#pragma once #include "utility.hpp" #include <condition_variable> #include <functional> #include <iostream> #include <map> #include <sstream> #include <thread> #include <unordered_set> #include <regex> #ifdef USE_STANDALONE_ASIO #include <asio.hpp> #include <asio/steady_timer.hpp> namespace SimpleWeb { using error_code = std::error_code; using errc = std::errc; namespace make_error_code = std; } // namespace SimpleWeb #else #include <boost/asio.hpp> #include <boost/asio/steady_timer.hpp> namespace SimpleWeb { namespace asio = boost::asio; using error_code = boost::system::error_code; namespace errc = boost::system::errc; namespace make_error_code = boost::system::errc; } // namespace SimpleWeb #endif namespace SimpleWeb { template <class socket_type> class Server; template <class socket_type> class ServerBase { protected: class Session; public: class Response : public std::enable_shared_from_this<Response>, public std::ostream { friend class ServerBase<socket_type>; friend class Server<socket_type>; asio::streambuf streambuf; std::shared_ptr<Session> session; long timeout_content; Response(std::shared_ptr<Session> session, long timeout_content) noexcept : std::ostream(&streambuf), session(std::move(session)), timeout_content(timeout_content) {} template <typename size_type> void write_header(const CaseInsensitiveMultimap &header, size_type size) { bool content_length_written = false; bool chunked_transfer_encoding = false; for(auto &field : header) { if(!content_length_written && case_insensitive_equal(field.first, "content-length")) content_length_written = true; else if(!chunked_transfer_encoding && case_insensitive_equal(field.first, "transfer-encoding") && case_insensitive_equal(field.second, "chunked")) chunked_transfer_encoding = true; *this << field.first << ": " << field.second << "\r\n"; } if(!content_length_written && !chunked_transfer_encoding && !close_connection_after_response) *this << "Content-Length: " << size << "\r\n\r\n"; else *this << "\r\n"; } public: size_t size() noexcept { return streambuf.size(); } /// Use this function if you need to recursively send parts of a longer message void send(const std::function<void(const error_code &)> &callback = nullptr) noexcept { session->connection->set_timeout(timeout_content); auto self = this->shared_from_this(); // Keep Response instance alive through the following async_write asio::async_write(*session->connection->socket, streambuf, [self, callback](const error_code &ec, size_t /*bytes_transferred*/) { self->session->connection->cancel_timeout(); auto lock = self->session->connection->handler_runner->continue_lock(); if(!lock) return; if(callback) callback(ec); }); } /// Write directly to stream buffer using std::ostream::write void write(const char_type *ptr, std::streamsize n) { std::ostream::write(ptr, n); } /// Convenience function for writing status line, potential header fields, and empty content void write(StatusCode status_code = StatusCode::success_ok, const CaseInsensitiveMultimap &header = CaseInsensitiveMultimap()) { *this << "HTTP/1.1 " << SimpleWeb::status_code(status_code) << "\r\n"; write_header(header, 0); } /// Convenience function for writing status line, header fields, and content void write(StatusCode status_code, const std::string &content, const CaseInsensitiveMultimap &header = CaseInsensitiveMultimap()) { *this << "HTTP/1.1 " << SimpleWeb::status_code(status_code) << "\r\n"; write_header(header, content.size()); if(!content.empty()) *this << content; } /// Convenience function for writing status line, header fields, and content void write(StatusCode status_code, std::istream &content, const CaseInsensitiveMultimap &header = CaseInsensitiveMultimap()) { *this << "HTTP/1.1 " << SimpleWeb::status_code(status_code) << "\r\n"; content.seekg(0, std::ios::end); auto size = content.tellg(); content.seekg(0, std::ios::beg); write_header(header, size); if(size) *this << content.rdbuf(); } /// Convenience function for writing success status line, header fields, and content void write(const std::string &content, const CaseInsensitiveMultimap &header = CaseInsensitiveMultimap()) { write(StatusCode::success_ok, content, header); } /// Convenience function for writing success status line, header fields, and content void write(std::istream &content, const CaseInsensitiveMultimap &header = CaseInsensitiveMultimap()) { write(StatusCode::success_ok, content, header); } /// Convenience function for writing success status line, and header fields void write(const CaseInsensitiveMultimap &header) { write(StatusCode::success_ok, std::string(), header); } /// If true, force server to close the connection after the response have been sent. /// /// This is useful when implementing a HTTP/1.0-server sending content /// without specifying the content length. bool close_connection_after_response = false; }; class Content : public std::istream { friend class ServerBase<socket_type>; public: size_t size() noexcept { return streambuf.size(); } /// Convenience function to return std::string. The stream buffer is consumed. std::string string() noexcept { try { std::stringstream ss; ss << rdbuf(); return ss.str(); } catch(...) { return std::string(); } } private: asio::streambuf &streambuf; Content(asio::streambuf &streambuf) noexcept : std::istream(&streambuf), streambuf(streambuf) {} }; class Request { friend class ServerBase<socket_type>; friend class Server<socket_type>; friend class Session; public: std::string method, path, query_string, http_version; Content content; CaseInsensitiveMultimap header; std::smatch path_match; std::string remote_endpoint_address; unsigned short remote_endpoint_port; /// Returns query keys with percent-decoded values. CaseInsensitiveMultimap parse_query_string() noexcept { return SimpleWeb::QueryString::parse(query_string); } private: asio::streambuf streambuf; Request(const std::string &remote_endpoint_address = std::string(), unsigned short remote_endpoint_port = 0) noexcept : content(streambuf), remote_endpoint_address(remote_endpoint_address), remote_endpoint_port(remote_endpoint_port) {} }; protected: class Connection : public std::enable_shared_from_this<Connection> { public: template <typename... Args> Connection(std::shared_ptr<ScopeRunner> handler_runner, Args &&... args) noexcept : handler_runner(std::move(handler_runner)), socket(new socket_type(std::forward<Args>(args)...)) {} std::shared_ptr<ScopeRunner> handler_runner; std::unique_ptr<socket_type> socket; // Socket must be unique_ptr since asio::ssl::stream<asio::ip::tcp::socket> is not movable std::mutex socket_close_mutex; std::unique_ptr<asio::steady_timer> timer; void close() noexcept { error_code ec; std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(socket_close_mutex); // The following operations seems to be needed to run sequentially socket->lowest_layer().shutdown(asio::ip::tcp::socket::shutdown_both, ec); socket->lowest_layer().close(ec); } void set_timeout(long seconds) noexcept { if(seconds == 0) { timer = nullptr; return; } timer = std::unique_ptr<asio::steady_timer>(new asio::steady_timer(socket->get_io_service())); timer->expires_from_now(std::chrono::seconds(seconds)); auto self = this->shared_from_this(); timer->async_wait([self](const error_code &ec) { if(!ec) self->close(); }); } void cancel_timeout() noexcept { if(timer) { error_code ec; timer->cancel(ec); } } }; class Session { public: Session(std::shared_ptr<Connection> connection) noexcept : connection(std::move(connection)) { try { auto remote_endpoint = this->connection->socket->lowest_layer().remote_endpoint(); request = std::shared_ptr<Request>(new Request(remote_endpoint.address().to_string(), remote_endpoint.port())); } catch(...) { request = std::shared_ptr<Request>(new Request()); } } std::shared_ptr<Connection> connection; std::shared_ptr<Request> request; }; public: class Config { friend class ServerBase<socket_type>; Config(unsigned short port) noexcept : port(port) {} public: /// Port number to use. Defaults to 80 for HTTP and 443 for HTTPS. unsigned short port; /// If io_service is not set, number of threads that the server will use when start() is called. /// Defaults to 1 thread. size_t thread_pool_size = 1; /// Timeout on request handling. Defaults to 5 seconds. long timeout_request = 5; /// Timeout on content handling. Defaults to 300 seconds. long timeout_content = 300; /// IPv4 address in dotted decimal form or IPv6 address in hexadecimal notation. /// If empty, the address will be any address. std::string address; /// Set to false to avoid binding the socket to an address that is already in use. Defaults to true. bool reuse_address = true; }; /// Set before calling