forked from mirror/openmw-tes3mp
comments to persist, ordering of settings to be retained, additional reporting of changed settings, preservation of the settings.cfg timestamp when no changes are made, and foundational changes for possible future features. Due to poor interaction with the openmw-launcher settings code, the launcher will still discard all of these benefits.
457 lines
17 KiB
457 lines
17 KiB
#include "settings.hpp"
#include <stdexcept>
#include <sstream>
#include <iostream>
#include <components/misc/stringops.hpp>
#include <boost/filesystem/fstream.hpp>
#include <boost/filesystem/path.hpp>
#include <boost/algorithm/string.hpp>
bool parseBool(const std::string& string)
return (Misc::StringUtils::ciEqual(string, "true"));
float parseFloat(const std::string& string)
std::stringstream stream;
stream << string;
float ret = 0.f;
stream >> ret;
return ret;
int parseInt(const std::string& string)
std::stringstream stream;
stream << string;
int ret = 0;
stream >> ret;
return ret;
template <typename T>
std::string toString(T val)
std::ostringstream stream;
stream << val;
return stream.str();
template <>
std::string toString(bool val)
return val ? "true" : "false";
namespace Settings
CategorySettingValueMap Manager::mDefaultSettings = CategorySettingValueMap();
CategorySettingValueMap Manager::mUserSettings = CategorySettingValueMap();
CategorySettingVector Manager::mChangedSettings = CategorySettingVector();
typedef std::map< CategorySetting, bool > CategorySettingStatusMap;
class SettingsFileParser
SettingsFileParser() : mLine(0) {}
void loadSettingsFile (const std::string& file, CategorySettingValueMap& settings)
mFile = file;
boost::filesystem::ifstream stream;
std::cout << "Loading settings file: " << file << std::endl;
std::string currentCategory;
mLine = 0;
while (!stream.eof() && !
std::string line;
std::getline( stream, line );
size_t i = 0;
if (!skipWhiteSpace(i, line))
if (line[i] == '#') // skip comment
if (line[i] == '[')
size_t end = line.find(']', i);
if (end == std::string::npos)
fail("unterminated category");
currentCategory = line.substr(i+1, end - (i+1));
i = end+1;
if (!skipWhiteSpace(i, line))
if (currentCategory.empty())
fail("empty category name");
size_t settingEnd = line.find('=', i);
if (settingEnd == std::string::npos)
fail("unterminated setting name");
std::string setting = line.substr(i, (settingEnd-i));
size_t valueBegin = settingEnd+1;
std::string value = line.substr(valueBegin);
if (settings.insert(std::make_pair(std::make_pair(currentCategory, setting), value)).second == false)
fail(std::string("duplicate setting: [" + currentCategory + "] " + setting));
void saveSettingsFile (const std::string& file, CategorySettingValueMap& settings)
// No options have been written to the file yet.
CategorySettingStatusMap written;
for (CategorySettingValueMap::iterator it = settings.begin(); it != settings.end(); ++it) {
written[it->first] = false;
// Have we substantively changed the settings file?
bool changed = false;
// Was there anything in the existing file? This is intended to permit the deletion of
// the settings.cfg file and it's automatic recreation -- a feature not currently
// supported elsewhere in the code.
bool existing = false;
// The category/section we're currently in.
std::string currentCategory;
// Open the existing settings.cfg file to copy comments. This might not be the same file
// as the output file if we're copying the setting from the default settings.cfg for the
// first time. A minor change in API to pass the source file might be in order here.
boost::filesystem::ifstream istream;
boost::filesystem::path ipath(file);
//std::cout << "Reading previous settings file: " << ipath << std::endl;
// Create a new string stream to write the current settings to. It's likely that the
// input file and the output file are the same, so this stream serves as a temporary file
// of sorts. The setting files aren't very large so there's no performance issue.
std::stringstream ostream;
// For every line in the input file...
while (!istream.eof() && ! {
std::string line;
std::getline(istream, line);
// The current character position in the line.
size_t i = 0;
// Don't add additional newlines at the end of the file.
if (istream.eof()) continue;
// Copy entirely blank lines.
