#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "openal_output.hpp" #include "sound_decoder.hpp" #include "sound.hpp" #include "soundmanagerimp.hpp" #include "loudness.hpp" #include "efx-presets.h" #ifndef ALC_ALL_DEVICES_SPECIFIER #define ALC_ALL_DEVICES_SPECIFIER 0x1013 #endif #define MAKE_PTRID(id) ((void*)(uintptr_t)id) #define GET_PTRID(ptr) ((ALuint)(uintptr_t)ptr) namespace { // The game uses 64 units per yard, or approximately 69.99125109 units per meter. // Should this be defined publically somewhere? const float UnitsPerMeter = 69.99125109f; const int sLoudnessFPS = 20; // loudness values per second of audio ALCenum checkALCError(ALCdevice *device, const char *func, int line) { ALCenum err = alcGetError(device); if(err != ALC_NO_ERROR) std::cerr<< ">>>>>>>>> ALC error "<>>>>>>>> AL error "< void convertPointer(T& dest, R src) { memcpy(&dest, &src, sizeof(src)); } template void getALCFunc(T& func, ALCdevice *device, const char *name) { void* funcPtr = alcGetProcAddress(device, name); convertPointer(func, funcPtr); } template void getALFunc(T& func, const char *name) { void* funcPtr = alGetProcAddress(name); convertPointer(func, funcPtr); } // Effect objects LPALGENEFFECTS alGenEffects; LPALDELETEEFFECTS alDeleteEffects; LPALISEFFECT alIsEffect; LPALEFFECTI alEffecti; LPALEFFECTIV alEffectiv; LPALEFFECTF alEffectf; LPALEFFECTFV alEffectfv; LPALGETEFFECTI alGetEffecti; LPALGETEFFECTIV alGetEffectiv; LPALGETEFFECTF alGetEffectf; LPALGETEFFECTFV alGetEffectfv; // Filter objects LPALGENFILTERS alGenFilters; LPALDELETEFILTERS alDeleteFilters; LPALISFILTER alIsFilter; LPALFILTERI alFilteri; LPALFILTERIV alFilteriv; LPALFILTERF alFilterf; LPALFILTERFV alFilterfv; LPALGETFILTERI alGetFilteri; LPALGETFILTERIV alGetFilteriv; LPALGETFILTERF alGetFilterf; LPALGETFILTERFV alGetFilterfv; // Auxiliary slot objects LPALGENAUXILIARYEFFECTSLOTS alGenAuxiliaryEffectSlots; LPALDELETEAUXILIARYEFFECTSLOTS alDeleteAuxiliaryEffectSlots; LPALISAUXILIARYEFFECTSLOT alIsAuxiliaryEffectSlot; LPALAUXILIARYEFFECTSLOTI alAuxiliaryEffectSloti; LPALAUXILIARYEFFECTSLOTIV alAuxiliaryEffectSlotiv; LPALAUXILIARYEFFECTSLOTF alAuxiliaryEffectSlotf; LPALAUXILIARYEFFECTSLOTFV alAuxiliaryEffectSlotfv; LPALGETAUXILIARYEFFECTSLOTI alGetAuxiliaryEffectSloti; LPALGETAUXILIARYEFFECTSLOTIV alGetAuxiliaryEffectSlotiv; LPALGETAUXILIARYEFFECTSLOTF alGetAuxiliaryEffectSlotf; LPALGETAUXILIARYEFFECTSLOTFV alGetAuxiliaryEffectSlotfv; void LoadEffect(ALuint effect, const EFXEAXREVERBPROPERTIES &props) { ALint type = AL_NONE; alGetEffecti(effect, AL_EFFECT_TYPE, &type); if(type == AL_EFFECT_EAXREVERB) { alEffectf(effect, AL_EAXREVERB_DIFFUSION, props.flDiffusion); alEffectf(effect, AL_EAXREVERB_DENSITY, props.flDensity); alEffectf(effect, AL_EAXREVERB_GAIN, props.flGain); alEffectf(effect, AL_EAXREVERB_GAINHF, props.flGainHF); alEffectf(effect, AL_EAXREVERB_GAINLF, props.flGainLF); alEffectf(effect, AL_EAXREVERB_DECAY_TIME, props.flDecayTime); alEffectf(effect, AL_EAXREVERB_DECAY_HFRATIO, props.flDecayHFRatio); alEffectf(effect, AL_EAXREVERB_DECAY_LFRATIO, props.flDecayLFRatio); alEffectf(effect, AL_EAXREVERB_REFLECTIONS_GAIN, props.flReflectionsGain); alEffectf(effect, AL_EAXREVERB_REFLECTIONS_DELAY, props.flReflectionsDelay); alEffectfv(effect, AL_EAXREVERB_REFLECTIONS_PAN, props.flReflectionsPan); alEffectf(effect, AL_EAXREVERB_LATE_REVERB_GAIN, props.flLateReverbGain); alEffectf(effect, AL_EAXREVERB_LATE_REVERB_DELAY, props.flLateReverbDelay); alEffectfv(effect, AL_EAXREVERB_LATE_REVERB_PAN, props.flLateReverbPan); alEffectf(effect, AL_EAXREVERB_ECHO_TIME, props.flEchoTime); alEffectf(effect, AL_EAXREVERB_ECHO_DEPTH, props.flEchoDepth); alEffectf(effect, AL_EAXREVERB_MODULATION_TIME, props.flModulationTime); alEffectf(effect, AL_EAXREVERB_MODULATION_DEPTH, props.flModulationDepth); alEffectf(effect, AL_EAXREVERB_AIR_ABSORPTION_GAINHF, props.flAirAbsorptionGainHF); alEffectf(effect, AL_EAXREVERB_HFREFERENCE, props.flHFReference); alEffectf(effect, AL_EAXREVERB_LFREFERENCE, props.flLFReference); alEffectf(effect, AL_EAXREVERB_ROOM_ROLLOFF_FACTOR, props.flRoomRolloffFactor); alEffecti(effect, AL_EAXREVERB_DECAY_HFLIMIT, props.iDecayHFLimit ? AL_TRUE : AL_FALSE); } else if(type == AL_EFFECT_REVERB) { alEffectf(effect, AL_REVERB_DIFFUSION, props.flDiffusion); alEffectf(effect, AL_REVERB_DENSITY, props.flDensity); alEffectf(effect, AL_REVERB_GAIN, props.flGain); alEffectf(effect, AL_REVERB_GAINHF, props.flGainHF); alEffectf(effect, AL_REVERB_DECAY_TIME, props.flDecayTime); alEffectf(effect, AL_REVERB_DECAY_HFRATIO, props.flDecayHFRatio); alEffectf(effect, AL_REVERB_REFLECTIONS_GAIN, props.flReflectionsGain); alEffectf(effect, AL_REVERB_REFLECTIONS_DELAY, props.flReflectionsDelay); alEffectf(effect, AL_REVERB_LATE_REVERB_GAIN, props.flLateReverbGain); alEffectf(effect, AL_REVERB_LATE_REVERB_DELAY, props.flLateReverbDelay); alEffectf(effect, AL_REVERB_AIR_ABSORPTION_GAINHF, props.flAirAbsorptionGainHF); alEffectf(effect, AL_REVERB_ROOM_ROLLOFF_FACTOR, props.flRoomRolloffFactor); alEffecti(effect, AL_REVERB_DECAY_HFLIMIT, props.iDecayHFLimit ? AL_TRUE : AL_FALSE); } getALError(); } } namespace MWSound { static ALenum getALFormat(ChannelConfig chans, SampleType type) { struct FormatEntry { ALenum format; ChannelConfig chans; SampleType type; }; struct FormatEntryExt { const char name[32]; ChannelConfig chans; SampleType type; }; static const std::array fmtlist{{ { AL_FORMAT_MONO16, ChannelConfig_Mono, SampleType_Int16 }, { AL_FORMAT_MONO8, ChannelConfig_Mono, SampleType_UInt8 }, { AL_FORMAT_STEREO16, ChannelConfig_Stereo, SampleType_Int16 }, { AL_FORMAT_STEREO8, ChannelConfig_Stereo, SampleType_UInt8 }, }}; for(auto &fmt : fmtlist) { if(fmt.chans == chans && fmt.type == type) return fmt.format; } if(alIsExtensionPresent("AL_EXT_MCFORMATS")) { static const std::array mcfmtlist{{ { "AL_FORMAT_QUAD16", ChannelConfig_Quad, SampleType_Int16 }, { "AL_FORMAT_QUAD8", ChannelConfig_Quad, SampleType_UInt8 }, { "AL_FORMAT_51CHN16", ChannelConfig_5point1, SampleType_Int16 }, { "AL_FORMAT_51CHN8", ChannelConfig_5point1, SampleType_UInt8 }, { "AL_FORMAT_71CHN16", ChannelConfig_7point1, SampleType_Int16 }, { "AL_FORMAT_71CHN8", ChannelConfig_7point1, SampleType_UInt8 }, }}; for(auto &fmt : mcfmtlist) { if(fmt.chans == chans && fmt.type == type) { ALenum format = alGetEnumValue(fmt.name); if(format != 0 && format != -1) return format; } } } if(alIsExtensionPresent("AL_EXT_FLOAT32")) { static const std::array fltfmtlist{{ { "AL_FORMAT_MONO_FLOAT32", ChannelConfig_Mono, SampleType_Float32 }, { "AL_FORMAT_STEREO_FLOAT32", ChannelConfig_Stereo, SampleType_Float32 }, }}; for(auto &fmt : fltfmtlist) { if(fmt.chans == chans && fmt.type == type) { ALenum format = alGetEnumValue(fmt.name); if(format != 0 && format != -1) return format; } } if(alIsExtensionPresent("AL_EXT_MCFORMATS")) { static const std::array fltmcfmtlist{{ { "AL_FORMAT_QUAD32", ChannelConfig_Quad, SampleType_Float32 }, { "AL_FORMAT_51CHN32", ChannelConfig_5point1, SampleType_Float32 }, { "AL_FORMAT_71CHN32", ChannelConfig_7point1, SampleType_Float32 }, }}; for(auto &fmt : fltmcfmtlist) { if(fmt.chans == chans && fmt.type == type) { ALenum format = alGetEnumValue(fmt.name); if(format != 0 && format != -1) return format; } } } } std::cerr<< "Unsupported sound format ("< mBuffers; ALint mCurrentBufIdx; ALenum mFormat; ALsizei