#include "cellref.hpp" #include "esmreader.hpp" #include "esmwriter.hpp" void ESM::CellRef::load (ESMReader& esm, bool wideRefNum) { // NAM0 sometimes appears here, sometimes further on mNam0 = 0; if (esm.isNextSub ("NAM0")) esm.getHT (mNam0); if (wideRefNum) esm.getHNT (mRefNum, "FRMR", 8); else esm.getHNT (mRefNum.mIndex, "FRMR"); mRefID = esm.getHNString ("NAME"); mScale = 1.0; esm.getHNOT (mScale, "XSCL"); mOwner = esm.getHNOString ("ANAM"); mGlob = esm.getHNOString ("BNAM"); mSoul = esm.getHNOString ("XSOL"); mFaction = esm.getHNOString ("CNAM"); mFactIndex = -2; esm.getHNOT (mFactIndex, "INDX"); mGoldValue = 1; mCharge = -1; mEnchantmentCharge = -1; esm.getHNOT (mEnchantmentCharge, "XCHG"); esm.getHNOT (mCharge, "INTV"); esm.getHNOT (mGoldValue, "NAM9"); // Present for doors that teleport you to another cell. if (esm.isNextSub ("DODT")) { mTeleport = true; esm.getHT (mDoorDest); mDestCell = esm.getHNOString ("DNAM"); } else mTeleport = false; mLockLevel = -1; esm.getHNOT (mLockLevel, "FLTV"); mKey = esm.getHNOString ("KNAM"); mTrap = esm.getHNOString ("TNAM"); mReferenceBlocked = -1; mFltv = 0; esm.getHNOT (mReferenceBlocked, "UNAM"); esm.getHNOT (mFltv, "FLTV"); esm.getHNOT(mPos, "DATA", 24); // Number of references in the cell? Maximum once in each cell, // but not always at the beginning, and not always right. In other // words, completely useless. // Update: Well, maybe not completely useless. This might actually be // number_of_references + number_of_references_moved_here_Across_boundaries, // and could be helpful for collecting these weird moved references. if (esm.isNextSub ("NAM0")) esm.getHT (mNam0); } void ESM::CellRef::save (ESMWriter &esm, bool wideRefNum) const { if (wideRefNum) esm.writeHNT ("FRMR", mRefNum, 8); else esm.writeHNT ("FRMR", mRefNum.mIndex, 4); esm.writeHNCString("NAME", mRefID); if (mScale != 1.0) { esm.writeHNT("XSCL", mScale); } esm.writeHNOCString("ANAM", mOwner); esm.writeHNOCString("BNAM", mGlob); esm.writeHNOCString("XSOL", mSoul); esm.writeHNOCString("CNAM", mFaction); if (mFactIndex != -2) { esm.writeHNT("INDX", mFactIndex); } if (mEnchantmentCharge != -1) esm.writeHNT("XCHG", mEnchantmentCharge); if (mCharge != -1) esm.writeHNT("INTV", mCharge); if (mGoldValue != 1) { esm.writeHNT("NAM9", mGoldValue); } if (mTeleport) { esm.writeHNT("DODT", mDoorDest); esm.writeHNOCString("DNAM", mDestCell); } if (mLockLevel != -1) { esm.writeHNT("FLTV", mLockLevel); } esm.writeHNOCString("KNAM", mKey); esm.writeHNOCString("TNAM", mTrap); if (mReferenceBlocked != -1) { esm.writeHNT("UNAM", mReferenceBlocked); } if (mFltv != 0) { esm.writeHNT("FLTV", mFltv); } esm.writeHNT("DATA", mPos, 24); if (mNam0 != 0) { esm.writeHNT("NAM0", mNam0); } } void ESM::CellRef::blank() { mRefNum.mIndex = 0; mRefNum.mContentFile = -1; mRefID.clear(); mScale = 1; mOwner.clear(); mGlob.clear(); mSoul.clear(); mFaction.clear(); mFactIndex = -1; mCharge = 0; mEnchantmentCharge = 0; mGoldValue = 0; mDestCell.clear(); mLockLevel = 0; mKey.clear(); mTrap.clear(); mReferenceBlocked = 0; mFltv = 0; mNam0 = 0; for (int i=0; i<3; ++i) { mDoorDest.pos[i] = 0; mDoorDest.rot[i] = 0; mPos.pos[i] = 0; mPos.rot[i] = 0; } } bool ESM::operator== (const CellRef::RefNum& left, const CellRef::RefNum& right) { return left.mIndex==right.mIndex && left.mContentFile==right.mContentFile; }