#ifndef GAME_MWWORLD_SCENE_H #define GAME_MWWORLD_SCENE_H #include "ptr.hpp" #include "globals.hpp" #include <set> #include <memory> namespace osg { class Vec3f; } namespace ESM { struct Position; } namespace Files { class Collections; } namespace Loading { class Listener; } namespace MWRender { class SkyManager; class RenderingManager; } namespace MWPhysics { class PhysicsSystem; } namespace MWWorld { class Player; class CellStore; class CellPreloader; class Scene { public: typedef std::set<CellStore *> CellStoreCollection; private: CellStore* mCurrentCell; // the cell the player is in CellStoreCollection mActiveCells; bool mCellChanged; MWPhysics::PhysicsSystem *mPhysics; MWRender::RenderingManager& mRendering; std::auto_ptr<CellPreloader> mPreloader; float mPreloadTimer; int mHalfGridSize; float mCellLoadingThreshold; float mPreloadDistance; bool mPreloadEnabled; bool mPreloadExteriorGrid; bool mPreloadDoors; bool mPreloadFastTravel; osg::Vec3f mLastPlayerPos; void insertCell (CellStore &cell, bool rescale, Loading::Listener* loadingListener); // Load and unload cells as necessary to create a cell grid with "X" and "Y" in the center void changeCellGrid (int X, int Y, bool changeEvent = true); void getGridCenter(int& cellX, int& cellY); void preloadCells(float dt); void preloadTeleportDoorDestinations(const osg::Vec3f& playerPos, const osg::Vec3f& predictedPos); void preloadExteriorGrid(const osg::Vec3f& playerPos, const osg::Vec3f& predictedPos); void preloadFastTravelDestinations(const osg::Vec3f& playerPos, const osg::Vec3f& predictedPos); public: Scene (MWRender::RenderingManager& rendering, MWPhysics::PhysicsSystem *physics); ~Scene(); void preloadCell(MWWorld::CellStore* cell, bool preloadSurrounding=false); void unloadCell (CellStoreCollection::iterator iter); void loadCell (CellStore *cell, Loading::Listener* loadingListener, bool respawn); void playerMoved (const osg::Vec3f& pos); void changePlayerCell (CellStore* newCell, const ESM::Position& position, bool adjustPlayerPos); CellStore *getCurrentCell(); const CellStoreCollection& getActiveCells () const; bool hasCellChanged() const; ///< Has the set of active cells changed, since the last frame? void changeToInteriorCell (const std::string& cellName, const ESM::Position& position, bool adjustPlayerPos, bool changeEvent=true); ///< Move to interior cell. /// @param changeEvent Set cellChanged flag? void changeToExteriorCell (const ESM::Position& position, bool adjustPlayerPos, bool changeEvent=true); ///< Move to exterior cell. /// @param changeEvent Set cellChanged flag? void clear(); ///< Change into a void void markCellAsUnchanged(); void update (float duration, bool paused); void addObjectToScene (const Ptr& ptr); ///< Add an object that already exists in the world model to the scene. void removeObjectFromScene (const Ptr& ptr); ///< Remove an object from the scene, but not from the world model. void updateObjectRotation (const Ptr& ptr, bool inverseRotationOrder); void updateObjectScale(const Ptr& ptr); bool isCellActive(const CellStore &cell); Ptr searchPtrViaActorId (int actorId); }; } #endif