NOTE: This README is for ardekantur's Mac branch of OpenMW. A README for the main branch has yet to be written. If you want to submit one, please send me a message! OpenMW ====== From the [official website][]: > OpenMW is an attempt to reimplement the popular role playing game Morrowind. It aims to be a fully playable, open source implementation of the game. You must own Morrowind to use OpenMW. About This Project ------------------ This specific repository is a branch of OpenMW intended to keep pace with development of the project in order to provide a Mac build for interested parties to contribute. This is not an official, sanctioned branch of the OpenMW project. I will only be able to answer specific questions about getting this project running on Mac OS X, **no other platform**. I will not even be able to guarantee my changes maintain backwards compatibility against builds in other operating systems. You have been warned. Getting OpenMW Working ---------------------- 1. Clone this repository. 2. Note about libs: I prefer not to install them globally (i. e. in /usr/local/), so I installing them in directory in my home directory. If OpenMW sources is in $HOME/path/openmw, I'm using $HOME/path/libs/root as prefix for boost and other libs. It's useful to create env var for lib install prefix: $ export OMW_LIB_PREFIX=$HOME/path/libs/root 3. First of all, set for current terminal some env vars: $ export CFLAGS="-arch i386" $ export CXXFLAGS="-arch i386" $ export LDFLAGS="-arch i386" All libs will build with correct architecture. If you close your terminal, you should set env vars again before pcoceeding to next steps! 4. Download [boost][] (tested with 1.45) and install it with the following command: $ cd /path/to/boost/source $ ./ --prefix=$OMW_LIB_PREFIX $ ./bjam --build-dir=build --layout=versioned \ --toolset=darwin architecture=x86 address-model=32 \ --link-shared,static --prefix=$OMW_LIB_PREFIX install 5. Download [Ogre][] SDK (tested with 1.7.2) and move `lib/Release/Ogre.framework` into `Library/Frameworks`. 6. Download [OIS][] and use the XCode project provided in `ois/Mac/XCode-2.2`. Be sure to set your build architecture to `i386` and your SDK platform to either 10.5 or 10.6. Once it builds, move `ois/Mac/XCode-2.2/build/Debug/OIS.framework` to `/Library/Frameworks`. 7. Download [mpg123][] and build it: $ cd /path/to/mpg123/source $ ./configure --prefix=$OMW_LIB_PREFIX --disable-debug \ --disable-dependency-tracking \ --with-optimization=4 \ --with-audio=coreaudio \ --with-default-audio=coreaudio \ --with-cpu=sse_alone \ $ make install 8. Download [libsndfile][] and build it: $ cd /path/to/libsndfile/source $ ./configure --prefix=$OMW_LIB_PREFIX \ --disable-dependency-tracking $ make install 9. Download [Bullet][] and build it: $ cd /path/to/bullet/source $ mkdir build $ cd build $ cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release \ -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=$OMW_LIB_PREFIX \ -DBUILD_EXTRAS=OFF \ -DBUILD_DEMOS=OFF \ -DCMAKE_OSX_ARCHITECTURES=i386 \ -DCMAKE_INSTALL_NAME_DIR=$OMW_LIB_RPEFIX/lib \ -G"Unix Makefiles" ../ $ make install 10. Generate the Makefile for OpenMW as follows and build OpenMW: $ mkdir /path/to/openmw/build/dir $ cd /path/to/open/build/dir $ cmake \ -D CMAKE_OSX_ARCHITECTURES=i386 \ -D BOOST_INCLUDEDIR=$OMW_LIB_PREFIX/include/boost-1_45 \ -D BOOST_LIBRARYDIR=$OMW_LIB_PREFIX/lib \ -D SNDFILE_INCLUDE_DIR=$OMW_LIB_PREFIX/include \ -D SNDFILE_LIBRARY=$OMW_LIB_PREFIX/lib/libsndfile.a \ -D MPG123_LIBRARY=$OMW_LIB_PREFIX/lib/libmpg123.a \ -D MPG123_INCLUDE_DIR=$OMW_LIB_PREFIX/include \ -D BULLET_DYNAMICS_LIBRARY=$OMW_LIB_PREFIX/lib/libBulletDynamics.a \ -D BULLET_COLLISION_LIBRARY=$OMW_LIB_PREFIX/lib/libBulletCollision.a \ -D BULLET_MATH_LIBRARY=$OMW_LIB_PREFIX/lib/libLinearMath.a \ -D BULLET_SOFTBODY_LIBRARY=$OMW_LIB_PREFIX/lib/libBulletSoftBody.a \ -D BULLET_INCLUDE_DIR=$OMW_LIB_PREFIX/include/bullet/ \ -G "Unix Makefiles" /path/to/openmw/source/dir $ make You can use -G"Xcode" if you prefer Xcode, or -G"Eclipse CDT4 - Unix Makefiles" if you prefer Eclipse. You also can specify -D CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug for debug build. 11. In build directory create directory for game resources: $ cd /path/to/openmw/build/dir $ mkdir Contents $ mkdir Contents/Resources $ mkdir Contents/Plugins Copy Ogre plugins from Ogre SDK to Plugins subdir: $ cp /path/to/ogre/sdk/lib/*.dylib Contents/Plugins Create symlink to resources subdirectory: $ ln -s resources Contents/Resources/resources Create symlinks for *.cfg files: $ ln -s plugins.cfg Contents/MacOS/plugins.cfg $ ln -s openmw.cfg Contents/MacOS/openmw.cfg 12. Move your Morrowind `Data Files` directory into the `Contents/Resources` with the name `data` or create symlink: $ ln -s /path/to/morrowind/data/files Contents/Resources/data 13. From your build directory run: $ ./openmw Enjoy! 14. Optionally you can create .app bundle: $ make package But for now you shold manually copy Contents directory from build directory to bundle (because there is no plugins and resources in generated .app). [boost]: [Ogre]: [Bullet]: [OIS]: [mpg123]: [libsndfile]: [official website]: [Will Thimbleby's Ogre Framework]: