#include "cellstore.hpp" #include #include #include #include #include #include "../mwbase/environment.hpp" #include "../mwbase/world.hpp" #include "ptr.hpp" #include "esmstore.hpp" #include "class.hpp" #include "containerstore.hpp" namespace { template MWWorld::Ptr searchInContainerList (MWWorld::CellRefList& containerList, const std::string& id) { for (typename MWWorld::CellRefList::List::iterator iter (containerList.mList.begin()); iter!=containerList.mList.end(); ++iter) { MWWorld::Ptr container (&*iter, 0); MWWorld::Ptr ptr = MWWorld::Class::get (container).getContainerStore (container).search (id); if (!ptr.isEmpty()) return ptr; } return MWWorld::Ptr(); } template void writeReferenceCollection (ESM::ESMWriter& writer, const MWWorld::CellRefList& collection) { if (!collection.mList.empty()) { // references for (typename MWWorld::CellRefList::List::const_iterator iter (collection.mList.begin()); iter!=collection.mList.end(); ++iter) { if (iter->mData.getCount()==0 && iter->mRef.mRefNum.mContentFile==-1) continue; // deleted file that did not came from a content file -> ignore RecordType state; iter->save (state); writer.writeHNT ("OBJE", collection.mList.front().mBase->sRecordId); state.save (writer); } } } template void readReferenceCollection (ESM::ESMReader& reader, MWWorld::CellRefList& collection, const std::map& contentFileMap) { const MWWorld::ESMStore& esmStore = MWBase::Environment::get().getWorld()->getStore(); RecordType state; state.load (reader); std::map::const_iterator iter = contentFileMap.find (state.mRef.mRefNum.mContentFile); if (iter==contentFileMap.end()) return; // content file has been removed -> skip state.mRef.mRefNum.mContentFile = iter->second; if (!MWWorld::LiveCellRef::checkState (state)) return; // not valid anymore with current content files -> skip const T *record = esmStore.get().search (state.mRef.mRefID); if (!record) return; for (typename MWWorld::CellRefList::List::iterator iter (collection.mList.begin()); iter!=collection.mList.end(); ++iter) if (iter->mRef.mRefNum==state.mRef.mRefNum) { // overwrite existing reference iter->load (state); return; } // new reference MWWorld::LiveCellRef ref (record); ref.load (state); collection.mList.push_back (ref); } } namespace MWWorld { template void CellRefList::load(ESM::CellRef &ref, bool deleted, const MWWorld::ESMStore &esmStore) { const MWWorld::Store &store = esmStore.get(); if (const X *ptr = store.search (ref.mRefID)) { typename std::list::iterator iter = std::find(mList.begin(), mList.end(), ref.mRefNum); LiveRef liveCellRef (ref, ptr); if (deleted) liveCellRef.mData.setCount (0); if (iter != mList.end()) *iter = liveCellRef; else mList.push_back (liveCellRef); } else { std::cerr << "Error: could not resolve cell reference " << ref.mRefID << " (dropping reference)" << std::endl; } } template bool operator==(const LiveCellRef& ref, int pRefnum) { return (ref.mRef.mRefnum == pRefnum); } CellStore::CellStore (const ESM::Cell *cell) : mCell (cell), mState (State_Unloaded) { mWaterLevel = cell->mWater; } void CellStore::load (const MWWorld::ESMStore &store, std::vector &esm) { if (mState!