#include "inventorystore.hpp"

#include <iterator>
#include <algorithm>

#include <components/esm/loadench.hpp>
#include <components/esm/inventorystate.hpp>
#include <components/misc/rng.hpp>
#include <components/settings/settings.hpp>

    Start of tes3mp addition

    Include additional headers for multiplayer purposes
#include <components/openmw-mp/Log.hpp>
#include "../mwmp/Main.hpp"
#include "../mwmp/CellController.hpp"
#include "../mwmp/PlayerList.hpp"
    End of tes3mp addition

#include "../mwbase/environment.hpp"
#include "../mwbase/world.hpp"
#include "../mwbase/mechanicsmanager.hpp"
#include "../mwbase/windowmanager.hpp"

#include "../mwgui/inventorywindow.hpp"

#include "../mwmechanics/npcstats.hpp"
#include "../mwmechanics/spellcasting.hpp"
#include "../mwmechanics/actorutil.hpp"

#include "esmstore.hpp"
#include "class.hpp"

void MWWorld::InventoryStore::copySlots (const InventoryStore& store)
    // some const-trickery, required because of a flaw in the handling of MW-references and the
    // resulting workarounds
    for (std::vector<ContainerStoreIterator>::const_iterator iter (
        const_cast<InventoryStore&> (store).mSlots.begin());
        iter!=const_cast<InventoryStore&> (store).mSlots.end(); ++iter)
        std::size_t distance = std::distance (const_cast<InventoryStore&> (store).begin(), *iter);

        ContainerStoreIterator slot = begin();

        std::advance (slot, distance);

        mSlots.push_back (slot);

    // some const-trickery, required because of a flaw in the handling of MW-references and the
    // resulting workarounds
    std::size_t distance = std::distance (const_cast<InventoryStore&> (store).begin(), const_cast<InventoryStore&> (store).mSelectedEnchantItem);
    ContainerStoreIterator slot = begin();
    std::advance (slot, distance);
    mSelectedEnchantItem = slot;

void MWWorld::InventoryStore::initSlots (TSlots& slots_)
    for (int i=0; i<Slots; ++i)
        slots_.push_back (end());

void MWWorld::InventoryStore::storeEquipmentState(const MWWorld::LiveCellRefBase &ref, int index, ESM::InventoryState &inventory) const
    for (int i = 0; i<static_cast<int> (mSlots.size()); ++i)
        if (mSlots[i].getType()!=-1 && mSlots[i]->getBase()==&ref)
            inventory.mEquipmentSlots[index] = i;

    if (mSelectedEnchantItem.getType()!=-1 && mSelectedEnchantItem->getBase() == &ref)
        inventory.mSelectedEnchantItem = index;

void MWWorld::InventoryStore::readEquipmentState(const MWWorld::ContainerStoreIterator &iter, int index, const ESM::InventoryState &inventory)
    if (index == inventory.mSelectedEnchantItem)
        mSelectedEnchantItem = iter;

    std::map<int, int>::const_iterator found = inventory.mEquipmentSlots.find(index);
    if (found != inventory.mEquipmentSlots.end())
        if (found->second < 0 || found->second >= MWWorld::InventoryStore::Slots)
            throw std::runtime_error("Invalid slot index in inventory state");

        // make sure the item can actually be equipped in this slot
        int slot = found->second;
        std::pair<std::vector<int>, bool> allowedSlots = iter->getClass().getEquipmentSlots(*iter);
        if (!allowedSlots.first.size())
        if (std::find(allowedSlots.first.begin(), allowedSlots.first.end(), slot) == allowedSlots.first.end())
            slot = allowedSlots.first.front();

        // unstack if required
        if (!allowedSlots.second && iter->getRefData().getCount() > 1)
            MWWorld::ContainerStoreIterator newIter = addNewStack(*iter, 1);
            mSlots[slot] = newIter;
            mSlots[slot] = iter;

 : mListener(NULL)
 , mUpdatesEnabled (true)
 , mFirstAutoEquip(true)
 , mSelectedEnchantItem(end())
 , mRechargingItemsUpToDate(false)
    initSlots (mSlots);

