#ifndef OPENMW_PROCESSORPLAYERQUICKKEYS_HPP #define OPENMW_PROCESSORPLAYERQUICKKEYS_HPP #include "../PlayerProcessor.hpp" namespace mwmp { class ProcessorPlayerQuickKeys : public PlayerProcessor { public: ProcessorPlayerQuickKeys() { BPP_INIT(ID_PLAYER_QUICKKEYS) } virtual void Do(PlayerPacket &packet, BasePlayer *player) { if (!isLocal()) return; LOG_MESSAGE_SIMPLE(Log::LOG_INFO, "Received ID_PLAYER_QUICKKEYS about LocalPlayer from server"); if (!isRequest()) { LocalPlayer &localPlayer = static_cast<LocalPlayer&>(*player); // Because we send PlayerQuickKeys packets from the same OpenMW methods that we use to set the // quick keys received, we need to set a boolean to prevent resending the keys set here localPlayer.isReceivingQuickKeys = true; localPlayer.setQuickKeys(); localPlayer.isReceivingQuickKeys = false; } } }; } #endif //OPENMW_PROCESSORPLAYERQUICKKEYS_HPP