=State_Loaded) { if (mState==State_Preloaded) mIds.clear(); std::cout << "loading cell " << mCell->getDescription() << std::endl; loadRefs (store, esm); mState = State_Loaded; } } void CellStore::preload (const MWWorld::ESMStore &store, std::vector &esm) { if (mState==State_Unloaded) { listRefs (store, esm); mState = State_Preloaded; } } void CellStore::listRefs(const MWWorld::ESMStore &store, std::vector &esm) { assert (mCell); if (mCell->mContextList.empty()) return; // this is a dynamically generated cell -> skipping. // Load references from all plugins that do something with this cell. for (size_t i = 0; i < mCell->mContextList.size(); i++) { // Reopen the ESM reader and seek to the right position. int index = mCell->mContextList.at(i).index; mCell->restore (esm[index], i); ESM::CellRef ref; // Get each reference in turn bool deleted = false; while (mCell->getNextRef (esm[index], ref, deleted)) { if (deleted) continue; mIds.push_back (Misc::StringUtils::lowerCase (ref.mRefID)); } } std::sort (mIds.begin(), mIds.end()); } void CellStore::loadRefs(const MWWorld::ESMStore &store, std::vector &esm) { assert (mCell); if (mCell->mContextList.empty()) return; // this is a dynamically generated cell -> skipping. // Load references from all plugins that do something with this cell. for (size_t i = 0; i < mCell->mContextList.size(); i++) { // Reopen the ESM reader and seek to the right position. int index = mCell->mContextList.at(i).index; mCell->restore (esm[index], i); ESM::CellRef ref; ref.mRefNum.mContentFile = -1; // Get each reference in turn bool deleted = false; while(mCell->getNextRef(esm[index], ref, deleted)) { // Don't load reference if it was moved to a different cell. std::string lowerCase = Misc::StringUtils::lowerCase(ref.mRefID); ESM::MovedCellRefTracker::const_iterator iter = std::find(mCell->mMovedRefs.begin(), mCell->mMovedRefs.end(), ref.mRefNum); if (iter != mCell->mMovedRefs.end()) { continue; } loadRef (ref, deleted, store); } } // Load moved references, from separately tracked list. for (ESM::CellRefTracker::const_iterator it = mCell->mLeasedRefs.begin(); it != mCell->mLeasedRefs.end(); ++it) { ESM::CellRef &ref = const_cast(*it); loadRef (ref, false, store); } } Ptr CellStore::searchInContainer (const std::string& id) { { Ptr ptr = searchInContainerList (mContainers, id); if (!ptr.isEmpty()) return ptr; } { Ptr ptr = searchInContainerList (mCreatures, id); if (!ptr.isEmpty()) return ptr; } { Ptr ptr = searchInContainerList (mNpcs, id); if (!ptr.isEmpty()) return ptr; } return Ptr(); } void CellStore::loadRef (ESM::CellRef& ref, bool deleted, const ESMStore& store) { Misc::StringUtils::toLower (ref.mRefID); switch (store.find (ref.mRefID)) { case ESM::REC_ACTI: mActivators.load(ref, deleted, store); break; case ESM::REC_ALCH: mPotions.load(ref, deleted, store); break; case ESM::REC_APPA: mAppas.load(ref, deleted, store); break; case ESM::REC_ARMO: mArmors.load(ref, deleted, store); break; case ESM::REC_BOOK: mBooks.load(ref, deleted, store); break; case ESM::REC_CLOT: mClothes.load(ref, deleted, store); break; case ESM::REC_CONT: mContainers.load(ref, deleted, store); break; case ESM::REC_CREA: mCreatures.load(ref, deleted, store); break; case ESM::REC_DOOR: mDoors.load(ref, deleted, store); break; case ESM::REC_INGR: mIngreds.load(ref, deleted, store); break; case ESM::REC_LEVC: mCreatureLists.load(ref, deleted, store); break; case ESM::REC_LEVI: mItemLists.load(ref, deleted, store); break; case ESM::REC_LIGH: mLights.load(ref, deleted, store); break; case ESM::REC_LOCK: mLockpicks.load(ref, deleted, store); break; case ESM::REC_MISC: mMiscItems.load(ref, deleted, store); break; case ESM::REC_NPC_: mNpcs.load(ref, deleted, store); break; case ESM::REC_PROB: mProbes.load(ref, deleted, store); break; case ESM::REC_REPA: mRepairs.load(ref, deleted, store); break; case ESM::REC_STAT: mStatics.load(ref, deleted, store); break; case ESM::REC_WEAP: mWeapons.load(ref, deleted, store); break; case 0: std::cerr << "Cell reference " + ref.mRefID + " not found!