MWWorld::InventoryStore::InventoryStore (const InventoryStore& store)
 : ContainerStore (store)
 , mMagicEffects(store.mMagicEffects)
 , mListener(store.mListener)
 , mUpdatesEnabled(store.mUpdatesEnabled)
 , mFirstAutoEquip(store.mFirstAutoEquip)
 , mPermanentMagicEffectMagnitudes(store.mPermanentMagicEffectMagnitudes)
 , mSelectedEnchantItem(end())
 , mRechargingItemsUpToDate(false)
    copySlots (store);

MWWorld::InventoryStore& MWWorld::InventoryStore::operator= (const InventoryStore& store)
    mListener = store.mListener;
    mMagicEffects = store.mMagicEffects;
    mFirstAutoEquip = store.mFirstAutoEquip;
    mPermanentMagicEffectMagnitudes = store.mPermanentMagicEffectMagnitudes;
    mRechargingItemsUpToDate = false;
    ContainerStore::operator= (store);
    copySlots (store);
    return *this;

MWWorld::ContainerStoreIterator MWWorld::InventoryStore::add(const Ptr& itemPtr, int count, const Ptr& actorPtr, bool setOwner)
    const MWWorld::ContainerStoreIterator& retVal = MWWorld::ContainerStore::add(itemPtr, count, actorPtr, setOwner);

    // Auto-equip items if an armor/clothing or weapon item is added, but not for the player nor werewolves
    if (actorPtr != MWMechanics::getPlayer()
            && actorPtr.getClass().isNpc() && !actorPtr.getClass().getNpcStats(actorPtr).isWerewolf())
        std::string type = itemPtr.getTypeName();
        if (type == typeid(ESM::Armor).name() || type == typeid(ESM::Clothing).name())

    return retVal;

void MWWorld::InventoryStore::equip (int slot, const ContainerStoreIterator& iterator, const Ptr& actor)
    if (iterator == end())
        throw std::runtime_error ("can't equip end() iterator, use unequip function instead");

    if (slot<0 || slot>=static_cast<int> (mSlots.size()))
        throw std::runtime_error ("slot number out of range");

    if (iterator.getContainerStore()!=this)
        throw std::runtime_error ("attempt to equip an item that is not in the inventory");

    std::pair<std::vector<int>, bool> slots_;

    slots_ = iterator->getClass().getEquipmentSlots (*iterator);

    if (std::find (slots_.first.begin(), slots_.first.end(), slot)==slots_.first.end())
        throw std::runtime_error ("invalid slot");

    if (mSlots[slot] != end())
        unequipSlot(slot, actor);

    // unstack item pointed to by iterator if required
    if (iterator!=end() && !slots_.second && iterator->getRefData().getCount() > 1) // if slots.second is true, item can stay stacked when equipped
        unstack(*iterator, actor);

    mSlots[slot] = iterator;




void MWWorld::InventoryStore::unequipAll(const MWWorld::Ptr& actor)
    mUpdatesEnabled = false;
    for (int slot=0; slot < MWWorld::InventoryStore::Slots; ++slot)
        unequipSlot(slot, actor);

    mUpdatesEnabled = true;


MWWorld::ContainerStoreIterator MWWorld::InventoryStore::getSlot (int slot)
    return findSlot (slot);

MWWorld::ConstContainerStoreIterator MWWorld::InventoryStore::getSlot (int slot) const
    return findSlot (slot);

bool MWWorld::InventoryStore::canActorAutoEquip(const MWWorld::Ptr& actor, const MWWorld::Ptr& item)
    if (!Settings::Manager::getBool("prevent merchant equipping", "Game"))
        return true;

    // Only autoEquip if we are the original owner of the item.
    // This stops merchants from auto equipping anything you sell to them.
    // ...unless this is a companion, he should always equip items given to him.
    if (!Misc::StringUtils::ciEqual(item.getCellRef().getOwner(), actor.getCellRef().getRefId()) &&
            (actor.getClass().getScript(actor).empty() ||
            !actor.getRefData().getLocals().getIntVar(actor.getClass().getScript(actor), "companion"))
            && !actor.getClass().getCreatureStats(actor).isDead() // Corpses can be dressed up by the player as desired
        return false;

    return true;

