#ifndef MWINPUT_MWINPUTMANAGERIMP_H #define MWINPUT_MWINPUTMANAGERIMP_H #include "../mwgui/mode.hpp" #include <osg/ref_ptr> #include <osgViewer/ViewerEventHandlers> #include <extern/oics/ICSChannelListener.h> #include <extern/oics/ICSInputControlSystem.h> #include <components/settings/settings.hpp> #include <components/files/configurationmanager.hpp> #include <components/sdlutil/events.hpp> #include "../mwbase/inputmanager.hpp" namespace MWWorld { class Player; } namespace MWBase { class WindowManager; } namespace ICS { class InputControlSystem; } namespace MyGUI { struct MouseButton; } namespace Files { struct ConfigurationManager; } namespace SDLUtil { class InputWrapper; class VideoWrapper; } namespace osgViewer { class Viewer; class ScreenCaptureHandler; } struct SDL_Window; namespace MWInput { /** * @brief Class that handles all input and key bindings for OpenMW. */ class InputManager : public MWBase::InputManager, public SDLUtil::KeyListener, public SDLUtil::MouseListener, public SDLUtil::WindowListener, public SDLUtil::ControllerListener, public ICS::ChannelListener, public ICS::DetectingBindingListener { public: InputManager( SDL_Window* window, osg::ref_ptr<osgViewer::Viewer> viewer, osg::ref_ptr<osgViewer::ScreenCaptureHandler> screenCaptureHandler, osgViewer::ScreenCaptureHandler::CaptureOperation *screenCaptureOperation, const std::string& userFile, bool userFileExists, const std::string& controllerBindingsFile, bool grab); virtual ~InputManager(); virtual bool isWindowVisible(); /// Clear all savegame-specific data virtual void clear(); virtual void update(float dt, bool disableControls=false, bool disableEvents=false); void setPlayer (MWWorld::Player* player) { mPlayer = player; } virtual void changeInputMode(bool guiMode); virtual void processChangedSettings(const Settings::CategorySettingVector& changed); virtual void setDragDrop(bool dragDrop); virtual void toggleControlSwitch (const std::string& sw, bool value); virtual bool getControlSwitch (const std::string& sw); virtual std::string getActionDescription (int action); virtual std::string getActionKeyBindingName (int action); virtual std::string getActionControllerBindingName (int action); virtual int getNumActions() { return A_Last; } virtual std::vector<int> getActionKeySorting(); virtual std::vector<int> getActionControllerSorting(); virtual void enableDetectingBindingMode (int action, bool keyboard); virtual void resetToDefaultKeyBindings(); virtual void resetToDefaultControllerBindings(); virtual bool joystickLastUsed() {return mJoystickLastUsed;} public: virtual void keyPressed(const SDL_KeyboardEvent &arg ); virtual void keyReleased( const SDL_KeyboardEvent &arg ); virtual void textInput (const SDL_TextInputEvent &arg); virtual void mousePressed( const SDL_MouseButtonEvent &arg, Uint8 id ); virtual void mouseReleased( const SDL_MouseButtonEvent &arg, Uint8 id ); virtual void mouseMoved( const SDLUtil::MouseMotionEvent &arg ); virtual void buttonPressed(int deviceID, const SDL_ControllerButtonEvent &arg); virtual void buttonReleased(int deviceID, const SDL_ControllerButtonEvent &arg); virtual void axisMoved(int deviceID, const SDL_ControllerAxisEvent &arg); virtual void controllerAdded(int deviceID, const SDL_ControllerDeviceEvent &arg); virtual void controllerRemoved(const SDL_ControllerDeviceEvent &arg); virtual void windowVisibilityChange( bool visible ); virtual void windowFocusChange( bool have_focus ); virtual void windowResized (int x, int y); virtual void windowClosed (); virtual void channelChanged(ICS::Channel* channel, float currentValue, float previousValue); virtual void mouseAxisBindingDetected(ICS::InputControlSystem* ICS, ICS::Control* control , ICS::InputControlSystem::NamedAxis axis, ICS::Control::ControlChangingDirection direction); virtual void keyBindingDetected(ICS::InputControlSystem* ICS, ICS::Control* control , SDL_Scancode key, ICS::Control::ControlChangingDirection