#include "animation.hpp" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "../mwbase/environment.hpp" #include "../mwbase/world.hpp" namespace MWRender { Animation::Animation(const MWWorld::Ptr &ptr) : mPtr(ptr) , mInsert(NULL) , mAccumRoot(NULL) , mNonAccumRoot(NULL) , mStartPosition(0.0f) , mLastPosition(0.0f) , mTime(0.0f) , mCurGroup(mTextKeys.end()) , mNextGroup(mTextKeys.end()) , mAnimState(NULL) , mSkipFrame(false) { } Animation::~Animation() { if(mInsert) { Ogre::SceneManager *sceneMgr = mInsert->getCreator(); for(size_t i = 0;i < mEntityList.mEntities.size();i++) sceneMgr->destroyEntity(mEntityList.mEntities[i]); } mEntityList.mEntities.clear(); mEntityList.mSkelBase = NULL; } void Animation::createEntityList(Ogre::SceneNode *node, const std::string &model) { mInsert = node; assert(mInsert); mEntityList = NifOgre::NIFLoader::createEntities(mInsert, model); if(mEntityList.mSkelBase) { Ogre::SkeletonInstance *skelinst = mEntityList.mSkelBase->getSkeleton(); // Would be nice if Ogre::SkeletonInstance allowed access to the 'master' Ogre::SkeletonPtr. Ogre::SkeletonManager &skelMgr = Ogre::SkeletonManager::getSingleton(); Ogre::SkeletonPtr skel = skelMgr.getByName(skelinst->getName()); Ogre::Skeleton::BoneIterator iter = skel->getBoneIterator(); while(iter.hasMoreElements()) { Ogre::Bone *bone = iter.getNext(); const Ogre::Any &data = bone->getUserObjectBindings().getUserAny(NifOgre::sTextKeyExtraDataID); if(!data.isEmpty()) { mTextKeys = Ogre::any_cast(data); mNextGroup = mCurGroup = GroupTimes(mTextKeys.begin()); mAccumRoot = skelinst->getRootBone(); mAccumRoot->setManuallyControlled(true); mNonAccumRoot = skelinst->getBone(bone->getHandle()); mStartPosition = mNonAccumRoot->getPosition(); mLastPosition = mStartPosition; break; } } if(mTextKeys.size() > 0) { NifOgre::TextKeyMap::iterator keyiter; for(keyiter = mTextKeys.begin();keyiter != mTextKeys.end();keyiter++) std::transform(keyiter->second.begin(), keyiter->second.end(), keyiter->second.begin(), ::tolower); Ogre::AnimationStateSet *aset = mEntityList.mSkelBase->getAllAnimationStates(); Ogre::AnimationStateIterator as = aset->getAnimationStateIterator(); while(as.hasMoreElements()) { Ogre::AnimationState *state = as.getNext(); state->setEnabled(true); state->setLoop(false); if(!mAnimState) mAnimState = state; } } } } void Animation::updatePosition(float time) { mAnimState->setTimePosition(time); if(mNonAccumRoot) { /* Update the animation and get the non-accumulation root's difference from the * last update. */ mEntityList.mSkelBase->getSkeleton()->setAnimationState(*mAnimState->getParent()); Ogre::Vector3 posdiff = mNonAccumRoot->getPosition() - mLastPosition; /* Translate the accumulation root back to compensate for the move. */ mAccumRoot->translate(-posdiff); mLastPosition += posdiff; if(mPtr.isInCell()) { /* Finally, move the object based on how much the non-accumulation root moved. */ Ogre::Vector3 newpos(mPtr.getRefData().getPosition().pos); newpos += mInsert->getOrientation() * posdiff; MWBase::World *world = MWBase::Environment::get().getWorld(); world->moveObject(mPtr, newpos.x, newpos.y, newpos.z); } } } void Animation::resetPosition(float time) { mAnimState->setTimePosition(time); if(mNonAccumRoot) { mEntityList.mSkelBase->getSkeleton()->setAnimationState(*mAnimState->getParent()); mLastPosition = mNonAccumRoot->getPosition(); mAccumRoot->setPosition(mStartPosition - mLastPosition); } } bool Animation::findGroupTimes(const std::string &groupname, Animation::GroupTimes *times) { const std::string start = groupname+": start"; const std::string startloop = groupname+": loop start"; const std::string stop = groupname+": stop"; const std::string stoploop = groupname+": loop stop"; NifOgre::TextKeyMap::const_iterator iter; for(iter = mTextKeys.begin();iter != mTextKeys.end();iter++) { if(start == iter->second) { times->mStart = iter; times->mLoopStart = iter; } else if(startloop == iter->second) times->mLoopStart = iter; else if(stoploop == iter->second) times->mLoopStop = iter; else if(stop == iter->second) { times->mStop = iter; if(times->mLoopStop == mTextKeys.end()) times->mLoopStop = iter; return (times->mStart != mTextKeys.end()); } } return false; } void Animation::playGroup(std::string groupname, int mode, int loops) { if(mTextKeys.size() == 0) { std::cerr<< "Trying to animate an unanimate object" < 0) mNextGroup = times; else { mCurGroup = times; mNextGroup = GroupTimes(mTextKeys.end()); mTime = ((mode==2) ? mCurGroup.mLoopStart : mCurGroup.mStart)->first; resetPosition(mTime); } } void Animation::skipAnim() { mSkipFrame = true; } void Animation::runAnimation(float timepassed) { if(mAnimState && !mSkipFrame) { mTime += timepassed; recheck: if(mTime >= mCurGroup.mLoopStop->first) { if(mCurGroup.mLoops > 1) { mCurGroup.mLoops--; updatePosition(mCurGroup.mLoopStop->first); mTime = mTime - mCurGroup.mLoopStop->first + mCurGroup.mLoopStart->first; resetPosition(mCurGroup.mLoopStart->first); goto recheck; } else if(mTime >= mCurGroup.mStop->first) { if(mNextGroup.mLoops > 0) { updatePosition(mCurGroup.mStop->first); mTime = mTime - mCurGroup.mStop->first + mNextGroup.mStart->first; resetPosition(mNextGroup.mStart->first); mCurGroup = mNextGroup; mNextGroup = GroupTimes(mTextKeys.end()); goto recheck; } mTime = mCurGroup.mStop->first; } } updatePosition(mTime); } mSkipFrame = false; } }