MWWorld::ContainerStoreIterator MWWorld::InventoryStore::findSlot (int slot) const
    if (slot<0 || slot>=static_cast<int> (mSlots.size()))
        throw std::runtime_error ("slot number out of range");

    if (mSlots[slot]==end())
        return mSlots[slot];

    if (mSlots[slot]->getRefData().getCount()<1)
        // Object has been deleted
        // This should no longer happen, since the new remove function will unequip first

            Start of tes3mp change (major)

            Instead of throwing an error, display an error log message with information about
            the item
        //throw std::runtime_error("Invalid slot, make sure you are not calling RefData::setCount for a container object");
        LOG_MESSAGE_SIMPLE(Log::LOG_ERROR, "Invalid slot, make sure you are not calling RefData::setCount for a container object\n- item was %s",
            End of tes3mp change (major)

    return mSlots[slot];

void MWWorld::InventoryStore::autoEquip (const MWWorld::Ptr& actor)
        Start of tes3mp addition

        We need DedicatedPlayers and DedicatedActors to wear exactly what they're wearing on their
        authority client, so don't auto-equip for them
    if (mwmp::PlayerList::isDedicatedPlayer(actor) || mwmp::Main::get().getCellController()->isDedicatedActor(actor))
        End of tes3mp addition

    const MWBase::World *world = MWBase::Environment::get().getWorld();
    const MWWorld::Store<ESM::GameSetting> &store = world->getStore().get<ESM::GameSetting>();
    MWMechanics::NpcStats& stats = actor.getClass().getNpcStats(actor);

    static float fUnarmoredBase1 = store.find("fUnarmoredBase1")->getFloat();
    static float fUnarmoredBase2 = store.find("fUnarmoredBase2")->getFloat();
    int unarmoredSkill = stats.getSkill(ESM::Skill::Unarmored).getModified();

    float unarmoredRating = (fUnarmoredBase1 * unarmoredSkill) * (fUnarmoredBase2 * unarmoredSkill);

    TSlots slots_;
    initSlots (slots_);

    // Disable model update during auto-equip
    mUpdatesEnabled = false;

    // Autoequip clothing, armor and weapons.
    // Equipping lights is handled in Actors::updateEquippedLight based on environment light.
    for (ContainerStoreIterator iter (begin(ContainerStore::Type_Clothing | ContainerStore::Type_Armor)); iter!=end(); ++iter)
        Ptr test = *iter;

        if (!canActorAutoEquip(actor, test))

        switch(test.getClass().canBeEquipped (test, actor).first)
            case 0:

        if (iter.getType() == ContainerStore::Type_Armor &&
                test.getClass().getEffectiveArmorRating(test, actor) <= std::max(unarmoredRating, 0.f))

        std::pair<std::vector<int>, bool> itemsSlots =
            iter->getClass().getEquipmentSlots (*iter);

        // checking if current item poited by iter can be equipped
        for (std::vector<int>::const_iterator iter2 (itemsSlots.first.begin());
            iter2!=itemsSlots.first.end(); ++iter2)
            // if true then it means slot is equipped already
            // check if slot may require swapping if current item is more valueable
            if (slots_.at (*iter2)!=end())
                Ptr old = *slots_.at (*iter2);

                if (iter.getType() == ContainerStore::Type_Armor)
                    if (old.getTypeName() == typeid(ESM::Armor).name())
                        if (old.get<ESM::Armor>()->mBase->mData.mType < test.get<ESM::Armor>()->mBase->mData.mType)

                        if (old.get<ESM::Armor>()->mBase->mData.mType == test.get<ESM::Armor>()->mBase->mData.mType)
                            if (old.getClass().getEffectiveArmorRating(old, actor) >= test.getClass().getEffectiveArmorRating(test, actor))
                                // old armor had better armor rating
                    // suitable armor should replace already equipped clothing
                else if (iter.getType() == ContainerStore::Type_Clothing)
                    // if left ring is equipped
                    if (*iter2 == Slot_LeftRing)
                        // if there is a place for right ring dont swap it
                        if (slots_.at(Slot_RightRing) == end())
                        else // if right ring is equipped too
                            Ptr rightRing = *slots_.at(Slot_RightRing);

