void World::setWaterHeight(const float height) { //mPhysics->setWaterHeight(height); //mRendering->setWaterHeight(height); } bool World::toggleWater() { return 0;//mRendering->toggleWater(); } bool World::toggleWorld() { return 0;//mRendering->toggleWorld(); } void World::PCDropped (const Ptr& item) { std::string script = item.getClass().getScript(item); // Set OnPCDrop Variable on item's script, if it has a script with that variable declared if(script != "") item.getRefData().getLocals().setVarByInt(script, "onpcdrop", 1); } MWWorld::Ptr World::placeObject (const MWWorld::Ptr& object, float cursorX, float cursorY, int amount) { std::pair result;// = mPhysics->castRay(cursorX, cursorY); if (!result.first) return MWWorld::Ptr(); CellStore* cell = getPlayerPtr().getCell(); ESM::Position pos = getPlayerPtr().getRefData().getPosition(); pos.pos[0] = result.second[0]; pos.pos[1] = result.second[1]; pos.pos[2] = result.second[2]; // We want only the Z part of the player's rotation pos.rot[0] = 0; pos.rot[1] = 0; // copy the object and set its count int origCount = object.getRefData().getCount(); object.getRefData().setCount(amount); Ptr dropped = copyObjectToCell(object, cell, pos, true); object.getRefData().setCount(origCount); // only the player place items in the world, so no need to check actor PCDropped(dropped); return dropped; } bool World::canPlaceObject(float cursorX, float cursorY) { Ogre::Vector3 normal(0,0,0); std::string handle; std::pair result;// = mPhysics->castRay(cursorX, cursorY, &normal, &handle); if (result.first) { // check if the wanted position is on a flat surface, and not e.g. against a vertical wall if (normal.angleBetween(Ogre::Vector3(0.f,0.f,1.f)).valueDegrees() >= 30) return false; /* MWWorld::Ptr hitObject = searchPtrViaHandle(handle); if (!hitObject.isEmpty() && hitObject.getClass().isActor()) return false; */ return true; } else return false; } Ptr World::copyObjectToCell(const Ptr &object, CellStore* cell, ESM::Position pos, bool adjustPos) { if (cell->isExterior()) { int cellX, cellY; positionToIndex(pos.pos[0], pos.pos[1], cellX, cellY); cell = mCells.getExterior(cellX, cellY); } MWWorld::Ptr dropped = object.getClass().copyToCell(object, *cell, pos); // Reset some position values that could be uninitialized if this item came from a container LocalRotation localRotation; localRotation.rot[0] = 0; localRotation.rot[1] = 0; localRotation.rot[2] = 0; dropped.getRefData().setLocalRotation(localRotation); dropped.getCellRef().setPosition(pos); dropped.getCellRef().unsetRefNum(); if (mWorldScene->isCellActive(*cell)) { if (dropped.getRefData().isEnabled()) { mWorldScene->addObjectToScene(dropped); } std::string script = dropped.getClass().getScript(dropped); if (!script.empty()) { mLocalScripts.add(script, dropped); } addContainerScripts(dropped, cell); } if (!object.getClass().isActor() && adjustPos && dropped.getRefData().getBaseNode()) { // Adjust position so the location we wanted ends up in the middle of the object bounding box osg::ComputeBoundsVisitor computeBounds; dropped.getRefData().getBaseNode()->accept(computeBounds); osg::BoundingBox bounds = computeBounds.getBoundingBox(); if (bounds.valid()) { bounds.set(bounds._min - pos.asVec3(), bounds._max - pos.asVec3()); osg::Vec3f adjust ( (bounds.xMin() + bounds.xMax()) / 2, (bounds.yMin() + bounds.yMax()) / 2, bounds.zMin() ); pos.pos[0] -= adjust.x(); pos.pos[1] -= adjust.y(); pos.pos[2] -= adjust.z(); moveObject(dropped, pos.pos[0], pos.pos[1], pos.pos[2]); } } return dropped; } MWWorld::Ptr World::dropObjectOnGround (const Ptr& actor, const Ptr& object, int amount) { MWWorld::CellStore* cell = actor.getCell(); ESM::Position pos = actor.getRefData().getPosition(); // We want only the Z part of the actor's rotation pos.rot[0] = 0; pos.rot[1] = 0; osg::Vec3f orig = pos.asVec3(); orig.z() += 20; osg::Vec3f dir (0, 0, -1); float len = 100.0; std::pair hit = mPhysics->castRay(orig, dir*len); if (hit.first) pos.pos[2] = hit.second.z(); // copy the object and set its count int origCount = object.getRefData().getCount(); object.getRefData().setCount(amount); Ptr dropped = copyObjectToCell(object, cell, pos); object.getRefData().setCount(origCount); if(actor == mPlayer->getPlayer()) // Only call if dropped by player PCDropped(dropped); return dropped; } void World::processChangedSettings(const Settings::CategorySettingVector& settings) { mRendering->processChangedSettings(settings); } bool World::isFlying(const MWWorld::Ptr &ptr) const { const MWMechanics::CreatureStats &stats = ptr.getClass().getCreatureStats(ptr); bool isParalyzed = (stats.getMagicEffects().get(ESM::MagicEffect::Paralyze).getMagnitude() > 0); if(!ptr.getClass().isActor()) return false; if (ptr.getClass().getCreatureStats(ptr).isDead()) return false; if (ptr.getClass().canFly(ptr)) return !isParalyzed; if(stats.getMagicEffects().get(ESM::MagicEffect::Levitate).getMagnitude() > 0 && isLevitationEnabled()) return true; const MWPhysics::Actor* actor = mPhysics->getActor(ptr); if(!actor || !actor->getCollisionMode()) return true; return false; } bool World::isSlowFalling(const MWWorld::Ptr &ptr) const { if(!ptr.getClass().isActor()) return false; const MWMechanics::CreatureStats &stats = ptr.getClass().getCreatureStats(ptr); if(stats.getMagicEffects().get(ESM::MagicEffect::SlowFall).getMagnitude() > 0) return true; return false; } bool World::isSubmerged(const MWWorld::Ptr &object) const { return isUnderwater(object, 1.0f/mSwimHeightScale); } bool World::isSwimming(const MWWorld::Ptr &object) const { return isUnderwater(object, mSwimHeightScale); } bool World::isWading(const MWWorld::Ptr &object) const { const float kneeDeep = 0.25f; return isUnderwater(object, kneeDeep); } bool World::isUnderwater(const MWWorld::Ptr &object, const float heightRatio) const { const float *fpos = object.getRefData().getPosition().pos; Ogre::Vector3 pos(fpos[0], fpos[1], fpos[2]); const MWPhysics::Actor* actor = mPhysics->getActor(object); if (actor) { pos.z += heightRatio*2*actor->getHalfExtents().z(); } return isUnderwater(object.getCell(), pos); } bool World::isUnderwater(const MWWorld::CellStore* cell, const Ogre::Vector3 &pos) const { if (!