You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

168 lines
3.9 KiB

#include "genericcreator.hpp"
#include <memory>
#include <QHBoxLayout>
#include <QPushButton>
#include <QLineEdit>
#include <QUndoStack>
#include "../../model/world/commands.hpp"
#include "../../model/world/data.hpp"
#include "../../model/world/idtable.hpp"
#include "idvalidator.hpp"
void CSVWorld::GenericCreator::update()
mErrors = getErrors();
mCreate->setToolTip (QString::fromUtf8 (mErrors.c_str()));
mId->setToolTip (QString::fromUtf8 (mErrors.c_str()));
mCreate->setEnabled (mErrors.empty() && !mLocked);
void CSVWorld::GenericCreator::setManualEditing (bool enabled)
mId->setVisible (enabled);
void CSVWorld::GenericCreator::insertAtBeginning (QWidget *widget, bool stretched)
mLayout->insertWidget (0, widget, stretched ? 1 : 0);
void CSVWorld::GenericCreator::insertBeforeButtons (QWidget *widget, bool stretched)
mLayout->insertWidget (mLayout->count()-2, widget, stretched ? 1 : 0);
std::string CSVWorld::GenericCreator::getId() const
return mId->text().toUtf8().constData();
void CSVWorld::GenericCreator::configureCreateCommand (CSMWorld::CreateCommand& command) const {}
CSMWorld::Data& CSVWorld::GenericCreator::getData() const
return mData;
const CSMWorld::UniversalId& CSVWorld::GenericCreator::getCollectionId() const
return mListId;
CSVWorld::GenericCreator::GenericCreator (CSMWorld::Data& data, QUndoStack& undoStack,
const CSMWorld::UniversalId& id, bool relaxedIdRules):
mData (data),
mUndoStack (undoStack),
mListId (id),
mLocked (false),
mLayout = new QHBoxLayout;
mLayout->setContentsMargins (0, 0, 0, 0);
mId = new QLineEdit;
mId->setValidator (new IdValidator (relaxedIdRules, this));
mLayout->addWidget (mId, 1);
mCreate = new QPushButton ("Create");
mLayout->addWidget (mCreate);
QPushButton *cancelButton = new QPushButton ("Cancel");
mLayout->addWidget (cancelButton);
setLayout (mLayout);
connect (cancelButton, SIGNAL (clicked (bool)), this, SIGNAL (done()));
connect (mCreate, SIGNAL (clicked (bool)), this, SLOT (create()));
connect (mId, SIGNAL (textChanged (const QString&)), this, SLOT (textChanged (const QString&)));
void CSVWorld::GenericCreator::setEditLock (bool locked)
mLocked = locked;
void CSVWorld::GenericCreator::reset()
mCloneMode = false;
mId->setText ("");
std::string CSVWorld::GenericCreator::getErrors() const
std::string errors;
std::string id = getId();
if (id.empty())
errors = "Missing ID";
else if (mData.hasId (id))
errors = "ID is already in use";
return errors;
void CSVWorld::GenericCreator::textChanged (const QString& text)
void CSVWorld::GenericCreator::create()
if (!mLocked)
if (mCloneMode)
std::string id = getId();
std::auto_ptr<CSMWorld::CloneCommand> command (new CSMWorld::CloneCommand (
dynamic_cast<CSMWorld::IdTable&> (*mData.getTableModel(mListId)), mClonedId, id, mClonedType));
emit done();
emit requestFocus(id);
} else {
std::string id = getId();
std::auto_ptr<CSMWorld::CreateCommand> command (new CSMWorld::CreateCommand (
dynamic_cast<CSMWorld::IdTable&> (*mData.getTableModel (mListId)), id));
configureCreateCommand (*command);
mUndoStack.push (command.release());
emit done();
emit requestFocus (id);
void CSVWorld::GenericCreator::cloneMode(const std::string& originId,
const CSMWorld::UniversalId::Type type)
mCloneMode = true;
mClonedId = originId;
mClonedType = type;
void CSVWorld::GenericCreator::toggleWidgets(bool active)