forked from mirror/openmw-tes3mp
301 lines
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301 lines
10 KiB
@author Albert Semenov
@date 04/2009
This file is part of MyGUI.
MyGUI is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
MyGUI is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
along with MyGUI. If not, see <>.
#ifndef __MYGUI_LIST_CTRL_H__
#define __MYGUI_LIST_CTRL_H__
#include "MyGUI_Prerequest.h"
#include "MyGUI_DDContainer.h"
#include "MyGUI_IBItemInfo.h"
#include "MyGUI_Any.h"
#include "MyGUI_EventPair.h"
#include "MyGUI_ScrollViewBase.h"
namespace MyGUI
typedef delegates::CDelegate2<ListCtrl*, Widget*> EventHandle_ListCtrlPtrWidgetPtr;
typedef delegates::CDelegate4<ListCtrl*, Widget*, const IBDrawItemInfo &, IntCoord&> EventHandle_ListCtrlPtrWidgetPtrCIBCellDrawInfoRef;
typedef delegates::CDelegate2<ListCtrl*, size_t> EventHandle_ListCtrlPtrSizeT;
typedef delegates::CDelegate2<ListCtrl*, const IBNotifyItemData &> EventHandle_ListCtrlPtrCIBNotifyCellDataRef;
class MYGUI_EXPORT ListCtrl :
public DDContainer,
protected ScrollViewBase
// манипуляции айтемами
//! Get number of items
size_t getItemCount() const { return mItemsInfo.size(); }
//! Insert an item into a array at a specified position
void insertItemAt(size_t _index, Any _data = Any::Null);
//! Add an item to the end of a array
void addItem(Any _data = Any::Null) { insertItemAt(ITEM_NONE, _data); }
//! Remove item at a specified position
void removeItemAt(size_t _index);
//! Remove all items
void removeAllItems();
//! Redraw at a specified position
void redrawItemAt(size_t _index);
//! Redraw all items
void redrawAllItems() { _updateAllVisible(ITEM_NONE, true, true); }
// манипуляции выделениями
//! Get index of selected item (ITEM_NONE if none selected)
size_t getIndexSelected() { return mIndexSelect; }
//! Select specified _index
void setIndexSelected(size_t _index);
//! Clear item selection
void clearIndexSelected() { setIndexSelected(ITEM_NONE); }
// манипуляции данными
//! Replace an item data at a specified position
void setItemDataAt(size_t _index, Any _data);
//! Clear an item data at a specified position
void clearItemDataAt(size_t _index) { setItemDataAt(_index, Any::Null); }
//! Get item data from specified position
template <typename ValueType>
ValueType * getItemDataAt(size_t _index, bool _throw = true)
MYGUI_ASSERT_RANGE(_index, mItemsInfo.size(), "ListCtrl::getItemDataAt");
return mItemsInfo[_index].data.castType<ValueType>(_throw);
/** Get item index by item Widget pointer */
size_t getIndexByWidget(Widget* _widget);
/** Get widget created for drop */
Widget* getWidgetDrag() { return mItemDrag; }
/** Get item Widget pointer by item index if it is visible
@note returned widget can be deleted, so this pointer
is valid only at time when you got it and can be invalid
next frame
Widget* getWidgetByIndex(size_t _index);
/** Interrupt drag as if widget was dropped into empty space */
void resetDrag();
//! @copydoc Widget::setPosition(const IntPoint& _value)
virtual void setPosition(const IntPoint& _value);
//! @copydoc Widget::setSize(const IntSize& _value)
virtual void setSize(const IntSize& _value);
//! @copydoc Widget::setCoord(const IntCoord& _value)
virtual void setCoord(const IntCoord& _value);
/** @copydoc Widget::setPosition(int _left, int _top) */
void setPosition(int _left, int _top) { setPosition(IntPoint(_left, _top)); }
/** @copydoc Widget::setSize(int _width, int _height) */
void setSize(int _width, int _height) { setSize(IntSize(_width, _height)); }
/** @copydoc Widget::setCoord(int _left, int _top, int _width, int _height) */
void setCoord(int _left, int _top, int _width, int _height) { setCoord(IntCoord(_left, _top, _width, _height)); }
/** Event : request for creating new item
signature : void method(MyGUI::ListCtrl* _sender, MyGUI::Widget* _item)
@param _sender widget that called this event
@param _item widget item pointer
EventHandle_ListCtrlPtrWidgetPtr requestCreateWidgetItem;
/** Event : request for item redraw
signature : void method(MyGUI::ListCtrl* _sender, MyGUI::Widget* _item, const MyGUI::IBDrawItemInfo& _info)
@param _sender widget that called this event
@param _item widget item pointer
@param _info item info
EventHandle_ListCtrlPtrWidgetPtrCIBCellDrawInfoRef requestDrawItem;
/** Event : doubleclick or enter pressed on item
signature : void method(MyGUI::ListCtrl* _sender, size_t _index)