start(). Config config; private: class regex_orderable : public std::regex { std::string str; public: regex_orderable(const char *regex_cstr) : std::regex(regex_cstr), str(regex_cstr) {} regex_orderable(std::string regex_str) : std::regex(regex_str), str(std::move(regex_str)) {} bool operator<(const regex_orderable &rhs) const noexcept { return str < rhs.str; } }; public: /// Warning: do not add or remove resources after start() is called std::map<regex_orderable, std::map<std::string, std::function<void(std::shared_ptr<typename ServerBase<socket_type>::Response>, std::shared_ptr<typename ServerBase<socket_type>::Request>)>>> resource; std::map<std::string, std::function<void(std::shared_ptr<typename ServerBase<socket_type>::Response>, std::shared_ptr<typename ServerBase<socket_type>::Request>)>> default_resource; std::function<void(std::shared_ptr<typename ServerBase<socket_type>::Request>, const error_code &)> on_error; std::function<void(std::unique_ptr<socket_type> &, std::shared_ptr<typename ServerBase<socket_type>::Request>)> on_upgrade; /// If you have your own asio::io_service, store its pointer here before running start(). std::shared_ptr<asio::io_service> io_service; virtual void start() { if(!io_service) { io_service = std::make_shared<asio::io_service>(); internal_io_service = true; } if(io_service->stopped()) io_service->reset(); asio::ip::tcp::endpoint endpoint; if(config.address.size() > 0) endpoint = asio::ip::tcp::endpoint(asio::ip::address::from_string(config.address), config.port); else endpoint = asio::ip::tcp::endpoint(asio::ip::tcp::v4(), config.port); if(!acceptor) acceptor = std::unique_ptr<asio::ip::tcp::acceptor>(new asio::ip::tcp::acceptor(*io_service)); acceptor->open(endpoint.protocol()); acceptor->set_option(asio::socket_base::reuse_address(config.reuse_address)); acceptor->bind(endpoint); acceptor->listen(); accept(); if(internal_io_service) { // If thread_pool_size>1, start m_io_service.run() in (thread_pool_size-1) threads for thread-pooling threads.clear(); for(size_t c = 1; c < config.thread_pool_size; c++) { threads.emplace_back([this]() { this->io_service->run(); }); } // Main thread if(config.thread_pool_size > 0) io_service->run(); // Wait for the rest of the threads, if any, to finish as well for(auto &t : threads) t.join(); } } /// Stop accepting new requests, and close current connections. void stop() noexcept { if(acceptor) { error_code ec; acceptor->close(ec); { std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(*connections_mutex); for(auto &connection : *connections) connection->close(); connections->clear(); } if(internal_io_service) io_service->stop(); } } virtual ~ServerBase() noexcept { handler_runner->stop(); stop(); } protected: bool internal_io_service = false; std::unique_ptr<asio::ip::tcp::acceptor> acceptor; std::vector<std::thread> threads; std::shared_ptr<std::unordered_set<Connection *>> connections; std::shared_ptr<std::mutex> connections_mutex; std::shared_ptr<ScopeRunner> handler_runner; ServerBase(unsigned short port) noexcept : config(port), connections(new std::unordered_set<Connection *>()), connections_mutex(new std::mutex()), handler_runner(new ScopeRunner()) {} virtual void accept() = 0; template <typename... Args> std::shared_ptr<Connection> create_connection(Args &&... args) noexcept { auto connections = this->connections; auto connections_mutex = this->connections_mutex; auto connection = std::shared_ptr<Connection>(new Connection(handler_runner, std::forward<Args>(args)...), [connections, connections_mutex](Connection *connection) { { std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(*connections_mutex); auto it = connections->find(connection); if(it != connections->end()) connections->erase(it); } delete connection; }); { std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(*connections_mutex); connections->emplace(connection.get()); } return connection; } void read_request_and_content(const std::shared_ptr<Session> &session) { session->connection->set_timeout(config.timeout_request); asio::async_read_until(*session->connection->socket, session->request->streambuf, "\r\n\r\n", [this, session](const error_code &ec, size_t bytes_transferred) { session->connection->cancel_timeout(); auto lock = session->connection->handler_runner->continue_lock(); if(!lock) return; if(!ec) { // request->streambuf.size() is