mSampleRate; ALuint mBufferSize; ALuint mFrameSize; ALint mSilence; DecoderPtr mDecoder; std::unique_ptr mLoudnessAnalyzer; volatile bool mIsFinished; void updateAll(bool local); OpenAL_SoundStream(const OpenAL_SoundStream &rhs); OpenAL_SoundStream& operator=(const OpenAL_SoundStream &rhs); friend class OpenAL_Output; public: OpenAL_SoundStream(ALuint src, DecoderPtr decoder); ~OpenAL_SoundStream(); bool init(bool getLoudnessData=false); bool isPlaying(); double getStreamDelay() const; double getStreamOffset() const; float getCurrentLoudness() const; bool process(); ALint refillQueue(); }; const ALfloat OpenAL_SoundStream::sBufferLength = 0.125f; // // A background streaming thread (keeps active streams processed) // struct OpenAL_Output::StreamThread : public OpenThreads::Thread { typedef std::vector StreamVec; StreamVec mStreams; volatile bool mQuitNow; OpenThreads::Mutex mMutex; OpenThreads::Condition mCondVar; StreamThread() : mQuitNow(false) { start(); } ~StreamThread() { mQuitNow = true; mMutex.lock(); mMutex.unlock(); mCondVar.broadcast(); join(); } // thread entry point virtual void run() { OpenThreads::ScopedLock lock(mMutex); while(!mQuitNow) { StreamVec::iterator iter = mStreams.begin(); while(iter != mStreams.end()) { if((*iter)->process() == false) iter = mStreams.erase(iter); else ++iter; } mCondVar.wait(&mMutex, 50); } } void add(OpenAL_SoundStream *stream) { OpenThreads::ScopedLock lock(mMutex); if(std::find(mStreams.begin(), mStreams.end(), stream) == mStreams.end()) { mStreams.push_back(stream); mCondVar.broadcast(); } } void remove(OpenAL_SoundStream *stream) { OpenThreads::ScopedLock lock(mMutex); StreamVec::iterator iter = std::find(mStreams.begin(), mStreams.end(), stream); if(iter != mStreams.end()) mStreams.erase(iter); } void removeAll() { OpenThreads::ScopedLock lock(mMutex); mStreams.clear(); } private: StreamThread(const StreamThread &rhs); StreamThread& operator=(const StreamThread &rhs); }; OpenAL_SoundStream::OpenAL_SoundStream(ALuint src, DecoderPtr decoder) : mSource(src), mCurrentBufIdx(0), mFormat(AL_NONE), mSampleRate(0) , mBufferSize(0), mFrameSize(0), mSilence(0), mDecoder(std::move(decoder)) , mLoudnessAnalyzer(nullptr) { mBuffers.fill(0); } OpenAL_SoundStream::~OpenAL_SoundStream() { if(mBuffers[0] && alIsBuffer(mBuffers[0])) alDeleteBuffers(mBuffers.size(), mBuffers.data()); alGetError(); mDecoder->close(); } bool OpenAL_SoundStream::init(bool getLoudnessData) { alGenBuffers(mBuffers.size(), mBuffers.data()); ALenum err = getALError(); if(err != AL_NO_ERROR) return false; ChannelConfig chans; SampleType type; if(!mDecoder->getInfo(&mSampleRate, &chans, &type)) return false; mFormat = getALFormat(chans, type); if(!mFormat) return false; switch(type) { case SampleType_UInt8: mSilence = 0x80; break; case SampleType_Int16: mSilence = 0x00; break; case SampleType_Float32: mSilence = 0x00; break; } mFrameSize = framesToBytes(1, chans, type); mBufferSize = static_cast(sBufferLength*mSampleRate); mBufferSize *= mFrameSize; if (getLoudnessData) mLoudnessAnalyzer.reset(new Sound_Loudness(sLoudnessFPS, mSampleRate, chans, type)); mIsFinished = false; return true; } bool OpenAL_SoundStream::isPlaying() { ALint state; alGetSourcei(mSource, AL_SOURCE_STATE, &state); getALError(); if(state == AL_PLAYING || state == AL_PAUSED) return true; return !mIsFinished; } double OpenAL_SoundStream::getStreamDelay() const { ALint state = AL_STOPPED; double d = 0.0; ALint offset; alGetSourcei(mSource, AL_SAMPLE_OFFSET, &offset); alGetSourcei(mSource, AL_SOURCE_STATE, &state); if(state == AL_PLAYING || state == AL_PAUSED) { ALint queued; alGetSourcei(mSource, AL_BUFFERS_QUEUED, &queued); ALint inqueue = mBufferSize/mFrameSize*queued - offset; d = (double)inqueue / (double)mSampleRate; } getALError(); return d; } double OpenAL_SoundStream::getStreamOffset() const { ALint state = AL_STOPPED; ALint offset; double t; alGetSourcei(mSource, AL_SAMPLE_OFFSET, &offset); alGetSourcei(mSource, AL_SOURCE_STATE, &state); if(state == AL_PLAYING || state == AL_PAUSED) { ALint queued; alGetSourcei(mSource, AL_BUFFERS_QUEUED, &queued); ALint inqueue = mBufferSize/mFrameSize*queued - offset; t = (double)(mDecoder->getSampleOffset() - inqueue) / (double)mSampleRate; } else { /* Underrun, or not started yet. The decoder offset is where we'll play * next. */ t = (double)mDecoder->getSampleOffset() / (double)mSampleRate; } getALError(); return t; } float OpenAL_SoundStream::getCurrentLoudness() const { if (!mLoudnessAnalyzer.get()) return 0.f; float time = getStreamOffset(); return mLoudnessAnalyzer->getLoudnessAtTime(time); } bool OpenAL_SoundStream::process() { try { if(refillQueue() > 0) { ALint state; alGetSourcei(mSource, AL_SOURCE_STATE, &state); if(state != AL_PLAYING && state != AL_PAUSED) { // Ensure all processed buffers are removed so we don't replay them. refillQueue(); alSourcePlay(mSource); } } } catch(std::exception&) { std::cout<< "Error updating stream \""<getName()<<"\"" < 0) { ALuint buf; alSourceUnqueueBuffers(mSource, 1, &buf); --processed; } ALint queued; alGetSourcei(mSource, AL_BUFFERS_QUEUED, &queued); if(!mIsFinished && (ALuint)queued < mBuffers.size()) { std::vector data(mBufferSize); for(;!mIsFinished && (ALuint)queued < mBuffers.size();++queued) { size_t got = mDecoder->read(data.data(), data.size()); if(got < data.size()) { mIsFinished = true; std::fill(data.begin()+got, data.end(), mSilence); } if(got > 0) { if (mLoudnessAnalyzer.get()) mLoudnessAnalyzer->analyzeLoudness(data); ALuint bufid = mBuffers[mCurrentBufIdx]; alBufferData(bufid, mFormat, data.data(), data.size(), mSampleRate); alSourceQueueBuffers(mSource, 1, &bufid); mCurrentBufIdx = (mCurrentBufIdx+1) % mBuffers.size(); } } } return queued; } // // An OpenAL output device // std::vector OpenAL_Output::enumerate() { std::vector devlist; const ALCchar *devnames; if(alcIsExtensionPresent(NULL, "ALC_ENUMERATE_ALL_EXT")) devnames = alcGetString(NULL, ALC_ALL_DEVICES_SPECIFIER); else devnames = alcGetString(NULL, ALC_DEVICE_SPECIFIER); while(devnames && *devnames) { devlist.push_back(devnames); devnames += strlen(devnames)+1; } return devlist; } bool OpenAL_Output::init(const std::string &devname, const std::string &hrtfname, HrtfMode hrtfmode) { deinit(); std::cout<< "Initializing OpenAL..." < attrs; attrs.reserve(15); if(ALC.SOFT_HRTF) { LPALCGETSTRINGISOFT alcGetStringiSOFT = 0; getALCFunc(alcGetStringiSOFT, mDevice, "alcGetStringiSOFT"); attrs.push_back(ALC_HRTF_SOFT); attrs.push_back(hrtfmode == HrtfMode::Disable ? ALC_FALSE : hrtfmode == HrtfMode::Enable ? ALC_TRUE : /*hrtfmode == HrtfMode::Auto ?*/ ALC_DONT_CARE_SOFT); if(!hrtfname.empty()) { ALCint index = -1; ALCint num_hrtf; alcGetIntegerv(mDevice, ALC_NUM_HRTF_SPECIFIERS_SOFT, 1, &num_hrtf); for(ALCint i = 0;i < num_hrtf;++i) { const ALCchar *entry = alcGetStringiSOFT(mDevice, ALC_HRTF_SPECIFIER_SOFT, i); if(hrtfname == entry) { index = i; break; } } if(index < 0) std::cerr<< "Failed to find HRTF \""<(maxmono+maxstereo, 256); if (maxtotal == 0) // workaround for broken implementations maxtotal = 256; } for(size_t i = 0;i < maxtotal;i++) { ALuint src = 0; alGenSources(1, &src); if(alGetError() != AL_NO_ERROR) break; mFreeSources.push_back(src); } if(mFreeSources.empty()) { std::cerr<< "Could not allocate any sound sources" <removeAll(); for(ALuint source : mFreeSources) alDeleteSources(1, &source); mFreeSources.clear(); if(mEffectSlot) alDeleteAuxiliaryEffectSlots(1, &mEffectSlot); mEffectSlot = 0; if(mDefaultEffect) alDeleteEffects(1, &mDefaultEffect); mDefaultEffect = 0; if(mWaterEffect) alDeleteEffects(1, &mWaterEffect); mWaterEffect = 0; if(mWaterFilter) alDeleteFilters(1, &mWaterFilter); mWaterFilter = 0; alcMakeContextCurrent(0); if(mContext) alcDestroyContext(mContext); mContext = 0; if(mDevice) alcCloseDevice(mDevice); mDevice = 0; mInitialized = false; } std::vector OpenAL_Output::enumerateHrtf() { std::vector ret; if(!mDevice || !ALC.SOFT_HRTF) return ret; LPALCGETSTRINGISOFT alcGetStringiSOFT = 0; getALCFunc(alcGetStringiSOFT, mDevice, "alcGetStringiSOFT"); ALCint num_hrtf; alcGetIntegerv(mDevice, ALC_NUM_HRTF_SPECIFIERS_SOFT, 1, &num_hrtf); ret.reserve(num_hrtf); for(ALCint i = 0;i < num_hrtf;++i) { const ALCchar *entry = alcGetStringiSOFT(mDevice, ALC_HRTF_SPECIFIER_SOFT, i); ret.push_back(entry); } return ret; } void OpenAL_Output::setHrtf(const std::string &hrtfname, HrtfMode hrtfmode) { if(!mDevice || !ALC.SOFT_HRTF) { std::cerr<< "HRTF extension not present" < attrs; attrs.reserve(15); attrs.push_back(ALC_HRTF_SOFT); attrs.push_back(hrtfmode == HrtfMode::Disable ? ALC_FALSE : hrtfmode == HrtfMode::Enable ? ALC_TRUE : /*hrtfmode == HrtfMode::Auto ?*/ ALC_DONT_CARE_SOFT); if(!hrtfname.empty()) { ALCint index = -1; ALCint num_hrtf; alcGetIntegerv(mDevice, ALC_NUM_HRTF_SPECIFIERS_SOFT, 1, &num_hrtf); for(ALCint i = 0;i < num_hrtf;++i) { const ALCchar *entry = alcGetStringiSOFT(mDevice, ALC_HRTF_SPECIFIER_SOFT, i); if(hrtfname == entry) { index = i; break; } } if(index < 0) std::cerr<< "Failed to find HRTF name \""< OpenAL_Output::loadSound(const std::string &fname) { getALError(); DecoderPtr decoder = mManager.getDecoder(); // Workaround: Bethesda at some point converted some of the files to mp3, but the references were kept as .wav. if(decoder->mResourceMgr->exists(fname)) { if(!decoder->open(fname)) return std::make_pair(nullptr, 0); } else { std::string file = fname; std::string::size_type pos = file.rfind('.'); if(pos != std::string::npos) file = file.substr(0, pos)+".mp3"; if(!decoder->open(file)) return std::make_pair(nullptr, 0); } std::vector data; ChannelConfig chans; SampleType type; ALenum format; int srate; if(!decoder->getInfo(&srate, &chans, &type)) return std::make_pair(nullptr, 0); format = getALFormat(chans, type); if(!format) return std::make_pair(nullptr, 0); decoder->readAll(data); decoder->close(); ALint size; ALuint buf = 0; alGenBuffers(1, &buf); alBufferData(buf, format, data.data(), data.size(), srate); alGetBufferi(buf, AL_SIZE, &size); if(getALError() != AL_NO_ERROR) { if(buf && alIsBuffer(buf)) alDeleteBuffers(1, &buf); getALError(); return std::make_pair(nullptr, 0); } return std::make_pair(MAKE_PTRID(buf), size); } size_t OpenAL_Output::unloadSound(Sound_Handle data) { ALuint buffer = GET_PTRID(data); if(!buffer) return 0; // Make sure no sources are playing this buffer before unloading it. SoundVec::const_iterator iter = mActiveSounds.begin(); for(;iter != mActiveSounds.end();++iter) { if(!(*iter)->mHandle) continue; ALuint source = GET_PTRID((*iter)->mHandle); ALint srcbuf; alGetSourcei(source, AL_BUFFER, &srcbuf); if((ALuint)srcbuf == buffer) { alSourceStop(source); alSourcei(source, AL_BUFFER, 0); } } ALint size = 0; alGetBufferi(buffer, AL_SIZE, &size); alDeleteBuffers(1, &buffer); getALError(); return size; } void OpenAL_Output::initCommon2D(ALuint source, const osg::Vec3f &pos, ALfloat gain, ALfloat pitch, bool loop, bool useenv) { alSourcef(source, AL_REFERENCE_DISTANCE, 1.0f); alSourcef(source, AL_MAX_DISTANCE, 1000.0f); alSourcef(source, AL_ROLLOFF_FACTOR, 