#include #include #include "../mwbase/environment.hpp" #include "../mwclass/npc.hpp" #include "../mwmechanics/creaturestats.hpp" #include "../mwworld/cellstore.hpp" #include "../mwworld/player.hpp" #include "../mwworld/worldimp.hpp" #include "PlayerList.hpp" #include "Main.hpp" #include "DedicatedPlayer.hpp" #include "CellController.hpp" #include "GUIController.hpp" using namespace mwmp; using namespace std; std::map PlayerList::players; void PlayerList::update(float dt) { for (std::map ::iterator it = players.begin(); it != players.end(); it++) { DedicatedPlayer *player = it->second; if (player == 0) continue; player->update(dt); } } void PlayerList::createPlayer(RakNet::RakNetGUID guid) { LOG_APPEND(Log::LOG_INFO, "- Setting up character info"); MWBase::World *world = MWBase::Environment::get().getWorld(); DedicatedPlayer *dedicPlayer = players[guid]; ESM::Creature creature; ESM::NPC npc; if (!dedicPlayer->creatureModel.empty()) { const ESM::Creature *tmpCreature = world->getStore().get().search(dedicPlayer->creatureModel); if (tmpCreature == 0) { dedicPlayer->creatureModel = ""; createPlayer(guid); return; } creature = *tmpCreature; creature.mScript = ""; if (!dedicPlayer->useCreatureName) creature.mName = dedicPlayer->npc.mName; LOG_APPEND(Log::LOG_INFO, "Player %s looks like %s", dedicPlayer->npc.mName.c_str(), dedicPlayer->creatureModel.c_str()); } else { MWWorld::Ptr player = world->getPlayerPtr(); npc = *player.get()->mBase; // To avoid freezes caused by invalid races, only set race if we find it // on our client if (world->getStore().get().search(dedicPlayer->npc.mRace) != 0) npc.mRace = dedicPlayer->npc.mRace; npc.mHead = dedicPlayer->npc.mHead; npc.mHair = dedicPlayer->npc.mHair; npc.mClass = dedicPlayer->npc.mClass; npc.mName = dedicPlayer->npc.mName; npc.mFlags = dedicPlayer->npc.mFlags; } bool reset = false; if (dedicPlayer->reference) { bool isNPC = dedicPlayer->reference->getPtr().getTypeName() == typeid(ESM::NPC).name(); if ((!dedicPlayer->creatureModel.empty() && isNPC) || (dedicPlayer->creatureModel.empty() && !isNPC)) { if (dedicPlayer->reference) { LOG_APPEND(Log::LOG_INFO, "- Deleting old reference"); dedicPlayer->state = 0; world->deleteObject(dedicPlayer->ptr); delete dedicPlayer->reference; dedicPlayer->reference = NULL; reset = true; } } } // Temporarily spawn or move player to the center of exterior 0,0 whenever setting base info ESM::Position spawnPos; spawnPos.pos[0] = spawnPos.pos[1] = Main::get().getCellController()->getCellSize() / 2; spawnPos.pos[2] = 0; MWWorld::CellStore *cellStore = world->getExterior(0, 0); if (dedicPlayer->state == 0) { string recid; if (dedicPlayer->creatureModel.empty()) { LOG_APPEND(Log::LOG_INFO, "- Creating new NPC record"); npc.mId = "Dedicated Player"; recid = world->createRecord(npc)->mId; } else { LOG_APPEND(Log::LOG_INFO, "- Creating new Creature record"); creature.mId = "Dedicated Player"; recid = world->createRecord(creature)->mId; } dedicPlayer->reference = new MWWorld::ManualRef(world->getStore(), recid, 1); LOG_APPEND(Log::LOG_INFO, "- Creating new reference pointer for %s", dedicPlayer->npc.mName.c_str()); MWWorld::Ptr tmp; if (reset) { if (dedicPlayer->cell.isExterior()) cellStore = world->getExterior(dedicPlayer->cell.mData.mX, dedicPlayer->cell.mData.mY); else cellStore = world->getInterior(dedicPlayer->cell.mName); spawnPos = dedicPlayer->position; } tmp = world->placeObject(dedicPlayer->reference->getPtr(), cellStore, spawnPos); dedicPlayer->ptr.mCell = tmp.mCell; dedicPlayer->ptr.mRef = tmp.mRef; if (!reset) { dedicPlayer->cell = *dedicPlayer->ptr.getCell()->getCell(); dedicPlayer->position = dedicPlayer->ptr.getRefData().getPosition(); } ESM::CustomMarker mEditingMarker = Main::get().getGUIController()->createMarker(guid); dedicPlayer->marker = mEditingMarker; dedicPlayer->setMarkerState(true); } else { LOG_APPEND(Log::LOG_INFO, "- Updating reference pointer for %s", dedicPlayer->npc.mName.c_str()); MWWorld::ESMStore *store = const_cast(&world->getStore()); MWWorld::Store *creature_store = const_cast *> (&store->get()); MWWorld::Store *npc_store = const_cast *> (&store->get()); if (!dedicPlayer->creatureModel.empty()) { if (!npc.mId.empty() || npc.mId != "Dedicated Player") { LOG_APPEND(Log::LOG_INFO, "- Deleting NPC record"); npc_store->erase(npc.mId); npc.mId.clear(); } creature.mId = players[guid]->ptr.get()->mBase->mId; creature_store->insert(creature); } else { if (!creature.mId.empty() || creature.mId != "Dedicated Player") { LOG_APPEND(Log::LOG_INFO, "- Deleting Creature record"); creature_store->erase(creature.mId); creature.mId.clear(); } npc.mId = players[guid]->ptr.get()->mBase->mId; npc_store->insert(npc); } // Disable Ptr to avoid graphical glitches caused by race changes world->disable(players[guid]->ptr); dedicPlayer->setPtr(world->moveObject(dedicPlayer->ptr, cellStore, spawnPos.pos[0], spawnPos.pos[1], spawnPos.pos[2])); dedicPlayer->setCell(); } dedicPlayer->guid = guid; dedicPlayer->state = 2; // Give this new character a fatigue of at least 1 so it doesn't spawn // on the ground dedicPlayer->creatureStats.mDynamic[2].mBase = 1; world->enable(players[guid]->ptr); } DedicatedPlayer *PlayerList::newPlayer(RakNet::RakNetGUID guid) { LOG_APPEND(Log::LOG_INFO, "- Creating new DedicatedPlayer with guid %lu", guid.g); players[guid] = new DedicatedPlayer(guid); players[guid]->state = 0; return players[guid]; } void PlayerList::disconnectPlayer(RakNet::RakNetGUID guid) { if (players[guid]->state > 1) { players[guid]->state = 1; // Remove player's marker players[guid]->setMarkerState(false); MWBase::World *world = MWBase::Environment::get().getWorld(); world->disable(players[guid]->getPtr()); // Move player to exterior 0,0 ESM::Position newPos; newPos.pos[0] = newPos.pos[1] = Main::get().getCellController()->getCellSize() / 2; newPos.pos[2] = 0; MWWorld::CellStore *cellStore = world->getExterior(0, 0); world->moveObject(players[guid]->getPtr(), cellStore, newPos.pos[0], newPos.pos[1], newPos.pos[2]); } } void PlayerList::cleanUp() { for (std::map ::iterator it = players.begin(); it != players.end(); it++) delete it->second; } DedicatedPlayer *PlayerList::getPlayer(RakNet::RakNetGUID guid) { return players[guid]; } DedicatedPlayer *PlayerList::getPlayer(const MWWorld::Ptr &ptr) { std::map ::iterator it = players.begin(); for (; it != players.end(); it++) { if (it->second == 0 || it->second->getPtr().mRef == 0) continue; string refid = ptr.getCellRef().getRefId(); if (it->second->getPtr().getCellRef().getRefId() == refid) return it->second; } return 0; } bool PlayerList::isDedicatedPlayer(const MWWorld::Ptr &ptr) { if (ptr.mRef == NULL) return false; return (getPlayer(ptr) != 0); } /* Go through all DedicatedPlayers checking if their mHitAttemptActorId matches this one and set it to -1 if it does This resets the combat target for a DedicatedPlayer's followers in Actors::update() */ void PlayerList::clearHitAttemptActorId(int actorId) { for (std::map ::iterator it = players.begin(); it != players.end(); it++) { if (it->second == 0 || it->second->getPtr().mRef == 0) continue; MWMechanics::CreatureStats *playerCreatureStats = &it->second->getPtr().getClass().getCreatureStats(it->second->getPtr()); if (playerCreatureStats->getHitAttemptActorId() == actorId) playerCreatureStats->setHitAttemptActorId(-1); } }