/* * OpenMW - The completely unofficial reimplementation of Morrowind * * This file (character.cpp) is part of the OpenMW package. * * OpenMW is distributed as free software: you can redistribute it * and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * version 3, as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * version 3 along with this program. If not, see * https://www.gnu.org/licenses/ . */ #include "character.hpp" #include #include #include #include /* Start of tes3mp addition Include additional headers for multiplayer purposes */ #include #include "../mwmp/Main.hpp" #include "../mwmp/LocalPlayer.hpp" #include "../mwmp/LocalActor.hpp" #include "../mwmp/PlayerList.hpp" #include "../mwmp/CellController.hpp" #include "../mwmp/MechanicsHelper.hpp" /* End of tes3mp addition */ #include "../mwrender/animation.hpp" #include "../mwbase/environment.hpp" #include "../mwbase/world.hpp" #include "../mwbase/soundmanager.hpp" #include "../mwbase/windowmanager.hpp" #include "../mwworld/class.hpp" #include "../mwworld/inventorystore.hpp" #include "../mwworld/esmstore.hpp" #include "../mwworld/player.hpp" #include "movement.hpp" #include "npcstats.hpp" #include "creaturestats.hpp" #include "security.hpp" #include "actorutil.hpp" #include "spellcasting.hpp" namespace { // Wraps a value to (-PI, PI] void wrap(float& rad) { if (rad>0) rad = std::fmod(rad+osg::PI, 2.0f*osg::PI)-osg::PI; else rad = std::fmod(rad-osg::PI, 2.0f*osg::PI)+osg::PI; } std::string toString(int num) { std::ostringstream stream; stream << num; return stream.str(); } std::string getBestAttack (const ESM::Weapon* weapon) { int slash = (weapon->mData.mSlash[0] + weapon->mData.mSlash[1])/2; int chop = (weapon->mData.mChop[0] + weapon->mData.mChop[1])/2; int thrust = (weapon->mData.mThrust[0] + weapon->mData.mThrust[1])/2; if (slash == chop && slash == thrust) return "slash"; else if (thrust >= chop && thrust >= slash) return "thrust"; else if (slash >= chop && slash >= thrust) return "slash"; else return "chop"; } // Converts a movement Run state to its equivalent Walk state. MWMechanics::CharacterState runStateToWalkState (MWMechanics::CharacterState state) { using namespace MWMechanics; CharacterState ret = state; switch (state) { case CharState_RunForward: ret = CharState_WalkForward; break; case CharState_RunBack: ret = CharState_WalkBack; break; case CharState_RunLeft: ret = CharState_WalkLeft; break; case CharState_RunRight: ret = CharState_WalkRight; break; case CharState_SwimRunForward: ret = CharState_SwimWalkForward; break; case CharState_SwimRunBack: ret = CharState_SwimWalkBack; break; case CharState_SwimRunLeft: ret = CharState_SwimWalkLeft; break; case CharState_SwimRunRight: ret = CharState_SwimWalkRight; break; default: break; } return ret; } float getFallDamage(const MWWorld::Ptr& ptr, float fallHeight) { MWBase::World *world = MWBase::Environment::get().getWorld(); const MWWorld::Store &store = world->getStore().get(); const float fallDistanceMin = store.find("fFallDamageDistanceMin")->getFloat(); if (fallHeight >= fallDistanceMin) { const float acrobaticsSkill = static_cast(ptr.getClass().getSkill(ptr, ESM::Skill::Acrobatics)); const float jumpSpellBonus = ptr.getClass().getCreatureStats(ptr).getMagicEffects().get(ESM::MagicEffect::Jump).getMagnitude(); const float fallAcroBase = store.find("fFallAcroBase")->getFloat(); const float fallAcroMult = store.find("fFallAcroMult")->getFloat(); const float fallDistanceBase = store.find("fFallDistanceBase")->getFloat(); const float fallDistanceMult = store.find("fFallDistanceMult")->getFloat(); float x = fallHeight - fallDistanceMin; x -= (1.5f * acrobaticsSkill) + jumpSpellBonus; x = std::max(0.0f, x); float a = fallAcroBase + fallAcroMult * (100 - acrobaticsSkill); x = fallDistanceBase + fallDistanceMult * x; x *= a; return x; } return 0.f; } } namespace MWMechanics { struct StateInfo { CharacterState state; const char groupname[32]; }; static const StateInfo sMovementList[] = { { CharState_WalkForward, "walkforward" }, { CharState_WalkBack, "walkback" }, { CharState_WalkLeft, "walkleft" }, { CharState_WalkRight, "walkright" }, { CharState_SwimWalkForward, "swimwalkforward" }, { CharState_SwimWalkBack, "swimwalkback" }, { CharState_SwimWalkLeft, "swimwalkleft" }, { CharState_SwimWalkRight, "swimwalkright" }, { CharState_RunForward, "runforward" }, { CharState_RunBack, "runback" }, { CharState_RunLeft, "runleft" }, { CharState_RunRight, "runright" }, { CharState_SwimRunForward, "swimrunforward" }, { CharState_SwimRunBack, "swimrunback" }, { CharState_SwimRunLeft, "swimrunleft" }, { CharState_SwimRunRight, "swimrunright" }, { CharState_SneakForward, "sneakforward" }, { CharState_SneakBack, "sneakback" }, { CharState_SneakLeft, "sneakleft" }, { CharState_SneakRight, "sneakright" }, { CharState_Jump, "jump" }, { CharState_TurnLeft, "turnleft" }, { CharState_TurnRight, "turnright" }, { CharState_SwimTurnLeft, "swimturnleft" }, { CharState_SwimTurnRight, "swimturnright" }, }; static const StateInfo *sMovementListEnd = &sMovementList[sizeof(sMovementList)/sizeof(sMovementList[0])]; class FindCharState { CharacterState state; public: FindCharState(CharacterState _state) : state(_state) { } bool operator()(const StateInfo &info) const { return info.state == state; } }; static const struct WeaponInfo { WeaponType type; const char shortgroup[16]; const char longgroup[16]; } sWeaponTypeList[] = { { WeapType_HandToHand, "hh", "handtohand" }, { WeapType_OneHand, "1h", "weapononehand" }, { WeapType_TwoHand, "2c", "weapontwohand" }, { WeapType_TwoWide, "2w", "weapontwowide" }, { WeapType_BowAndArrow, "1h", "bowandarrow" }, { WeapType_Crossbow, "crossbow", "crossbow" }, { WeapType_Thrown, "1h", "throwweapon" }, { WeapType_PickProbe, "1h", "pickprobe" }, { WeapType_Spell, "spell", "spellcast" }, }; static const WeaponInfo *sWeaponTypeListEnd = &sWeaponTypeList[sizeof(sWeaponTypeList)/sizeof(sWeaponTypeList[0])]; class FindWeaponType { WeaponType type; public: FindWeaponType(WeaponType _type) : type(_type) { } bool operator()(const WeaponInfo &weap) const { return weap.type == type; } }; std::string CharacterController::chooseRandomGroup (const std::string& prefix, int* num) const { int numAnims=0; while (mAnimation->hasAnimation(prefix + toString(numAnims+1))) ++numAnims; int roll = Misc::Rng::rollDice(numAnims) + 1; // [1, numAnims] if (num) *num = roll; return prefix + toString(roll); } void CharacterController::refreshHitRecoilAnims() { bool recovery = mPtr.getClass().getCreatureStats(mPtr).getHitRecovery(); bool knockdown = mPtr.getClass().getCreatureStats(mPtr).getKnockedDown(); bool block = mPtr.getClass().getCreatureStats(mPtr).getBlock(); bool isSwimming = MWBase::Environment::get().getWorld()->isSwimming(mPtr); if(mHitState == CharState_None) { if ((mPtr.getClass().getCreatureStats(mPtr).getFatigue().getCurrent() < 0 || mPtr.getClass().getCreatureStats(mPtr).getFatigue().getBase() == 0) && mAnimation->hasAnimation("knockout")) { mTimeUntilWake = Misc::Rng::rollClosedProbability() * 2 + 1; // Wake up after 1 to 3 seconds if (isSwimming && mAnimation->hasAnimation("swimknockout")) { mHitState = CharState_SwimKnockOut; mCurrentHit = "swimknockout"; } else { mHitState = CharState_KnockOut; mCurrentHit = "knockout"; } mAnimation->play(mCurrentHit, Priority_Knockdown, MWRender::Animation::BlendMask_All, false, 1, "start", "stop", 0.0f, ~0ul); mPtr.getClass().getCreatureStats(mPtr).setKnockedDown(true); } else if(knockdown && mAnimation->hasAnimation("knockdown")) { if (isSwimming && mAnimation->hasAnimation("swimknockdown")) { mHitState = CharState_SwimKnockDown; mCurrentHit = "swimknockdown"; } else { mHitState = CharState_KnockDown; mCurrentHit = "knockdown"; } mAnimation->play(mCurrentHit, Priority_Knockdown, MWRender::Animation::BlendMask_All, true, 1, "start", "stop", 0.0f, 0); } else if (recovery) { std::string anim = isSwimming ? chooseRandomGroup("swimhit") : chooseRandomGroup("hit"); if (isSwimming && mAnimation->hasAnimation(anim)) { mHitState = CharState_SwimHit; mCurrentHit = anim; mAnimation->play(mCurrentHit, Priority_Hit, MWRender::Animation::BlendMask_All, true, 1, "start", "stop", 0.0f, 0); } else { anim = chooseRandomGroup("hit"); if (mAnimation->hasAnimation(anim)) { mHitState = CharState_Hit; mCurrentHit = anim; mAnimation->play(mCurrentHit, Priority_Hit, MWRender::Animation::BlendMask_All, true, 1, "start", "stop", 0.0f, 0); } } } else if (block && mAnimation->hasAnimation("shield")) { mHitState = CharState_Block; mCurrentHit = "shield"; MWRender::Animation::AnimPriority priorityBlock (Priority_Hit); priorityBlock[MWRender::Animation::BoneGroup_LeftArm] = Priority_Block; mAnimation->play(mCurrentHit, priorityBlock, MWRender::Animation::BlendMask_All, true, 1, "block start", "block stop", 0.0f, 0); } // Cancel upper body animations if (isKnockedOut() || isKnockedDown()) { if (mUpperBodyState > UpperCharState_WeapEquiped) { mAnimation->disable(mCurrentWeapon); mUpperBodyState = UpperCharState_WeapEquiped; } else if (mUpperBodyState > UpperCharState_Nothing && mUpperBodyState < UpperCharState_WeapEquiped) { mAnimation->disable(mCurrentWeapon); mUpperBodyState = UpperCharState_Nothing; } } } else if(!mAnimation->isPlaying(mCurrentHit)) { mCurrentHit.erase(); if (knockdown) mPtr.getClass().getCreatureStats(mPtr).setKnockedDown(false); if (recovery) mPtr.getClass().getCreatureStats(mPtr).setHitRecovery(false); if (block) mPtr.getClass().getCreatureStats(mPtr).setBlock(false); mHitState = CharState_None; } else if (isKnockedOut() && mPtr.getClass().getCreatureStats(mPtr).getFatigue().getCurrent() > 0 && mTimeUntilWake <= 0) { mHitState = isSwimming ? CharState_SwimKnockDown : CharState_KnockDown; mAnimation->disable(mCurrentHit); mAnimation->play(mCurrentHit, Priority_Knockdown, MWRender::Animation::BlendMask_All, true, 1, "loop stop", "stop", 0.0f, 0); } if (mHitState != CharState_None) mIdleState = CharState_None; } void CharacterController::refreshJumpAnims(const WeaponInfo* weap, JumpingState jump, bool force) { if(force || jump != mJumpState) { mIdleState = CharState_None; bool startAtLoop = (jump == mJumpState); mJumpState = jump; std::string jumpAnimName; MWRender::Animation::BlendMask jumpmask = MWRender::Animation::BlendMask_All; if(mJumpState != JumpState_None) { jumpAnimName = "jump"; if(weap != sWeaponTypeListEnd) { jumpAnimName += weap->shortgroup; if(!mAnimation->hasAnimation(jumpAnimName)) { jumpmask = MWRender::Animation::BlendMask_LowerBody; jumpAnimName = "jump"; } } } if (!mCurrentJump.empty()) { mAnimation->disable(mCurrentJump); mCurrentJump.clear(); } if(mJumpState == JumpState_InAir) { if (mAnimation->hasAnimation(jumpAnimName)) { mAnimation->play(jumpAnimName, Priority_Jump, jumpmask, false, 1.0f, (startAtLoop?"loop start":"start"), "stop", 0.0f, ~0ul); mCurrentJump = jumpAnimName; } } else if (mJumpState == JumpState_Landing) { if (mAnimation->hasAnimation(jumpAnimName)) { mAnimation->play(jumpAnimName, Priority_Jump, jumpmask, true, 1.0f, "loop stop", "stop", 0.0f, 0); mCurrentJump = jumpAnimName; } } } } void CharacterController::refreshMovementAnims(const WeaponInfo* weap, CharacterState movement, bool force) { if(force || movement != mMovementState) { mMovementState = movement; if (movement != CharState_None) mIdleState = CharState_None; std::string movementAnimName; MWRender::Animation::BlendMask movemask = MWRender::Animation::BlendMask_All; const StateInfo *movestate = std::find_if(sMovementList, sMovementListEnd, FindCharState(mMovementState)); if(movestate != sMovementListEnd) { movementAnimName = movestate->groupname; if(weap != sWeaponTypeListEnd && movementAnimName.find("swim") == std::string::npos) { movementAnimName += weap->shortgroup; if(!mAnimation->hasAnimation(movementAnimName)) { movemask = MWRender::Animation::BlendMask_LowerBody; movementAnimName = movestate->groupname; } } if(!mAnimation->hasAnimation(movementAnimName)) { std::string::size_type swimpos = movementAnimName.find("swim"); if(swimpos == std::string::npos) { std::string::size_type runpos = movementAnimName.find("run"); if (runpos != std::string::npos) { movementAnimName.replace(runpos, runpos+3, "walk"); if (!mAnimation->hasAnimation(movementAnimName)) movementAnimName.clear(); } else movementAnimName.clear(); } else { movementAnimName.erase(swimpos, 4); if (weap != sWeaponTypeListEnd) { std::string weapMovementAnimName = movementAnimName + weap->shortgroup; if(mAnimation->hasAnimation(weapMovementAnimName)) movementAnimName = weapMovementAnimName; else movemask = MWRender::Animation::BlendMask_LowerBody; } if (!mAnimation->hasAnimation(movementAnimName)) movementAnimName.clear(); } } } /* If we're playing the same animation, restart from the loop start instead of the * beginning. */ int mode = ((movementAnimName == mCurrentMovement) ? 2 : 1); mMovementAnimationControlled = true; mAnimation->disable(mCurrentMovement); mCurrentMovement = movementAnimName; if(!mCurrentMovement.empty()) { bool isrunning = mPtr.getClass().getCreatureStats(mPtr).getStance(MWMechanics::CreatureStats::Stance_Run) && !MWBase::Environment::get().getWorld()->isFlying(mPtr); // For non-flying creatures, MW uses the Walk animation to calculate the animation velocity // even if we are running. This must be replicated, otherwise the observed speed would differ drastically. std::string anim = mCurrentMovement; mAdjustMovementAnimSpeed = true; if (mPtr.getClass().getTypeName() == typeid(ESM::Creature).name() && !(mPtr.get()->mBase->mFlags & ESM::Creature::Flies)) { CharacterState walkState = runStateToWalkState(mMovementState); const StateInfo *stateinfo = std::find_if(sMovementList, sMovementListEnd, FindCharState(walkState)); anim = stateinfo->groupname; mMovementAnimSpeed = mAnimation->getVelocity(anim); if (mMovementAnimSpeed <= 1.0f) { // Another bug: when using a fallback animation (e.g. RunForward as fallback to SwimRunForward), // then the equivalent Walk animation will not use a fallback, and if that animation doesn't exist // we will play without any scaling. // Makes the speed attribute of most water creatures totally useless. // And again, this can not be fixed without patching game data. mAdjustMovementAnimSpeed = false; mMovementAnimSpeed = 1.f; } } else { mMovementAnimSpeed = mAnimation->getVelocity(anim); if (mMovementAnimSpeed <= 1.0f) { // The first person anims don't have any velocity to calculate a speed multiplier from. // We use the third person velocities instead. // FIXME: should be pulled from the actual animation, but it is not presently loaded. mMovementAnimSpeed = (isrunning ? 222.857f : 154.064f); mMovementAnimationControlled = false; } } mAnimation->play(mCurrentMovement, Priority_Movement, movemask, false, 1.f, ((mode!=2)?"start":"loop start"), "stop", 0.0f, ~0ul, true); } } } void CharacterController::refreshIdleAnims(const WeaponInfo* weap, CharacterState idle, bool force) { if(force || idle != mIdleState || (!mAnimation->isPlaying(mCurrentIdle) && mAnimQueue.empty())) { mIdleState = idle; size_t numLoops = ~0ul; std::string idleGroup; MWRender::Animation::AnimPriority idlePriority (Priority_Default); // Only play "idleswim" or "idlesneak" if they exist. Otherwise, fallback to // "idle"+weapon or "idle". if(mIdleState == CharState_IdleSwim && mAnimation->hasAnimation("idleswim")) { idleGroup = "idleswim"; idlePriority = Priority_SwimIdle; } else if(mIdleState == CharState_IdleSneak && mAnimation->hasAnimation("idlesneak")) { idleGroup = "idlesneak"; idlePriority[MWRender::Animation::BoneGroup_LowerBody] = Priority_SneakIdleLowerBody; } else if(mIdleState != CharState_None) { idleGroup = "idle"; if(weap != sWeaponTypeListEnd) { idleGroup += weap->shortgroup; if(!mAnimation->hasAnimation(idleGroup)) idleGroup = "idle"; // play until the Loop Stop key 2 to 5 times, then play until the Stop key // this replicates original engine behavior for the "Idle1h" 1st-person animation numLoops = 1 + Misc::Rng::rollDice(4); } } mAnimation->disable(mCurrentIdle); mCurrentIdle = idleGroup; if(!mCurrentIdle.empty()) mAnimation->play(mCurrentIdle, idlePriority, MWRender::Animation::BlendMask_All, false, 1.0f, "start", "stop", 0.0f, numLoops, true); } } void CharacterController::refreshCurrentAnims(CharacterState idle, CharacterState movement, JumpingState jump, bool force) { if (mPtr.getClass().isActor()) refreshHitRecoilAnims(); const WeaponInfo *weap = std::find_if(sWeaponTypeList, sWeaponTypeListEnd, FindWeaponType(mWeaponType)); if (!mPtr.getClass().isBipedal(mPtr)) weap = sWeaponTypeListEnd; refreshJumpAnims(weap, jump, force); refreshMovementAnims(weap, movement, force); // idle handled last as it can depend on the other states // FIXME: if one of the below states is close to their last animation frame (i.e. will be disabled in the coming update), // the idle animation should be displayed if ((mUpperBodyState != UpperCharState_Nothing || (mMovementState != CharState_None && !isTurning()) || mHitState != CharState_None) && !mPtr.getClass().isBipedal(mPtr)) idle = CharState_None; refreshIdleAnims(weap, idle, force); } void getWeaponGroup(WeaponType weaptype, std::string &group) { const WeaponInfo *info = std::find_if(sWeaponTypeList, sWeaponTypeListEnd, FindWeaponType(weaptype)); if(info != sWeaponTypeListEnd) group = info->longgroup; else group.clear(); } MWWorld::ContainerStoreIterator getActiveWeapon(CreatureStats &stats, MWWorld::InventoryStore &inv, WeaponType *weaptype) { if(stats.getDrawState() == DrawState_Spell) { *weaptype = WeapType_Spell; return inv.end(); } if(stats.getDrawState() == MWMechanics::DrawState_Weapon) { MWWorld::ContainerStoreIterator weapon = inv.getSlot(MWWorld::InventoryStore::Slot_CarriedRight); if(weapon == inv.end()) *weaptype = WeapType_HandToHand; else { const std::string &type = weapon->getTypeName(); if(type == typeid(ESM::Lockpick).name() || type == typeid(ESM::Probe).name()) *weaptype = WeapType_PickProbe; else if(type == typeid(ESM::Weapon).name()) { MWWorld::LiveCellRef *ref = weapon->get(); ESM::Weapon::Type weaponType = (ESM::Weapon::Type)ref->mBase->mData.mType; switch(weaponType) { case ESM::Weapon::ShortBladeOneHand: case ESM::Weapon::LongBladeOneHand: case ESM::Weapon::BluntOneHand: case ESM::Weapon::AxeOneHand: case ESM::Weapon::Arrow: case ESM::Weapon::Bolt: *weaptype = WeapType_OneHand; break; case ESM::Weapon::LongBladeTwoHand: case ESM::Weapon::BluntTwoClose: case ESM::Weapon::AxeTwoHand: *weaptype = WeapType_TwoHand; break; case ESM::Weapon::BluntTwoWide: case ESM::Weapon::SpearTwoWide: *weaptype = WeapType_TwoWide; break; case ESM::Weapon::MarksmanBow: *weaptype = WeapType_BowAndArrow; break; case ESM::Weapon::MarksmanCrossbow: *weaptype = WeapType_Crossbow; break; case ESM::Weapon::MarksmanThrown: *weaptype = WeapType_Thrown; break; } } } return weapon; } return inv.getSlot(MWWorld::InventoryStore::Slot_CarriedRight); } void CharacterController::playDeath(float startpoint, CharacterState