direction); virtual void mouseButtonBindingDetected(ICS::InputControlSystem* ICS, ICS::Control* control , unsigned int button, ICS::Control::ControlChangingDirection direction); virtual void joystickAxisBindingDetected(ICS::InputControlSystem* ICS, int deviceID, ICS::Control* control , int axis, ICS::Control::ControlChangingDirection direction); virtual void joystickButtonBindingDetected(ICS::InputControlSystem* ICS, int deviceID, ICS::Control* control , unsigned int button, ICS::Control::ControlChangingDirection direction); void clearAllKeyBindings (ICS::Control* control); void clearAllControllerBindings (ICS::Control* control); virtual int countSavedGameRecords() const; virtual void write(ESM::ESMWriter& writer, Loading::Listener& progress); virtual void readRecord(ESM::ESMReader& reader, uint32_t type); private: SDL_Window* mWindow; bool mWindowVisible; osg::ref_ptr<osgViewer::Viewer> mViewer; osg::ref_ptr<osgViewer::ScreenCaptureHandler> mScreenCaptureHandler; osgViewer::ScreenCaptureHandler::CaptureOperation *mScreenCaptureOperation; bool mJoystickLastUsed; MWWorld::Player* mPlayer; ICS::InputControlSystem* mInputBinder; SDLUtil::InputWrapper* mInputManager; SDLUtil::VideoWrapper* mVideoWrapper; std::string mUserFile; bool mDragDrop; bool mGrabCursor; bool mInvertY; bool mControlsDisabled; float mCameraSensitivity; float mCameraYMultiplier; float mPreviewPOVDelay; float mTimeIdle; bool mMouseLookEnabled; bool mGuiCursorEnabled; bool mDetectingKeyboard; float mOverencumberedMessageDelay; float mGuiCursorX; float mGuiCursorY; int mMouseWheel; bool mUserFileExists; bool mAlwaysRunActive; bool mSneakToggles; bool mSneaking; bool mAttemptJump; std::map<std::string, bool> mControlSwitch; float mInvUiScalingFactor; private: void convertMousePosForMyGUI(int& x, int& y); MyGUI::MouseButton sdlButtonToMyGUI(Uint8 button); virtual std::string sdlControllerAxisToString(int axis); virtual std::string sdlControllerButtonToString(int button); void resetIdleTime(); void updateIdleTime(float dt); void setPlayerControlsEnabled(bool enabled); void handleGuiArrowKey(int action); void updateCursorMode(); bool checkAllowedToUseItems() const; private: void toggleMainMenu(); void toggleSpell(); void toggleWeapon(); void toggleInventory(); void toggleConsole(); void screenshot(); void toggleJournal(); void activate(); void toggleWalking(); void toggleSneaking(); void toggleAutoMove(); void rest(); void quickLoad(); void quickSave(); void quickKey (int index); void showQuickKeysMenu(); bool actionIsActive (int id); void loadKeyDefaults(bool force = false); void loadControllerDefaults(bool force = false); int mFakeDeviceID; //As we only support one controller at a time, use a fake deviceID so we don't lose bindings when switching controllers private: enum Actions { // please add new actions at the bottom, in order to preserve the channel IDs in the key configuration files A_GameMenu, A_Unused, A_Screenshot, // Take a screenshot A_Inventory, // Toggle inventory screen A_Console, // Toggle console screen A_MoveLeft, // Move player left / right A_MoveRight, A_MoveForward, // Forward / Backward A_MoveBackward, A_Activate, A_Use, //Use weapon, spell, etc. A_Jump, A_AutoMove, //Toggle Auto-move forward A_Rest, //Rest A_Journal, //Journal A_Weapon, //Draw/Sheath weapon A_Spell, //Ready/Unready Casting A_Run, //Run when held A_CycleSpellLeft, //cycling through spells A_CycleSpellRight, A_CycleWeaponLeft,//Cycling through weapons A_CycleWeaponRight, A_ToggleSneak, //Toggles Sneak A_AlwaysRun, //Toggle Walking/Running A_Sneak, A_QuickSave, A_QuickLoad, A_QuickMenu, A_ToggleWeapon, A_ToggleSpell, A_TogglePOV, A_QuickKey1, A_QuickKey2, A_QuickKey3, A_QuickKey4, A_QuickKey5, A_QuickKey6, A_QuickKey7, A_QuickKey8, A_QuickKey9, A_QuickKey10, A_QuickKeysMenu, A_ToggleHUD, A_ToggleDebug, A_LookUpDown, //Joystick look A_LookLeftRight, A_MoveForwardBackward, A_MoveLeftRight, A_Last // Marker for the last item }; }; } #endif