0.0f); alSourcei(source, AL_SOURCE_RELATIVE, AL_TRUE); alSourcei(source, AL_LOOPING, loop ? AL_TRUE : AL_FALSE); if(AL.SOFT_source_spatialize) alSourcei(source, AL_SOURCE_SPATIALIZE_SOFT, AL_FALSE); if(useenv) { if(mWaterFilter) alSourcei(source, AL_DIRECT_FILTER, (mListenerEnv == Env_Underwater) ? mWaterFilter : AL_FILTER_NULL ); else if(mListenerEnv == Env_Underwater) { gain *= 0.9f; pitch *= 0.7f; } if(mEffectSlot) alSource3i(source, AL_AUXILIARY_SEND_FILTER, mEffectSlot, 0, AL_FILTER_NULL); } else { if(mWaterFilter) alSourcei(source, AL_DIRECT_FILTER, AL_FILTER_NULL); if(mEffectSlot) alSource3i(source, AL_AUXILIARY_SEND_FILTER, AL_EFFECTSLOT_NULL, 0, AL_FILTER_NULL); } alSourcef(source, AL_GAIN, gain); alSourcef(source, AL_PITCH, pitch); alSourcefv(source, AL_POSITION, pos.ptr()); alSource3f(source, AL_DIRECTION, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); alSource3f(source, AL_VELOCITY, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); } void OpenAL_Output::initCommon3D(ALuint source, const osg::Vec3f &pos, ALfloat mindist, ALfloat maxdist, ALfloat gain, ALfloat pitch, bool loop, bool useenv) { alSourcef(source, AL_REFERENCE_DISTANCE, mindist); alSourcef(source, AL_MAX_DISTANCE, maxdist); alSourcef(source, AL_ROLLOFF_FACTOR, 1.0f); alSourcei(source, AL_SOURCE_RELATIVE, AL_FALSE); alSourcei(source, AL_LOOPING, loop ? AL_TRUE : AL_FALSE); if(AL.SOFT_source_spatialize) alSourcei(source, AL_SOURCE_SPATIALIZE_SOFT, AL_TRUE); if((pos - mListenerPos).length2() > maxdist*maxdist) gain = 0.0f; if(useenv) { if(mWaterFilter) alSourcei(source, AL_DIRECT_FILTER, (mListenerEnv == Env_Underwater) ? mWaterFilter : AL_FILTER_NULL ); else if(mListenerEnv == Env_Underwater) { gain *= 0.9f; pitch *= 0.7f; } if(mEffectSlot) alSource3i(source, AL_AUXILIARY_SEND_FILTER, mEffectSlot, 0, AL_FILTER_NULL); } else { if(mWaterFilter) alSourcei(source, AL_DIRECT_FILTER, AL_FILTER_NULL); if(mEffectSlot) alSource3i(source, AL_AUXILIARY_SEND_FILTER, AL_EFFECTSLOT_NULL, 0, AL_FILTER_NULL); } alSourcef(source, AL_GAIN, gain); alSourcef(source, AL_PITCH, pitch); alSourcefv(source, AL_POSITION, pos.ptr()); alSource3f(source, AL_DIRECTION, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); alSource3f(source, AL_VELOCITY, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); } void OpenAL_Output::updateCommon(ALuint source, const osg::Vec3f& pos, ALfloat maxdist, ALfloat gain, ALfloat pitch, bool useenv, bool is3d) { if(is3d) { if((pos - mListenerPos).length2() > maxdist*maxdist) gain = 0.0f; } if(useenv && mListenerEnv == Env_Underwater && !mWaterFilter) { gain *= 0.9f; pitch *= 0.7f; } alSourcef(source, AL_GAIN, gain); alSourcef(source, AL_PITCH, pitch); alSourcefv(source, AL_POSITION, pos.ptr()); alSource3f(source, AL_DIRECTION, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); alSource3f(source, AL_VELOCITY, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); } bool OpenAL_Output::playSound(Sound *sound, Sound_Handle data, float offset) { ALuint source; if(mFreeSources.empty()) { std::cerr<< "No free sources!" <getPosition(), sound->getRealVolume(), sound->getPitch(), sound->getIsLooping(), sound->getUseEnv()); alSourcef(source, AL_SEC_OFFSET, offset); if(getALError() != AL_NO_ERROR) return false; alSourcei(source, AL_BUFFER, GET_PTRID(data)); alSourcePlay(source); if(getALError() != AL_NO_ERROR) return false; mFreeSources.pop_front(); sound->mHandle = MAKE_PTRID(source); mActiveSounds.push_back(sound); return true; } bool OpenAL_Output::playSound3D(Sound *sound, Sound_Handle data, float offset) { ALuint source; if(mFreeSources.empty()) { std::cerr<< "No free