death) { switch (death) { case CharState_SwimDeath: mCurrentDeath = "swimdeath"; break; case CharState_SwimDeathKnockDown: mCurrentDeath = "swimdeathknockdown"; break; case CharState_SwimDeathKnockOut: mCurrentDeath = "swimdeathknockout"; break; case CharState_DeathKnockDown: mCurrentDeath = "deathknockdown"; break; case CharState_DeathKnockOut: mCurrentDeath = "deathknockout"; break; default: mCurrentDeath = "death" + toString(death - CharState_Death1 + 1); } mDeathState = death; mPtr.getClass().getCreatureStats(mPtr).setDeathAnimation(mDeathState - CharState_Death1); // For dead actors, refreshCurrentAnims is no longer called, so we need to disable the movement state manually. // Note that these animations wouldn't actually be visible (due to the Death animation's priority being higher). // However, they could still trigger text keys, such as Hit events, or sounds. mMovementState = CharState_None; mAnimation->disable(mCurrentMovement); mCurrentMovement = ""; mUpperBodyState = UpperCharState_Nothing; mAnimation->disable(mCurrentWeapon); mCurrentWeapon = ""; mHitState = CharState_None; mAnimation->disable(mCurrentHit); mCurrentHit = ""; mIdleState = CharState_None; mAnimation->disable(mCurrentIdle); mCurrentIdle = ""; mJumpState = JumpState_None; mAnimation->disable(mCurrentJump); mCurrentJump = ""; mMovementAnimationControlled = true; mAnimation->play(mCurrentDeath, Priority_Death, MWRender::Animation::BlendMask_All, false, 1.0f, "start", "stop", startpoint, 0); } CharacterState CharacterController::chooseRandomDeathState() const { int selected=0; chooseRandomGroup("death", &selected); return static_cast(CharState_Death1 + (selected-1)); } void CharacterController::playRandomDeath(float startpoint) { /* Start of tes3mp addition If this is a LocalActor or DedicatedActor whose death animation is supposed to be finished, set the startpoint to the animation's end */ if (mPtr.getClass().getCreatureStats(mPtr).isDeathAnimationFinished() && (mwmp::Main::get().getCellController()->isLocalActor(mPtr) || mwmp::Main::get().getCellController()->isDedicatedActor(mPtr))) { startpoint = 1.F; } /* End of tes3mp addition */ if (mPtr == getPlayer()) { // The first-person animations do not include death, so we need to // force-switch to third person before playing the death animation. MWBase::Environment::get().getWorld()->useDeathCamera(); } if(mHitState == CharState_SwimKnockDown && mAnimation->hasAnimation("swimdeathknockdown")) { mDeathState = CharState_SwimDeathKnockDown; } else if(mHitState == CharState_SwimKnockOut && mAnimation->hasAnimation("swimdeathknockout")) { mDeathState = CharState_SwimDeathKnockOut; } else if(MWBase::Environment::get().getWorld()->isSwimming(mPtr) && mAnimation->hasAnimation("swimdeath")) { mDeathState = CharState_SwimDeath; } else if (mHitState == CharState_KnockDown && mAnimation->hasAnimation("deathknockdown")) { mDeathState = CharState_DeathKnockDown; } else if (mHitState == CharState_KnockOut && mAnimation->hasAnimation("deathknockout")) { mDeathState = CharState_DeathKnockOut; } else { mDeathState = chooseRandomDeathState(); } playDeath(startpoint, mDeathState); } CharacterController::CharacterController(const MWWorld::Ptr &ptr, MWRender::Animation *anim) : mPtr(ptr) , mAnimation(anim) , mIdleState(CharState_None) , mMovementState(CharState_None) , mMovementAnimSpeed(0.f) , mAdjustMovementAnimSpeed(false) , mHasMovedInXY(false) , mMovementAnimationControlled(true) , mDeathState(CharState_None) , mFloatToSurface(true) , mHitState(CharState_None) , mUpperBodyState(UpperCharState_Nothing) , mJumpState(JumpState_None) , mWeaponType(WeapType_None) , mAttackStrength(0.f) , mSkipAnim(false) , mSecondsOfSwimming(0) , mSecondsOfRunning(0) , mTurnAnimationThreshold(0) , mAttackingOrSpell(false) , mTimeUntilWake(0.f) { if(!mAnimation) return; mAnimation->setTextKeyListener(this); const MWWorld::Class &cls = mPtr.getClass(); if(cls.isActor()) { /* Accumulate along X/Y only for now, until we can figure out how we should * handle knockout and death which moves the character down. */ mAnimation->setAccumulation(osg::Vec3f(1.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f)); if (cls.hasInventoryStore(mPtr)) { getActiveWeapon(cls.getCreatureStats(mPtr), cls.getInventoryStore(mPtr), &mWeaponType); if (mWeaponType != WeapType_None) { mUpperBodyState = UpperCharState_WeapEquiped; getWeaponGroup(mWeaponType, mCurrentWeapon); } if(mWeaponType != WeapType_None && mWeaponType != WeapType_Spell && mWeaponType != WeapType_HandToHand) { mAnimation->showWeapons(true); mAnimation->setWeaponGroup(mCurrentWeapon); } mAnimation->showCarriedLeft(updateCarriedLeftVisible(mWeaponType)); } if(!cls.getCreatureStats(mPtr).isDead()) mIdleState = CharState_Idle; else { const MWMechanics::CreatureStats& cStats = mPtr.getClass().getCreatureStats(mPtr); if (cStats.isDeathAnimationFinished()) { // Set the death state, but don't play it yet // We will play it in the first frame, but only if no script set the skipAnim flag signed char deathanim = cStats.getDeathAnimation(); if (deathanim == -1) mDeathState = chooseRandomDeathState(); else mDeathState = static_cast(CharState_Death1 + deathanim); mFloatToSurface = false; } // else: nothing to do, will detect death in the next frame and start playing death animation } } else { /* Don't accumulate with non-actors. */ mAnimation->setAccumulation(osg::Vec3f(0.f, 0.f, 0.f)); mIdleState = CharState_Idle; } if(mDeathState == CharState_None) refreshCurrentAnims(mIdleState, mMovementState, mJumpState, true); mAnimation->runAnimation(0.f); unpersistAnimationState(); } CharacterController::~CharacterController() { if (mAnimation) { persistAnimationState(); mAnimation->setTextKeyListener(NULL); } } void split(const std::string &s, char delim, std::vector &elems) { std::stringstream ss(s); std::string item; while (std::getline(ss, item, delim)) { elems.push_back(item); } } void CharacterController::handleTextKey(const std::string &groupname, const std::multimap::const_iterator &key, const std::multimap &map) { const std::string &evt = key->second; if(evt.compare(0, 7, "sound: ") == 0) { MWBase::SoundManager *sndMgr = MWBase::Environment::get().getSoundManager(); sndMgr->stopSound3D(mPtr, evt.substr(7)); sndMgr->playSound3D(mPtr, evt.substr(7), 1.0f, 1.0f); return; } if(evt.compare(0, 10, "soundgen: ") == 0) { std::string soundgen = evt.substr(10); // The event can optionally contain volume and pitch modifiers float volume=1.f, pitch=1.f; if (soundgen.find(" ") != std::string::npos) { std::vector tokens; split(soundgen, ' ', tokens); soundgen = tokens[0]; if (tokens.size() >= 2) { std::stringstream stream; stream << tokens[1]; stream >> volume; } if (tokens.size() >= 3) { std::stringstream stream; stream << tokens[2]; stream >> pitch; } } std::string sound = mPtr.getClass().getSoundIdFromSndGen(mPtr, soundgen); if(!sound.empty()) { MWBase::SoundManager *sndMgr = MWBase::Environment::get().getSoundManager(); if(evt.compare(10, evt.size()-10, "left") == 0 || evt.compare(10, evt.size()-10, "right") == 0 || evt.compare(10, evt.size()-10, "land") == 0) { // Don't make foot sounds local for the player, it makes sense to keep them // positioned on the ground. sndMgr->playSound3D(mPtr, sound, volume, pitch, MWSound::Type::Foot, MWSound::PlayMode::NoPlayerLocal); } else { sndMgr->stopSound3D(mPtr, sound); sndMgr->playSound3D(mPtr, sound, volume, pitch); } } return; } if(evt.compare(0, groupname.size(), groupname) != 0 || evt.compare(groupname.size(), 2, ": ") != 0) { // Not ours, skip it return; } size_t off = groupname.size()+2; size_t len = evt.size() - off; if(evt.compare(off, len, "equip attach") == 0) mAnimation->showWeapons(true); else if(evt.compare(off, len, "unequip detach") == 0) mAnimation->showWeapons(false); else if(evt.compare(off, len, "chop hit") == 0) mPtr.getClass().hit(mPtr, mAttackStrength, ESM::Weapon::AT_Chop); else if(evt.compare(off, len, "slash hit") == 0) mPtr.getClass().hit(mPtr, mAttackStrength, ESM::Weapon::AT_Slash); else if(evt.compare(off, len, "thrust hit") == 0) mPtr.getClass().hit(mPtr, mAttackStrength, ESM::Weapon::AT_Thrust); else if(evt.compare(off, len, "hit") == 0) { if (groupname == "attack1" || groupname == "swimattack1") mPtr.getClass().hit(mPtr, mAttackStrength, ESM::Weapon::AT_Chop); else if (groupname == "attack2" || groupname == "swimattack2") mPtr.getClass().hit(mPtr, mAttackStrength, ESM::Weapon::AT_Slash); else if (groupname == "attack3" || groupname == "swimattack3") mPtr.getClass().hit(mPtr, mAttackStrength, ESM::Weapon::AT_Thrust); else mPtr.getClass().hit(mPtr, mAttackStrength); } else if (!groupname.empty() && (groupname.compare(0, groupname.size()-1, "attack") == 0 || groupname.compare(0, groupname.size()-1, "swimattack") == 0) && evt.compare(off, len, "start") == 0) { std::multimap::const_iterator hitKey = key; // Not all animations have a hit key defined. If there is none, the hit happens with the start key. bool hasHitKey = false; while (hitKey != map.end()) { if (hitKey->second == groupname + ": hit") { hasHitKey = true; break; } if (hitKey->second == groupname + ": stop") break; ++hitKey; } if (!hasHitKey) { if (groupname == "attack1" || groupname == "swimattack1") mPtr.getClass().hit(mPtr, mAttackStrength, ESM::Weapon::AT_Chop); else if (groupname == "attack2" || groupname == "swimattack2") mPtr.getClass().hit(mPtr, mAttackStrength, ESM::Weapon::AT_Slash); else if (groupname == "attack3" || groupname == "swimattack3") mPtr.getClass().hit(mPtr, mAttackStrength, ESM::Weapon::AT_Thrust); } } else if (evt.compare(off, len, "shoot attach") == 0) mAnimation->attachArrow(); else if (evt.compare(off, len, "shoot release") == 0) mAnimation->releaseArrow(mAttackStrength); else if (evt.compare(off, len, "shoot follow attach") == 0) mAnimation->attachArrow(); else if (groupname == "spellcast" && evt.substr(evt.size()-7, 7) == "release" // Make sure this key is actually for the RangeType we are casting. The flame atronach has // the same animation for all range types, so there are 3 "release" keys on the same time, one for each range type. && evt.compare(off, len, mAttackType + " release") == 0) { MWBase::Environment::get().getWorld()->castSpell(mPtr); } else if (groupname == "shield" && evt.compare(off, len, "block hit") == 0) mPtr.getClass().block(mPtr); } void CharacterController::updatePtr(const MWWorld::Ptr &ptr) { mPtr = ptr; } void CharacterController::updateIdleStormState(bool inwater) { bool inStormDirection = false; if (MWBase::Environment::get().getWorld()->isInStorm()) { osg::Vec3f stormDirection = MWBase::Environment::get().getWorld()->getStormDirection(); osg::Vec3f characterDirection = mPtr.getRefData().getBaseNode()->getAttitude() * osg::Vec3f(0,1,0); inStormDirection = std::acos(stormDirection * characterDirection / (stormDirection.length() * characterDirection.length())) > osg::DegreesToRadians(120.f); } if (inStormDirection && !inwater && mUpperBodyState == UpperCharState_Nothing && mAnimation->hasAnimation("idlestorm")) { float complete = 0; mAnimation->getInfo("idlestorm", &complete); if (complete == 0) mAnimation->play("idlestorm", Priority_Storm, MWRender::Animation::BlendMask_RightArm, false, 1.0f, "start", "loop start", 0.0f, 0); else if (complete == 1) mAnimation->play("idlestorm", Priority_Storm, MWRender::Animation::BlendMask_RightArm, false, 1.0f, "loop start", "loop stop", 0.0f, ~0ul); } else { if (mUpperBodyState == UpperCharState_Nothing) { if (mAnimation->isPlaying("idlestorm")) { if (mAnimation->getCurrentTime("idlestorm") < mAnimation->getTextKeyTime("idlestorm: loop stop")) { mAnimation->play("idlestorm", Priority_Storm, MWRender::Animation::BlendMask_RightArm, true, 1.0f, "loop stop", "stop", 0.0f, 0); } } } else mAnimation->disable("idlestorm"); } } bool CharacterController::updateCreatureState() { const MWWorld::Class &cls = mPtr.getClass(); CreatureStats &stats = cls.getCreatureStats(mPtr); WeaponType weapType = WeapType_None; if(stats.getDrawState() == DrawState_Weapon) weapType = WeapType_HandToHand; else if (stats.getDrawState() == DrawState_Spell) weapType = WeapType_Spell; if (weapType != mWeaponType) { mWeaponType = weapType; if (mAnimation->isPlaying(mCurrentWeapon)) mAnimation->disable(mCurrentWeapon); } if(mAttackingOrSpell) { if(mUpperBodyState == UpperCharState_Nothing && mHitState == CharState_None) { MWBase::Environment::get().getWorld()->breakInvisibility(mPtr); std::string startKey = "start"; std::string stopKey = "stop"; if (weapType == WeapType_Spell) { const std::string spellid = stats.getSpells().getSelectedSpell(); if (!spellid.empty() && MWBase::Environment::get().getWorld()->startSpellCast(mPtr)) { /* Start of tes3mp addition If this mPtr belongs to a LocalPlayer or LocalActor, get their Attack and prepare it for sending */ mwmp::Attack *localAttack = MechanicsHelper::getLocalAttack(mPtr); if (localAttack) { MechanicsHelper::resetAttack(localAttack); localAttack->type = mwmp::Attack::MAGIC; localAttack->pressed = true; localAttack->shouldSend = true; } /* End of tes3mp addition */ MWMechanics::CastSpell cast(mPtr, NULL); cast.playSpellCastingEffects(spellid); /* Start of tes3mp addition Mark the attack as instant if there is no spellcast animation */ if (!mAnimation->hasAnimation("spellcast")) localAttack->instant = true; /* End of tes3mp addition */ if (!mAnimation->hasAnimation("spellcast")) MWBase::Environment::get().getWorld()->castSpell(mPtr); // No "release" text key to use, so cast immediately else { const ESM::Spell *spell = MWBase::Environment::get().getWorld()->getStore().get().find(spellid); const ESM::ENAMstruct &effectentry = spell->mEffects.mList.at(0); switch(effectentry.mRange) { case 0: mAttackType = "self"; break; case 1: mAttackType = "touch"; break; case 2: mAttackType = "target"; break; } startKey = mAttackType + " " + startKey; stopKey = mAttackType + " " + stopKey; mCurrentWeapon = "spellcast"; } } else mCurrentWeapon = ""; } if (weapType != WeapType_Spell || !mAnimation->hasAnimation("spellcast")) // Not all creatures have a dedicated spellcast animation { bool isSwimming = MWBase::Environment::get().getWorld()->isSwimming(mPtr); int roll = Misc::Rng::rollDice(3); // [0, 2] if (roll == 0) mCurrentWeapon = isSwimming && mAnimation->hasAnimation("swimattack1") ? "swimattack1" : "attack1"; else if (roll == 1) mCurrentWeapon = isSwimming && mAnimation->hasAnimation("swimattack2") ? "swimattack2" : "attack2"; else mCurrentWeapon = isSwimming && mAnimation->hasAnimation("swimattack3") ? "swimattack3" : "attack3"; } if (!mCurrentWeapon.empty()) { mAnimation->play(mCurrentWeapon, Priority_Weapon, MWRender::Animation::BlendMask_All, true, 1, startKey, stopKey, 0.0f, 0); mUpperBodyState = UpperCharState_StartToMinAttack; mAttackStrength = std::min(1.f, 0.1f + Misc::Rng::rollClosedProbability()); if (weapType == WeapType_HandToHand) playSwishSound(0.0f); } } mAttackingOrSpell = false; } bool animPlaying = mAnimation->getInfo(mCurrentWeapon); if (!animPlaying) mUpperBodyState = UpperCharState_Nothing; return false; } bool CharacterController::updateCarriedLeftVisible(WeaponType weaptype) const { // Shields/torches shouldn't be visible during any operation involving two hands // There seems to be no text keys for this purpose, except maybe for "[un]equip start/stop", // but they are also present in weapon drawing animation. switch (weaptype) { case WeapType_Spell: case WeapType_BowAndArrow: case WeapType_Crossbow: case WeapType_HandToHand: case WeapType_TwoHand: case WeapType_TwoWide: return false; default: return true; } } bool CharacterController::updateWeaponState() { const MWWorld::Class &cls = mPtr.getClass(); CreatureStats &stats = cls.getCreatureStats(mPtr); WeaponType weaptype = WeapType_None; if(stats.getDrawState() == DrawState_Weapon) weaptype = WeapType_HandToHand; else if (stats.getDrawState() == DrawState_Spell) weaptype = WeapType_Spell; const bool isWerewolf = cls.isNpc() && cls.getNpcStats(mPtr).isWerewolf(); std::string soundid; if (mPtr.getClass().hasInventoryStore(mPtr)) { MWWorld::InventoryStore &inv = cls.getInventoryStore(mPtr); MWWorld::ConstContainerStoreIterator weapon = getActiveWeapon(stats, inv, &weaptype); if(weapon != inv.end() && !(weaptype == WeapType_None && mWeaponType == WeapType_Spell)) { soundid = (weaptype == WeapType_None) ? weapon->getClass().getDownSoundId(*weapon) : weapon->getClass().getUpSoundId(*weapon); } } MWRender::Animation::AnimPriority priorityWeapon(Priority_Weapon); priorityWeapon[MWRender::Animation::BoneGroup_LowerBody] = Priority_WeaponLowerBody; bool forcestateupdate = false; // We should not play equipping animation and sound during weapon->weapon transition bool isStillWeapon = weaptype > WeapType_HandToHand && weaptype < WeapType_Spell && mWeaponType > WeapType_HandToHand && mWeaponType < WeapType_Spell; if(weaptype != mWeaponType && !isKnockedOut() && !isKnockedDown() && !isRecovery()) { forcestateupdate = true; mAnimation->showCarriedLeft(updateCarriedLeftVisible(weaptype)); std::string weapgroup; if(weaptype == WeapType_None) { if (!isWerewolf || mWeaponType != WeapType_Spell) { getWeaponGroup(mWeaponType, weapgroup); mAnimation->play(weapgroup, priorityWeapon, MWRender::Animation::BlendMask_All, true, 1.0f, "unequip start", "unequip stop", 0.0f, 0); mUpperBodyState = UpperCharState_UnEquipingWeap; } } else { getWeaponGroup(weaptype, weapgroup); mAnimation->setWeaponGroup(weapgroup); if (!isStillWeapon) { mAnimation->showWeapons(false); mAnimation->play(weapgroup, priorityWeapon, MWRender::Animation::BlendMask_All, true, 1.0f, "equip start", "equip stop", 0.0f, 0); mUpperBodyState = UpperCharState_EquipingWeap; } if(isWerewolf) { const MWWorld::ESMStore &store = MWBase::Environment::get().getWorld()->getStore(); const ESM::Sound *sound = store.get().searchRandom("WolfEquip"); if(sound) { MWBase::SoundManager *sndMgr = MWBase::Environment::get().getSoundManager(); sndMgr->playSound3D(mPtr, sound->mId, 1.0f, 1.0f); } } } if(!soundid.empty() && !isStillWeapon) { MWBase::SoundManager *sndMgr = MWBase::Environment::get().getSoundManager(); sndMgr->playSound3D(mPtr, soundid, 1.0f, 1.0f); } mWeaponType = weaptype; getWeaponGroup(mWeaponType, mCurrentWeapon); } if(isWerewolf) { MWBase::SoundManager *sndMgr = MWBase::Environment::get().getSoundManager(); if(cls.getCreatureStats(mPtr).getStance(MWMechanics::CreatureStats::Stance_Run) && mHasMovedInXY && !MWBase::Environment::get().getWorld()->isSwimming(mPtr) && mWeaponType == WeapType_None) { if(!sndMgr->getSoundPlaying(mPtr, "WolfRun")) sndMgr->playSound3D(mPtr, "WolfRun", 1.0f, 1.0f, MWSound::Type::Sfx, MWSound::PlayMode::Loop); } else sndMgr->stopSound3D(mPtr, "WolfRun"); } // Cancel attack if we no longer have ammunition bool ammunition = true; bool isWeapon = false; float weapSpeed = 1.f; if (mPtr.getClass().hasInventoryStore(mPtr)) { MWWorld::InventoryStore &inv = cls.getInventoryStore(mPtr); MWWorld::ConstContainerStoreIterator