not necessarily the same as bytes_transferred, from Boost-docs: // "After a successful async_read_until operation, the streambuf may contain additional data beyond the delimiter" // The chosen solution is to extract lines from the stream directly when parsing the header. What is left of the // streambuf (maybe some bytes of the content) is appended to in the async_read-function below (for retrieving content). size_t num_additional_bytes = session->request->streambuf.size() - bytes_transferred; if(!RequestMessage::parse(session->request->content, session->request->method, session->request->path, session->request->query_string, session->request->http_version, session->request->header)) { if(this->on_error) this->on_error(session->request, make_error_code::make_error_code(errc::protocol_error)); return; } // If content, read that as well auto it = session->request->header.find("Content-Length"); if(it != session->request->header.end()) { unsigned long long content_length = 0; try { content_length = stoull(it->second); } catch(const std::exception &e) { if(this->on_error) this->on_error(session->request, make_error_code::make_error_code(errc::protocol_error)); return; } if(content_length > num_additional_bytes) { session->connection->set_timeout(config.timeout_content); asio::async_read(*session->connection->socket, session->request->streambuf, asio::transfer_exactly(content_length - num_additional_bytes), [this, session](const error_code &ec, size_t /*bytes_transferred*/) { session->connection->cancel_timeout(); auto lock = session->connection->handler_runner->continue_lock(); if(!lock) return; if(!ec) this->find_resource(session); else if(this->on_error) this->on_error(session->request, ec); }); } else this->find_resource(session); } else this->find_resource(session); } else if(this->on_error) this->on_error(session->request, ec); }); } void find_resource(const std::shared_ptr<Session> &session) { // Upgrade connection if(on_upgrade) { auto it = session->request->header.find("Upgrade"); if(it != session->request->header.end()) { // remove connection from connections { std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(*connections_mutex); auto it = connections->find(session->connection.get()); if(it != connections->end()) connections->erase(it); } on_upgrade(session->connection->socket, session->request); return; } } // Find path- and method-match, and call write_response for(auto ®ex_method : resource) { auto it = regex_method.second.find(session->request->method); if(it != regex_method.second.end()) { std::smatch sm_res; if(std::regex_match(session->request->path, sm_res, regex_method.first)) { session->request->path_match = std::move(sm_res); write_response(session, it->second); return; } } } auto it = default_resource.find(session->request->method); if(it != default_resource.end()) write_response(session, it->second); } void write_response(const std::shared_ptr<Session> &session, std::function<void(std::shared_ptr<typename ServerBase<socket_type>::Response>, std::shared_ptr<typename ServerBase<socket_type>::Request>)> &resource_function) { session->connection->set_timeout(config.timeout_content); auto response = std::shared_ptr<Response>(new Response(session, config.timeout_content), [this](Response *response_ptr) { auto response = std::shared_ptr<Response>(response_ptr); response->send([this, response](const error_code &ec) { if(!ec) { if(response->close_connection_after_response) return; auto range = response->session->request->header.equal_range("Connection"); for(auto it = range.first; it != range.second; it++) { if(case_insensitive_equal(it->second, "close")) return; else if(case_insensitive_equal(it->second, "keep-alive")) { auto new_session = std::make_shared<Session>(response->session->connection); this->read_request_and_content(new_session); return; } } if(response->session->request->http_version >= "1.1") { auto new_session = std::make_shared<Session>(response->session->connection); this->read_request_and_content(new_session); return; } } else if(this->on_error) this->on_error(response->session->request, ec); }); }); try { resource_function(response, session->request); } catch(const std::exception &e) { if(on_error) on_error(session->request, make_error_code::make_error_code(errc::operation_canceled)); return; } } }; }