#include "objects.hpp" #include #include using namespace Ogre; using namespace MWRender; bool Objects::lightConst = false; float Objects::lightConstValue = 0.0f; bool Objects::lightLinear = true; int Objects::lightLinearMethod = 1; float Objects::lightLinearValue = 3; float Objects::lightLinearRadiusMult = 1; bool Objects::lightQuadratic = false; int Objects::lightQuadraticMethod = 2; float Objects::lightQuadraticValue = 16; float Objects::lightQuadraticRadiusMult = 1; bool Objects::lightOutQuadInLin = false; int Objects::uniqueID = 0; void Objects::setMwRoot(Ogre::SceneNode* root){ mwRoot = root; } void Objects::insertBegin (const MWWorld::Ptr& ptr, bool enabled, bool static_){ Ogre::SceneNode* root = mwRoot; Ogre::SceneNode* cellnode; if(mCellSceneNodes.find(ptr.getCell()) == mCellSceneNodes.end()) { //Create the scenenode and put it in the map cellnode = root->createChildSceneNode(); mCellSceneNodes[ptr.getCell()] = cellnode; } else { cellnode = mCellSceneNodes[ptr.getCell()]; } Ogre::SceneNode* insert = cellnode->createChildSceneNode(); const float *f = ptr.getRefData().getPosition().pos; insert->setPosition(f[0], f[1], f[2]); insert->setScale(ptr.getCellRef().scale, ptr.getCellRef().scale, ptr.getCellRef().scale); // Convert MW rotation to a quaternion: f = ptr.getCellRef().pos.rot; // Rotate around X axis Quaternion xr(Radian(-f[0]), Vector3::UNIT_X); // Rotate around Y axis Quaternion yr(Radian(-f[1]), Vector3::UNIT_Y); // Rotate around Z axis Quaternion zr(Radian(-f[2]), Vector3::UNIT_Z); // Rotates first around z, then y, then x insert->setOrientation(xr*yr*zr); if (!enabled) insert->setVisible (false); ptr.getRefData().setBaseNode(insert); isStatic = static_; } void Objects::insertMesh (const MWWorld::Ptr& ptr, const std::string& mesh){ Ogre::SceneNode* insert = ptr.getRefData().getBaseNode(); assert(insert); NifOgre::NIFLoader::load(mesh); Entity *ent = mRend.getScene()->createEntity(mesh); if(!isStatic) { insert->attachObject(ent); } else { Ogre::StaticGeometry* sg; if(mSG.find(ptr.getCell()) == mSG.end()) { uniqueID = uniqueID +1; sg = mRend.getScene()->createStaticGeometry( "sg" + Ogre::StringConverter::toString(uniqueID)); //Create the scenenode and put it in the map mSG[ptr.getCell()] = sg; } else { sg = mSG[ptr.getCell()]; } sg->addEntity(ent,insert->_getDerivedPosition(),insert->_getDerivedOrientation(),insert->_getDerivedScale()); sg->setRegionDimensions(Ogre::Vector3(100000,10000,100000)); mRend.getScene()->destroyEntity(ent); } } void Objects::insertLight (const MWWorld::Ptr& ptr, float r, float g, float b, float radius){ Ogre::SceneNode* insert = mRend.getScene()->getSceneNode(ptr.getRefData().getHandle()); assert(insert); Ogre::Light *light = mRend.getScene()->createLight(); light->setDiffuseColour (r, g, b); float cval=0.0f, lval=0.0f, qval=0.0f; if(lightConst) cval = lightConstValue; if(!lightOutQuadInLin) { if(lightLinear) radius *= lightLinearRadiusMult; if(lightQuadratic) radius *= lightQuadraticRadiusMult; if(lightLinear) lval = lightLinearValue / pow(radius, lightLinearMethod); if(lightQuadratic) qval = lightQuadraticValue / pow(radius, lightQuadraticMethod); } else { // FIXME: // Do quadratic or linear, depending if we're in an exterior or interior // cell, respectively. Ignore lightLinear and lightQuadratic. } light->setAttenuation(10*radius, cval, lval, qval); insert->attachObject(light); } void Objects::deleteObject (const std::string& handle) { if (!handle.empty()) { Ogre::SceneNode *node = mRend.getScene()->getSceneNode (handle); node->removeAndDestroyAllChildren(); mRend.getScene()->destroySceneNode (node); } } void Objects::removeCell(MWWorld::Ptr::CellStore* store){ if(mCellSceneNodes.find(store) != mCellSceneNodes.end()) { Ogre::SceneNode* base = mCellSceneNodes[store]; base->removeAndDestroyAllChildren(); mRend.getScene()->destroySceneNode(base); base = 0; } if(mSG.find(store) != mSG.end()) { Ogre::StaticGeometry* sg = mSG[store]; mRend.getScene()->destroyStaticGeometry (sg); sg = 0; } } void Objects::buildStaticGeometry(ESMS::CellStore& cell){ if(mSG.find(&cell) != mSG.end()) { Ogre::StaticGeometry* sg = mSG[&cell]; sg->build(); } }