weapon = getActiveWeapon(stats, inv, &weaptype); isWeapon = (weapon != inv.end() && weapon->getTypeName() == typeid(ESM::Weapon).name()); if(isWeapon) weapSpeed = weapon->get()->mBase->mData.mSpeed; MWWorld::ConstContainerStoreIterator ammo = inv.getSlot(MWWorld::InventoryStore::Slot_Ammunition); if (mWeaponType == WeapType_Crossbow) ammunition = (ammo != inv.end() && ammo->get()->mBase->mData.mType == ESM::Weapon::Bolt); else if (mWeaponType == WeapType_BowAndArrow) ammunition = (ammo != inv.end() && ammo->get()->mBase->mData.mType == ESM::Weapon::Arrow); if (!ammunition && mUpperBodyState > UpperCharState_WeapEquiped) { mAnimation->disable(mCurrentWeapon); mUpperBodyState = UpperCharState_WeapEquiped; } } float complete; bool animPlaying; if(mAttackingOrSpell) { MWWorld::Ptr player = getPlayer(); // We should reset player's idle animation in the first-person mode. if (mPtr == player && MWBase::Environment::get().getWorld()->isFirstPerson()) mIdleState = CharState_None; // In other cases we should not break swim and sneak animations if (mIdleState != CharState_IdleSneak && mIdleState != CharState_IdleSwim) mIdleState = CharState_None; if(mUpperBodyState == UpperCharState_WeapEquiped && (mHitState == CharState_None || mHitState == CharState_Block)) { MWBase::Environment::get().getWorld()->breakInvisibility(mPtr); mAttackStrength = 0; if(mWeaponType == WeapType_Spell) { // Unset casting flag, otherwise pressing the mouse button down would // continue casting every frame if there is no animation mAttackingOrSpell = false; if (mPtr == player) { MWBase::Environment::get().getWorld()->getPlayer().setAttackingOrSpell(false); } const MWWorld::ESMStore &store = MWBase::Environment::get().getWorld()->getStore(); // For the player, set the spell we want to cast // This has to be done at the start of the casting animation, // *not* when selecting a spell in the GUI (otherwise you could change the spell mid-animation) if (mPtr == player) { std::string selectedSpell = MWBase::Environment::get().getWindowManager()->getSelectedSpell(); stats.getSpells().setSelectedSpell(selectedSpell); } std::string spellid = stats.getSpells().getSelectedSpell(); if(!spellid.empty() && MWBase::Environment::get().getWorld()->startSpellCast(mPtr)) { /* Start of tes3mp addition If this mPtr belongs to a LocalPlayer or LocalActor, get their Attack and prepare it for sending */ mwmp::Attack *localAttack = MechanicsHelper::getLocalAttack(mPtr); if (localAttack) { MechanicsHelper::resetAttack(localAttack); localAttack->type = mwmp::Attack::MAGIC; localAttack->pressed = true; localAttack->shouldSend = true; } /* End of tes3mp addition */ MWMechanics::CastSpell cast(mPtr, NULL); cast.playSpellCastingEffects(spellid); const ESM::Spell *spell = store.get().find(spellid); const ESM::ENAMstruct &lastEffect = spell->mEffects.mList.back(); const ESM::MagicEffect *effect; effect = store.get().find(lastEffect.mEffectID); // use last effect of list for color of VFX_Hands const ESM::Static* castStatic = MWBase::Environment::get().getWorld()->getStore().get().find ("VFX_Hands"); for (size_t iter = 0; iter < spell->mEffects.mList.size(); ++iter) // play hands vfx for each effect { if (mAnimation->getNode("Bip01 L Hand")) mAnimation->addEffect("meshes\\" + castStatic->mModel, -1, false, "Bip01 L Hand", effect->mParticle); if (mAnimation->getNode("Bip01 R Hand")) mAnimation->addEffect("meshes\\" + castStatic->mModel, -1, false, "Bip01 R Hand", effect->mParticle); } const ESM::ENAMstruct &firstEffect = spell->mEffects.mList.at(0); // first effect used for casting animation switch(firstEffect.mRange) { case 0: mAttackType = "self"; break; case 1: mAttackType = "touch"; break; case 2: mAttackType = "target"; break; } mAnimation->play(mCurrentWeapon, priorityWeapon, MWRender::Animation::BlendMask_All, true, weapSpeed, mAttackType+" start", mAttackType+" stop", 0.0f, 0); mUpperBodyState = UpperCharState_CastingSpell; } if (mPtr.getClass().hasInventoryStore(mPtr)) { MWWorld::InventoryStore& inv = mPtr.getClass().getInventoryStore(mPtr); if (inv.getSelectedEnchantItem() != inv.end()) { // Enchanted items cast immediately (no animation) MWBase::Environment::get().getWorld()->castSpell(mPtr); } } } else if(mWeaponType == WeapType_PickProbe) { MWWorld::ContainerStoreIterator weapon = mPtr.getClass().getInventoryStore(mPtr).getSlot(MWWorld::InventoryStore::Slot_CarriedRight); MWWorld::Ptr item = *weapon; // TODO: this will only work for the player, and needs to be fixed if NPCs should ever use lockpicks/probes. MWWorld::Ptr target = MWBase::Environment::get().getWorld()->getFacedObject(); std::string resultMessage, resultSound; if(!target.isEmpty()) { if(item.getTypeName() == typeid(ESM::Lockpick).name()) Security(mPtr).pickLock(target, item, resultMessage, resultSound); else if(item.getTypeName() == typeid(ESM::Probe).name()) Security(mPtr).probeTrap(target, item, resultMessage, resultSound); } mAnimation->play(mCurrentWeapon, priorityWeapon, MWRender::Animation::BlendMask_All, true, 1.0f, "start", "stop", 0.0, 0); mUpperBodyState = UpperCharState_FollowStartToFollowStop; if(!resultMessage.empty()) MWBase::Environment::get().getWindowManager()->messageBox(resultMessage); if(!resultSound.empty()) MWBase::Environment::get().getSoundManager()->playSound3D(target, resultSound, 1.0f, 1.0f); } else if (ammunition) { if(mWeaponType == WeapType_Crossbow || mWeaponType == WeapType_BowAndArrow || mWeaponType == WeapType_Thrown) mAttackType = "shoot"; else { /* Start of tes3mp change (major) We need DedicatedPlayers and DedicatedActors to not have their attacks cancelled here, so additional conditions have been added for them */ if(mPtr == getPlayer() || mwmp::PlayerList::isDedicatedPlayer(mPtr) || mwmp::Main::get().getCellController()->isDedicatedActor(mPtr)) /* End of tes3mp change (major) */ { if (isWeapon) { if (Settings::Manager::getBool("best attack", "Game")) { MWWorld::ConstContainerStoreIterator weapon = mPtr.getClass().getInventoryStore(mPtr).getSlot(MWWorld::InventoryStore::Slot_CarriedRight); mAttackType = getBestAttack(weapon->get()->mBase); } else setAttackTypeBasedOnMovement(); } else setAttackTypeRandomly(mAttackType); } // else if (mPtr != getPlayer()) use mAttackType set by AiCombat } mAnimation->play(mCurrentWeapon, priorityWeapon, MWRender::Animation::BlendMask_All, false, weapSpeed, mAttackType+" start", mAttackType+" min attack", 0.0f, 0); mUpperBodyState = UpperCharState_StartToMinAttack; } } animPlaying = mAnimation->getInfo(mCurrentWeapon, &complete); if(mUpperBodyState == UpperCharState_MinAttackToMaxAttack && !isKnockedDown()) mAttackStrength = complete; } else { animPlaying = mAnimation->getInfo(mCurrentWeapon, &complete); if(mUpperBodyState == UpperCharState_MinAttackToMaxAttack && !isKnockedDown()) { float attackStrength = complete; if (!mPtr.getClass().isNpc()) { // most creatures don't actually have an attack wind-up animation, so use a uniform random value // (even some creatures that can use weapons don't have a wind-up animation either, e.g. Rieklings) // Note: vanilla MW uses a random value for *all* non-player actors, but we probably don't need to go that far. attackStrength = std::min(1.f, 0.1f + Misc::Rng::rollClosedProbability()); } if(mWeaponType != WeapType_Crossbow && mWeaponType != WeapType_BowAndArrow) { MWBase::SoundManager *sndMgr = MWBase::Environment::get().getSoundManager(); if(isWerewolf) { const MWWorld::ESMStore &store = MWBase::Environment::get().getWorld()->getStore(); const ESM::Sound *sound = store.get().searchRandom("WolfSwing"); if(sound) sndMgr->playSound3D(mPtr, sound->mId, 1.0f, 1.0f); } else { playSwishSound(attackStrength); } } mAttackStrength = attackStrength; mAnimation->disable(mCurrentWeapon); mAnimation->play(mCurrentWeapon, priorityWeapon, MWRender::Animation::BlendMask_All, false, weapSpeed, mAttackType+" max attack", mAttackType+" min hit", 1.0f-complete, 0); complete = 0.f; mUpperBodyState = UpperCharState_MaxAttackToMinHit; } else if (isKnockedDown()) { if (mUpperBodyState > UpperCharState_WeapEquiped) mUpperBodyState = UpperCharState_WeapEquiped; mAnimation->disable(mCurrentWeapon); } } mAnimation->setPitchFactor(0.f); if (mWeaponType == WeapType_BowAndArrow || mWeaponType == WeapType_Thrown) { switch (mUpperBodyState) { case UpperCharState_StartToMinAttack: mAnimation->setPitchFactor(complete); break; case UpperCharState_MinAttackToMaxAttack: case UpperCharState_MaxAttackToMinHit: case UpperCharState_MinHitToHit: mAnimation->setPitchFactor(1.f); break; case UpperCharState_FollowStartToFollowStop: if (animPlaying) mAnimation->setPitchFactor(1.f-complete); break; default: break; } } else if (mWeaponType == WeapType_Crossbow) { switch (mUpperBodyState) { case UpperCharState_EquipingWeap: mAnimation->setPitchFactor(complete); break; case UpperCharState_UnEquipingWeap: mAnimation->setPitchFactor(1.f-complete); break; case UpperCharState_WeapEquiped: case UpperCharState_StartToMinAttack: case UpperCharState_MinAttackToMaxAttack: case UpperCharState_MaxAttackToMinHit: case UpperCharState_MinHitToHit: case UpperCharState_FollowStartToFollowStop: mAnimation->setPitchFactor(1.f); break; default: break; } } if(!animPlaying) { if(mUpperBodyState == UpperCharState_EquipingWeap || mUpperBodyState == UpperCharState_FollowStartToFollowStop || mUpperBodyState == UpperCharState_CastingSpell) { if (ammunition && mWeaponType == WeapType_Crossbow) mAnimation->attachArrow(); mUpperBodyState = UpperCharState_WeapEquiped; } else if(mUpperBodyState == UpperCharState_UnEquipingWeap) mUpperBodyState = UpperCharState_Nothing; } else if(complete >= 1.0f) { std::string start, stop; switch(mUpperBodyState) { case UpperCharState_StartToMinAttack: start = mAttackType+" min attack"; stop = mAttackType+" max attack"; mUpperBodyState = UpperCharState_MinAttackToMaxAttack; break; case UpperCharState_MinAttackToMaxAttack: //hack to avoid body pos desync when jumping/sneaking in 'max attack' state if(!mAnimation->isPlaying(mCurrentWeapon)) mAnimation->play(mCurrentWeapon, priorityWeapon, MWRender::Animation::BlendMask_All, false, 0, mAttackType+" min attack", mAttackType+" max attack", 0.999f, 0); break; case UpperCharState_MaxAttackToMinHit: if(mAttackType == "shoot") { start = mAttackType+" min hit"; stop = mAttackType+" release"; } else { start = mAttackType+" min hit"; stop = mAttackType+" hit"; } mUpperBodyState = UpperCharState_MinHitToHit; break; case UpperCharState_MinHitToHit: if(mAttackType == "shoot") { start = mAttackType+" follow start"; stop = mAttackType+" follow stop"; } else { float str = mAttackStrength; start = mAttackType+((str < 0.5f) ? " small follow start" : (str < 1.0f) ? " medium follow start" : " large follow start"); stop = mAttackType+((str < 0.5f) ? " small follow stop" : (str < 1.0f) ? " medium follow stop" : " large follow stop"); } mUpperBodyState = UpperCharState_FollowStartToFollowStop; break; default: break; } if(!start.empty()) { mAnimation->disable(mCurrentWeapon); if (mUpperBodyState == UpperCharState_FollowStartToFollowStop) mAnimation->play(mCurrentWeapon, priorityWeapon, MWRender::Animation::BlendMask_All, true, weapSpeed, start, stop, 0.0f, 0); else mAnimation->play(mCurrentWeapon, priorityWeapon, MWRender::Animation::BlendMask_All, false, weapSpeed, start, stop, 0.0f, 0); } } if (mPtr.getClass().hasInventoryStore(mPtr)) { const MWWorld::InventoryStore& inv = mPtr.getClass().getInventoryStore(mPtr); MWWorld::ConstContainerStoreIterator torch = inv.getSlot(MWWorld::InventoryStore::Slot_CarriedLeft); if(torch != inv.end() && torch->getTypeName() == typeid(ESM::Light).name() && updateCarriedLeftVisible(mWeaponType)) { mAnimation->play("torch", Priority_Torch, MWRender::Animation::BlendMask_LeftArm, false, 1.0f, "start", "stop", 0.0f, (~(size_t)0), true); } else if (mAnimation->isPlaying("torch")) { mAnimation->disable("torch"); } } mAnimation->setAccurateAiming(mUpperBodyState > UpperCharState_WeapEquiped); return forcestateupdate; } void CharacterController::updateAnimQueue() { if(mAnimQueue.size() > 1) { if(mAnimation->isPlaying(mAnimQueue.front().mGroup) == false) { mAnimation->disable(mAnimQueue.front().mGroup); mAnimQueue.pop_front(); bool loopfallback = (mAnimQueue.front().mGroup.compare(0,4,"idle") == 0); mAnimation->play(mAnimQueue.front().mGroup, Priority_Default, MWRender::Animation::BlendMask_All, false, 1.0f, "start", "stop", 0.0f, mAnimQueue.front().mLoopCount, loopfallback); } } if(!mAnimQueue.empty()) mAnimation->setLoopingEnabled(mAnimQueue.front().mGroup, mAnimQueue.size() <= 1); } void CharacterController::update(float duration) { MWBase::World *world = MWBase::Environment::get().getWorld(); const MWWorld::Class &cls = mPtr.getClass(); osg::Vec3f movement(0.f, 0.f, 0.f); float speed = 0.f; updateMagicEffects(); if (isKnockedOut()) mTimeUntilWake -= duration; bool godmode = mPtr == MWMechanics::getPlayer() && MWBase::Environment::get().getWorld()->getGodModeState(); if(!cls.isActor()) updateAnimQueue(); else if(!cls.getCreatureStats(mPtr).isDead()) { bool onground = world->isOnGround(mPtr); bool inwater = world->isSwimming(mPtr); bool sneak = cls.getCreatureStats(mPtr).getStance(MWMechanics::CreatureStats::Stance_Sneak); bool flying = world->isFlying(mPtr); // Can't run while flying (see speed formula in Npc/Creature::getSpeed) bool isrunning = cls.getCreatureStats(mPtr).getStance(MWMechanics::CreatureStats::Stance_Run) && !flying; CreatureStats &stats = cls.getCreatureStats(mPtr); //Force Jump Logic bool isMoving = (std::abs(cls.getMovementSettings(mPtr).mPosition[0]) > .5 || std::abs(cls.getMovementSettings(mPtr).mPosition[1]) > .5); if(!inwater && !flying) { //Force Jump if(stats.getMovementFlag(MWMechanics::CreatureStats::Flag_ForceJump)) { if(onground) { cls.getMovementSettings(mPtr).mPosition[2] = 1; } else cls.getMovementSettings(mPtr).mPosition[2] = 0; } //Force Move Jump, only jump if they're otherwise moving if(stats.getMovementFlag(MWMechanics::CreatureStats::Flag_ForceMoveJump) && isMoving) { if(onground) { cls.getMovementSettings(mPtr).mPosition[2] = 1; } else cls.getMovementSettings(mPtr).mPosition[2] = 0; } } osg::Vec3f vec(cls.getMovementSettings(mPtr).asVec3()); vec.normalize(); if(mHitState != CharState_None && mJumpState == JumpState_None) vec = osg::Vec3f(0.f, 0.f, 0.f); /* Start of tes3mp addition Character movement setting rotations get reset here, so we have to assign movement settings to the LocalPlayer or a LocalActor now */ if (world->getPlayerPtr() == mPtr) { mwmp::LocalPlayer *localPlayer = mwmp::Main::get().getLocalPlayer(); MWMechanics::Movement &movementSettings = cls.getMovementSettings(mPtr); localPlayer->direction.pos[0] = movementSettings.mPosition[0]; localPlayer->direction.pos[1] = movementSettings.mPosition[1]; } else if (mwmp::Main::get().getCellController()->isLocalActor(mPtr)) { mwmp::LocalActor *localActor = mwmp::Main::get().getCellController()->getLocalActor(mPtr); MWMechanics::Movement &movementSettings = cls.getMovementSettings(mPtr); localActor->direction.pos[0] = movementSettings.mPosition[0]; localActor->direction.pos[1] = movementSettings.mPosition[1]; localActor->direction.pos[2] = movementSettings.mPosition[2]; localActor->direction.rot[0] = movementSettings.mRotation[0]; localActor->direction.rot[1] = movementSettings.mRotation[1]; localActor->direction.rot[2] = movementSettings.mRotation[2]; } /* End of tes3mp addition */ osg::Vec3f rot = cls.getRotationVector(mPtr); speed = cls.getSpeed(mPtr); vec.x() *= speed; vec.y() *= speed; CharacterState movestate = CharState_None; CharacterState idlestate = CharState_SpecialIdle; JumpingState jumpstate = JumpState_None; bool forcestateupdate = false; mHasMovedInXY = std::abs(vec.x())+std::abs(vec.y()) > 0.0f; isrunning = isrunning && mHasMovedInXY; // advance athletics if(mHasMovedInXY && mPtr == getPlayer()) { if(inwater) { mSecondsOfSwimming += duration; while(mSecondsOfSwimming > 1) { cls.skillUsageSucceeded(mPtr, ESM::Skill::Athletics, 1); mSecondsOfSwimming -= 1; } } else if(isrunning && !sneak) { mSecondsOfRunning += duration; while(mSecondsOfRunning > 1) { cls.skillUsageSucceeded(mPtr, ESM::Skill::Athletics, 0); mSecondsOfRunning -= 1; } } } // reduce fatigue const MWWorld::Store &gmst = world->getStore().get(); float fatigueLoss = 0; static const float fFatigueRunBase = gmst.find("fFatigueRunBase")->getFloat(); static const float fFatigueRunMult = gmst.find("fFatigueRunMult")->getFloat(); static const float fFatigueSwimWalkBase = gmst.find("fFatigueSwimWalkBase")->getFloat(); static const float fFatigueSwimRunBase = gmst.find("fFatigueSwimRunBase")->getFloat(); static const float fFatigueSwimWalkMult = gmst.find("fFatigueSwimWalkMult")->getFloat(); static const float fFatigueSwimRunMult = gmst.find("fFatigueSwimRunMult")->getFloat(); static const float fFatigueSneakBase = gmst.find("fFatigueSneakBase")->getFloat(); static const float fFatigueSneakMult = gmst.find("fFatigueSneakMult")->getFloat(); if (cls.getEncumbrance(mPtr) <= cls.getCapacity(mPtr)) { const float encumbrance = cls.getEncumbrance(mPtr) / cls.getCapacity(mPtr); if (sneak) fatigueLoss = fFatigueSneakBase + encumbrance * fFatigueSneakMult; else { if (inwater) { if (!isrunning) fatigueLoss = fFatigueSwimWalkBase + encumbrance * fFatigueSwimWalkMult; else fatigueLoss = fFatigueSwimRunBase + encumbrance * fFatigueSwimRunMult; } else if (isrunning) fatigueLoss = fFatigueRunBase + encumbrance * fFatigueRunMult; } } fatigueLoss *= duration; DynamicStat fatigue = cls.getCreatureStats(mPtr).getFatigue(); if (!godmode) { fatigue.setCurrent(fatigue.getCurrent() - fatigueLoss, fatigue.getCurrent() < 0); cls.getCreatureStats(mPtr).setFatigue(fatigue); } if(sneak || inwater || flying) vec.z() = 0.0f; bool inJump = true; if(!onground && !flying && !inwater) { // In the air (either getting up —ascending part of jump— or falling). forcestateupdate = (mJumpState != JumpState_InAir); jumpstate = JumpState_InAir; static const float fJumpMoveBase = gmst.find("fJumpMoveBase")->getFloat(); static const float fJumpMoveMult = gmst.find("fJumpMoveMult")->getFloat(); float factor = fJumpMoveBase + fJumpMoveMult * mPtr.getClass().getSkill(mPtr, ESM::Skill::Acrobatics)/100.f; factor = std::min(1.f, factor); vec.x() *= factor; vec.y() *= factor; vec.z() = 0.0f; } else if(vec.z() > 0.0f && mJumpState != JumpState_InAir) { // Started a jump. float z = cls.getJump(mPtr); if (z > 0) { if(vec.x() == 0 && vec.y() == 0) vec = osg::Vec3f(0.0f, 0.0f, z); else { osg::Vec3f lat (vec.x(), vec.y(), 0.0f); lat.normalize(); vec = osg::Vec3f(lat.x(), lat.y(), 1.0f) * z * 0.707f; } // advance acrobatics if (mPtr == getPlayer()) cls.skillUsageSucceeded(mPtr, ESM::Skill::Acrobatics, 0); // decrease fatigue const float fatigueJumpBase = gmst.find("fFatigueJumpBase")->getFloat(); const float fatigueJumpMult = gmst.find("fFatigueJumpMult")->getFloat(); float normalizedEncumbrance = mPtr.getClass().getNormalizedEncumbrance(mPtr); if (normalizedEncumbrance > 1) normalizedEncumbrance = 1; const float fatigueDecrease = fatigueJumpBase + normalizedEncumbrance * fatigueJumpMult; if (!godmode) { fatigue.setCurrent(fatigue.getCurrent() - fatigueDecrease); cls.getCreatureStats(mPtr).setFatigue(fatigue); } } } else if(mJumpState == JumpState_InAir && !inwater && !flying) { forcestateupdate = true; jumpstate = JumpState_Landing; vec.z() = 0.0f; float height = cls.getCreatureStats(mPtr).land(); float healthLost = getFallDamage(mPtr, height); if (healthLost > 0.0f) { const float fatigueTerm = cls.getCreatureStats(mPtr).getFatigueTerm(); // inflict fall damages if (!godmode) { DynamicStat health = cls.getCreatureStats(mPtr).getHealth(); float realHealthLost = static_cast(healthLost * (1.0f - 0.25f * fatigueTerm)); health.setCurrent(health.getCurrent() - realHealthLost); cls.getCreatureStats(mPtr).setHealth(health); cls.onHit(mPtr, realHealthLost, true, MWWorld::Ptr(), MWWorld::Ptr(), osg::Vec3f(), true); } const int acrobaticsSkill = cls.getSkill(mPtr, ESM::Skill::Acrobatics); if (healthLost > (acrobaticsSkill * fatigueTerm)) { cls.getCreatureStats(mPtr).setKnockedDown(true); } else { // report acrobatics progression if (mPtr == getPlayer()) cls.skillUsageSucceeded(mPtr, ESM::Skill::Acrobatics, 1); } } } else { jumpstate = mAnimation->isPlaying(mCurrentJump) ? JumpState_Landing : JumpState_None; vec.z() = 0.0f; inJump = false; if(std::abs(vec.x()/2.0f) > std::abs(vec.y())) { if(vec.x() > 0.0f) movestate = (inwater ? (isrunning ? CharState_SwimRunRight : CharState_SwimWalkRight) : (sneak ? CharState_SneakRight : (isrunning ? CharState_RunRight : CharState_WalkRight))); else if(vec.x() < 0.0f) movestate = (inwater ? (isrunning ? CharState_SwimRunLeft : CharState_SwimWalkLeft) : (sneak ? CharState_SneakLeft : (isrunning ? CharState_RunLeft : CharState_WalkLeft))); } else if(vec.y() != 0.0f) { if(vec.y() > 0.0f) movestate = (inwater ? (isrunning ? CharState_SwimRunForward : CharState_SwimWalkForward) : (sneak ? CharState_SneakForward : (isrunning ? CharState_RunForward : CharState_WalkForward))); else if(vec.y() < 0.0f) movestate = (inwater ? (isrunning ? CharState_SwimRunBack : CharState_SwimWalkBack) : (sneak ? CharState_SneakBack : (isrunning ? CharState_RunBack : CharState_WalkBack))); } else if(rot.z() != 0.0f && !sneak && !(mPtr == getPlayer() && MWBase::Environment::get().getWorld()->isFirstPerson())) { if(rot.z() > 0.0f) { movestate = inwater ? CharState_SwimTurnRight : CharState_TurnRight; mAnimation->disable(mCurrentJump); } else if(rot.z() < 0.0f) { movestate = inwater ? CharState_SwimTurnLeft : CharState_TurnLeft; mAnimation->disable(mCurrentJump); } } } mTurnAnimationThreshold -= duration; if (isTurning()) mTurnAnimationThreshold = 0.05f; else if (movestate == CharState_None && isTurning() && mTurnAnimationThreshold > 0) { movestate = mMovementState; } if(movestate != CharState_None && !isTurning()) clearAnimQueue(); if(mAnimQueue.empty() || inwater || sneak) { idlestate = (inwater ? CharState_IdleSwim : (sneak && !inJump ? CharState_IdleSneak : CharState_Idle)); } else updateAnimQueue(); if (!mSkipAnim) { // bipedal means hand-to-hand could be used (which is handled in updateWeaponState). an existing InventoryStore means an actual weapon could be used. if(cls.isBipedal(mPtr) || cls.hasInventoryStore(mPtr)) forcestateupdate = updateWeaponState() || forcestateupdate; else forcestateupdate = updateCreatureState() || forcestateupdate; refreshCurrentAnims(idlestate, movestate, jumpstate, forcestateupdate); updateIdleStormState(inwater); } if (inJump) mMovementAnimationControlled = false; if (isTurning()) { if (duration > 0) mAnimation->adjustSpeedMult(mCurrentMovement, std::min(1.5f, std::abs(rot.z()) / duration / static_cast(osg::PI))); } else if (mMovementState != CharState_None && mAdjustMovementAnimSpeed) { float speedmult = speed / mMovementAnimSpeed; mAnimation->adjustSpeedMult(mCurrentMovement, speedmult); } if (!mSkipAnim) { if(!isKnockedDown() && !isKnockedOut()) { if (rot != osg::Vec3f()) world->rotateObject(mPtr, rot.x(), rot.y(), rot.z(), true); } else //avoid z-rotating for knockdown { if (rot.x() != 0 && rot.y() != 0) world->rotateObject(mPtr, rot.x(), rot.y(), 0.0f, true); } if (!mMovementAnimationControlled) world->queueMovement(mPtr, vec); } else // We must always queue movement, even if there is none, to apply gravity. world->queueMovement(mPtr, osg::Vec3f(0.f, 0.f, 0.f)); movement = vec; cls.getMovementSettings(mPtr).mPosition[0] = cls.getMovementSettings(mPtr).mPosition[1] = 0; // Can't reset jump state (mPosition[2]) here; we don't know for sure whether the PhysicSystem will actually handle it in this frame // due to the fixed minimum timestep used for the physics update. It will be reset in PhysicSystem::move once the jump is handled. if (!mSkipAnim) updateHeadTracking(duration); } else if(cls.getCreatureStats(mPtr).isDead()) { // initial start of death animation for actors that started the game as dead // not done in constructor since we need to give scripts a chance to set the mSkipAnim flag if (!mSkipAnim && mDeathState != CharState_None && mCurrentDeath.empty()) { playDeath(1.f, mDeathState); } // We must always queue movement, even if there is none, to apply gravity. world->queueMovement(mPtr, osg::Vec3f(0.f, 0.f, 0.f)); } osg::Vec3f moved = mAnimation->runAnimation(mSkipAnim ? 0.f : duration); if(duration > 0.0f) moved /= duration; else moved = osg::Vec3f(0.f, 0.f, 0.f); // Ensure we're moving in generally the right direction... if(speed > 0.f) { float l = moved.length(); if((movement.x() < 0.0f && movement.x() < moved.x()*2.0f) || (movement.x() > 0.0f && movement.x() > moved.x()*2.0f)) moved.x() = movement.x(); if((movement.y() < 0.0f && movement.y() < moved.y()*2.0f) || (movement.y() > 0.0f && movement.y() > moved.y()*2.0f)) moved.y() = movement.y(); if((movement.z() < 0.0f && movement.z() < moved.z()*2.0f) || (movement.z() > 0.0f && movement.z() > moved.z()*2.0f)) moved.z() = movement.z(); // but keep the original speed float newLength = moved.length(); if (newLength > 0) moved *= (l / newLength); } if (mSkipAnim) mAnimation->updateEffects(duration); if (mFloatToSurface && cls.isActor() && cls.getCreatureStats(mPtr).isDead() && cls.canSwim(mPtr)) moved.z() = 1.0; // Update movement if(mMovementAnimationControlled && mPtr.getClass().isActor()) world->queueMovement(mPtr, moved); mSkipAnim = false; mAnimation->enableHeadAnimation(cls.isActor() && !cls.getCreatureStats(mPtr).isDead()); } void CharacterController::persistAnimationState() { ESM::AnimationState& state = mPtr.getRefData().getAnimationState(); state.mScriptedAnims.clear(); for (AnimationQueue::const_iterator iter = mAnimQueue.begin(); iter != mAnimQueue.end(); ++iter) { if (!iter->mPersist) continue; ESM::AnimationState::ScriptedAnimation anim; anim.mGroup = iter->mGroup; if (iter == mAnimQueue.begin()) { anim.mLoopCount = mAnimation->getCurrentLoopCount(anim.mGroup); float complete; mAnimation->getInfo(anim.mGroup, &complete, NULL); anim.mTime = complete; } else { anim.mLoopCount = iter->mLoopCount; anim.mTime = 0.f; } state.mScriptedAnims.push_back(anim); } } void CharacterController::unpersistAnimationState() { const ESM::AnimationState& state = mPtr.getRefData().getAnimationState(); if (!state.mScriptedAnims.empty()) { clearAnimQueue(); for (ESM::AnimationState::ScriptedAnimations::const_iterator iter = state.mScriptedAnims.begin(); iter != state.mScriptedAnims.end(); ++iter) { AnimationQueueEntry entry; entry.mGroup = iter->mGroup; entry.mLoopCount = iter->mLoopCount; entry.mPersist = true; mAnimQueue.push_back(entry); } const ESM::AnimationState::ScriptedAnimation& anim = state.mScriptedAnims.front(); float complete = anim.mTime; if (anim.mAbsolute) { float start = mAnimation->getTextKeyTime(anim.mGroup+": start"); float stop = mAnimation->getTextKeyTime(anim.mGroup+": stop"); float time = std::max(start, std::min(stop, anim.mTime)); complete = (time - start) / (stop - start); } mAnimation->disable(mCurrentIdle); mCurrentIdle.clear(); mIdleState = CharState_SpecialIdle; bool loopfallback = (mAnimQueue.front().mGroup.compare(0,4,"idle") == 0); mAnimation->play(anim.mGroup, Priority_Default, MWRender::Animation::BlendMask_All, false, 1.0f, "start", "stop", complete, anim.mLoopCount, loopfallback); } } bool CharacterController::playGroup(const std::string &groupname, int mode, int count, bool persist) { if(!mAnimation || !mAnimation->hasAnimation(groupname)) return false; // If this animation is a looped animation (has a "loop start" key) that is already playing // and has not yet reached the end of the loop, allow it to continue animating with its existing loop count // and remove any other animations that were queued. // This emulates observed behavior from the original allows the script "OutsideBanner" to animate banners correctly. if (!mAnimQueue.empty() && mAnimQueue.front().mGroup == groupname && mAnimation->getTextKeyTime(mAnimQueue.front().mGroup + ": loop start") >= 0 && mAnimation->isPlaying(groupname)) { float endOfLoop = mAnimation->getTextKeyTime(mAnimQueue.front().mGroup+": loop stop"); if (endOfLoop < 0) // if no Loop Stop key was found, use the Stop key endOfLoop = mAnimation->getTextKeyTime(mAnimQueue.front().mGroup+": stop"); if (endOfLoop > 0 && (mAnimation->getCurrentTime(mAnimQueue.front().mGroup) < endOfLoop)) { mAnimQueue.resize(1); return true; } } count = std::max(count, 1); AnimationQueueEntry