#ifndef OPENMW_MECHANICSAPI_HPP #define OPENMW_MECHANICSAPI_HPP #include "../Types.hpp" #define MECHANICSAPI \ {"GetMiscellaneousChangeType", MechanicsFunctions::GetMiscellaneousChangeType},\ \ {"GetMarkCell", MechanicsFunctions::GetMarkCell},\ {"GetMarkPosX", MechanicsFunctions::GetMarkPosX},\ {"GetMarkPosY", MechanicsFunctions::GetMarkPosY},\ {"GetMarkPosZ", MechanicsFunctions::GetMarkPosZ},\ {"GetMarkRotX", MechanicsFunctions::GetMarkRotX},\ {"GetMarkRotZ", MechanicsFunctions::GetMarkRotZ},\ {"GetSelectedSpellId", MechanicsFunctions::GetSelectedSpellId},\ \ {"DoesPlayerHavePlayerKiller", MechanicsFunctions::DoesPlayerHavePlayerKiller},\ {"GetPlayerKillerPid", MechanicsFunctions::GetPlayerKillerPid},\ {"GetPlayerKillerRefId", MechanicsFunctions::GetPlayerKillerRefId},\ {"GetPlayerKillerRefNum", MechanicsFunctions::GetPlayerKillerRefNum},\ {"GetPlayerKillerMpNum", MechanicsFunctions::GetPlayerKillerMpNum},\ {"GetPlayerKillerName", MechanicsFunctions::GetPlayerKillerName},\ \ {"GetDrawState", MechanicsFunctions::GetDrawState},\ {"GetSneakState", MechanicsFunctions::GetSneakState},\ \ {"SetMarkCell", MechanicsFunctions::SetMarkCell},\ {"SetMarkPos", MechanicsFunctions::SetMarkPos},\ {"SetMarkRot", MechanicsFunctions::SetMarkRot},\ {"SetSelectedSpellId", MechanicsFunctions::SetSelectedSpellId},\ \ {"SendMarkLocation", MechanicsFunctions::SendMarkLocation},\ {"SendSelectedSpell", MechanicsFunctions::SendSelectedSpell},\ \ {"Jail", MechanicsFunctions::Jail},\ {"Resurrect", MechanicsFunctions::Resurrect},\ \ {"GetDeathReason", MechanicsFunctions::GetDeathReason},\ {"GetPlayerKillerRefNumIndex", MechanicsFunctions::GetPlayerKillerRefNumIndex} namespace MechanicsFunctions { /** * \brief Get the type of a PlayerMiscellaneous packet. * * \param pid The player ID. * \return The type. */ extern "C" unsigned char GetMiscellaneousChangeType(unsigned short pid) noexcept; /** * \brief Get the cell description of a player's Mark cell. * * \param pid The player ID. * \return The cell description. */ extern "C" const char *GetMarkCell(unsigned short pid) noexcept; /** * \brief Get the X position of a player's Mark. * * \param pid The player ID. * \return The X position. */ extern "C" double GetMarkPosX(unsigned short pid) noexcept; /** * \brief Get the Y position of a player's Mark. * * \param pid The player ID. * \return The Y position. */ extern "C" double GetMarkPosY(unsigned short pid) noexcept; /** * \brief Get the Z position of a player's Mark. * * \param pid The player ID. * \return The Z position. */ extern "C" double GetMarkPosZ(unsigned short pid) noexcept; /** * \brief Get the X rotation of a player's Mark. * * \param pid The player ID. * \return The X rotation. */ extern "C" double GetMarkRotX(unsigned short pid) noexcept; /** * \brief Get the Z rotation of a player's Mark. * * \param pid The player ID. * \return The X rotation. */ extern "C" double GetMarkRotZ(unsigned short pid) noexcept; /** * \brief Get the ID of a player's selected spell. * * \param pid The player ID. * \return The spell ID. */ extern "C" const char *GetSelectedSpellId(unsigned short pid) noexcept; /** * \brief Check whether the killer of a certain player is also a player. * * \param pid The player ID of the killed player. * \return Whether the player was killed by another player. */ extern "C" bool DoesPlayerHavePlayerKiller(unsigned short pid) noexcept; /** * \brief Get the player ID of the killer of a certain player. * * \param pid The player ID of the killed player. * \return The player ID of the killer. */ extern "C" int GetPlayerKillerPid(unsigned short pid) noexcept; /** * \brief Get the refId of the actor killer of a certain player. * * \param pid The player ID of the killed player. * \return The refId of the killer. */ extern "C" const char *GetPlayerKillerRefId(unsigned short pid) noexcept; /** * \brief Get the refNum of the actor killer of a certain player. * * \param pid The player ID of the killed player. * \return The refNum of the killer. */ extern "C" unsigned int GetPlayerKillerRefNum(unsigned short pid) noexcept; /** * \brief Get the mpNum of the actor killer of a certain player. * * \param pid The player ID of the killed player. * \return The mpNum of the killer. */ extern "C" unsigned int GetPlayerKillerMpNum(unsigned short pid) noexcept; /** * \brief