if (!skipWhiteSpace(i, line)) {
ostream << line << std::endl;
// There were at least some comments in the input file.
existing = true;
// Copy comments.
if (line[i] == '#') {
ostream << line << std::endl;
// Category heading.
if (line[i] == '[') {
size_t end = line.find(']', i);
// This should never happen unless the player edited the file while playing.
if (end == std::string::npos) {
ostream << "# unterminated category: " << line << std::endl;
changed = true;
// Ensure that all options in the current category have been written.
for (CategorySettingStatusMap::iterator mit = written.begin(); mit != written.end(); ++mit) {
bool missed = false;
if (mit->second == false && mit->first.first == currentCategory) {
std::cout << "Added new setting: [" << currentCategory << "] "
<< mit->first.second << " = " << settings[mit->first] << std::endl;
// With some further code changes, this comment could be more descriptive.
ostream << "# Automatically added setting." << std::endl;
ostream << mit->first.second << " = " << settings[mit->first] << std::endl;
mit->second = true;
missed = true;
changed = true;
// Ensure that there's a newline before the next section if we added settings.
if (missed) ostream << std::endl;
// Update the current category.
currentCategory = line.substr(i+1, end - (i+1));
// Write the (new) current category to the file.
ostream << "[" << currentCategory << "]" << std::endl;
//std::cout << "Wrote category: " << currentCategory << std::endl;
// A setting can apparently follow the category on an input line. That's rather
// inconvenient, since it makes it more likely to have duplicative sections,
// which our algorithm doesn't like. Do the best we can.
i = end+1;
// Truncate trailing whitespace, since we're changing the file anayway.
if (!skipWhiteSpace(i, line))
// If we'cve found settings befor ethe first category, something's wrong. This
// should never happen unless the player edited the file while playing, since
// the loadSettingsFile() logic rejects it.
if (currentCategory.empty()) {
ostream << "# empty category name: " << line << std::endl;
changed = true;
// Which setting was at this location in the input file?
size_t settingEnd = line.find('=', i);
// This should never happen unless the player edited the file while playing.
if (settingEnd == std::string::npos) {
ostream << "# unterminated setting name: " << line << std::endl;
changed = true;
std::string setting = line.substr(i, (settingEnd-i));
// Get the existing value so we can see if we've changed it.
size_t valueBegin = settingEnd+1;
std::string value = line.substr(valueBegin);
// Construct the setting map key to determine whether the setting has already been
// written to the file.
CategorySetting key = std::make_pair(currentCategory, setting);
CategorySettingStatusMap::iterator finder = written.find(key);
// Settings not in the written map are definitely invalid. Currently, this can only
// happen if the player edited the file while playing, because loadSettingsFile()
// will accept anything and pass it along in the map, but in the future, we might
// want to handle invalid settings more gracefully here.
if (finder == written.end()) {
ostream << "# invalid setting: " << line << std::endl;
changed = true;
// Write the current value of the setting to the file. The key must exist in the
// settings map because of how written was initialized and finder != end().
ostream << setting << " = " << settings[key] << std::endl;
// Mark that setting as written.
finder->second = true;
// Did we really change it?
if (value != settings[key]) {
std::cout << "Changed setting: [" << currentCategory << "] "
<< setting << " = " << settings[key] << std::endl;
changed = true;
// No need to write the current line, because we just emitted a replacement.
// Curiously, it appears that comments at the ends of lines with settings are not
// allowed, and the comment becomes part of the value. Was that intended?
// We're done with the input stream file.
// Ensure that all options in the current category have been written. We must complete
// the current category at the end of the file before moving on to any new categories.
for (CategorySettingStatusMap::iterator mit = written.begin(); mit != written.end(); ++mit) {
bool missed = false;
if (mit->second == false && mit->first.first == currentCategory) {
std::cout << "Added new setting: [" << mit->first.first << "] "
<< mit->first.second << " = " << settings[mit->first] << std::endl;
// With some further code changes, this comment could be more descriptive.
ostream << std::endl << "# Automatically added setting." << std::endl;
ostream << mit->first.second << " = " << settings[mit->first] << std::endl;
mit->second = true;
missed = true;
changed = true;
// Ensure that there's a newline before the next section if we added settings.
if (missed) ostream << std::endl;
// This logic triggers when the input file was effectively empty. It could be extended
// to doing something more intelligent instead, like make a copy of the default settings
// file (complete with comments) before continuing. Other code prevents OpenMW from
// executing to this point with a missing config file.
if (!existing) {
ostream << "# This file was automatically generated." << std::endl << std::endl;
// We still have one more thing to do before we're completely done writing the file.