(cell->getCell()->mData.mFlags & ESM::Cell::HasWater)) { return false; } return pos.z < cell->getWaterLevel(); } // physactor->getOnGround() is not a reliable indicator of whether the actor // is on the ground (defaults to false, which means code blocks such as // CharacterController::update() may falsely detect "falling"). // // Also, collisions can move z position slightly off zero, giving a false // indication. In order to reduce false detection of jumping, small distance // below the actor is detected and ignored. A value of 1.5 is used here, but // something larger may be more suitable. This change should resolve Bug#1271. // // TODO: There might be better places to update PhysicActor::mOnGround. bool World::isOnGround(const MWWorld::Ptr &ptr) const { MWPhysics::Actor* physactor = mPhysics->getActor(ptr); if(!physactor) return false; return physactor->getOnGround(); /* if(physactor->getOnGround()) return true; else { Ogre::Vector3 pos(ptr.getRefData().getPosition().pos); OEngine::Physic::ActorTracer tracer; // a small distance above collision object is considered "on ground" tracer.findGround(physactor, pos, pos - Ogre::Vector3(0, 0, 1.5f), // trace a small amount down mPhysEngine); if(tracer.mFraction < 1.0f) // collision, must be close to something below { physactor->setOnGround(true); return true; } else return false; } */ } void World::togglePOV() { mRendering->togglePOV(); } bool World::isFirstPerson() const { return mRendering->getCamera()->isFirstPerson(); } void World::togglePreviewMode(bool enable) { mRendering->togglePreviewMode(enable); } bool World::toggleVanityMode(bool enable) { return mRendering->toggleVanityMode(enable); } void World::allowVanityMode(bool allow) { mRendering->allowVanityMode(allow); } void World::togglePlayerLooking(bool enable) { mRendering->togglePlayerLooking(enable); } void World::changeVanityModeScale(float factor) { mRendering->changeVanityModeScale(factor); } bool World::vanityRotateCamera(float * rot) { return mRendering->vanityRotateCamera(rot); } void World::setCameraDistance(float dist, bool adjust, bool override_) { mRendering->setCameraDistance(dist, adjust, override_); } void World::setupPlayer() { const ESM::NPC *player = mStore.get().find("player"); if (!mPlayer) mPlayer = new MWWorld::Player(player, *this); else { // Remove the old CharacterController MWBase::Environment::get().getMechanicsManager()->remove(getPlayerPtr()); mPlayer->set(player); } Ptr ptr = mPlayer->getPlayer(); mRendering->setupPlayer(ptr); } void World::renderPlayer() { mRendering->renderPlayer(getPlayerPtr()); scaleObject(getPlayerPtr(), 1.f); // apply race height // At this point the Animation object is live, and the CharacterController associated with it must be created. // It has to be done at this point: resetCamera below does animation->setViewMode -> CharacterController::forceStateUpdate // so we should make sure not to use a "stale" controller for that. MWBase::Environment::get().getMechanicsManager()->add(getPlayerPtr()); std::string model = getPlayerPtr().getClass().getModel(getPlayerPtr()); model = Misc::ResourceHelpers::correctActorModelPath(model, mResourceSystem->getVFS()); mPhysics->addActor(getPlayerPtr(), model); } int World::canRest () { CellStore *currentCell = mWorldScene->getCurrentCell(); Ptr player = mPlayer->getPlayer(); RefData &refdata = player.getRefData(); Ogre::Vector3 playerPos(refdata.getPosition().pos); const MWPhysics::Actor* actor = mPhysics->getActor(player); if (!actor) throw std::runtime_error("can't find player"); if((!actor->getOnGround()&&actor->getCollisionMode()) || isUnderwater(currentCell, playerPos) || isWalkingOnWater(player)) return 2; if((currentCell->getCell()->mData.mFlags&ESM::Cell::NoSleep) || player.getClass().getNpcStats(player).isWerewolf()) return 1; return 0; } MWRender::Animation* World::getAnimation(const MWWorld::Ptr &ptr) { if (ptr == getPlayerPtr()) return mRendering->getPlayerAnimation(); return mRendering->getAnimation(ptr); } void World::screenshot(Ogre::Image &image, int w, int h) { //mRendering->screenshot(image, w, h); } void World::activateDoor(const MWWorld::Ptr& door) { int state = door.getClass().getDoorState(door); switch (state) { case 0: if (door.getRefData().getLocalRotation().rot[2] == 0) state = 1; // if closed, then open else state = 2; // if open, then close break; case 2: state = 1; // if closing, then open break; case 1: default: state = 2; // if opening, then close break; } door.getClass().setDoorState(door, state); mDoorStates[door] = state; } void World::activateDoor(const Ptr &door, int state) { door.getClass().setDoorState(door, state); mDoorStates[door] = state; if (state == 0) mDoorStates.erase(door); } bool World::getPlayerStandingOn (const MWWorld::Ptr& object) { //MWWorld::Ptr