vertex_program Water/GlassVP cg { source entry_point glass_vp profiles vs_1_1 arbvp1 default_params { param_named_auto worldViewProj worldviewproj_matrix } } fragment_program Water/GlassFP cg { source entry_point main_ps profiles ps_2_0 arbfp1 } material Water/Compositor { technique { pass { depth_check off vertex_program_ref Water/GlassVP { param_named_auto timeVal time 0.25 param_named scale float 0.1 } fragment_program_ref Water/GlassFP { param_named tintColour float4 0 0.35 0.35 1 } texture_unit RT { tex_coord_set 0 tex_address_mode clamp filtering linear linear linear } texture_unit { texture WaterNormal1.tga 2d tex_coord_set 1 //tex_address_mode clamp filtering linear linear linear } texture_unit { texture caustic_0.png 2d tex_coord_set 2 //tex_address_mode clamp filtering linear linear linear } } } } vertex_program Water/RefractReflectVP cg { source entry_point main_vp profiles vs_1_1 arbvp1 } vertex_program Water/RefractReflectVPold cg { source entry_point main_vp_old profiles vs_1_1 arbvp1 } fragment_program Water/RefractReflectFP cg { source entry_point main_fp // sorry, ps_1_1 and fp20 can't do this profiles ps_2_0 arbfp1 } fragment_program Water/RefractReflectPS asm { source Example_FresnelPS.asm // sorry, only for ps_1_4 :) syntax ps_1_4 } material Examples/Water0 { technique { pass { // depth_write off vertex_program_ref Water/RefractReflectVP { param_named_auto worldViewProjMatrix worldviewproj_matrix param_named_auto eyePosition camera_position_object_space param_named_auto timeVal time 0.15 param_named scroll float 1 param_named scale float 1 param_named noise float 1 // scroll and noisePos will need updating per frame } fragment_program_ref Water/RefractReflectFP { param_named fresnelBias float -0.1 param_named fresnelScale float 0.8 param_named fresnelPower float 20 param_named tintColour float4 1 1 1 1 param_named noiseScale float 0.05 } // Water scene_blend alpha_blend texture_unit { // Water texture texture Water02.jpg // min / mag filtering, no mip filtering linear linear none alpha_op_ex source1 src_manual src_current 0.9 } // Noise texture_unit { alpha_op_ex source1 src_manual src_current 0.9 // Perlin noise volume texture // min / mag filtering, no mip filtering linear linear none } } } }