#include "formatting.hpp" #include #include #include "../mwscript/interpretercontext.hpp" #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace { Ogre::UTFString::unicode_char unicodeCharFromChar(char ch) { std::string s; s += ch; Ogre::UTFString string(s); return string.getChar(0); } } namespace MWGui { namespace Formatting { Paginator::Pages BookFormatter::markupToWidget(MyGUI::Widget * parent, std::string utf8Text, const int pageWidth, const int pageHeight) { using Ogre::UTFString; MWScript::InterpreterContext interpreterContext(NULL, MWWorld::Ptr()); // empty arguments, because there is no locals or actor utf8Text = Interpreter::fixDefinesBook(utf8Text, interpreterContext); boost::algorithm::replace_all(utf8Text, "\n", ""); boost::algorithm::replace_all(utf8Text, "\r", ""); boost::algorithm::replace_all(utf8Text, "
", "\n"); boost::algorithm::replace_all(utf8Text, "

", "\n\n"); UTFString text(utf8Text); UTFString plainText; const UTFString::unicode_char LEFT_ANGLE = unicodeCharFromChar('<'); const UTFString::unicode_char NEWLINE = unicodeCharFromChar('\n'); Paginator pag(pageWidth, pageHeight); while (parent->getChildCount()) { MyGUI::Gui::getInstance().destroyWidget(parent->getChildAt(0)); } MyGUI::Widget * paper = parent->createWidget("Widget", MyGUI::IntCoord(0, 0, pag.getPageWidth(), pag.getPageHeight()), MyGUI::Align::Left | MyGUI::Align::Top); paper->setNeedMouseFocus(false); bool ignoreNewlines = true; for (size_t index = 0; index < text.size(); ++index) { const UTFString::unicode_char ch = text.getChar(index); if (!plainText.empty() && (ch == LEFT_ANGLE || index == text.size() - 1)) { // if there's a newline at the end of the box caption, remove it if (plainText[plainText.size()-1] == NEWLINE) plainText.erase(plainText.end()-1); TextElement elem(paper, pag, mTextStyle, plainText.asUTF8()); elem.paginate(); plainText.clear(); } if (ch == LEFT_ANGLE) { const size_t tagStart = index + 1; const size_t tagEnd = text.find('>', tagStart); if (tagEnd == UTFString::npos) throw std::runtime_error("BookTextParser Error: Tag is not terminated"); const std::string tag = text.substr(tagStart, tagEnd - tagStart).asUTF8(); if (boost::algorithm::starts_with(tag, "IMG")) { ImageElement elem(paper, pag, mTextStyle, tag); elem.paginate(); ignoreNewlines = false; } else if (boost::algorithm::starts_with(tag, "FONT")) { parseFont(tag); } else if (boost::algorithm::starts_with(tag, "DIV")) { parseDiv(tag); } index = tagEnd; } else { if (!ignoreNewlines || ch != NEWLINE) { plainText.push_back(ch); ignoreNewlines = false; } } } // insert last page pag << Paginator::Page(pag.getStartTop(), pag.getStartTop() + pag.getPageHeight()); paper->setSize(paper->getWidth(), pag.getCurrentTop()); return pag.getPages(); } Paginator::Pages BookFormatter::markupToWidget(MyGUI::Widget * parent, std::string utf8Text) { return markupToWidget(parent, utf8Text, parent->getWidth(), parent->getHeight()); } void BookFormatter::parseDiv(std::string tag) { if (tag.find("ALIGN=") == std::string::npos) return; int align_start = tag.find("ALIGN=")+7; std::string align = tag.substr(align_start, tag.find('"', align_start)-align_start); if (align == "CENTER") mTextStyle.mTextAlign = MyGUI::Align::HCenter; else if (align == "LEFT") mTextStyle.mTextAlign = MyGUI::Align::Left; } void BookFormatter::parseFont(std::string tag) { if (tag.find("COLOR=") != std::string::npos) { int color_start = tag.find("COLOR=")+7; int color; std::stringstream ss; ss << tag.substr(color_start, tag.find('"', color_start)-color_start); ss >> std::hex >> color; mTextStyle.mColour = MyGUI::Colour( (color>>16 & 0xFF) / 255.f, (color>>8 & 0xFF) / 255.f, (color & 0xFF) / 255.f); } if (tag.find("FACE=") != std::string::npos) { int face_start = tag.find("FACE=")+6; std::string face = tag.substr(face_start, tag.find('"', face_start)-face_start); if (face != "Magic Cards") mTextStyle.mFont = face; } if (tag.find("SIZE=") != std::string::npos) { /// \todo } } /* GraphicElement */ GraphicElement::GraphicElement(MyGUI::Widget * parent, Paginator & pag, const TextStyle & style) : mParent(parent), mPaginator(pag), mStyle(style) { } void GraphicElement::paginate() { int newTop = mPaginator.getCurrentTop() + getHeight(); while (newTop-mPaginator.getStartTop() > mPaginator.getPageHeight()) { int newStartTop = pageSplit(); mPaginator << Paginator::Page(mPaginator.getStartTop(), newStartTop); mPaginator.setStartTop(newStartTop); } mPaginator.modifyCurrentTop(getHeight()); } int GraphicElement::pageSplit() { return mPaginator.getStartTop() + mPaginator.getPageHeight(); } int GraphicElement::currentFontHeight() const { std::string fontName(mStyle.mFont == "Default" ? MyGUI::FontManager::getInstance().getDefaultFont() : mStyle.mFont); return MyGUI::FontManager::getInstance().getByName(fontName)->getDefaultHeight(); } float GraphicElement::widthForCharGlyph(MyGUI::Char unicodeChar) const { std::string fontName(mStyle.mFont == "Default" ? MyGUI::FontManager::getInstance().getDefaultFont() : mStyle.mFont); return MyGUI::FontManager::getInstance().getByName(fontName) ->getGlyphInfo(unicodeChar)->width; } /* TextElement */ TextElement::TextElement(MyGUI::Widget * parent, Paginator & pag, const TextStyle & style, const std::string & text) : GraphicElement(parent, pag, style) { MyGUI::EditBox* box = parent->createWidget("NormalText", MyGUI::IntCoord(0, pag.getCurrentTop(), pag.getPageWidth(), 0), MyGUI::Align::Left | MyGUI::Align::Top, parent->getName() + boost::lexical_cast(parent->getChildCount())); box->setProperty("Static", "true"); box->setProperty("MultiLine", "true"); box->setProperty("WordWrap", "true"); box->setProperty("NeedMouse", "false"); box->setMaxTextLength(text.size()); box->setTextAlign(mStyle.mTextAlign); box->setTextColour(mStyle.mColour); box->setFontName(mStyle.mFont); box->setCaption(MyGUI::TextIterator::toTagsString(text)); box->setSize(box->getSize().width, box->getTextSize().height); mEditBox = box; } int TextElement::getHeight() { return mEditBox->getTextSize().height; } int TextElement::pageSplit() { // split lines const int lineHeight = currentFontHeight(); unsigned int lastLine = (mPaginator.getStartTop() + mPaginator.getPageHeight() - mPaginator.getCurrentTop()) / lineHeight; int ret = mPaginator.getCurrentTop() + lastLine * lineHeight; // first empty lines that would go to the next page should be ignored // unfortunately, getLineInfo method won't be available until 3.2.2 #if (MYGUI_VERSION >= MYGUI_DEFINE_VERSION(3, 2, 2)) const MyGUI::VectorLineInfo & lines = mEditBox->getSubWidgetText()->castType()->getLineInfo(); for (unsigned int i = lastLine; i < lines.size(); ++i) { if (lines[i].width == 0) ret += lineHeight; else break; } #endif return ret; } /* ImageElement */ ImageElement::ImageElement(MyGUI::Widget * parent, Paginator & pag, const TextStyle & style, const std::string & tag) : GraphicElement(parent, pag, style), mImageHeight(0) { int src_start = tag.find("SRC=")+5; std::string src = tag.substr(src_start, tag.find('"', src_start)-src_start); int width_start = tag.find("WIDTH=")+7; int width = boost::lexical_cast(tag.substr(width_start, tag.find('"', width_start)-width_start)); int height_start = tag.find("HEIGHT=")+8; mImageHeight = boost::lexical_cast(tag.substr(height_start, tag.find('"', height_start)-height_start)); mImageBox = parent->createWidget ("ImageBox", MyGUI::IntCoord(0, pag.getCurrentTop(), width, mImageHeight), MyGUI::Align::Left | MyGUI::Align::Top, parent->getName() + boost::lexical_cast(parent->getChildCount())); std::string image = Misc::ResourceHelpers::correctBookartPath(src, width, mImageHeight); mImageBox->setImageTexture(image); mImageBox->setProperty("NeedMouse", "false"); } int ImageElement::getHeight() { return mImageHeight; } int ImageElement::pageSplit() { return mPaginator.getCurrentTop(); } } }