entry; entry.mGroup = groupname; entry.mLoopCount = count-1; entry.mPersist = persist; if(mode != 0 || mAnimQueue.empty() || !isAnimPlaying(mAnimQueue.front().mGroup)) { clearAnimQueue(); mAnimQueue.push_back(entry); mAnimation->disable(mCurrentIdle); mCurrentIdle.clear(); mIdleState = CharState_SpecialIdle; bool loopfallback = (entry.mGroup.compare(0,4,"idle") == 0); mAnimation->play(groupname, Priority_Default, MWRender::Animation::BlendMask_All, false, 1.0f, ((mode==2) ? "loop start" : "start"), "stop", 0.0f, count-1, loopfallback); /* Start of tes3mp addition If we are the cell authority over this actor, we need to record this new animation for it */ if (mwmp::Main::get().getCellController()->isLocalActor(mPtr)) { mwmp::LocalActor *actor = mwmp::Main::get().getCellController()->getLocalActor(mPtr); actor->animation.groupname = groupname; actor->animation.mode = mode; actor->animation.count = count; actor->animation.persist = persist; } /* End of tes3mp addition */ } else { mAnimQueue.resize(1); mAnimQueue.push_back(entry); } return true; } void CharacterController::skipAnim() { mSkipAnim = true; } bool CharacterController::isAnimPlaying(const std::string &groupName) { if(mAnimation == NULL) return false; return mAnimation->isPlaying(groupName); } void CharacterController::clearAnimQueue() { if(!mAnimQueue.empty()) mAnimation->disable(mAnimQueue.front().mGroup); mAnimQueue.clear(); } void CharacterController::forceStateUpdate() { if(!mAnimation) return; clearAnimQueue(); refreshCurrentAnims(mIdleState, mMovementState, mJumpState, true); if(mDeathState != CharState_None) { playRandomDeath(); } mAnimation->runAnimation(0.f); } CharacterController::KillResult CharacterController::kill() { if (mDeathState == CharState_None) { playRandomDeath(); mAnimation->disable(mCurrentIdle); mIdleState = CharState_None; mCurrentIdle.clear(); return Result_DeathAnimStarted; } MWMechanics::CreatureStats& cStats = mPtr.getClass().getCreatureStats(mPtr); if (isAnimPlaying(mCurrentDeath)) return Result_DeathAnimPlaying; if (!cStats.isDeathAnimationFinished()) { cStats.setDeathAnimationFinished(true); return Result_DeathAnimJustFinished; } return Result_DeathAnimFinished; } void CharacterController::resurrect() { if(mDeathState == CharState_None) return; if(mAnimation) mAnimation->disable(mCurrentDeath); mCurrentDeath.clear(); mDeathState = CharState_None; } void CharacterController::updateContinuousVfx() { // Keeping track of when to stop a continuous VFX seems to be very difficult to do inside the spells code, // as it's extremely spread out (ActiveSpells, Spells, InventoryStore effects, etc...) so we do it here. // Stop any effects that are no longer active std::vector effects; mAnimation->getLoopingEffects(effects); for (std::vector::iterator it = effects.begin(); it != effects.end(); ++it) { if (mPtr.getClass().getCreatureStats(mPtr).isDead() || mPtr.getClass().getCreatureStats(mPtr).getMagicEffects().get(MWMechanics::EffectKey(*it)).getMagnitude() <= 0) mAnimation->removeEffect(*it); } } void CharacterController::updateMagicEffects() { if (!mPtr.getClass().isActor()) return; float alpha = 1.f; if (mPtr.getClass().getCreatureStats(mPtr).getMagicEffects().get(ESM::MagicEffect::Invisibility).getModifier()) // Ignore base magnitude (see bug #3555). { if (mPtr == getPlayer()) alpha = 0.4f; else alpha = 0.f; } float chameleon = mPtr.getClass().getCreatureStats(mPtr).getMagicEffects().get(ESM::MagicEffect::Chameleon).getMagnitude(); if (chameleon) { alpha *= std::max(0.2f, (100.f - chameleon)/100.f); } mAnimation->setAlpha(alpha); bool vampire = mPtr.getClass().getCreatureStats(mPtr).getMagicEffects().get(ESM::MagicEffect::Vampirism).getMagnitude() > 0.0f; mAnimation->setVampire(vampire); float light = mPtr.getClass().getCreatureStats(mPtr).getMagicEffects().get(ESM::MagicEffect::Light).getMagnitude(); mAnimation->setLightEffect(light); } void CharacterController::setAttackTypeBasedOnMovement() { float *move = mPtr.getClass().getMovementSettings(mPtr).mPosition; if (move[1] && !move[0]) // forward-backward mAttackType = "thrust"; else if (move[0] && !move[1]) //sideway mAttackType = "slash"; else mAttackType = "chop"; } bool CharacterController::isAttackPrepairing() const { return mUpperBodyState == UpperCharState_StartToMinAttack || mUpperBodyState == UpperCharState_MinAttackToMaxAttack; } bool CharacterController::isReadyToBlock() const { return updateCarriedLeftVisible(mWeaponType); } bool CharacterController::isKnockedDown() const { return mHitState == CharState_KnockDown || mHitState == CharState_SwimKnockDown; } bool CharacterController::isKnockedOut() const { return mHitState == CharState_KnockOut || mHitState == CharState_SwimKnockOut; } bool CharacterController::isTurning() const { return mMovementState == CharState_TurnLeft || mMovementState == CharState_TurnRight || mMovementState == CharState_SwimTurnLeft || mMovementState == CharState_SwimTurnRight; } bool CharacterController::isRecovery() const { return mHitState == CharState_Hit || mHitState == CharState_SwimHit; } bool CharacterController::isAttackingOrSpell() const { return mUpperBodyState != UpperCharState_Nothing && mUpperBodyState != UpperCharState_WeapEquiped; } bool CharacterController::isSneaking() const { return mIdleState == CharState_IdleSneak || mMovementState == CharState_SneakForward || mMovementState == CharState_SneakBack || mMovementState == CharState_SneakLeft || mMovementState == CharState_SneakRight; } bool CharacterController::isRunning() const { return mMovementState == CharState_RunForward || mMovementState == CharState_RunBack || mMovementState == CharState_RunLeft || mMovementState == CharState_RunRight || mMovementState == CharState_SwimRunForward || mMovementState == CharState_SwimRunBack || mMovementState == CharState_SwimRunLeft || mMovementState == CharState_SwimRunRight; } void CharacterController::setAttackingOrSpell(bool attackingOrSpell) { mAttackingOrSpell = attackingOrSpell; } void CharacterController::setAIAttackType(const std::string& attackType) { mAttackType = attackType; } void CharacterController::setAttackTypeRandomly(std::string& attackType) { float random = Misc::Rng::rollProbability(); if (random >= 2/3.f) attackType = "thrust"; else if (random >= 1/3.f) attackType = "slash"; else attackType = "chop"; } bool CharacterController::readyToPrepareAttack() const { return (mHitState == CharState_None || mHitState == CharState_Block) && mUpperBodyState <= UpperCharState_WeapEquiped; } bool CharacterController::readyToStartAttack() const { if (mHitState != CharState_None && mHitState != CharState_Block) return false; if (mPtr.getClass().hasInventoryStore(mPtr) || mPtr.getClass().isBipedal(mPtr)) return mUpperBodyState == UpperCharState_WeapEquiped; else return mUpperBodyState == UpperCharState_Nothing; } float CharacterController::getAttackStrength() const { return mAttackStrength; } void CharacterController::setActive(int active) { mAnimation->setActive(active); } void CharacterController::setHeadTrackTarget(const MWWorld::ConstPtr &target) { mHeadTrackTarget = target; } void CharacterController::playSwishSound(float attackStrength) { MWBase::SoundManager *sndMgr = MWBase::Environment::get().getSoundManager(); std::string sound = "Weapon Swish"; if(attackStrength < 0.5f) sndMgr->playSound3D(mPtr, sound, 1.0f, 0.8f); //Weak attack else if(attackStrength < 1.0f) sndMgr->playSound3D(mPtr, sound, 1.0f, 1.0f); //Medium attack else sndMgr->playSound3D(mPtr, sound, 1.0f, 1.2f); //Strong attack } void CharacterController::updateHeadTracking(float duration) { const osg::Node* head = mAnimation->getNode("Bip01 Head"); if (!head) return; float zAngleRadians = 0.f; float xAngleRadians = 0.f; if (!mHeadTrackTarget.isEmpty()) { osg::NodePathList nodepaths = head->getParentalNodePaths(); if (nodepaths.empty()) return; osg::Matrixf mat = osg::computeLocalToWorld(nodepaths[0]); osg::Vec3f headPos = mat.getTrans(); osg::Vec3f direction; if (const MWRender::Animation* anim = MWBase::Environment::get().getWorld()->getAnimation(mHeadTrackTarget)) { const osg::Node* node = anim->getNode("Head"); if (node == NULL) node = anim->getNode("Bip01 Head"); if (node != NULL) { nodepaths = node->getParentalNodePaths(); if (!nodepaths.empty()) direction = osg::computeLocalToWorld(nodepaths[0]).getTrans() - headPos; } else // no head node to look at, fall back to look at center of collision box direction = MWBase::Environment::get().getWorld()->aimToTarget(mPtr, mHeadTrackTarget); } direction.normalize(); if (!mPtr.getRefData().getBaseNode()) return; const osg::Vec3f actorDirection = mPtr.getRefData().getBaseNode()->getAttitude() * osg::Vec3f(0,1,0); zAngleRadians = std::atan2(direction.x(), direction.y()) - std::atan2(actorDirection.x(), actorDirection.y()); xAngleRadians = -std::asin(direction.z()); wrap(zAngleRadians); wrap(xAngleRadians); xAngleRadians = std::min(xAngleRadians, osg::DegreesToRadians(40.f)); xAngleRadians = std::max(xAngleRadians, osg::DegreesToRadians(-40.f)); zAngleRadians = std::min(zAngleRadians, osg::DegreesToRadians(30.f)); zAngleRadians = std::max(zAngleRadians, osg::DegreesToRadians(-30.f)); } float factor = duration*5; factor = std::min(factor, 1.f); xAngleRadians = (1.f-factor) * mAnimation->getHeadPitch() + factor * (-xAngleRadians); zAngleRadians = (1.f-factor) * mAnimation->getHeadYaw() + factor * (-zAngleRadians); mAnimation->setHeadPitch(xAngleRadians); mAnimation->setHeadYaw(zAngleRadians); } }