#ifndef MGUI_CONTAINER_H #define MGUI_CONTAINER_H #include "../mwworld/esmstore.hpp" #include "window_base.hpp" #include "referenceinterface.hpp" #include "../mwclass/container.hpp" #include "../mwworld/ptr.hpp" #include "../mwworld/containerstore.hpp" namespace MWWorld { class Environment; } namespace MyGUI { class Gui; class Widget; } namespace MWGui { class WindowManager; class ContainerWindow; class ContainerBase; } namespace MWGui { class DragAndDrop { public: bool mIsOnDragAndDrop; MyGUI::Widget* mDraggedWidget; MyGUI::Widget* mDragAndDropWidget; ContainerBase* mDraggedFrom; int mDraggedCount; }; class ContainerBase : public ReferenceInterface { public: ContainerBase(DragAndDrop* dragAndDrop); virtual ~ContainerBase(); // basic types (inclusive) static const int Filter_All = (1<<0); static const int Filter_Weapon = (1<<1); static const int Filter_Apparel = (1<<2); static const int Filter_Ingredients = (1<<3); static const int Filter_Misc = (1<<4); // special filtering (exclusive) static const int Filter_Magic = (1<<5); static const int Filter_NoMagic = (1<<6); static const int Filter_ChargedSoulstones = (1<<7); enum ItemState { ItemState_Normal = 0x01, ItemState_Equipped = 0x02, ItemState_Barter = 0x03 }; void setWidgets(MyGUI::Widget* containerWidget, MyGUI::ScrollView* itemView); ///< only call once void addBarteredItem(MWWorld::Ptr item, int count); void addItem(MWWorld::Ptr item, int count); void transferBoughtItems(); ///< transfer bought items into the inventory void returnBoughtItems(MWWorld::ContainerStore& store); ///< return bought items into the specified ContainerStore MWWorld::ContainerStore& getContainerStore(); MWWorld::ContainerStore& getBoughtItems() { return mBoughtItems; } void openContainer(MWWorld::Ptr container); void setFilter(int filter); ///< set category filter void drawItems(); protected: bool mDisplayEquippedItems; bool mHighlightEquippedItems; MyGUI::ScrollView* mItemView; MyGUI::Widget* mContainerWidget; MyGUI::Widget* mSelectedItem; DragAndDrop* mDragAndDrop; int mFilter; // bought items are put in a separate ContainerStore so that they don't stack with other (not bought) items. MWWorld::ContainerStore mBoughtItems; void onSelectedItem(MyGUI::Widget* _sender); void onContainerClicked(MyGUI::Widget* _sender); void onMouseWheel(MyGUI::Widget* _sender, int _rel); /// start dragging an item (drag & drop) void startDragItem(MyGUI::Widget* _sender, int count); /// sell an item from this container void sellItem(MyGUI::Widget* _sender, int count); /// sell an item from this container, that was previously just bought void sellAlreadyBoughtItem(MyGUI::Widget* _sender, int count); std::string getCountString(const int count); virtual bool isTradeWindow() { return false; } virtual bool isInventory() { return false; } virtual std::vector<MWWorld::Ptr> getEquippedItems(); virtual void _unequipItem(MWWorld::Ptr item) { ; } virtual bool isTrading() { return false; } virtual void onSelectedItemImpl(MWWorld::Ptr item) { ; } virtual std::vector<MWWorld::Ptr> itemsToIgnore() { return std::vector<MWWorld::Ptr>(); } virtual void notifyContentChanged() { ; } }; class ContainerWindow : public ContainerBase, public WindowBase { public: ContainerWindow(MWBase::WindowManager& parWindowManager,DragAndDrop* dragAndDrop); virtual ~ContainerWindow(); void open(MWWorld::Ptr container, bool loot=false); protected: MyGUI::Button* mDisposeCorpseButton; MyGUI::Button* mTakeButton; MyGUI::Button* mCloseButton; void onWindowResize(MyGUI::Window* window); void onCloseButtonClicked(MyGUI::Widget* _sender); void onTakeAllButtonClicked(MyGUI::Widget* _sender); void onDisposeCorpseButtonClicked(MyGUI::Widget* sender); virtual void onReferenceUnavailable(); }; } #endif // CONTAINER_H