player = getPlayerPtr(); return 0;//mPhysics->isActorStandingOn(player, object); } bool World::getActorStandingOn (const MWWorld::Ptr& object) { std::vector actors; //mPhysics->getActorsStandingOn(object, actors); return !actors.empty(); } bool World::getPlayerCollidingWith (const MWWorld::Ptr& object) { //MWWorld::Ptr player = getPlayerPtr(); return 0;//mPhysics->isActorCollidingWith(player, object); } bool World::getActorCollidingWith (const MWWorld::Ptr& object) { std::vector actors; //mPhysics->getActorsCollidingWith(object, actors); return !actors.empty(); } void World::hurtStandingActors(const Ptr &object, float healthPerSecond) { if (MWBase::Environment::get().getWindowManager()->isGuiMode()) return; /* std::vector actors; mPhysics->getActorsStandingOn(object, actors); for (std::vector::iterator it = actors.begin(); it != actors.end(); ++it) { MWWorld::Ptr actor = searchPtrViaHandle(*it); // Collision events are from the last frame, actor might no longer exist if (actor.isEmpty()) continue; MWMechanics::CreatureStats& stats = actor.getClass().getCreatureStats(actor); if (stats.isDead()) continue; MWMechanics::DynamicStat health = stats.getHealth(); health.setCurrent(health.getCurrent()-healthPerSecond*MWBase::Environment::get().getFrameDuration()); stats.setHealth(health); if (healthPerSecond > 0.0f) { if (actor == getPlayerPtr()) MWBase::Environment::get().getWindowManager()->activateHitOverlay(false); if (!MWBase::Environment::get().getSoundManager()->getSoundPlaying(actor, "Health Damage")) MWBase::Environment::get().getSoundManager()->playSound3D(actor, "Health Damage", 1.0f, 1.0f); } } */ } void World::hurtCollidingActors(const Ptr &object, float healthPerSecond) { if (MWBase::Environment::get().getWindowManager()->isGuiMode()) return; /* std::vector actors; mPhysics->getActorsCollidingWith(object, actors); for (std::vector::iterator it = actors.begin(); it != actors.end(); ++it) { MWWorld::Ptr actor = searchPtrViaHandle(*it); // Collision events are from the last frame, actor might no longer exist if (actor.isEmpty()) continue; MWMechanics::CreatureStats& stats = actor.getClass().getCreatureStats(actor); if (stats.isDead()) continue; MWMechanics::DynamicStat health = stats.getHealth(); health.setCurrent(health.getCurrent()-healthPerSecond*MWBase::Environment::get().getFrameDuration()); stats.setHealth(health); if (healthPerSecond > 0.0f) { if (actor == getPlayerPtr()) MWBase::Environment::get().getWindowManager()->activateHitOverlay(false); if (!MWBase::Environment::get().getSoundManager()->getSoundPlaying(actor, "Health Damage")) MWBase::Environment::get().getSoundManager()->playSound3D(actor, "Health Damage", 1.0f, 1.0f); } } */ } float World::getWindSpeed() { if (isCellExterior() || isCellQuasiExterior()) return mWeatherManager->getWindSpeed(); else return 0.f; } bool World::isInStorm() const { if (isCellExterior() || isCellQuasiExterior()) return mWeatherManager->isInStorm(); else return false; } osg::Vec3f World::getStormDirection() const { if (isCellExterior() || isCellQuasiExterior()) return mWeatherManager->getStormDirection(); else return osg::Vec3f(0,1,0); } void World::getContainersOwnedBy (const MWWorld::Ptr& npc, std::vector& out) { const Scene::CellStoreCollection& collection = mWorldScene->getActiveCells(); for (Scene::CellStoreCollection::const_iterator cellIt = collection.begin(); cellIt != collection.end(); ++cellIt) { MWWorld::CellRefList& containers = (*cellIt)->get(); CellRefList::List& refList = containers.mList; for (CellRefList::List::iterator container = refList.begin(); container != refList.end(); ++container) { MWWorld::Ptr ptr (&*container, *cellIt); if (ptr.getRefData().isDeleted()) continue; if (Misc::StringUtils::ciEqual(ptr.getCellRef().getOwner(), npc.getCellRef().getRefId())) out.push_back(ptr); } } } struct ListObjectsFunctor { std::vector mObjects; bool operator() (Ptr ptr) { if (ptr.getRefData().getBaseNode()) mObjects.push_back(ptr); return true; } }; void World::getItemsOwnedBy (const MWWorld::Ptr& npc, std::vector& out) { const Scene::CellStoreCollection& collection = mWorldScene->getActiveCells(); for (Scene::CellStoreCollection::const_iterator cellIt = collection.begin(); cellIt != collection.end(); ++cellIt) { ListObjectsFunctor functor; (*cellIt)->forEach(functor); for (std::vector::iterator it = functor.mObjects.begin(); it != functor.mObjects.end(); ++it) if (Misc::StringUtils::ciEqual(it->getCellRef().getOwner(), npc.getCellRef().getRefId())) out.push_back(*it); } } bool World::getLOS(const MWWorld::Ptr& actor,const MWWorld::Ptr& targetActor) { if (!targetActor.getRefData().isEnabled() || !actor.getRefData().isEnabled()) return false; // cannot get LOS unless both NPC's are enabled if (!targetActor.getRefData().getBaseNode() || !targetActor.getRefData().getBaseNode()) return false; // not in active cell // TODO: move to PhysicsSystem /* OEngine::Physic::PhysicActor* actor1 = mPhysEngine->getCharacter(actor.getRefData().getHandle()); OEngine::Physic::PhysicActor* actor2 = mPhysEngine->getCharacter(targetActor.getRefData().getHandle()); if (!actor1 || !actor2) return false; Ogre::Vector3 halfExt1 = actor1->getHalfExtents(); const float* pos1 = actor.getRefData().getPosition().pos; Ogre::Vector3 halfExt2 = actor2->getHalfExtents(); const float* pos2 = targetActor.getRefData().getPosition().pos; btVector3 from(pos1[0],pos1[1],pos1[2]+halfExt1.z*2*0.9f); // eye level btVector3 to(pos2[0],pos2[1],pos2[2]+halfExt2.z*2*0.9f); std::pair