@param _sender widget that called this event
@param _index item index
EventHandle_ListCtrlPtrSizeT eventSelectItemAccept;
/** Event : position of selected item was changed
signature : void method(MyGUI::ListCtrl* _sender, size_t _index)
@param _sender widget that called this event
@param _index item index
EventHandle_ListCtrlPtrSizeT eventChangeItemPosition;
/** Event : click on item
signature : void method(MyGUI::ListCtrl* _sender, size_t _index)
@param _sender widget that called this event
@param _index item index
EventHandle_ListCtrlPtrSizeT eventMouseItemActivate;
/** Event : notify about event in item widget
signature : void method(MyGUI::ListCtrl* _sender, const MyGUI::IBNotifyItemData& _info)
@param _sender widget that called this event
@param _info info about item notify
EventHandle_ListCtrlPtrCIBNotifyCellDataRef eventNotifyItem;
virtual void _initialise(WidgetStyle _style, const IntCoord& _coord, Align _align, ResourceSkin* _info, Widget* _parent, ICroppedRectangle * _croppedParent, IWidgetCreator * _creator, const std::string& _name);
virtual ~ListCtrl();
struct ItemDataInfo
ItemDataInfo(Any _data) :
data(_data) { }
Any data;
IntSize size;
typedef std::vector<ItemDataInfo> VectorItemInfo;
void baseChangeWidgetSkin(ResourceSkin* _info);
virtual void onMouseButtonPressed(int _left, int _top, MouseButton _id);
virtual void onMouseButtonReleased(int _left, int _top, MouseButton _id);
virtual void onMouseDrag(int _left, int _top);
virtual void onMouseWheel(int _rel);
virtual void onKeyLostFocus(Widget* _new);
virtual void onKeySetFocus(Widget* _old);
void notifyKeyButtonPressed(Widget* _sender, KeyCode _key, Char _char);
void notifyKeyButtonReleased(Widget* _sender, KeyCode _key);
void notifyScrollChangePosition(VScroll* _sender, size_t _index);
void notifyMouseWheel(Widget* _sender, int _rel);
void notifyRootMouseChangeFocus(Widget* _sender, bool _focus);
void notifyMouseButtonDoubleClick(Widget* _sender);
void _requestGetContainer(Widget* _sender, Widget*& _container, size_t& _index);
void notifyMouseDrag(Widget* _sender, int _left, int _top);
void notifyMouseButtonPressed(Widget* _sender, int _left, int _top, MouseButton _id);
void notifyMouseButtonReleased(Widget* _sender, int _left, int _top, MouseButton _id);
virtual void removeDropItems();
virtual void updateDropItems();
virtual void updateDropItemsState(const DDWidgetState& _state);
// Обновляет данные о айтемах, при изменении размеров
void updateMetrics();
// просто обновляет все виджеты что видны
void _updateAllVisible(size_t _index, bool _needUpdateContetntSize, bool _update);
void updateFromResize();
// возвращает следующий айтем, если нет его, то создается
// запросы только последовательно
Widget* getItemWidget(size_t _index);
void _setContainerItemInfo(size_t _index, bool _set, bool _accept);
// сбрасываем старую подсветку
void resetCurrentActiveItem();
// ищет и устанавливает подсвеченный айтем
void findCurrentActiveItem();
// запрашиваем у конейтера айтем по позиции мыши
virtual size_t _getContainerIndex(const IntPoint& _point);
// сбрасывает зависимости, при любом колличественном изменении
virtual void _resetContainer(bool _update);
void _setScrollViewPage(size_t _size) { mScrollViewPage = _size; }
void initialiseWidgetSkin(ResourceSkin* _info);
void shutdownWidgetSkin();
size_t calcIndexByWidget(Widget* _widget) { return *_widget->_getInternalData<size_t>(); }
virtual IntSize getContentSize();
virtual IntPoint getContentPosition();
virtual IntSize getViewSize() const;
virtual void eraseContent();
virtual size_t getHScrollPage();
virtual size_t getVScrollPage();
virtual Align getContentAlign();
virtual void setContentPosition(const IntPoint& _point);
Widget* _getClientWidget();
const Widget* _getClientWidget() const;
// наши дети в строках
VectorWidgetPtr mVectorItems;
// размерность скролла в пикселях
IntSize mContentSize;
// позиция скролла п пикселях
IntPoint mContentPosition;
// текущий выделенный элемент или ITEM_NONE
size_t mIndexSelect;
// подсвеченный элемент или ITEM_NONE
size_t mIndexActive;
// индекс со свойством приема или ITEM_NONE
size_t mIndexAccept;
// индекс со свойством отказа или ITEM_NONE
size_t mIndexRefuse;
// имеем ли мы фокус ввода
bool mIsFocus;
// структура данных об айтеме
VectorItemInfo mItemsInfo;
Widget* mItemDrag;
IntPoint mPointDragOffset;
std::string mDragLayer;
size_t mScrollViewPage;
} // namespace MyGUI
#endif // __MYGUI_LIST_CTRL_H__