// // Created by koncord on 07.01.16. // #ifndef OPENMW_BASEPLAYER_HPP #define OPENMW_BASEPLAYER_HPP #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace mwmp { struct CurrentContainer { std::string refId; int refNumIndex; int mpNum; bool loot; }; struct JournalItem { std::string quest; int index; enum JOURNAL_ITEM_TYPE { ENTRY = 0, INDEX = 1 }; std::string actorRefId; int type; // 0 - An entire entry, 1 - An index }; struct Faction { std::string factionId; int rank; bool isExpelled; }; struct Topic { std::string topicId; }; struct Kill { std::string refId; int number; }; struct CellState { ESM::Cell cell; enum CELL_STATE_ACTION { LOAD = 0, UNLOAD = 1 }; int type; // 0 - Cell load, 1 - Cell unload }; struct JournalChanges { std::vector journalItems; unsigned int count; }; struct FactionChanges { std::vector factions; unsigned int count; }; struct TopicChanges { std::vector topics; unsigned int count; }; struct KillChanges { std::vector kills; unsigned int count; }; struct InventoryChanges { std::vector items; unsigned int count; enum ACTION_TYPE { SET = 0, ADD, REMOVE }; int action; // 0 - Clear and set in entirety, 1 - Add item, 2 - Remove item }; struct SpellbookChanges { std::vector spells; unsigned int count; enum ACTION_TYPE { SET = 0, ADD, REMOVE }; int action; // 0 - Clear and set in entirety, 1 - Add spell, 2 - Remove spell }; struct CellStateChanges { std::vector cellStates; unsigned int count; }; class BasePlayer { public: struct CGStage { int current, end; }; struct GUIMessageBox { int id; int type; enum GUI_TYPE { MessageBox = 0, CustomMessageBox, InputDialog, PasswordDialog, ListBox }; std::string label; std::string buttons; std::string data; }; BasePlayer(RakNet::RakNetGUID guid) : guid(guid) { inventoryChanges.action = 0; inventoryChanges.count = 0; spellbookChanges.action = 0; spellbookChanges.count = 0; useCreatureName = false; } BasePlayer() { } RakNet::RakNetGUID guid; GUIMessageBox guiMessageBox; int month; int day; double hour; InventoryChanges inventoryChanges; SpellbookChanges spellbookChanges; JournalChanges journalChanges; FactionChanges factionChanges; TopicChanges topicChanges; KillChanges killChanges; CellStateChanges cellStateChanges; ESM::ActiveSpells activeSpells; CurrentContainer currentContainer; bool consoleAllowed; int difficulty; bool ignorePosPacket; unsigned int movementFlags; char movementAnim; char drawState; bool isFlying; ESM::Position position; ESM::Position direction; ESM::Cell cell; ESM::NPC npc; ESM::NpcStats npcStats; ESM::CreatureStats creatureStats; ESM::Class charClass; Item equipedItems[19]; Attack attack; std::string birthsign; std::string chatMessage; CGStage charGenStage; std::string passw; std::string creatureModel; bool useCreatureName; bool isChangingRegion; std::string deathReason; }; } #endif //OPENMW_BASEPLAYER_HPP