result = mPhysEngine->rayTest(from, to,false); if(result.first == "") return true; */ return false; } float World::getDistToNearestRayHit(const Ogre::Vector3& from, const Ogre::Vector3& dir, float maxDist) { return 0; /* btVector3 btFrom(from.x, from.y, from.z); btVector3 btTo = btVector3(dir.x, dir.y, dir.z); btTo.normalize(); btTo = btFrom + btTo * maxDist; std::pair result = mPhysEngine->rayTest(btFrom, btTo, false); if(result.second == -1) return maxDist; else return result.second*(btTo-btFrom).length(); */ } void World::enableActorCollision(const MWWorld::Ptr& actor, bool enable) { MWPhysics::Actor *physicActor = mPhysics->getActor(actor); if (physicActor) physicActor->enableCollisionBody(enable); } bool World::findInteriorPosition(const std::string &name, ESM::Position &pos) { typedef MWWorld::CellRefList::List DoorList; typedef MWWorld::CellRefList::List StaticList; pos.rot[0] = pos.rot[1] = pos.rot[2] = 0; pos.pos[0] = pos.pos[1] = pos.pos[2] = 0; MWWorld::CellStore *cellStore = getInterior(name); if (0 == cellStore) { return false; } const DoorList &doors = cellStore->get().mList; for (DoorList::const_iterator it = doors.begin(); it != doors.end(); ++it) { if (!it->mRef.getTeleport()) { continue; } MWWorld::CellStore *source = 0; // door to exterior if (it->mRef.getDestCell().empty()) { int x, y; ESM::Position doorDest = it->mRef.getDoorDest(); positionToIndex(doorDest.pos[0], doorDest.pos[1], x, y); source = getExterior(x, y); } // door to interior else { source = getInterior(it->mRef.getDestCell()); } if (0 != source) { // Find door leading to our current teleport door // and use it destination to position inside cell. const DoorList &doors = source->get().mList; for (DoorList::const_iterator jt = doors.begin(); jt != doors.end(); ++jt) { if (it->mRef.getTeleport() && Misc::StringUtils::ciEqual(name, jt->mRef.getDestCell())) { /// \note Using _any_ door pointed to the interior, /// not the one pointed to current door. pos = jt->mRef.getDoorDest(); return true; } } } } // Fall back to the first static location. const StaticList &statics = cellStore->get().mList; if ( statics.begin() != statics.end() ) { pos = statics.begin()->mRef.getPosition(); return true; } return false; } bool World::findExteriorPosition(const std::string &name, ESM::Position &pos) { pos.rot[0] = pos.rot[1] = pos.rot[2] = 0; if (const ESM::Cell *ext = getExterior(name)) { int x = ext->getGridX(); int y = ext->getGridY(); indexToPosition(x, y, pos.pos[0], pos.pos[1], true); // Note: Z pos will be adjusted by adjustPosition later pos.pos[2] = 0; return true; } return false; } void World::enableTeleporting(bool enable) { mTeleportEnabled = enable; } bool World::isTeleportingEnabled() const { return mTeleportEnabled; } void World::enableLevitation(bool enable) { mLevitationEnabled = enable; } bool World::isLevitationEnabled() const { return mLevitationEnabled; } void World::reattachPlayerCamera() { mRendering->rebuildPtr(getPlayerPtr()); } void World::setWerewolf(const MWWorld::Ptr& actor, bool werewolf) { MWMechanics::NpcStats& npcStats = actor.getClass().getNpcStats(actor); // The actor does not have to change state if (npcStats.isWerewolf() == werewolf) return; npcStats.setWerewolf(werewolf); // This is a bit dangerous. Equipped items other than WerewolfRobe may reference // bones that do not even exist with the werewolf object root. // Therefore, make sure to unequip everything at once, and only fire the change event // (which will rebuild the animation parts) afterwards. unequipAll will do this for us. MWWorld::InventoryStore& invStore = actor.getClass().getInventoryStore(actor); invStore.unequipAll(actor); if(werewolf) { InventoryStore &inv = actor.getClass().getInventoryStore(actor); inv.equip(InventoryStore::Slot_Robe, inv.ContainerStore::add("werewolfrobe", 1, actor), actor); } else { actor.getClass().getContainerStore(actor).remove("werewolfrobe", 1, actor); } // NpcAnimation::updateParts will already rebuild the animation when it detects change of Npc type. // the following is just for reattaching the camera properly. mRendering->rebuildPtr(actor); if(actor == getPlayerPtr()) { // Update the GUI only when called on the player MWBase::WindowManager* windowManager = MWBase::Environment::get().getWindowManager(); if (werewolf) { windowManager->forceHide(MWGui::GW_Inventory); windowManager->forceHide(MWGui::GW_Magic); } else { windowManager->unsetForceHide(MWGui::GW_Inventory); windowManager->unsetForceHide(MWGui::GW_Magic); } windowManager->setWerewolfOverlay(werewolf); // Witnesses of the player's transformation will make them a globally known werewolf std::vector closeActors; MWBase::Environment::get().getMechanicsManager()->getActorsInRange(Ogre::Vector3(actor.getRefData().getPosition().pos), getStore().get().search("fAlarmRadius")->getFloat(), closeActors); bool detected = false, reported = false; for (std::vector::const_iterator it = closeActors.begin(); it != closeActors.end(); ++it) { if (*it == actor) continue; if (!it->getClass().isNpc()) continue; if (getLOS(*it, actor) && MWBase::Environment::get().getMechanicsManager()->awarenessCheck(actor, *it)) detected = true; if (it->getClass().getCreatureStats(*it).getAiSetting(MWMechanics::CreatureStats::AI_Alarm).getModified() > 0) reported = true; } if (detected) { windowManager->messageBox("#{sWerewolfAlarmMessage}"); setGlobalInt("pcknownwerewolf", 1); if (reported) { npcStats.setBounty(npcStats.getBounty()+ MWBase::Environment::get().getWorld()->getStore().get().find("iWereWolfBounty")->getInt()); windowManager->messageBox("#{sCrimeMessage}"); } } } } void World::applyWerewolfAcrobatics(const Ptr &actor) { const Store &gmst = getStore().get(); MWMechanics::NpcStats &stats = actor.getClass().getNpcStats(actor); stats.getSkill(ESM::Skill::Acrobatics).setBase(gmst.find("fWerewolfAcrobatics")->getInt()); } bool World::getGodModeState() { return mGodMode; } bool World::toggleGodMode() { mGodMode = !mGodMode; return mGodMode; } bool World::toggleScripts() { mScriptsEnabled = !mScriptsEnabled; return mScriptsEnabled; } bool World::getScriptsEnabled() const { return mScriptsEnabled; } void World::loadContentFiles(const Files::Collections& fileCollections, const std::vector& content, ContentLoader& contentLoader) { std::vector::const_iterator it(content.begin()); std::vector::const_iterator end(content.end()); for (int idx = 0; it != end; ++it, ++idx) { boost::filesystem::path filename(*it); const Files::MultiDirCollection& col = fileCollections.getCollection(filename.extension().string()); if (col.doesExist(*it)) { contentLoader.load(col.getPath(*it), idx); } else { std::stringstream msg; msg << "Failed loading " << *it << ": the content file does not exist"; throw std::runtime_error(msg.str()); } } } bool World::startSpellCast(const Ptr &actor) { MWMechanics::CreatureStats& stats = actor.getClass().getCreatureStats(actor); std::string message; bool fail = false; bool isPlayer = (actor == getPlayerPtr()); std::string selectedSpell = stats.getSpells().getSelectedSpell(); if (!selectedSpell.empty()) { const ESM::Spell* spell = getStore().get().find(selectedSpell); // Check mana MWMechanics::DynamicStat magicka = stats.getMagicka(); if (magicka.getCurrent() < spell->mData.mCost && !(isPlayer && getGodModeState())) { message = "#{sMagicInsufficientSP}"; fail = true; } // If this is a power, check if it was already used in the last 24h if (!fail && spell->mData.mType == ESM::Spell::ST_Power && !stats.getSpells().canUsePower(spell->mId)) { message = "#{sPowerAlreadyUsed}"; fail = true; } // Reduce mana if (!fail) { magicka.setCurrent(magicka.getCurrent() - spell->mData.mCost); stats.setMagicka(magicka); } } if (isPlayer && fail) MWBase::Environment::get().getWindowManager()->messageBox(message); return !fail; } void World::castSpell(const Ptr &actor) { MWMechanics::CreatureStats& stats = actor.getClass().getCreatureStats(actor); // Get the target to use for "on touch" effects MWWorld::Ptr target; float distance = 192.f; // ?? if (actor == getPlayerPtr()) { // For the player, use camera to aim std::string facedHandle; getFacedHandle(facedHandle, distance); //if (!facedHandle.empty()) // target = getPtrViaHandle(facedHandle); } else { // For NPCs use facing direction from Head node Ogre::Vector3 origin(actor.getRefData().getPosition().pos); #if 0 MWRender::Animation *anim = mRendering->getAnimation(actor); if(anim != NULL) { Ogre::Node *node = anim->getNode("Head"); if (node == NULL) node = anim->getNode("Bip01 Head"); if(node != NULL) origin += node->_getDerivedPosition(); } #endif /* Ogre::Quaternion orient; orient = Ogre::Quaternion(Ogre::Radian(actor.getRefData().getPosition().rot[2]), Ogre::Vector3::NEGATIVE_UNIT_Z) * Ogre::Quaternion(Ogre::Radian(actor.getRefData().getPosition().rot[0]), Ogre::Vector3::NEGATIVE_UNIT_X); Ogre::Vector3 direction = orient.yAxis(); Ogre::Vector3 dest = origin + direction * distance; std::vector > collisions = mPhysEngine->rayTest2(btVector3(origin.x, origin.y, origin.z), btVector3(dest.x, dest.y, dest.z)); for (std::vector >::iterator cIt = collisions.begin(); cIt != collisions.end(); ++cIt) { MWWorld::Ptr collided = getPtrViaHandle(cIt->second); if (collided != actor) { target = collided; break; } } */ } std::string selectedSpell = stats.getSpells().getSelectedSpell(); MWMechanics::CastSpell cast(actor, target); if (!target.isEmpty()) cast.mHitPosition = Ogre::Vector3(target.getRefData().getPosition().pos); if (!selectedSpell.empty()) { const ESM::Spell* spell = getStore().get().find(selectedSpell); // A power can be used once per 24h if (spell->mData.mType == ESM::Spell::ST_Power) stats.getSpells().usePower(spell->mId); cast.cast(spell); } else if (actor.getClass().hasInventoryStore(actor)) { MWWorld::InventoryStore& inv = actor.getClass().getInventoryStore(actor); if (inv.getSelectedEnchantItem() != inv.end()) cast.cast(*inv.getSelectedEnchantItem()); } } void World::launchProjectile (MWWorld::Ptr actor, MWWorld::Ptr projectile, const Ogre::Vector3& worldPos, const Ogre::Quaternion& orient, MWWorld::Ptr bow, float speed) { #if 0 mProjectileManager->launchProjectile(actor, projectile, worldPos, orient, bow, speed); #endif } void World::launchMagicBolt (const std::string& model, const std::string &sound, const std::string &spellId, float speed, bool stack, const ESM::EffectList& effects, const MWWorld::Ptr& caster, const std::string& sourceName, const Ogre::Vector3& fallbackDirection) { #if 0 mProjectileManager->launchMagicBolt(model, sound, spellId, speed, stack, effects, caster, sourceName, fallbackDirection); #endif } const std::vector& World::getContentFiles() const { return mContentFiles; } void World::breakInvisibility(const Ptr &actor) { actor.getClass().getCreatureStats(actor).getActiveSpells().purgeEffect(ESM::MagicEffect::Invisibility); if (actor.getClass().hasInventoryStore(actor)) actor.getClass().getInventoryStore(actor).purgeEffect(ESM::MagicEffect::Invisibility); // Normally updated once per frame, but here it is kinda important to do it right away. MWBase::Environment::get().getMechanicsManager()->updateMagicEffects(actor); } bool World::isDark() const { MWWorld::CellStore* cell = mPlayer->getPlayer().getCell(); if (cell->isExterior()) return mWeatherManager->isDark(); else { uint32_t ambient = cell->getCell()->mAmbi.mAmbient; int ambientTotal = (ambient & 0xff) + ((ambient>>8) & 0xff) + ((ambient>>16) & 0xff); return !