#ifndef OPENMW_MWWORLD_STORE_H #define OPENMW_MWWORLD_STORE_H #include #include #include #include #include "recordcmp.hpp" namespace MWWorld { struct StoreBase { virtual ~StoreBase() {} virtual void setUp() {} virtual void listIdentifier(std::vector &list) const {} virtual int getSize() const = 0; virtual void load(ESM::ESMReader &esm, const std::string &id) = 0; }; template class SharedIterator { typedef typename std::vector::const_iterator Iter; Iter mIter; public: SharedIterator() {} SharedIterator(const SharedIterator &orig) : mIter(orig.mIter) {} SharedIterator(const Iter &iter) : mIter(iter) {} SharedIterator &operator++() { ++mIter; return *this; } SharedIterator operator++(int) { SharedIterator iter = *this; mIter++; return iter; } SharedIterator &operator--() { --mIter; return *this; } SharedIterator operator--(int) { SharedIterator iter = *this; mIter--; return iter; } bool operator==(const SharedIterator &x) const { return mIter == x.mIter; } bool operator!=(const SharedIterator &x) const { return !(*this == x); } const T &operator*() const { return **mIter; } const T *operator->() const { return &(**mIter); } }; template class Store : public StoreBase { std::vector mStatic; std::vector mShared; std::map mDynamic; typedef std::map Dynamic; public: Store() {} Store(const Store &orig) : mStatic(orig.mData) {} typedef SharedIterator iterator; const T *search(const std::string &id) const { T item; item.mId = StringUtils::lowerCase(id); typename Dynamic::const_iterator dit = mDynamic.find(item.mId); if (dit != mDynamic.end()) { return &dit->second; } typename std::vector::const_iterator it = std::lower_bound(mStatic.begin(), mStatic.end(), item, RecordCmp()); if (it != mStatic.end() && it->mId == item.mId) { return &(*it); } return 0; } const T *find(const std::string &id) const { const T *ptr = search(id); if (ptr == 0) { std::ostringstream msg; msg << "Object '" << id << "' not found (const)"; throw std::runtime_error(msg.str()); } return ptr; } void load(ESM::ESMReader &esm, const std::string &id) { mStatic.push_back(T()); mStatic.back().mId = StringUtils::lowerCase(id); mStatic.back().load(esm); } void setUp() { std::sort(mStatic.begin(), mStatic.end(), RecordCmp()); mShared.reserve(mStatic.size()); typename std::vector::iterator it = mStatic.begin(); for (; it != mStatic.end(); ++it) { mShared.push_back(&(*it)); } } iterator begin() const { return mShared.begin(); } iterator end() const { return mShared.end(); } int getSize() const { return mShared.size(); } void listIdentifier(std::vector &list) const { list.reserve(list.size() + getSize()); typename std::vector::const_iterator it = mShared.begin(); for (; it != mShared.end(); ++it) { list.push_back((*it)->mId); } } T *search(const std::string &id) { std::string key = StringUtils::lowerCase(id); typename Dynamic::iterator dit = mDynamic.find(key); if (dit != mDynamic.end()) { return &dit->second; } return 0; } T *find(const std::string &id) { T *ptr = search(id); if (ptr == 0) { std::ostringstream msg; msg << "Object '" << id << "' not found (non-const)"; throw std::runtime_error(msg.str()); } return ptr; } T *insert(const T &item) { std::string id = StringUtils::lowerCase(item.mId); std::pair result = mDynamic.insert(std::pair(id, item)); T *ptr = &result.first->second; if (result.second) { mShared.push_back(ptr); } else { *ptr = item; } return ptr; } bool erase(const std::string &id) { std::string key = StringUtils::lowerCase(id); typename Dynamic::iterator it = mDynamic.find(key); if (it == mDynamic.end()) { return false; } mDynamic.erase(it); // have to reinit the whole shared part mShared.erase(mShared.begin() + mStatic.size(), mShared.end()); for (it = mDynamic.begin(); it != mDynamic.end(); ++it) { mShared.push_back(&it->second); } return true; } bool erase(const T &item) { return erase(item.mId); } }; template <> void Store::load(ESM::ESMReader &esm, const std::string &id) { mStatic.push_back(ESM::Dialogue()); mStatic.back().mId = id; mStatic.back().load(esm); } template <> void Store::load(ESM::ESMReader &esm, const std::string &id) { mStatic.push_back(ESM::Script()); mStatic.back().load(esm); StringUtils::toLower(mStatic.back().mId); } template <> class Store : public StoreBase { std::vector mStatic; public: Store() { mStatic.reserve(128); } typedef std::vector::const_iterator iterator; const ESM::LandTexture *search(size_t index) const { if (index < mStatic.size()) { return &mStatic.at(index); } return 0; } const ESM::LandTexture *find(size_t index) const { const ESM::LandTexture *ptr = search(index); if (ptr == 0) { std::ostringstream msg; msg << "Land texture with index " << index << " not found"; throw std::runtime_error(msg.str()); } return ptr; } int getSize() const { return mStatic.size(); } void load(ESM::ESMReader &esm, const std::string &id) { ESM::LandTexture ltex; ltex.load(esm); if (ltex.mIndex >= (int) mStatic.size()) { mStatic.resize(ltex.mIndex + 1); } mStatic[ltex.mIndex] = ltex; mStatic[ltex.mIndex].mId = id; } iterator begin() const { return mStatic.begin(); } iterator end() const { return mStatic.end(); } }; template <> class Store : public StoreBase { std::vector mStatic; struct Compare { bool operator()(const ESM::Land *x, const ESM::Land *y) { if (x->mX == y->mX) { return x->mY < y->mY; } return x->mX < y->mX; } }; public: typedef SharedIterator iterator; int getSize() const { return mStatic.size(); } iterator begin() const { return iterator(mStatic.begin()); } iterator end() const { return iterator(mStatic.end()); } ESM::Land *search(int x, int y) const { ESM::Land land; land.mX = x, land.mY = y; std::vector::const_iterator it = std::lower_bound(mStatic.begin(), mStatic.end(), &land, Compare()); if (it != mStatic.end() && (*it)->mX == x && (*it)->mY == y) { return const_cast(*it); } return 0; } ESM::Land *find(int x, int y) const{ ESM::Land *ptr = search(x, y); if (ptr == 0) { std::ostringstream msg; msg << "Land at (" << x << ", " << y << ") not found"; throw std::runtime_error(msg.str()); } return ptr; } void load(ESM::ESMReader &esm, const std::string &id) { ESM::Land *ptr = new ESM::Land(); ptr->load(esm); mStatic.push_back(ptr); } void setUp() { std::sort(mStatic.begin(), mStatic.end(), Compare()); } }; template <> class Store : public StoreBase { struct ExtCmp { bool operator()(const ESM::Cell &x, const ESM::Cell &y) { if (x.mData.mX == y.mData.mX) { return x.mData.mY < y.mData.mY; } return x.mData.mX < y.mData.mX; } }; std::vector mInt; std::vector mExt; std::vector mSharedInt; std::vector mSharedExt; typedef std::map DynamicInt; typedef std::map, ESM::Cell> DynamicExt; DynamicInt mDynamicInt; DynamicExt mDynamicExt; const ESM::Cell *search(const ESM::Cell &cell) const { if (cell.isExterior()) { return search(cell.getGridX(), cell.getGridY()); } return search(cell.mName); } public: typedef SharedIterator iterator; Store() {} const ESM::Cell *search(const std::string &id) const { ESM::Cell cell; cell.mName = StringUtils::lowerCase(id); DynamicInt::const_iterator dit = mDynamicInt.find(cell.mName); if (dit != mDynamicInt.end()) { return &dit->second; } std::vector::const_iterator it = std::lower_bound(mInt.begin(), mInt.end(), cell, RecordCmp()); if (it != mInt.end() && StringUtils::ciEqual(it->mName, id)) { return &(*it); } return 0; } const ESM::Cell *search(int x, int y) const { ESM::Cell cell; cell.mData.mX = x, cell.mData.mY = y; std::pair key(x, y); DynamicExt::const_iterator dit = mDynamicExt.find(key); if (dit != mDynamicExt.end()) { return &dit->second; } std::vector::const_iterator it = std::lower_bound(mExt.begin(), mExt.end(), cell, ExtCmp()); if (it != mExt.end() && it->mData.mX == x && it->mData.mY == y) { return &(*it); } return 0; } const ESM::Cell *find(const std::string &id) const { const ESM::Cell *ptr = search(id); if (ptr == 0) { std::ostringstream msg; msg << "Interior cell '" << id << "' not found"; throw std::runtime_error(msg.str()); } return ptr; } const ESM::Cell *find(int x, int y) const { const ESM::Cell *ptr = search(x, y); if (ptr == 0) { std::ostringstream msg; msg << "Exterior at (" << x << ", " << y << ") not found"; throw std::runtime_error(msg.str()); } return ptr; } void setUp() { typedef std::vector::iterator Iterator; std::sort(mInt.begin(), mInt.end(), RecordCmp()); mSharedInt.reserve(mInt.size()); for (Iterator it = mInt.begin(); it != mInt.end(); ++it) { mSharedInt.push_back(&(*it)); } std::sort(mExt.begin(), mExt.end(), ExtCmp()); mSharedExt.reserve(mExt.size()); for (Iterator it = mExt.begin(); it != mExt.end(); ++it) { mSharedExt.push_back(&(*it)); } } void load(ESM::ESMReader &esm, const std::string &id) { ESM::Cell cell; cell.mName = id; cell.load(esm); if (cell.isExterior()) { mExt.push_back(cell); } else { mInt.push_back(cell); } } iterator intBegin() const { return iterator(mSharedInt.begin()); } iterator intEnd() const { return iterator(mSharedInt.end()); } iterator extBegin() const { return iterator(mSharedExt.begin()); } iterator extEnd() const { return iterator(mSharedExt.end()); } /// \todo implement appropriate index const ESM::Cell *searchExtByName(const std::string &id) const { std::vector::const_iterator it = mSharedExt.begin(); for (; it != mSharedExt.end(); ++it) { if (StringUtils::ciEqual((*it)->mName, id)) { return *it; } } return 0; } /// \todo implement appropriate index const ESM::Cell *searchExtByRegion(const std::string &id) const { std::vector::const_iterator it = mSharedExt.begin(); for (; it != mSharedExt.end(); ++it) { if (StringUtils::ciEqual((*it)->mRegion, id)) { return *it; } } return 0; } int getSize() const { return mSharedInt.size() + mSharedExt.size(); } void listIdentifier(std::vector &list) const { list.reserve(list.size() + mSharedInt.size()); std::vector::const_iterator it = mSharedInt.begin(); for (; it != mSharedInt.end(); ++it) { list.push_back((*it)->mName); } } ESM::Cell *search(const std::string &id) { std::string key = StringUtils::lowerCase(id); DynamicInt::iterator it = mDynamicInt.find(key); if (it != mDynamicInt.end()) { return &it->second; } return 0; } ESM::Cell *find(const std::string &id) { ESM::Cell *ptr = search(id); if (ptr == 0) { std::ostringstream msg; msg << "Interior '" << id << "' not found (non-const)"; throw std::runtime_error(msg.str()); } return ptr; } ESM::Cell *search(int x, int y) { DynamicExt::iterator it = mDynamicExt.find(std::make_pair(x, y)); if (it != mDynamicExt.end()) { return &it->second; } return 0; } ESM::Cell *find(int x, int y) { ESM::Cell *ptr = search(x, y); if (ptr == 0) { std::ostringstream