// // Created by koncord on 21.04.17. // #include <RakPeerInterface.h> #include <RakSleep.h> #include <BitStream.h> #include <iostream> #include <Kbhit.h> #include <Gets.h> #include <components/openmw-mp/Master/MasterData.hpp> #include <components/openmw-mp/Master/PacketMasterAnnounce.hpp> #include <components/openmw-mp/Master/PacketMasterUpdate.hpp> #include <components/openmw-mp/Master/PacketMasterQuery.hpp> #include <components/openmw-mp/NetworkMessages.hpp> using namespace std; using namespace RakNet; using namespace mwmp; int main() { cout << "Server test" << endl; SystemAddress masterAddr("", 25560); RakPeerInterface *peer = RakNet::RakPeerInterface::GetInstance(); RakNet::SocketDescriptor sd(25565, 0); peer->Startup(8, &sd, 1); ConnectionAttemptResult result = peer->Connect(masterAddr.ToString(false), masterAddr.GetPort(), "pass", (int)(strlen("pass")), 0, 0, 5, 500); assert(result == RakNet::CONNECTION_ATTEMPT_STARTED); char message[2048]; BitStream send; PacketMasterQuery pmq(peer); pmq.SetSendStream(&send); PacketMasterAnnounce pma(peer); pma.SetSendStream(&send); while (true) { RakSleep(30); if (kbhit()) { Gets(message, sizeof(message)); if (strcmp(message, "quit") == 0) { puts("Quitting."); break; } else if (strcmp(message, "send") == 0) { puts("Sending data about server"); QueryData server; server.SetName("Super Server"); server.SetPlayers(0); server.SetMaxPlayers(0); pma.SetServer(&server); pma.SetFunc(PacketMasterAnnounce::FUNCTION_ANNOUNCE); pma.Send(masterAddr); } else if (strcmp(message, "get") == 0) { puts("Request query info"); send.Reset(); send.Write((unsigned char) (ID_MASTER_QUERY)); peer->Send(&send, HIGH_PRIORITY, RELIABLE_ORDERED, CHANNEL_MASTER, masterAddr, false); } else if (strcmp(message, "getme") == 0) { send.Reset(); send.Write((unsigned char) (ID_MASTER_UPDATE)); send.Write(SystemAddress("", 25565)); peer->Send(&send, HIGH_PRIORITY, RELIABLE_ORDERED, CHANNEL_MASTER, masterAddr, false); } else if (strcmp(message, "status") == 0) { cout << (peer->GetConnectionState(masterAddr) == IS_CONNECTED ? "Connected" : "Not connected") << endl; } else if (strcmp(message, "keep") == 0) { cout << "Sending keep alive" << endl; pma.SetFunc(PacketMasterAnnounce::FUNCTION_KEEP); pma.Send(masterAddr); } } for (RakNet::Packet *packet = peer->Receive(); packet; peer->DeallocatePacket(packet), packet = peer->Receive()) { BitStream data(packet->data, packet->length, false); unsigned char packetID; data.Read(packetID); switch (packetID) { case ID_DISCONNECTION_NOTIFICATION: // Connection lost normally printf("ID_DISCONNECTION_NOTIFICATION\n"); break; case ID_ALREADY_CONNECTED: // Connection lost normally printf("ID_ALREADY_CONNECTED with guid %lu\n", packet->guid.g); break; case ID_INCOMPATIBLE_PROTOCOL_VERSION: printf("ID_INCOMPATIBLE_PROTOCOL_VERSION\n"); break; case ID_REMOTE_DISCONNECTION_NOTIFICATION: // Server telling the clients of another client disconnecting gracefully. You can manually broadcast this in a peer to peer enviroment if you want. printf("ID_REMOTE_DISCONNECTION_NOTIFICATION\n"); break; case ID_REMOTE_CONNECTION_LOST: // Server telling the clients of another client disconnecting forcefully. You can manually broadcast this in a peer to peer enviroment if you want. printf("ID_REMOTE_CONNECTION_LOST\n"); break; case ID_REMOTE_NEW_INCOMING_CONNECTION: // Server telling the clients of another client connecting. You can manually broadcast this in a peer to peer enviroment if you want. printf("ID_REMOTE_NEW_INCOMING_CONNECTION\n"); break; case ID_CONNECTION_BANNED: // Banned from this server printf("We are banned from this server.\n"); break; case ID_CONNECTION_ATTEMPT_FAILED: printf("Connection attempt failed\n"); break; case ID_NO_FREE_INCOMING_CONNECTIONS: // Sorry, the server is full. I don't do anything here but // A real app should tell the user printf("ID_NO_FREE_INCOMING_CONNECTIONS\n"); break; case ID_INVALID_PASSWORD: printf("ID_INVALID_PASSWORD\n"); break; case ID_CONNECTION_LOST: // Couldn't deliver a reliable packet - i.e. the other system was abnormally // terminated printf("ID_CONNECTION_LOST\n"); return 0; break; case ID_CONNECTION_REQUEST_ACCEPTED: // This tells the client they have connected printf("ID_CONNECTION_REQUEST_ACCEPTED to %s with GUID %s\n", packet->systemAddress.ToString(true), packet->guid.ToString()); printf("My external address is %s\n", peer->GetExternalID(packet->systemAddress).ToString(true)); break; case ID_MASTER_QUERY: { map<SystemAddress, QueryData> servers; pmq.SetReadStream(&data); pmq.SetServers(&servers); pmq.Read(); cout << "Received query data about " << servers.size() << " servers" << endl; for (auto serv : servers) cout << serv.second.GetName() << endl; break; } case ID_MASTER_UPDATE: { pair<SystemAddress, QueryData> serverPair; PacketMasterUpdate pmu(peer); pmu.SetReadStream(&data); pmu.SetServer(&serverPair); pmu.Read(); cout << "Received info about " << serverPair.first.ToString() << endl; cout << serverPair.second.GetName() << endl; break; } default: cout << "Wrong packet" << endl; } } } peer->Shutdown(1000); RakPeerInterface::DestroyInstance(peer); }