                            // we want to swap cheaper ring only if both are equipped
                            if (old.getClass().getValue (old) >= rightRing.getClass().getValue (rightRing))

                    if (old.getTypeName() == typeid(ESM::Clothing).name())
                        // check value
                        if (old.getClass().getValue (old) >= test.getClass().getValue (test))
                            // old clothing was more valuable
                        // suitable clothing should NOT replace already equipped armor

            if (!itemsSlots.second) // if itemsSlots.second is true, item can stay stacked when equipped
                // unstack item pointed to by iterator if required
                if (iter->getRefData().getCount() > 1)
                    unstack(*iter, actor);

            // if we are here it means item can be equipped or swapped
            slots_[*iter2] = iter;

    static const ESM::Skill::SkillEnum weaponSkills[] =
    const size_t weaponSkillsLength = sizeof(weaponSkills) / sizeof(weaponSkills[0]);

    bool weaponSkillVisited[weaponSkillsLength] = { false };

    for (int i = 0; i < static_cast<int>(weaponSkillsLength); ++i)
        int max = 0;
        int maxWeaponSkill = -1;

        for (int j = 0; j < static_cast<int>(weaponSkillsLength); ++j)
            int skillValue = stats.getSkill(static_cast<int>(weaponSkills[j])).getModified();

            if (skillValue > max && !weaponSkillVisited[j])
                max = skillValue;
                maxWeaponSkill = j;

        if (maxWeaponSkill == -1)

        max = 0;
        ContainerStoreIterator weapon(end());

        for (ContainerStoreIterator iter(begin(ContainerStore::Type_Weapon)); iter!=end(); ++iter)
            if (!canActorAutoEquip(actor, *iter))

            const ESM::Weapon* esmWeapon = iter->get<ESM::Weapon>()->mBase;

            if (esmWeapon->mData.mType == ESM::Weapon::Arrow || esmWeapon->mData.mType == ESM::Weapon::Bolt)

            if (iter->getClass().getEquipmentSkill(*iter) == weaponSkills[maxWeaponSkill])
                if (esmWeapon->mData.mChop[1] >= max)
                    max = esmWeapon->mData.mChop[1];
                    weapon = iter;

                if (esmWeapon->mData.mSlash[1] >= max)
                    max = esmWeapon->mData.mSlash[1];
                    weapon = iter;

                if (esmWeapon->mData.mThrust[1] >= max)
                    max = esmWeapon->mData.mThrust[1];
                    weapon = iter;

        if (weapon != end() && weapon->getClass().canBeEquipped(*weapon, actor).first)
            std::pair<std::vector<int>, bool> itemsSlots =
                weapon->getClass().getEquipmentSlots (*weapon);

            if (!itemsSlots.first.empty())
                if (!itemsSlots.second)
                    if (weapon->getRefData().getCount() > 1)
                        unstack(*weapon, actor);

                int slot = itemsSlots.first.front();
                slots_[slot] = weapon;


        weaponSkillVisited[maxWeaponSkill] = true;

    bool changed = false;

    for (std::size_t i=0; i<slots_.size(); ++i)
        if (slots_[i] != mSlots[i])
            changed = true;
    mUpdatesEnabled = true;

    if (changed)
        mSlots.swap (slots_);

void MWWorld::InventoryStore::autoEquipShield(const MWWorld::Ptr& actor)
    bool updated = false;

    mUpdatesEnabled = false;
    for (ContainerStoreIterator iter(begin(ContainerStore::Type_Armor)); iter != end(); ++iter)
        if (iter->get<ESM::Armor>()->mBase->mData.mType != ESM::Armor::Shield)

        if (iter->getClass().canBeEquipped(*iter, actor).first != 1)

        if (iter->getClass().getItemHealth(*iter) <= 0)

        std::pair<std::vector<int>, bool> shieldSlots =

        if (shieldSlots.first.empty())

        int slot = shieldSlots.first[0];
        const ContainerStoreIterator& shield = mSlots[slot];

        if (shield != end()
                && shield.getType() == Type_Armor && shield->get<ESM::Armor>()->mBase->mData.mType == ESM::Armor::Shield)
            if (shield->getClass().getItemHealth(*shield) >= iter->getClass().getItemHealth(*iter))

        equip(slot, iter, actor);
        updated = true;
    mUpdatesEnabled = true;

    if (updated)

const MWMechanics::MagicEffects& MWWorld::InventoryStore::getMagicEffects() const
    return mMagicEffects;

void MWWorld::InventoryStore::updateMagicEffects(const Ptr& actor)
    // To avoid excessive updates during auto-equip
    if (!mUpdatesEnabled)