msg; msg << "Exterior at (" << x << ", " << y << ") not found (non-const"; throw std::runtime_error(msg.str()); } return ptr; } ESM::Cell *insert(const ESM::Cell &cell) { if (search(cell) != 0) { std::ostringstream msg; msg << "Failed to create "; msg << ((cell.isExterior()) ? "exterior" : "interior"); msg << " cell"; throw std::runtime_error(msg.str()); } ESM::Cell *ptr; if (cell.isExterior()) { std::pair key(cell.getGridX(), cell.getGridY()); DynamicExt::iterator it = mDynamicExt.find(key); // duplicate insertions are avoided by search(ESM::Cell &) std::pair result = mDynamicExt.insert(std::make_pair(key, cell)); ptr = &result.first->second; mSharedExt.push_back(ptr); } else { std::string key = StringUtils::lowerCase(cell.mName); DynamicInt::iterator it = mDynamicInt.find(key); // duplicate insertions are avoided by search(ESM::Cell &) std::pair result = mDynamicInt.insert(std::make_pair(key, cell)); ptr = &result.first->second; mSharedInt.push_back(ptr); } return ptr; } bool erase(const ESM::Cell &cell) { if (cell.isExterior()) { return erase(cell.getGridX(), cell.getGridY()); } return erase(cell.mName); } bool erase(const std::string &id) { std::string key = StringUtils::lowerCase(id); DynamicInt::iterator it = mDynamicInt.find(key); if (it == mDynamicInt.end()) { return false; } mDynamicInt.erase(it); mSharedInt.erase( mSharedInt.begin() + mSharedInt.size(), mSharedInt.end() ); for (it = mDynamicInt.begin(); it != mDynamicInt.end(); ++it) { mSharedInt.push_back(&it->second); } return true; } bool erase(int x, int y) { std::pair key(x, y); DynamicExt::iterator it = mDynamicExt.find(key); if (it == mDynamicExt.end()) { return false; } mDynamicExt.erase(it); mSharedExt.erase( mSharedExt.begin() + mSharedExt.size(), mSharedExt.end() ); for (it = mDynamicExt.begin(); it != mDynamicExt.end(); ++it) { mSharedExt.push_back(&it->second); } return true; } }; template <> class Store : public StoreBase { public: typedef std::vector::const_iterator iterator; private: std::vector mStatic; std::vector::iterator mIntBegin, mIntEnd, mExtBegin, mExtEnd; struct IntExtOrdering { bool operator()(const ESM::Pathgrid &x, const ESM::Pathgrid &y) const { // interior pathgrids precedes exterior ones (x < y) if ((x.mData.mX == 0 && x.mData.mY == 0) && (y.mData.mX != 0 || y.mData.mY != 0)) { return true; } return false; } }; struct ExtCompare { bool operator()(const ESM::Pathgrid &x, const ESM::Pathgrid &y) const { if (x.mData.mX == y.mData.mX) { return x.mData.mY < y.mData.mY; } return x.mData.mX < y.mData.mX; } }; public: void load(ESM::ESMReader &esm, const std::string &id) { mStatic.push_back(ESM::Pathgrid()); mStatic.back().load(esm); } int getSize() const { return mStatic.size(); } void setUp() { IntExtOrdering cmp; std::sort(mStatic.begin(), mStatic.end(), cmp); ESM::Pathgrid pg; pg.mData.mX = pg.mData.mY = 1; mExtBegin = std::lower_bound(mStatic.begin(), mStatic.end(), pg, cmp); mExtEnd = mStatic.end(); mIntBegin = mStatic.begin(); mIntEnd = mExtBegin; std::sort(mIntBegin, mIntEnd, RecordCmp()); std::sort(mExtBegin, mExtEnd, ExtCompare()); } const ESM::Pathgrid *search(int x, int y) const { ESM::Pathgrid pg; pg.mData.mX = x; pg.mData.mY = y; iterator it = std::lower_bound(mExtBegin, mExtEnd, pg, ExtCompare()); if (it != mExtEnd && it->mData.mX == x && it->mData.mY == y) { return &(*it); } return 0; } const ESM::Pathgrid *find(int x, int y) const { const ESM::Pathgrid *ptr = search(x, y); if (ptr == 0) { std::ostringstream msg; msg << "Pathgrid at (" << x << ", " << y << ") not found"; throw std::runtime_error(msg.str()); } return ptr; } const ESM::Pathgrid *search(const std::string &name) const { ESM::Pathgrid pg; pg.mCell = name; iterator it = std::lower_bound(mIntBegin, mIntEnd, pg, RecordCmp()); if (it != mIntEnd && StringUtils::ciEqual(it->mCell, name)) { return &(*it); } return 0; } const ESM::Pathgrid *find(const std::string &name) const { const ESM::Pathgrid *ptr = search(name); if (ptr == 0) { std::ostringstream msg; msg << "Pathgrid in cell '" << name << "' not found"; throw std::runtime_error(msg.str()); } return ptr; } const ESM::Pathgrid *search(const ESM::Cell &cell) const { if (cell.mData.mFlags & ESM::Cell::Interior) { return search(cell.mName); } return search(cell.mData.mX, cell.mData.mY); } const ESM::Pathgrid *find(const ESM::Cell &cell) const { if (cell.mData.mFlags & ESM::Cell::Interior) { return find(cell.mName); } return find(cell.mData.mX, cell.mData.mY); } iterator begin() const { return mStatic.begin(); } iterator end() const { return mStatic.end(); } iterator interiorPathsBegin() const { return mIntBegin; } iterator interiorPathsEnd() const { return mIntEnd; } iterator exteriorPathsBegin() const { return mExtBegin; } iterator exteriorPathsEnd() const { return mExtEnd; } }; template class IndexedStore { struct Compare { bool operator()(const T &x, const T &y) const { return x.mIndex < y.mIndex; } }; protected: std::vector mStatic; public: typedef typename std::vector::const_iterator iterator; IndexedStore() {} IndexedStore(unsigned int size) { mStatic.reserve(size); } iterator begin() const { return mStatic.begin(); } iterator end() const { return mStatic.end(); } /// \todo refine loading order void load(ESM::ESMReader &esm) { mStatic.push_back(T()); mStatic.back().load(esm); } int getSize() const { return mStatic.size(); } void setUp() { std::sort(mStatic.begin(), mStatic.end(), Compare()); } const T *search(int index) const { T item; item.mIndex = index; iterator it = std::lower_bound(mStatic.begin(), mStatic.end(), item, Compare()); if (it != mStatic.end() && it->mIndex == index) { return &(*it); } return 0; } const T *find(int index) const { const T *ptr = search(index); if (ptr == 0) { std::ostringstream msg; msg << "Object with index " << index << " not found"; throw std::runtime_error(msg.str()); } return ptr; } }; template <> struct Store : public IndexedStore { Store() {} Store(unsigned int size) : IndexedStore(size) {} }; template <> struct Store : public IndexedStore { Store() {} Store(unsigned int size) : IndexedStore(size) {} }; template <> class Store : public IndexedStore { std::vector mStatic; public: typedef std::vector::const_iterator iterator; Store() { mStatic.reserve(ESM::Attribute::Length); } const ESM::Attribute *search(size_t index) const { if (index >= mStatic.size()) { return 0; } return &mStatic.at(index); } const ESM::Attribute *find(size_t index) const { const ESM::Attribute *ptr = search(index); if (ptr == 0) { std::ostringstream msg; msg << "Attribute with index " << index << " not found"; throw std::runtime_error(msg.str()); } return ptr; } void setUp() { for (int i = 0; i < ESM::Attribute::Length; ++i) { mStatic.push_back( ESM::Attribute( ESM::Attribute::sAttributeIds[i], ESM::Attribute::sGmstAttributeIds[i], ESM::Attribute::sGmstAttributeDescIds[i] ) ); } } int getSize() const { return mStatic.size(); } iterator begin() const { return mStatic.begin(); } iterator end() const { return mStatic.end(); } }; } //end namespace #endif