forked from mirror/openmw-tes3mp
255 lines
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255 lines
7.8 KiB
#include "aitravel.hpp"
#include <iostream>
#include "character.hpp"
#include "../mwworld/class.hpp"
#include "../mwbase/world.hpp"
#include "../mwbase/environment.hpp"
#include "movement.hpp"
#include "../mwworld/player.hpp"
#include <boost/graph/astar_search.hpp>
#include <boost/graph/adjacency_list.hpp>
#include "boost/tuple/tuple.hpp"
MWMechanics::AiTravel::AiTravel(float x, float y, float z)
: mX(x),mY(y),mZ(z),isPathConstructed(false)
MWMechanics::AiTravel * MWMechanics::AiTravel::clone() const
return new AiTravel(*this);
float distanceZCorrected(ESM::Pathgrid::Point point,float x,float y,float z)
return sqrt((point.mX - x)*(point.mX - x)+(point.mY - y)*(point.mY - y)+0.1*(point.mZ - z)*(point.mZ - z));
float distance(ESM::Pathgrid::Point point,float x,float y,float z)
return sqrt((point.mX - x)*(point.mX - x)+(point.mY - y)*(point.mY - y)+(point.mZ - z)*(point.mZ - z));
float distance(ESM::Pathgrid::Point a,ESM::Pathgrid::Point b)
return sqrt(float(a.mX - b.mX)*(a.mX - b.mX)+(a.mY - b.mY)*(a.mY - b.mY)+(a.mZ - b.mZ)*(a.mZ - b.mZ));
int getClosestPoint(const ESM::Pathgrid* grid,float x,float y,float z)
if(!grid) throw std::exception("NULL PathGrid!");
if(grid->mPoints.empty()) throw std::exception("empty PathGrid!");
float m = distance(grid->mPoints[0],x,y,z);
int i0 = 0;
for(int i=1; i<grid->mPoints.size();i++)
m = distance(grid->mPoints[i],x,y,z);
i0 = i;
std::cout << "distance:: " << m << "\n";
return i0;
float sgn(float a)
if(a>0) return 1.;
else return -1.;
float getZAngle(float dX,float dY)
float h = sqrt(dX*dX+dY*dY);
return Ogre::Radian(acos(dY/h)*sgn(asin(dX/h))).valueDegrees();
typedef boost::adjacency_list<boost::vecS,boost::vecS,boost::undirectedS,
boost::property<boost::vertex_index_t,int,ESM::Pathgrid::Point>,boost::property<boost::edge_weight_t,float> > PathGridGraph;
typedef boost::property_map<PathGridGraph, boost::edge_weight_t>::type WeightMap;
typedef PathGridGraph::vertex_descriptor PointID;
typedef PathGridGraph::edge_descriptor PointConnectionID;
struct found_path {};
class goalVisited : public boost::default_astar_visitor
goalVisited(PointID goal) : mGoal(goal) {}
void examine_vertex(PointID u, const PathGridGraph g)
if(u == mGoal)
throw found_path();
PointID mGoal;
class DistanceHeuristic : public boost::astar_heuristic <PathGridGraph, float>
DistanceHeuristic(const PathGridGraph & l, PointID goal)
: mGraph(l), mGoal(goal) {}
float operator()(PointID u)
const ESM::Pathgrid::Point & U = mGraph[u];
const ESM::Pathgrid::Point & V = mGraph[mGoal];
float dx = U.mX - V.mX;
float dy = U.mY - V.mY;
float dz = U.mZ - V.mZ;
return sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy + dz * dz);
const PathGridGraph & mGraph;
PointID mGoal;
std::list<ESM::Pathgrid::Point> getPath(PointID start,PointID end,PathGridGraph graph){
std::vector<PointID> p(boost::num_vertices(graph));
std::vector<float> d(boost::num_vertices(graph));
std::list<ESM::Pathgrid::Point> shortest_path;
try {
boost::predecessor_map(&p[0]).distance_map(&d[0]).visitor(goalVisited(end))//.weight_map(boost::get(&Edge::distance, graph))
} catch(found_path fg) {
for(PointID v = end;; v = p[v]) {
if(p[v] == v)