(cell->getCell()->mData.mFlags & ESM::Cell::NoSleep) && ambientTotal <= 201; } } bool World::findInteriorPositionInWorldSpace(MWWorld::CellStore* cell, Ogre::Vector3& result) { if (cell->isExterior()) return false; // Search for a 'nearest' exterior, counting each cell between the starting // cell and the exterior as a distance of 1. Will fail for isolated interiors. std::set< std::string >checkedCells; std::set< std::string >currentCells; std::set< std::string >nextCells; nextCells.insert( cell->getCell()->mName ); while ( !nextCells.empty() ) { currentCells = nextCells; nextCells.clear(); for( std::set< std::string >::const_iterator i = currentCells.begin(); i != currentCells.end(); ++i ) { MWWorld::CellStore *next = getInterior( *i ); if ( !next ) continue; const MWWorld::CellRefList& doors = next->getReadOnly(); const CellRefList::List& refList = doors.mList; // Check if any door in the cell leads to an exterior directly for (CellRefList::List::const_iterator it = refList.begin(); it != refList.end(); ++it) { const MWWorld::LiveCellRef& ref = *it; if (!ref.mRef.getTeleport()) continue; if (ref.mRef.getDestCell().empty()) { ESM::Position pos = ref.mRef.getDoorDest(); result = Ogre::Vector3(pos.pos); return true; } else { std::string dest = ref.mRef.getDestCell(); if ( !checkedCells.count(dest) && !currentCells.count(dest) ) nextCells.insert(dest); } } checkedCells.insert( *i ); } } // No luck :( return false; } MWWorld::Ptr World::getClosestMarker( const MWWorld::Ptr &ptr, const std::string &id ) { if ( ptr.getCell()->isExterior() ) { return getClosestMarkerFromExteriorPosition(mPlayer->getLastKnownExteriorPosition(), id); } // Search for a 'nearest' marker, counting each cell between the starting // cell and the exterior as a distance of 1. If an exterior is found, jump // to the nearest exterior marker, without further interior searching. std::set< std::string >checkedCells; std::set< std::string >currentCells; std::set< std::string >nextCells; MWWorld::Ptr closestMarker; nextCells.insert( ptr.getCell()->getCell()->mName ); while ( !nextCells.empty() ) { currentCells = nextCells; nextCells.clear(); for( std::set< std::string >::const_iterator i = currentCells.begin(); i != currentCells.end(); ++i ) { MWWorld::CellStore *next = getInterior( *i ); checkedCells.insert( *i ); if ( !next ) continue; closestMarker = next->search( id ); if ( !closestMarker.isEmpty() ) { return closestMarker; } const MWWorld::CellRefList& doors = next->getReadOnly(); const CellRefList::List& doorList = doors.mList; // Check if any door in the cell leads to an exterior directly for (CellRefList::List::const_iterator it = doorList.begin(); it != doorList.end(); ++it) { const MWWorld::LiveCellRef& ref = *it; if (!ref.mRef.getTeleport()) continue; if (ref.mRef.getDestCell().empty()) { Ogre::Vector3 worldPos = Ogre::Vector3(ref.mRef.getDoorDest().pos); return getClosestMarkerFromExteriorPosition(worldPos, id); } else { std::string dest = ref.mRef.getDestCell(); if ( !checkedCells.count(dest) && !currentCells.count(dest) ) nextCells.insert(dest); } } } } return MWWorld::Ptr(); } MWWorld::Ptr World::getClosestMarkerFromExteriorPosition( const Ogre::Vector3 worldPos, const std::string &id ) { MWWorld::Ptr closestMarker; float closestDistance = FLT_MAX; std::vector markers; mCells.getExteriorPtrs(id, markers); for (std::vector::iterator it2 = markers.begin(); it2 != markers.end(); ++it2) { ESM::Position pos = it2->getRefData().getPosition(); Ogre::Vector3 markerPos = Ogre::Vector3(pos.pos); float distance = worldPos.squaredDistance(markerPos); if (distance < closestDistance) { closestDistance = distance; closestMarker = *it2; } } return closestMarker; } void World::teleportToClosestMarker (const MWWorld::Ptr& ptr, const std::string& id) { MWWorld::Ptr closestMarker = getClosestMarker( ptr, id ); if ( closestMarker.isEmpty() ) { std::cerr << "Failed to teleport: no closest marker found" << std::endl; return; } std::string cellName; if ( !closestMarker.mCell->isExterior() ) cellName = closestMarker.mCell->getCell()->mName; MWWorld::ActionTeleport action(cellName, closestMarker.getRefData().getPosition()); action.execute(ptr); } void World::updateWeather(float duration, bool paused) { if (mPlayer->wasTeleported()) { mPlayer->setTeleported(false); mWeatherManager->switchToNextWeather(true); } mWeatherManager->update(duration, paused); } struct AddDetectedReference { AddDetectedReference(std::vector& out, Ptr detector, World::DetectionType type, float squaredDist) : mOut(out), mDetector(detector), mSquaredDist(squaredDist), mType(type) { } std::vector& mOut; Ptr mDetector; float mSquaredDist; World::DetectionType mType; bool operator() (MWWorld::Ptr ptr) { if (Ogre::Vector3(ptr.getRefData().getPosition().pos).squaredDistance( Ogre::Vector3(mDetector.getRefData().getPosition().pos)) >= mSquaredDist) return true; if (!ptr.getRefData().isEnabled() || ptr.getRefData().isDeleted()) return true; // Consider references inside containers