#include "state.hpp" #include #include #include #include "intsetting.hpp" CSMPrefs::State *CSMPrefs::State::sThis = 0; void CSMPrefs::State::load() { // default settings file boost::filesystem::path local = mConfigurationManager.getLocalPath() / mConfigFile; boost::filesystem::path global = mConfigurationManager.getGlobalPath() / mConfigFile; if (boost::filesystem::exists (local)) mSettings.loadDefault (local.string()); else if (boost::filesystem::exists (global)) mSettings.loadDefault (global.string()); else throw std::runtime_error ("No default settings file found! Make sure the file \"opencs.ini\" was properly installed."); // user settings file boost::filesystem::path user = mConfigurationManager.getUserConfigPath() / mConfigFile; if (boost::filesystem::exists (user)) mSettings.loadUser (user.string()); } void CSMPrefs::State::declare() { declareCategory ("Windows"); declareInt ("default-width", "Default window width", 800). setTooltip ("Newly opened top-level windows will open with this width."). setMin (80); declareInt ("default-height", "Default window height", 600). setTooltip ("Newly opened top-level windows will open with this height."). setMin (80); // reuse // show-statusbar declareInt ("max-subviews", "Maximum number of subviews per top-level window", 256). setTooltip ("If the maximum number is reached and a new subview is opened " "it will be placed into a new top-level window."). setRange (1, 256); // hide-subview declareInt ("minimum-width", "Minimum subview width", 325). setTooltip ("Minimum width of subviews."). setRange (50, 10000); // mainwindow-scrollbar // grow-limit declareCategory ("Records"); declareCategory ("ID Tables"); declareCategory ("ID Dialogues"); declareCategory ("Reports"); declareCategory ("Search & Replace"); declareInt ("char-before", "Characters before search string", 10). setTooltip ("Maximum number of character to display in search result before the searched text"); declareInt ("char-after", "Characters after search string", 10). setTooltip ("Maximum number of character to display in search result after the searched text"); // auto-delete declareCategory ("Scripts"); // show-linenum // mono-font // warnings // toolbar declareInt ("compile-delay", "Delay between updating of source errors", 100). setTooltip ("Delay in milliseconds"). setRange (0, 10000); declareInt ("error-height", "Initial height of the error panel", 100). setRange (100, 10000); // syntax-colouring declareCategory ("General Input"); declareCategory ("3D Scene Input"); declareCategory ("Tooltips"); // scene // scene-hide-basic declareInt ("scene-delay", "Tooltip delay in milliseconds", 500). setMin (1); } void CSMPrefs::State::declareCategory (const std::string& key) { std::map::iterator iter = mCategories.find (key); if (iter!=mCategories.end()) { mCurrentCategory = iter; } else { mCurrentCategory = mCategories.insert (std::make_pair (key, Category (this, key))).first; } } CSMPrefs::IntSetting& CSMPrefs::State::declareInt (const std::string& key, const std::string& label, int default_) { if (mCurrentCategory==mCategories.end()) throw std::logic_error ("no category for setting"); std::ostringstream stream; stream << default_; setDefault (key, stream.str()); default_ = mSettings.getInt (key, mCurrentCategory->second.getKey()); CSMPrefs::IntSetting *setting = new CSMPrefs::IntSetting (&mCurrentCategory->second, &mSettings, key, label, default_); mCurrentCategory->second.addSetting (setting); return *setting; } void CSMPrefs::State::setDefault (const std::string& key, const std::string& default_) { Settings::CategorySetting fullKey (mCurrentCategory->second.getKey(), key); Settings::CategorySettingValueMap::iterator iter = mSettings.mDefaultSettings.find (fullKey); if (iter==mSettings.mDefaultSettings.end()) mSettings.mDefaultSettings.insert (std::make_pair (fullKey, default_)); } CSMPrefs::State::State (const Files::ConfigurationManager& configurationManager) : mConfigFile ("opencs.ini"), mConfigurationManager (configurationManager), mCurrentCategory (mCategories.end()) { if (sThis) throw std::logic_error ("An instance of CSMPRefs::State already exists"); load(); declare(); sThis = this; } CSMPrefs::State::~State() { sThis = 0; } void CSMPrefs::State::save() { boost::filesystem::path user = mConfigurationManager.getUserConfigPath() / mConfigFile; mSettings.saveUser (user.string()); } CSMPrefs::State::Iterator CSMPrefs::State::begin() { return mCategories.begin(); } CSMPrefs::State::Iterator CSMPrefs::State::end() { return mCategories.end(); } CSMPrefs::Category& CSMPrefs::State::getCategory (const std::string& key) { Iterator iter = mCategories.find (key); if (iter==mCategories.end()) throw std::logic_error ("Invalid user settings category: " + key); return iter->second; } void CSMPrefs::State::update (const Setting& setting) { emit (settingChanged (setting)); } CSMPrefs::State& CSMPrefs::State::get() { if (!sThis) throw std::logic_error ("No instance of CSMPrefs::State"); return *sThis; } CSMPrefs::State& CSMPrefs::get() { return State::get(); }