#include "operation.hpp"

#include <sstream>

#include <QProgressBar>
#include <QPushButton>
#include <QVBoxLayout>

#include "../../model/doc/document.hpp"

void CSVDoc::Operation::updateLabel (int threads)
    if (threads==-1 || ((threads==0)!=mStalling))
        std::string name ("unknown operation");

        switch (mType)
            case CSMDoc::State_Saving: name = "saving"; break;
            case CSMDoc::State_Verifying: name = "verifying"; break;
            case CSMDoc::State_Searching: name = "searching"; break;
            case CSMDoc::State_Merging: name = "merging"; break;

        std::ostringstream stream;

        if ((mStalling = (threads<=0)))
            stream << name << " (waiting for a free worker thread)";
            stream << name << " (%p%)";

        mProgressBar->setFormat (stream.str().c_str());

CSVDoc::Operation::Operation (int type, QWidget* parent) : mType (type), mStalling (false)
    /// \todo Add a cancel button or a pop up menu with a cancel item
    setBarColor( type);

    /// \todo assign different progress bar colours to allow the user to distinguish easily between operation types

    delete mLayout;
    delete mProgressBar;
    delete mAbortButton;

void CSVDoc::Operation::initWidgets()
    mProgressBar = new QProgressBar ();
    mAbortButton = new QPushButton("Abort");
    mLayout = new QHBoxLayout();

    mLayout->addWidget (mProgressBar);
    mLayout->addWidget (mAbortButton);

    connect (mAbortButton, SIGNAL (clicked()), this, SLOT (abortOperation()));

void CSVDoc::Operation::setProgress (int current, int max, int threads)
    updateLabel (threads);
    mProgressBar->setRange (0, max);
    mProgressBar->setValue (current);

int CSVDoc::Operation::getType() const
    return mType;

void CSVDoc::Operation::setBarColor (int type)
    QString style ="QProgressBar {"
            "text-align: center;"
          "QProgressBar::chunk {"
            "background: qlineargradient(x1:0, y1:0, x2:0, y2:1, stop:0 %1, stop:.50 %2 stop: .51 %3 stop:1 %4);"
            "text-align: center;"
            "margin: 2px 1px 1p 2px;"

    QString topColor = "#F2F6F8";
    QString bottomColor = "#E0EFF9";
    QString midTopColor = "#D8E1E7";
    QString midBottomColor = "#B5C6D0";  // default gray gloss

    // colors inspired by samples from:
    // http://www.colorzilla.com/gradient-editor/

    switch (type)
    case CSMDoc::State_Saving:

        topColor = "#FECCB1";
        midTopColor = "#F17432";
        midBottomColor = "#EA5507";
        bottomColor = "#FB955E";  // red gloss #2

    case CSMDoc::State_Searching:

        topColor = "#EBF1F6";
        midTopColor = "#ABD3EE";
        midBottomColor = "#89C3EB";
        bottomColor = "#D5EBFB"; //blue gloss #4

    case CSMDoc::State_Verifying:

        topColor = "#BFD255";
        midTopColor = "#8EB92A";
        midBottomColor = "#72AA00";
        bottomColor = "#9ECB2D";  //green gloss

    case CSMDoc::State_Merging:

        topColor = "#F3E2C7";
        midTopColor = "#C19E67";
        midBottomColor = "#B68D4C";
        bottomColor = "#E9D4B3";  //l Brown 3D


        topColor = "#F2F6F8";
        bottomColor = "#E0EFF9";
        midTopColor = "#D8E1E7";
        midBottomColor = "#B5C6D0";  // gray gloss for undefined ops


QHBoxLayout *CSVDoc::Operation::getLayout() const
    return mLayout;

void CSVDoc::Operation::abortOperation()
    emit abortOperation (mType);