as well (except if we are looking for a Creature, they cannot be in containers) if (mType != World::Detect_Creature && (ptr.getClass().isActor() || ptr.getClass().getTypeName() == typeid(ESM::Container).name())) { MWWorld::ContainerStore& store = ptr.getClass().getContainerStore(ptr); { for (MWWorld::ContainerStoreIterator it = store.begin(); it != store.end(); ++it) { if (needToAdd(*it, mDetector)) { mOut.push_back(ptr); return true; } } } } if (needToAdd(ptr, mDetector)) mOut.push_back(ptr); return true; } bool needToAdd (MWWorld::Ptr ptr, MWWorld::Ptr detector) { if (mType == World::Detect_Creature) { // If in werewolf form, this detects only NPCs, otherwise only creatures if (detector.getClass().isNpc() && detector.getClass().getNpcStats(detector).isWerewolf()) { if (ptr.getClass().getTypeName() != typeid(ESM::NPC).name()) return false; } else if (ptr.getClass().getTypeName() != typeid(ESM::Creature).name()) return false; if (ptr.getClass().getCreatureStats(ptr).isDead()) return false; } if (mType == World::Detect_Key && !ptr.getClass().isKey(ptr)) return false; if (mType == World::Detect_Enchantment && ptr.getClass().getEnchantment(ptr).empty()) return false; return true; } }; void World::listDetectedReferences(const Ptr &ptr, std::vector &out, DetectionType type) { const MWMechanics::MagicEffects& effects = ptr.getClass().getCreatureStats(ptr).getMagicEffects(); float dist=0; if (type == World::Detect_Creature) dist = effects.get(ESM::MagicEffect::DetectAnimal).getMagnitude(); else if (type == World::Detect_Key) dist = effects.get(ESM::MagicEffect::DetectKey).getMagnitude(); else if (type == World::Detect_Enchantment) dist = effects.get(ESM::MagicEffect::DetectEnchantment).getMagnitude(); if (!dist) return; dist = feetToGameUnits(dist); AddDetectedReference functor (out, ptr, type, dist*dist); const Scene::CellStoreCollection& active = mWorldScene->getActiveCells(); for (Scene::CellStoreCollection::const_iterator it = active.begin(); it != active.end(); ++it) { MWWorld::CellStore* cellStore = *it; cellStore->forEach(functor); } } float World::feetToGameUnits(float feet) { // Looks like there is no GMST for this. This factor was determined in experiments // with the Telekinesis effect. return feet * 22; } MWWorld::Ptr World::getPlayerPtr() { return mPlayer->getPlayer(); } void World::updateDialogueGlobals() { MWWorld::Ptr player = getPlayerPtr(); int bounty = player.getClass().getNpcStats(player).getBounty(); int playerGold = player.getClass().getContainerStore(player).count(ContainerStore::sGoldId); float fCrimeGoldDiscountMult = getStore().get().find("fCrimeGoldDiscountMult")->getFloat(); float fCrimeGoldTurnInMult = getStore().get().find("fCrimeGoldTurnInMult")->getFloat(); int discount = static_cast(bounty * fCrimeGoldDiscountMult); int turnIn = static_cast(bounty * fCrimeGoldTurnInMult); if (bounty > 0) { discount = std::max(1, discount); turnIn = std::max(1, turnIn); } mGlobalVariables["pchascrimegold"].setInteger((bounty <= playerGold) ? 1 : 0); mGlobalVariables["pchasgolddiscount"].setInteger((discount <= playerGold) ? 1 : 0); mGlobalVariables["crimegolddiscount"].setInteger(discount); mGlobalVariables["crimegoldturnin"].setInteger(turnIn); mGlobalVariables["pchasturnin"].setInteger((turnIn <= playerGold) ? 1 : 0); } void World::confiscateStolenItems(const Ptr &ptr) { MWWorld::Ptr prisonMarker = getClosestMarker( ptr, "prisonmarker" ); if ( prisonMarker.isEmpty() ) { std::cerr << "Failed to confiscate items: no closest prison marker found." << std::endl; return; } std::string prisonName = prisonMarker.mRef->mRef.getDestCell(); if ( prisonName.empty() ) { std::cerr << "Failed to confiscate items: prison marker not linked to prison interior" << std::endl; return; } MWWorld::CellStore *prison = getInterior( prisonName ); if ( !prison ) { std::cerr << "Failed to confiscate items: failed to load cell " << prisonName << std::endl; return; } MWWorld::Ptr closestChest = prison->search( "stolen_goods" ); if (!closestChest.isEmpty()) //Found a close chest { MWBase::Environment::get().getMechanicsManager()->confiscateStolenItems(ptr, closestChest); } else std::cerr << "Failed to confiscate items: no stolen_goods container found" << std::endl; } void World::goToJail() { if (!mGoToJail) { // Reset bounty and forget the crime now, but don't change cell yet (the player should be able to read the dialog text first) mGoToJail = true; MWWorld::Ptr player = getPlayerPtr(); int bounty = player.getClass().getNpcStats(player).getBounty(); player.getClass().getNpcStats(player).setBounty(0); mPlayer->recordCrimeId(); confiscateStolenItems(player); int iDaysinPrisonMod = getStore().get().find("iDaysinPrisonMod")->getInt(); mDaysInPrison = std::max(1, bounty / iDaysinPrisonMod); return; } else { mGoToJail = false; MWBase::Environment::get().getWindowManager()->removeGuiMode(MWGui::GM_Dialogue); MWBase::Environment::get().getWindowManager()->goToJail(mDaysInPrison); } } void World::spawnRandomCreature(const std::string &creatureList) { const ESM::CreatureLevList* list = getStore().get().find(creatureList); int iNumberCreatures = getStore().get().find("iNumberCreatures")->getInt(); int numCreatures = 1 + Misc::Rng::rollDice(iNumberCreatures); // [1, iNumberCreatures] for (int i=0; igetPlayer().getRefData().getPosition(); Ogre::Vector3 pos(ipos.pos); Ogre::Quaternion rot(Ogre::Radian(-ipos.rot[2]), Ogre::Vector3::UNIT_Z); const float distance = 50; pos = pos + distance*rot.yAxis(); ipos.pos[0] = pos.x; ipos.pos[1] = pos.y; ipos.pos[2] = pos.z; ipos.rot[0] = 0; ipos.rot[1] = 0; ipos.rot[2] = 0; MWWorld::CellStore* cell = mPlayer->getPlayer().getCell(); MWWorld::ManualRef ref(getStore(), selectedCreature, 1); ref.getPtr().getCellRef().setPosition(ipos); safePlaceObject(ref.getPtr(), cell, ipos); } } void World::spawnBloodEffect(const Ptr &ptr, const osg::Vec3f &worldPosition) { if (ptr == getPlayerPtr() && Settings::Manager::getBool("hit fader", "GUI")) return; int type = ptr.getClass().getBloodTexture(ptr); std::string texture; switch (type) { case 2: texture = getFallback()->getFallbackString("Blood_Texture_2"); break; case 1: texture = getFallback()->getFallbackString("Blood_Texture_1"); break; case 0: default: texture = getFallback()->getFallbackString("Blood_Texture_0"); break; } std::stringstream modelName; modelName << "Blood_Model_"; int roll = Misc::Rng::rollDice(3); // [0, 2] modelName << roll; std::string model = "meshes\\" + getFallback()->getFallbackString(modelName.str()); mRendering->spawnEffect(model, texture, worldPosition); } void World::spawnEffect(const std::string &model, const std::string &textureOverride, const osg::Vec3f &worldPos) { mRendering->spawnEffect(model, textureOverride, worldPos); } void World::explodeSpell(const Ogre::Vector3 &origin, const ESM::EffectList &effects, const Ptr &caster, ESM::RangeType rangeType, const std::string& id, const std::string& sourceName) { std::map > toApply; for (std::vector::const_iterator effectIt = effects.mList.begin(); effectIt != effects.mList.end(); ++effectIt) { const ESM::MagicEffect* effect = getStore().get().find(effectIt->mEffectID); if (effectIt->mArea <= 0) continue; // Not an area effect // Spawn the explosion orb effect const ESM::Static* areaStatic; if (!effect->mCasting.empty()) areaStatic = getStore().get().find (effect->mArea); else areaStatic = getStore().get().find ("VFX_DefaultArea"); mRendering->spawnEffect("meshes\\" + areaStatic->mModel, "", osg::Vec3f(origin.x, origin.y, origin.z), static_cast(effectIt->mArea)); // Play explosion sound (make sure to use NoTrack, since we will delete the projectile now) static const std::string schools[] = { "alteration", "conjuration", "destruction", "illusion", "mysticism", "restoration" }; { MWBase::SoundManager *sndMgr = MWBase::Environment::get().getSoundManager(); if(!effect->mAreaSound.empty()) sndMgr->playManualSound3D(osg::Vec3f(origin.x, origin.y, origin.z), effect->mAreaSound, 1.0f, 1.0f, MWBase::SoundManager::Play_TypeSfx, MWBase::SoundManager::Play_NoTrack); else sndMgr->playManualSound3D(osg::Vec3f(origin.x, origin.y, origin.z), schools[effect->mData.mSchool]+" area", 1.0f, 1.0f, MWBase::SoundManager::Play_TypeSfx, MWBase::SoundManager::Play_NoTrack); } // Get the actors in range of the effect std::vector objects; MWBase::Environment::get().getMechanicsManager()->getObjectsInRange( origin, feetToGameUnits(static_cast(effectIt->mArea)), objects); for (std::vector::iterator affected = objects.begin(); affected != objects.end(); ++affected) toApply[*affected].push_back(*effectIt); } // Now apply the appropriate effects to each actor in range for (std::map >::iterator apply = toApply.begin(); apply != toApply.end(); ++apply) { MWWorld::Ptr source = caster; // Vanilla-compatible behaviour of never applying the spell to the caster // (could be changed by mods later) if (apply->first == caster) continue; if (source.isEmpty()) source = apply->first; MWMechanics::CastSpell cast(source, apply->first); cast.mHitPosition = origin; cast.mId = id; cast.mSourceName = sourceName; cast.mStack = false; ESM::EffectList effects; effects.mList = apply->second; cast.inflict(apply->first, caster, effects, rangeType, false, true); } } void World::activate(const Ptr &object, const Ptr &actor) { MWScript::InterpreterContext interpreterContext (&object.getRefData().getLocals(), object); interpreterContext.activate (object); std::string script = object.getClass().getScript (object); breakInvisibility(actor); if (mScriptsEnabled) { if (!script.empty()) { getLocalScripts().setIgnore (object); MWBase::Environment::get().getScriptManager()->run (script, interpreterContext); } if (!interpreterContext.hasActivationBeenHandled()) interpreterContext.executeActivation(object, actor); } else interpreterContext.executeActivation(object, actor); } struct ResetActorsFunctor { bool operator() (Ptr ptr) { // Can't reset actors that were moved to a different cell, because we don't know what cell they came from. // This could be fixed once we properly track actor cell changes, but may not be desirable behaviour anyhow. if (ptr.getClass().isActor() && ptr.getCellRef().hasContentFile()) { const ESM::Position& origPos = ptr.getCellRef().getPosition(); MWBase::Environment::get().getWorld()->moveObject(ptr, origPos.pos[0], origPos.pos[1], origPos.pos[2]); MWBase::Environment::get().getWorld()->rotateObject(ptr, origPos.rot[0], origPos.rot[1], origPos.rot[2]); ptr.getClass().adjustPosition(ptr, false); } return true; } }; void World::resetActors() { for (Scene::CellStoreCollection::const_iterator iter (mWorldScene->getActiveCells().begin()); iter!=mWorldScene->getActiveCells().end(); ++iter) { CellStore* cellstore = *iter; ResetActorsFunctor functor; cellstore->forEach(functor); } } bool World::isWalkingOnWater(const Ptr &actor) { MWPhysics::Actor* physicActor = mPhysics->getActor(actor); if (physicActor && physicActor->isWalkingOnWater()) return true; return false; } }