return shortest_path;
PathGridGraph buildGraph(const ESM::Pathgrid* pathgrid,float xCell = 0,float yCell = 0)
PathGridGraph graph;
for(int i = 0;i<pathgrid->mPoints.size();i++)
PointID pID = boost::add_vertex(graph);
graph[pID].mX = pathgrid->mPoints[i].mX + xCell;
graph[pID].mY = pathgrid->mPoints[i].mY + yCell;
graph[pID].mZ = pathgrid->mPoints[i].mZ;
for(int i = 0;i<pathgrid->mEdges.size();i++)
PointID u = pathgrid->mEdges[i].mV0;
PointID v = pathgrid->mEdges[i].mV1;
PointConnectionID edge;
bool done;
boost::tie(edge,done) = boost::add_edge(u,v,graph);
WeightMap weightmap = boost::get(boost::edge_weight, graph);
weightmap[edge] = distance(graph[u],graph[v]);
return graph;
bool MWMechanics::AiTravel::execute (const MWWorld::Ptr& actor)
const ESM::Pathgrid *pathgrid =
ESM::Position pos = actor.getRefData().getPosition();
bool cellChange = actor.getCell()->mCell->mData.mX != cellX || actor.getCell()->mCell->mData.mY != cellY;
MWWorld::Ptr player = MWBase::Environment::get().getWorld()->getPlayer().getPlayer();
if(actor.getCell()->mCell->mData.mX != player.getCell()->mCell->mData.mX)
int sideX = sgn(actor.getCell()->mCell->mData.mX != player.getCell()->mCell->mData.mX);
//check if actor is near the border of an inactive cell. If so, disable aitravel.
if(sideX*(pos.pos[0] - actor.getCell()->mCell->mData.mX * ESM::Land::REAL_SIZE) > sideX*(ESM::Land::REAL_SIZE/2. - 2000))
MWWorld::Class::get(actor).getMovementSettings(actor).mForwardBackward = 0;
return true;
if(actor.getCell()->mCell->mData.mY != player.getCell()->mCell->mData.mY)
int sideY = sgn(actor.getCell()->mCell->mData.mY != player.getCell()->mCell->mData.mY);
//check if actor is near the border of an inactive cell. If so, disable aitravel.
if(sideY*(pos.pos[1] - actor.getCell()->mCell->mData.mY * ESM::Land::REAL_SIZE) > sideY*(ESM::Land::REAL_SIZE/2. - 2000))
MWWorld::Class::get(actor).getMovementSettings(actor).mForwardBackward = 0;
return true;
//std::cout << "npcpos" << pos.pos[0] << pos.pos[1] <<pos.pos[2] <<"\n";
if(!isPathConstructed ||cellChange)
std::cout << "constructing path.... \n";
cellX = actor.getCell()->mCell->mData.mX;
cellY = actor.getCell()->mCell->mData.mY;
float xCell = 0;
float yCell = 0;
if (actor.getCell()->mCell->isExterior())
xCell = actor.getCell()->mCell->mData.mX * ESM::Land::REAL_SIZE;
yCell = actor.getCell()->mCell->mData.mY * ESM::Land::REAL_SIZE;
int start = getClosestPoint(pathgrid,pos.pos[0] - xCell,pos.pos[1] - yCell,pos.pos[2]);
int end = getClosestPoint(pathgrid,mX - xCell,mY - yCell,mZ);
PathGridGraph graph = buildGraph(pathgrid,xCell,yCell);
mPath = getPath(start,end,graph);
ESM::Pathgrid::Point dest;
dest.mX = mX;
dest.mY = mY;
dest.mZ = mZ;
isPathConstructed = true;
MWWorld::Class::get(actor).getMovementSettings(actor).mForwardBackward = 0;
return true;
ESM::Pathgrid::Point nextPoint = *mPath.begin();
if(distanceZCorrected(nextPoint,pos.pos[0],pos.pos[1],pos.pos[2]) < 20)
MWWorld::Class::get(actor).getMovementSettings(actor).mForwardBackward = 0;
return true;
nextPoint = *mPath.begin();
float dX = nextPoint.mX - pos.pos[0];
float dY = nextPoint.mY - pos.pos[1];
MWWorld::Class::get(actor).getMovementSettings(actor).mForwardBackward = 1;
return false;
int MWMechanics::AiTravel::getTypeId() const
return 1;