#include <osg/NodeVisitor>

namespace Resource
    class ImageManager;

namespace Shader

    class ShaderManager;

    /// @brief Adjusts the given subgraph to render using shaders.
    class ShaderVisitor : public osg::NodeVisitor
        ShaderVisitor(ShaderManager& shaderManager, Resource::ImageManager& imageManager, const std::string& defaultVsTemplate, const std::string& defaultFsTemplate);

        /// By default, only bump mapped objects will have a shader added to them.
        /// Setting force = true will cause all objects to render using shaders, regardless of having a bump map.
        void setForceShaders(bool force);

        /// Set whether lighting is clamped for visual compatibility with the fixed function pipeline.
        void setClampLighting(bool clamp);

        /// By default, only bump mapped objects use per-pixel lighting.
        /// Setting force = true will cause all shaders to use per-pixel lighting, regardless of having a bump map.
        void setForcePerPixelLighting(bool force);

        /// Set if we are allowed to modify StateSets encountered in the graph (default true).
        /// @par If set to false, then instead of modifying, the StateSet will be cloned and this new StateSet will be assigned to the node.
        /// @par This option is useful when the ShaderVisitor is run on a "live" subgraph that may have already been submitted for rendering.
        void setAllowedToModifyStateSets(bool allowed);

        /// Automatically use normal maps if a file with suitable name exists (see normal map pattern).
        void setAutoUseNormalMaps(bool use);

        void setNormalMapPattern(const std::string& pattern);
        void setNormalHeightMapPattern(const std::string& pattern);

        void setAutoUseSpecularMaps(bool use);

        void setSpecularMapPattern(const std::string& pattern);

        virtual void apply(osg::Node& node);

        virtual void apply(osg::Drawable& drawable);
        virtual void apply(osg::Geometry& geometry);

        void applyStateSet(osg::ref_ptr<osg::StateSet> stateset, osg::Node& node);

        void pushRequirements(osg::Node& node);
        void popRequirements();

        bool mForceShaders;
        bool mClampLighting;
        bool mForcePerPixelLighting;
        bool mAllowedToModifyStateSets;

        bool mAutoUseNormalMaps;
        std::string mNormalMapPattern;
        std::string mNormalHeightMapPattern;

        bool mAutoUseSpecularMaps;
        std::string mSpecularMapPattern;

        ShaderManager& mShaderManager;
        Resource::ImageManager& mImageManager;

        struct ShaderRequirements

            // <texture stage, texture name>
            std::map<int, std::string> mTextures;

            bool mShaderRequired;

            bool mColorMaterial;
            // osg::Material::ColorMode
            int mVertexColorMode;
            bool mMaterialOverridden;
            bool mNormalHeight; // true if normal map has height info in alpha channel

            // -1 == no tangents required
            int mTexStageRequiringTangents;

            // the Node that requested these requirements
            osg::Node* mNode;
        std::vector<ShaderRequirements> mRequirements;

        std::string mDefaultVsTemplate;
        std::string mDefaultFsTemplate;

        void createProgram(const ShaderRequirements& reqs);
        bool adjustGeometry(osg::Geometry& sourceGeometry, const ShaderRequirements& reqs);