    // Delay update until the listener is set up
    if (!mListener)

    mMagicEffects = MWMechanics::MagicEffects();

    if (actor.getClass().getCreatureStats(actor).isDead())

    for (TSlots::const_iterator iter (mSlots.begin()); iter!=mSlots.end(); ++iter)
        if (*iter==end())

        std::string enchantmentId = (*iter)->getClass().getEnchantment (**iter);

        if (!enchantmentId.empty())
            const ESM::Enchantment& enchantment =
                *MWBase::Environment::get().getWorld()->getStore().get<ESM::Enchantment>().find (enchantmentId);

            if (enchantment.mData.mType != ESM::Enchantment::ConstantEffect)

            std::vector<EffectParams> params;

            bool existed = (mPermanentMagicEffectMagnitudes.find((**iter).getCellRef().getRefId()) != mPermanentMagicEffectMagnitudes.end());
            if (!existed)
                // Roll some dice, one for each effect
                for (unsigned int i=0; i<params.size();++i)
                    params[i].mRandom = Misc::Rng::rollClosedProbability();

                // Try resisting each effect
                int i=0;
                for (std::vector<ESM::ENAMstruct>::const_iterator effectIt (enchantment.mEffects.mList.begin());
                    effectIt!=enchantment.mEffects.mList.end(); ++effectIt)
                    params[i].mMultiplier = MWMechanics::getEffectMultiplier(effectIt->mEffectID, actor, actor);

                // Note that using the RefID as a key here is not entirely correct.
                // Consider equipping the same item twice (e.g. a ring)
                // However, permanent enchantments with a random magnitude are kind of an exploit anyway,
                // so it doesn't really matter if both items will get the same magnitude. *Extreme* edge case.
                mPermanentMagicEffectMagnitudes[(**iter).getCellRef().getRefId()] = params;
                params = mPermanentMagicEffectMagnitudes[(**iter).getCellRef().getRefId()];

            int i=0;
            for (std::vector<ESM::ENAMstruct>::const_iterator effectIt (enchantment.mEffects.mList.begin());
                effectIt!=enchantment.mEffects.mList.end(); ++effectIt, ++i)
                const ESM::MagicEffect *magicEffect =
                    MWBase::Environment::get().getWorld()->getStore().get<ESM::MagicEffect>().find (

                // Fully resisted or can't be applied to target?
                if (params[i].mMultiplier == 0 || !MWMechanics::checkEffectTarget(effectIt->mEffectID, actor, actor, actor == MWMechanics::getPlayer()))

                float magnitude = effectIt->mMagnMin + (effectIt->mMagnMax - effectIt->mMagnMin) * params[i].mRandom;
                magnitude *= params[i].mMultiplier;

                if (!existed)
                    // During first auto equip, we don't play any sounds.
                    // Basically we don't want sounds when the actor is first loaded,
                    // the items should appear as if they'd always been equipped.
                    mListener->permanentEffectAdded(magicEffect, !mFirstAutoEquip);

                if (magnitude)
                    mMagicEffects.add (*effectIt, magnitude);

    // Now drop expired effects
    for (TEffectMagnitudes::iterator it = mPermanentMagicEffectMagnitudes.begin();
         it != mPermanentMagicEffectMagnitudes.end();)
        bool found = false;
        for (TSlots::const_iterator iter (mSlots.begin()); iter!=mSlots.end(); ++iter)
            if (*iter == end())
            if ((**iter).getCellRef().getRefId() == it->first)
                found = true;
        if (!found)

    // Magic effects are normally not updated when paused, but we need this to make resistances work immediately after equipping

    mFirstAutoEquip = false;

void MWWorld::InventoryStore::flagAsModified()
    mRechargingItemsUpToDate = false;

bool MWWorld::InventoryStore::stacks(const ConstPtr& ptr1, const ConstPtr& ptr2) const
    bool canStack = MWWorld::ContainerStore::stacks(ptr1, ptr2);
    if (!canStack)
        return false;