// It's possible that there are entirely new categories, or that the input file had
// disappeared completely, so we need ensure that all settings are written to the file
// regardless of those issues.
for (CategorySettingStatusMap::iterator mit = written.begin(); mit != written.end(); ++mit) {
// If the setting hasn't been written yet.
if (mit->second == false) {
// If the catgory has changed, write a new category header.
if (mit->first.first != currentCategory) {
currentCategory = mit->first.first;
std::cout << "Created new setting section: " << mit->first.first << std::endl;
ostream << std::endl;
// Add new category comments only if we're amending an existing file.
if (existing) ostream << "# Automatically added category." << std::endl;
ostream << "[" << currentCategory << "]" << std::endl;
std::cout << "Added new setting: [" << mit->first.first << "] "
<< mit->first.second << " = " << settings[mit->first] << std::endl;
// Then write the setting. No need to mark it as written because we're done.
ostream << std::endl;
ostream << mit->first.second << " = " << settings[mit->first] << std::endl;
changed = true;
// Now install the newly written file in the requested place.
if (changed) {
std::cout << "Updating settings file: " << ipath << std::endl;
boost::filesystem::ofstream ofstream;
ofstream << ostream.rdbuf();
/// Increment i until it longer points to a whitespace character
/// in the string or has reached the end of the string.
/// @return false if we have reached the end of the string
bool skipWhiteSpace(size_t& i, std::string& str)
while (i < str.size() && std::isspace(str[i], std::locale::classic()))
return i < str.size();
void fail(const std::string& message)
std::stringstream error;
error << "Error on line " << mLine << " in " << mFile << ":\n" << message;
throw std::runtime_error(error.str());
std::string mFile;
int mLine;
void Manager::loadDefault(const std::string &file)
SettingsFileParser parser;
parser.loadSettingsFile(file, mDefaultSettings);
void Manager::loadUser(const std::string &file)
SettingsFileParser parser;
parser.loadSettingsFile(file, mUserSettings);
void Manager::saveUser(const std::string &file)
SettingsFileParser parser;
parser.saveSettingsFile(file, mUserSettings);
std::string Manager::getString(const std::string &setting, const std::string &category)
CategorySettingValueMap::key_type key = std::make_pair(category, setting);
CategorySettingValueMap::iterator it = mUserSettings.find(key);
if (it != mUserSettings.end())
return it->second;
it = mDefaultSettings.find(key);
if (it != mDefaultSettings.end())
return it->second;
throw std::runtime_error(std::string("Trying to retrieve a non-existing setting: ") + setting
+ ".\nMake sure the settings-default.cfg file file was properly installed.");
float Manager::getFloat (const std::string& setting, const std::string& category)
return parseFloat( getString(setting, category) );
int Manager::getInt (const std::string& setting, const std::string& category)
return parseInt( getString(setting, category) );
bool Manager::getBool (const std::string& setting, const std::string& category)
return parseBool( getString(setting, category) );
void Manager::setString(const std::string &setting, const std::string &category, const std::string &value)
CategorySettingValueMap::key_type key = std::make_pair(category, setting);
CategorySettingValueMap::iterator found = mUserSettings.find(key);
if (found != mUserSettings.end())
if (found->second == value)
mUserSettings[key] = value;
void Manager::setInt (const std::string& setting, const std::string& category, const int value)
setString(setting, category, toString(value));
void Manager::setFloat (const std::string &setting, const std::string &category, const float value)
setString(setting, category, toString(value));
void Manager::setBool(const std::string &setting, const std::string &category, const bool value)
setString(setting, category, toString(value));
const CategorySettingVector Manager::apply()
CategorySettingVector vec = mChangedSettings;
return vec;