Get the name of the actor killer of a certain player. * * \param pid The player ID of the killed player. * \return The name of the killer. */ extern "C" const char *GetPlayerKillerName(unsigned short pid) noexcept; /** * \brief Get the draw state of a player (0 for nothing, 1 for drawn weapon, * 2 for drawn spell). * * \param pid The player ID. * \return The draw state. */ extern "C" unsigned int GetDrawState(unsigned short pid) noexcept; /** * \brief Get the sneak state of a player. * * \param pid The player ID. * \return Whether the player is sneaking. */ extern "C" bool GetSneakState(unsigned short pid) noexcept; /** * \brief Set the Mark cell of a player. * * This changes the Mark cell recorded for that player in the server memory, but does not by itself * send a packet. * * The cell is determined to be an exterior cell if it fits the pattern of a number followed * by a comma followed by another number. * * \param pid The player ID. * \param cellDescription The cell description. * \return void */ extern "C" void SetMarkCell(unsigned short pid, const char *cellDescription) noexcept; /** * \brief Set the Mark position of a player. * * This changes the Mark positional coordinates recorded for that player in the server memory, but * does not by itself send a packet. * * \param pid The player ID. * \param x The X position. * \param y The Y position. * \param z The Z position. * \return void */ extern "C" void SetMarkPos(unsigned short pid, double x, double y, double z) noexcept; /** * \brief Set the Mark rotation of a player. * * This changes the Mark positional coordinates recorded for that player in the server memory, but * does not by itself send a packet. * * \param pid The player ID. * \param x The X rotation. * \param z The Z rotation. * \return void */ extern "C" void SetMarkRot(unsigned short pid, double x, double z) noexcept; /** * \brief Set the ID of a player's selected spell. * * This changes the spell ID recorded for that player in the server memory, but does not by itself * send a packet. * * \param pid The player ID. * \param spellId The spell ID. * \return void */ extern "C" void SetSelectedSpellId(unsigned short pid, const char *spellId) noexcept; /** * \brief Send a PlayerMiscellaneous packet with a Mark location to a player. * * \param pid The player ID. * \return void */ extern "C" void SendMarkLocation(unsigned short pid); /** * \brief Send a PlayerMiscellaneous packet with a selected spell ID to a player. * * \param pid The player ID. * \return void */ extern "C" void SendSelectedSpell(unsigned short pid); /** * \brief Send a PlayerJail packet about a player. * * This is similar to the player being jailed by a guard, but provides extra parameters for * increased flexibility. * * It is only sent to the player being jailed, as the other players will be informed of the * jailing's actual consequences via other packets sent by the affected client. * * \param pid The player ID. * \param jailDays The number of days to spend jailed, where each day affects one skill point. * \param ignoreJailTeleportation Whether the player being teleported to the nearest jail * marker should be overridden. * \param ignoreJailSkillIncrease Whether the player's Sneak and Security skills should be * prevented from increasing as a result of the jailing, * overriding default behavior. * \param jailProgressText The text that should be displayed while jailed. * \param jailEndText The text that should be displayed once the jailing period is over. * \return void */ extern "C" void Jail(unsigned short pid, int jailDays, bool ignoreJailTeleportation, bool ignoreJailSkillIncreases, const char* jailProgressText, const char* jailEndText) noexcept; /** * \brief Send a PlayerResurrect packet about a player. * * This sends the packet to all players connected to the server. * * \param pid The player ID. * \param type The type of resurrection (0 for REGULAR, 1 for IMPERIAL_SHRINE, * 2 for TRIBUNAL_TEMPLE). * \return void */ extern "C" void Resurrect(unsigned short pid, unsigned int type) noexcept; // All methods below are deprecated versions of methods from above extern "C" const char *GetDeathReason(unsigned short pid) noexcept; extern "C" unsigned int GetPlayerKillerRefNumIndex(unsigned short pid) noexcept; } #endif //OPENMW_MECHANICSAPI_HPP