    // don't stack if either item is currently equipped
    for (TSlots::const_iterator iter (mSlots.begin());
        iter!=mSlots.end(); ++iter)
        if (*iter != end() && (ptr1 == **iter || ptr2 == **iter))
            bool stackWhenEquipped = (*iter)->getClass().getEquipmentSlots(**iter).second;
            if (!stackWhenEquipped)
                return false;

    return true;

void MWWorld::InventoryStore::setSelectedEnchantItem(const ContainerStoreIterator& iterator)
    mSelectedEnchantItem = iterator;

MWWorld::ContainerStoreIterator MWWorld::InventoryStore::getSelectedEnchantItem()
    return mSelectedEnchantItem;

int MWWorld::InventoryStore::remove(const std::string& itemId, int count, const Ptr& actor)
    return remove(itemId, count, actor, false);

int MWWorld::InventoryStore::remove(const Ptr& item, int count, const Ptr& actor)
    return remove(item, count, actor, false);

int MWWorld::InventoryStore::remove(const std::string& itemId, int count, const Ptr& actor, bool equipReplacement)
    int toRemove = count;

    for (ContainerStoreIterator iter(begin()); iter != end() && toRemove > 0; ++iter)
        if (Misc::StringUtils::ciEqual(iter->getCellRef().getRefId(), itemId))
            toRemove -= remove(*iter, toRemove, actor, equipReplacement);


    // number of removed items
    return count - toRemove;

int MWWorld::InventoryStore::remove(const Ptr& item, int count, const Ptr& actor, bool equipReplacement)
    int retCount = ContainerStore::remove(item, count, actor);

    bool wasEquipped = false;
    if (!item.getRefData().getCount())
        for (int slot=0; slot < MWWorld::InventoryStore::Slots; ++slot)
            if (mSlots[slot] == end())

            if (*mSlots[slot] == item)
                unequipSlot(slot, actor);
                wasEquipped = true;

    // If an armor/clothing item is removed, try to find a replacement,
    // but not for the player nor werewolves, and not if the RemoveItem script command
    // was used (equipReplacement is false)
    if (equipReplacement && wasEquipped && (actor != MWMechanics::getPlayer())
            && actor.getClass().isNpc() && !actor.getClass().getNpcStats(actor).isWerewolf())
        std::string type = item.getTypeName();
        if (type == typeid(ESM::Armor).name() || type == typeid(ESM::Clothing).name())

    if (item.getRefData().getCount() == 0 && mSelectedEnchantItem != end()
            && *mSelectedEnchantItem == item)
        mSelectedEnchantItem = end();

    return retCount;

MWWorld::ContainerStoreIterator MWWorld::InventoryStore::unequipSlot(int slot, const MWWorld::Ptr& actor)
    if (slot<0 || slot>=static_cast<int> (mSlots.size()))
        throw std::runtime_error ("slot number out of range");

    ContainerStoreIterator it = mSlots[slot];

    if (it != end())
        ContainerStoreIterator retval = it;

        // empty this slot
        mSlots[slot] = end();

        if (it->getRefData().getCount())
            retval = restack(*it);

            if (actor == MWMechanics::getPlayer())
                // Unset OnPCEquip Variable on item's script, if it has a script with that variable declared
                const std::string& script = it->getClass().getScript(*it);
                if (script != "")
                    (*it).getRefData().getLocals().setVarByInt(script, "onpcequip", 0);

            if ((mSelectedEnchantItem != end()) && (mSelectedEnchantItem == it))
                mSelectedEnchantItem = end();


        return retval;

    return it;

MWWorld::ContainerStoreIterator MWWorld::InventoryStore::unequipItem(const MWWorld::Ptr& item, const MWWorld::Ptr& actor)
    for (int slot=0; slot<MWWorld::InventoryStore::Slots; ++slot)
        MWWorld::ContainerStoreIterator equipped = getSlot(slot);
        if (equipped != end() && *equipped == item)
            return unequipSlot(slot, actor);

    throw std::runtime_error ("attempt to unequip an item that is not currently equipped");