\n"; break; default: std::cerr << "WARNING: Ignoring reference '" << ref.mRefID << "' of unhandled type\n"; } } void CellStore::loadState (const ESM::CellState& state) { if (mCell->mData.mFlags & ESM::Cell::Interior && mCell->mData.mFlags & ESM::Cell::HasWater) mWaterLevel = state.mWaterLevel; mWaterLevel = state.mWaterLevel; } void CellStore::saveState (ESM::CellState& state) const { state.mId = mCell->getCellId(); if (mCell->mData.mFlags & ESM::Cell::Interior && mCell->mData.mFlags & ESM::Cell::HasWater) state.mWaterLevel = mWaterLevel; state.mWaterLevel = mWaterLevel; } void CellStore::writeReferences (ESM::ESMWriter& writer) const { writeReferenceCollection (writer, mActivators); writeReferenceCollection (writer, mPotions); writeReferenceCollection (writer, mAppas); writeReferenceCollection (writer, mArmors); writeReferenceCollection (writer, mBooks); writeReferenceCollection (writer, mClothes); writeReferenceCollection (writer, mContainers); writeReferenceCollection (writer, mCreatures); writeReferenceCollection (writer, mDoors); writeReferenceCollection (writer, mIngreds); writeReferenceCollection (writer, mCreatureLists); writeReferenceCollection (writer, mItemLists); writeReferenceCollection (writer, mLights); writeReferenceCollection (writer, mLockpicks); writeReferenceCollection (writer, mMiscItems); writeReferenceCollection (writer, mNpcs); writeReferenceCollection (writer, mProbes); writeReferenceCollection (writer, mRepairs); writeReferenceCollection (writer, mStatics); writeReferenceCollection (writer, mWeapons); } void CellStore::readReferences (ESM::ESMReader& reader, const std::map& contentFileMap) { while (reader.isNextSub ("OBJE")) { unsigned int id = 0; reader.getHT (id); switch (id) { case ESM::REC_ACTI: readReferenceCollection (reader, mActivators, contentFileMap); break; case ESM::REC_ALCH: readReferenceCollection (reader, mPotions, contentFileMap); break; case ESM::REC_APPA: readReferenceCollection (reader, mAppas, contentFileMap); break; case ESM::REC_ARMO: readReferenceCollection (reader, mArmors, contentFileMap); break; case ESM::REC_BOOK: readReferenceCollection (reader, mBooks, contentFileMap); break; case ESM::REC_CLOT: readReferenceCollection (reader, mClothes, contentFileMap); break; case ESM::REC_CONT: readReferenceCollection (reader, mContainers, contentFileMap); break; case ESM::REC_CREA: readReferenceCollection (reader, mCreatures, contentFileMap); break; case ESM::REC_DOOR: readReferenceCollection (reader, mDoors, contentFileMap); break; case ESM::REC_INGR: readReferenceCollection (reader, mIngreds, contentFileMap); break; case ESM::REC_LEVC: readReferenceCollection (reader, mCreatureLists, contentFileMap); break; case ESM::REC_LEVI: readReferenceCollection (reader, mItemLists, contentFileMap); break; case ESM::REC_LIGH: readReferenceCollection (reader, mLights, contentFileMap); break; case ESM::REC_LOCK: readReferenceCollection (reader, mLockpicks, contentFileMap); break; case ESM::REC_MISC: readReferenceCollection (reader, mMiscItems, contentFileMap); break; case ESM::REC_NPC_: readReferenceCollection (reader, mNpcs, contentFileMap); break; case ESM::REC_PROB: readReferenceCollection (reader, mProbes, contentFileMap); break; case ESM::REC_REPA: readReferenceCollection (reader, mRepairs, contentFileMap); break; case ESM::REC_STAT: readReferenceCollection (reader, mStatics, contentFileMap); break; case ESM::REC_WEAP: readReferenceCollection (reader, mWeapons, contentFileMap); break; default: throw std::runtime_error ("unknown type in cell reference section"); } } } }