sources!" <getPosition(), sound->getMinDistance(), sound->getMaxDistance(), sound->getRealVolume(), sound->getPitch(), sound->getIsLooping(), sound->getUseEnv()); alSourcef(source, AL_SEC_OFFSET, offset); if(getALError() != AL_NO_ERROR) return false; alSourcei(source, AL_BUFFER, GET_PTRID(data)); alSourcePlay(source); if(getALError() != AL_NO_ERROR) return false; mFreeSources.pop_front(); sound->mHandle = MAKE_PTRID(source); mActiveSounds.push_back(sound); return true; } void OpenAL_Output::finishSound(Sound *sound) { if(!sound->mHandle) return; ALuint source = GET_PTRID(sound->mHandle); sound->mHandle = 0; // Rewind the stream instead of stopping it, this puts the source into an AL_INITIAL state, // which works around a bug in the MacOS OpenAL implementation which would otherwise think // the initial queue already played when it hasn't. alSourceRewind(source); alSourcei(source, AL_BUFFER, 0); getALError(); mFreeSources.push_back(source); mActiveSounds.erase(std::find(mActiveSounds.begin(), mActiveSounds.end(), sound)); } bool OpenAL_Output::isSoundPlaying(Sound *sound) { if(!sound->mHandle) return false; ALuint source = GET_PTRID(sound->mHandle); ALint state = AL_STOPPED; alGetSourcei(source, AL_SOURCE_STATE, &state); getALError(); return state == AL_PLAYING || state == AL_PAUSED; } void OpenAL_Output::updateSound(Sound *sound) { if(!sound->mHandle) return; ALuint source = GET_PTRID(sound->mHandle); updateCommon(source, sound->getPosition(), sound->getMaxDistance(), sound->getRealVolume(), sound->getPitch(), sound->getUseEnv(), sound->getIs3D()); getALError(); } bool OpenAL_Output::streamSound(DecoderPtr decoder, Stream *sound) { if(mFreeSources.empty()) { std::cerr<< "No free sources!" <getIsLooping()) std::cout <<"Warning: cannot loop stream \""<getName()<<"\""<< std::endl; initCommon2D(source, sound->getPosition(), sound->getRealVolume(), sound->getPitch(), false, sound->getUseEnv()); if(getALError() != AL_NO_ERROR) return false; OpenAL_SoundStream *stream = new OpenAL_SoundStream(source, std::move(decoder)); if(!stream->init()) { delete stream; return false; } mStreamThread->add(stream); mFreeSources.pop_front(); sound->mHandle = stream; mActiveStreams.push_back(sound); return true; } bool OpenAL_Output::streamSound3D(DecoderPtr decoder, Stream *sound, bool getLoudnessData) { if(mFreeSources.empty()) { std::cerr<< "No free sources!" <getIsLooping()) std::cout <<"Warning: cannot loop stream \""<getName()<<"\""<< std::endl; initCommon3D(source, sound->getPosition(), sound->getMinDistance(), sound->getMaxDistance(), sound->getRealVolume(), sound->getPitch(), false, sound->getUseEnv()); if(getALError() != AL_NO_ERROR) return false; OpenAL_SoundStream *stream = new OpenAL_SoundStream(source, std::move(decoder)); if(!stream->init(getLoudnessData)) { delete stream; return false; } mStreamThread->add(stream); mFreeSources.pop_front(); sound->mHandle = stream; mActiveStreams.push_back(sound); return true; } void OpenAL_Output::finishStream(Stream *sound) { if(!sound->mHandle) return; OpenAL_SoundStream *stream = reinterpret_cast(sound->mHandle); ALuint source = stream->mSource; sound->mHandle = 0; mStreamThread->remove(stream); // Rewind the stream instead of stopping it, this puts the source into an AL_INITIAL state, // which works around a bug in the MacOS OpenAL implementation which would otherwise think // the initial queue already played when it hasn't. alSourceRewind(source); alSourcei(source, AL_BUFFER, 0); getALError(); mFreeSources.push_back(source); mActiveStreams.erase(std::find(mActiveStreams.begin(), mActiveStreams.end(), sound)); delete stream; } double OpenAL_Output::getStreamDelay(Stream *sound) { if(!sound->mHandle) return 0.0; OpenAL_SoundStream *stream = reinterpret_cast(sound->mHandle); return stream->getStreamDelay(); } double OpenAL_Output::getStreamOffset(Stream *sound) { if(!sound->mHandle) return 0.0; OpenAL_SoundStream *stream = reinterpret_cast(sound->mHandle); OpenThreads::ScopedLock lock(mStreamThread->mMutex); return stream->getStreamOffset(); } float OpenAL_Output::getStreamLoudness(Stream *sound) { if(!sound->mHandle) return 0.0; OpenAL_SoundStream *stream = reinterpret_cast(sound->mHandle); OpenThreads::ScopedLock lock(mStreamThread->mMutex); return stream->getCurrentLoudness(); } bool OpenAL_Output::isStreamPlaying(Stream *sound) { if(!sound->mHandle) return false; OpenAL_SoundStream *stream = reinterpret_cast(sound->mHandle); OpenThreads::ScopedLock lock(mStreamThread->mMutex); return stream->isPlaying(); } void OpenAL_Output::updateStream(Stream *sound) { if(!sound->mHandle) return; OpenAL_SoundStream *stream = reinterpret_cast(sound->mHandle); ALuint source = stream->mSource; updateCommon(source, sound->getPosition(), sound->getMaxDistance(), sound->getRealVolume(), sound->getPitch(), sound->getUseEnv(), sound->getIs3D()); getALError(); } void OpenAL_Output::startUpdate() { alcSuspendContext(alcGetCurrentContext()); } void OpenAL_Output::finishUpdate() { alcProcessContext(alcGetCurrentContext()); } void OpenAL_Output::updateListener(const osg::Vec3f &pos, const osg::Vec3f &atdir, const osg::Vec3f &updir, Environment env) { if(mContext) { ALfloat orient[6] = { atdir.x(), atdir.y(), atdir.z(), updir.x(), updir.y(), updir.z() }; alListenerfv(AL_POSITION, pos.ptr()); alListenerfv(AL_ORIENTATION, orient); if(env != mListenerEnv) { // Speed of sound in water is 1484m/s, and in air is 343.3m/s (roughly) alSpeedOfSound(((env == Env_Underwater) ? 1484.0f : 343.3f) * UnitsPerMeter); // Update active sources with the environment's direct filter if(mWaterFilter) { ALuint filter = (env == Env_Underwater) ? mWaterFilter : AL_FILTER_NULL; for(Sound *sound : mActiveSounds) { if(sound->getUseEnv()) alSourcei(GET_PTRID(sound->mHandle), AL_DIRECT_FILTER, filter); } for(Stream *sound : mActiveStreams) { if(sound->getUseEnv()) alSourcei( reinterpret_cast(sound->mHandle)->mSource, AL_DIRECT_FILTER, filter ); } } // Update the environment effect if(mEffectSlot) alAuxiliaryEffectSloti(mEffectSlot, AL_EFFECTSLOT_EFFECT, (env == Env_Underwater) ? mWaterEffect : mDefaultEffect ); } getALError(); } mListenerPos = pos; mListenerEnv = env; } void OpenAL_Output::pauseSounds(int types) { std::vector sources; for(Sound *sound : mActiveSounds) { if((types&sound->getPlayType())) sources.push_back(GET_PTRID(sound->mHandle)); } for(Stream *sound : mActiveStreams) { if((types&sound->getPlayType())) { OpenAL_SoundStream *stream = reinterpret_cast(sound->mHandle); sources.push_back(stream->mSource); } } if(!sources.empty()) { alSourcePausev(sources.size(), sources.data()); getALError(); } } void OpenAL_Output::resumeSounds(int types) { std::vector sources; for(Sound *sound : mActiveSounds) { if((types&sound->getPlayType())) sources.push_back(GET_PTRID(sound->mHandle)); } for(Stream *sound : mActiveStreams) { if((types&sound->getPlayType())) { OpenAL_SoundStream *stream = reinterpret_cast(sound->mHandle); sources.push_back(stream->mSource); } } if(!sources.empty()) { alSourcePlayv(sources.size(), sources.data()); getALError(); } } OpenAL_Output::OpenAL_Output(SoundManager &mgr) : Sound_Output(mgr), mDevice(0), mContext(0) , mListenerPos(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f), mListenerEnv(Env_Normal) , mWaterFilter(0), mWaterEffect(0), mDefaultEffect(0), mEffectSlot(0) , mStreamThread(new StreamThread) { } OpenAL_Output::~OpenAL_Output() { deinit(); } }