MWWorld::ContainerStoreIterator MWWorld::InventoryStore::unequipItemQuantity(const Ptr& item, const Ptr& actor, int count)
    if (!isEquipped(item))
        throw std::runtime_error ("attempt to unequip an item that is not currently equipped");
    if (count <= 0)
        throw std::runtime_error ("attempt to unequip nothing (count <= 0)");
    if (count > item.getRefData().getCount())
        throw std::runtime_error ("attempt to unequip more items than equipped");

    if (count == item.getRefData().getCount())
        return unequipItem(item, actor);

    // Move items to an existing stack if possible, otherwise split count items out into a new stack.
    // Moving counts manually here, since ContainerStore's restack can't target unequipped stacks.
    for (MWWorld::ContainerStoreIterator iter (begin()); iter != end(); ++iter)
        if (stacks(*iter, item) && !isEquipped(*iter))
            iter->getRefData().setCount(iter->getRefData().getCount() + count);
            item.getRefData().setCount(item.getRefData().getCount() - count);
            return iter;

    return unstack(item, actor, item.getRefData().getCount() - count);

MWWorld::InventoryStoreListener* MWWorld::InventoryStore::getInvListener()
    return mListener;

void MWWorld::InventoryStore::setInvListener(InventoryStoreListener *listener, const Ptr& actor)
    mListener = listener;

void MWWorld::InventoryStore::fireEquipmentChangedEvent(const Ptr& actor)
    if (!mUpdatesEnabled)
    if (mListener)

    // if player, update inventory window
    if (actor == MWMechanics::getPlayer())

void MWWorld::InventoryStore::visitEffectSources(MWMechanics::EffectSourceVisitor &visitor)
    for (TSlots::const_iterator iter (mSlots.begin()); iter!=mSlots.end(); ++iter)
        if (*iter==end())

        std::string enchantmentId = (*iter)->getClass().getEnchantment (**iter);
        if (enchantmentId.empty())

        const ESM::Enchantment& enchantment =
            *MWBase::Environment::get().getWorld()->getStore().get<ESM::Enchantment>().find (enchantmentId);

        if (enchantment.mData.mType != ESM::Enchantment::ConstantEffect)

        if (mPermanentMagicEffectMagnitudes.find((**iter).getCellRef().getRefId()) == mPermanentMagicEffectMagnitudes.end())

        int i=0;
        for (std::vector<ESM::ENAMstruct>::const_iterator effectIt (enchantment.mEffects.mList.begin());
            effectIt!=enchantment.mEffects.mList.end(); ++effectIt, ++i)
            // Don't get spell icon display information for enchantments that weren't actually applied
            if (mMagicEffects.get(MWMechanics::EffectKey(*effectIt)).getMagnitude() == 0)
            const EffectParams& params = mPermanentMagicEffectMagnitudes[(**iter).getCellRef().getRefId()][i];
            float magnitude = effectIt->mMagnMin + (effectIt->mMagnMax - effectIt->mMagnMin) * params.mRandom;
            magnitude *= params.mMultiplier;
            if (magnitude > 0)
                visitor.visit(MWMechanics::EffectKey(*effectIt), (**iter).getClass().getName(**iter), (**iter).getCellRef().getRefId(), -1, magnitude);

void MWWorld::InventoryStore::updateRechargingItems()
    for (ContainerStoreIterator it = begin(); it != end(); ++it)
        if (it->getClass().getEnchantment(*it) != "")
            std::string enchantmentId = it->getClass().getEnchantment(*it);
            const ESM::Enchantment* enchantment = MWBase::Environment::get().getWorld()->getStore().get<ESM::Enchantment>().search(
            if (!enchantment)
                std::cerr << "Warning: Can't find enchantment '" << enchantmentId << "' on item " << it->getCellRef().getRefId() << std::endl;

            if (enchantment->mData.mType == ESM::Enchantment::WhenUsed
                    || enchantment->mData.mType == ESM::Enchantment::WhenStrikes)
                mRechargingItems.push_back(std::make_pair(it, static_cast<float>(enchantment->mData.mCharge)));

void MWWorld::InventoryStore::rechargeItems(float duration)
    if (!mRechargingItemsUpToDate)
        mRechargingItemsUpToDate = true;
    for (TRechargingItems::iterator it = mRechargingItems.begin(); it != mRechargingItems.end(); ++it)
        if (it->first->getCellRef().getEnchantmentCharge() == -1
                || it->first->getCellRef().getEnchantmentCharge() == it->second)

        static float fMagicItemRechargePerSecond = MWBase::Environment::get().getWorld()->getStore().get<ESM::GameSetting>().find(

        if (it->first->getCellRef().getEnchantmentCharge() <= it->second)
            it->first->getCellRef().setEnchantmentCharge(std::min (it->first->getCellRef().getEnchantmentCharge() + fMagicItemRechargePerSecond * duration,

            // attempt to restack when fully recharged
            if (it->first->getCellRef().getEnchantmentCharge() == it->second)
                it->first = restack(*it->first);

void MWWorld::InventoryStore::purgeEffect(short effectId)
    for (TSlots::const_iterator it = mSlots.begin(); it != mSlots.end(); ++it)
        if (*it != end())
            purgeEffect(effectId, (*it)->getCellRef().getRefId());

void MWWorld::InventoryStore::purgeEffect(short effectId, const std::string &sourceId)
    TEffectMagnitudes::iterator effectMagnitudeIt = mPermanentMagicEffectMagnitudes.find(sourceId);
    if (effectMagnitudeIt == mPermanentMagicEffectMagnitudes.end())

    for (TSlots::const_iterator iter (mSlots.begin()); iter!=mSlots.end(); ++iter)
        if (*iter==end())

        if ((*iter)->getCellRef().getRefId() != sourceId)

        std::string enchantmentId = (*iter)->getClass().getEnchantment (**iter);

        if (!enchantmentId.empty())
            const ESM::Enchantment& enchantment =
                *MWBase::Environment::get().getWorld()->getStore().get<ESM::Enchantment>().find (enchantmentId);

            if (enchantment.mData.mType != ESM::Enchantment::ConstantEffect)

            std::vector<EffectParams>& params = effectMagnitudeIt->second;

            int i=0;
            for (std::vector<ESM::ENAMstruct>::const_iterator effectIt (enchantment.mEffects.mList.begin());
                effectIt!=enchantment.mEffects.mList.end(); ++effectIt, ++i)
                if (effectIt->mEffectID != effectId)

                float magnitude = effectIt->mMagnMin + (effectIt->mMagnMax - effectIt->mMagnMin) * params[i].mRandom;
                magnitude *= params[i].mMultiplier;

                if (magnitude)
                    mMagicEffects.add (*effectIt, -magnitude);

                params[i].mMultiplier = 0;

void MWWorld::InventoryStore::clear()
    initSlots (mSlots);

bool MWWorld::InventoryStore::isEquipped(const MWWorld::ConstPtr &item)
    for (int i=0; i < MWWorld::InventoryStore::Slots; ++i)
        if (getSlot(i) != end() && *getSlot(i) == item)
            return true;
    return false;

void MWWorld::InventoryStore::writeState(ESM::InventoryState &state) const

    for (TEffectMagnitudes::const_iterator it = mPermanentMagicEffectMagnitudes.begin(); it != mPermanentMagicEffectMagnitudes.end(); ++it)
        std::vector<std::pair<float, float> > params;
        for (std::vector<EffectParams>::const_iterator pIt = it->second.begin(); pIt != it->second.end(); ++pIt)
            params.push_back(std::make_pair(pIt->mRandom, pIt->mMultiplier));

        state.mPermanentMagicEffectMagnitudes[it->first] = params;

void MWWorld::InventoryStore::readState(const ESM::InventoryState &state)

    for (ESM::InventoryState::TEffectMagnitudes::const_iterator it = state.mPermanentMagicEffectMagnitudes.begin();
         it != state.mPermanentMagicEffectMagnitudes.end(); ++it)
        std::vector<EffectParams> params;
        for (std::vector<std::pair<float, float> >::const_iterator pIt = it->second.begin(); pIt != it->second.end(); ++pIt)
            EffectParams p;
            p.mRandom = pIt->first;
            p.mMultiplier = pIt->second;

        mPermanentMagicEffectMagnitudes[it->first] = params;