Koncord 4ca5da5666 [Server] Rework Plugin API, move Lua system to external library
Use LibFFI for Public & Timer APIs
Use "PlayerId" type instead "unsigned short"
Add GetPluginDir() function
2019-02-12 05:29:57 +08:00

613 lines
19 KiB

#include "../api.h"
#define STATAPI \
{"GetAttributeCount", StatsFunctions::GetAttributeCount},\
{"GetSkillCount", StatsFunctions::GetSkillCount},\
{"GetAttributeId", StatsFunctions::GetAttributeId},\
{"GetSkillId", StatsFunctions::GetSkillId},\
{"GetAttributeName", StatsFunctions::GetAttributeName},\
{"GetSkillName", StatsFunctions::GetSkillName},\
{"GetName", StatsFunctions::GetName},\
{"GetRace", StatsFunctions::GetRace},\
{"GetHead", StatsFunctions::GetHead},\
{"GetHair", StatsFunctions::GetHairstyle},\
{"GetIsMale", StatsFunctions::GetIsMale},\
{"GetBirthsign", StatsFunctions::GetBirthsign},\
{"GetLevel", StatsFunctions::GetLevel},\
{"GetLevelProgress", StatsFunctions::GetLevelProgress},\
{"GetHealthBase", StatsFunctions::GetHealthBase},\
{"GetHealthCurrent", StatsFunctions::GetHealthCurrent},\
{"GetMagickaBase", StatsFunctions::GetMagickaBase},\
{"GetMagickaCurrent", StatsFunctions::GetMagickaCurrent},\
{"GetFatigueBase", StatsFunctions::GetFatigueBase},\
{"GetFatigueCurrent", StatsFunctions::GetFatigueCurrent},\
{"GetAttributeBase", StatsFunctions::GetAttributeBase},\
{"GetAttributeModifier", StatsFunctions::GetAttributeModifier},\
{"GetSkillBase", StatsFunctions::GetSkillBase},\
{"GetSkillModifier", StatsFunctions::GetSkillModifier},\
{"GetSkillProgress", StatsFunctions::GetSkillProgress},\
{"GetSkillIncrease", StatsFunctions::GetSkillIncrease},\
{"GetBounty", StatsFunctions::GetBounty},\
{"SetName", StatsFunctions::SetName},\
{"SetRace", StatsFunctions::SetRace},\
{"SetHead", StatsFunctions::SetHead},\
{"SetHair", StatsFunctions::SetHairstyle},\
{"SetIsMale", StatsFunctions::SetIsMale},\
{"SetBirthsign", StatsFunctions::SetBirthsign},\
{"SetResetStats", StatsFunctions::SetResetStats},\
{"SetLevel", StatsFunctions::SetLevel},\
{"SetLevelProgress", StatsFunctions::SetLevelProgress},\
{"SetHealthBase", StatsFunctions::SetHealthBase},\
{"SetHealthCurrent", StatsFunctions::SetHealthCurrent},\
{"SetMagickaBase", StatsFunctions::SetMagickaBase},\
{"SetMagickaCurrent", StatsFunctions::SetMagickaCurrent},\
{"SetFatigueBase", StatsFunctions::SetFatigueBase},\
{"SetFatigueCurrent", StatsFunctions::SetFatigueCurrent},\
{"SetAttributeBase", StatsFunctions::SetAttributeBase},\
{"ClearAttributeModifier", StatsFunctions::ClearAttributeModifier},\
{"SetSkillBase", StatsFunctions::SetSkillBase},\
{"ClearSkillModifier", StatsFunctions::ClearSkillModifier},\
{"SetSkillProgress", StatsFunctions::SetSkillProgress},\
{"SetSkillIncrease", StatsFunctions::SetSkillIncrease},\
{"SetBounty", StatsFunctions::SetBounty},\
{"SetCharGenStage", StatsFunctions::SetCharGenStage},\
{"SendBaseInfo", StatsFunctions::SendBaseInfo},\
{"SendStatsDynamic", StatsFunctions::SendStatsDynamic},\
{"SendAttributes", StatsFunctions::SendAttributes},\
{"SendSkills", StatsFunctions::SendSkills},\
{"SendLevel", StatsFunctions::SendLevel},\
{"SendBounty", StatsFunctions::SendBounty}
* \brief Get the number of attributes.
* The number is 8 before any dehardcoding is done in OpenMW.
* \return The number of attributes.
* \brief Get the number of skills.
* The number is 27 before any dehardcoding is done in OpenMW.
* \return The number of skills.
* \brief Get the numerical ID of an attribute with a certain name.
* If an invalid name is used, the ID returned is -1
* \param name The name of the attribute.
* \return The ID of the attribute.
API_FUNCTION int CDECL GetAttributeId(const char *name) NOEXCEPT;
* \brief Get the numerical ID of a skill with a certain name.
* If an invalid name is used, the ID returned is -1
* \param name The name of the skill.
* \return The ID of the skill.
API_FUNCTION int CDECL GetSkillId(const char *name) NOEXCEPT;
* \brief Get the name of the attribute with a certain numerical ID.
* If an invalid ID is used, "invalid" is returned.
* \param attributeId The ID of the attribute.
* \return The name of the attribute.
API_FUNCTION const char *CDECL GetAttributeName(unsigned short attributeId) NOEXCEPT;
* \brief Get the name of the skill with a certain numerical ID.
* If an invalid ID is used, "invalid" is returned.
* \param skillId The ID of the skill.
* \return The name of the skill.
API_FUNCTION const char *CDECL GetSkillName(unsigned short skillId) NOEXCEPT;
* \brief Get the name of a player.
* \param pid The player ID.
* \return The name of the player.
API_FUNCTION const char *CDECL GetName(PlayerId pid) NOEXCEPT;
* \brief Get the race of a player.
* \param pid The player ID.
* \return The race of the player.
API_FUNCTION const char *CDECL GetRace(PlayerId pid) NOEXCEPT;
* \brief Get the head mesh used by a player.
* \param pid The player ID.
* \return The head mesh of the player.
API_FUNCTION const char *CDECL GetHead(PlayerId pid) NOEXCEPT;
* \brief Get the hairstyle mesh used by a player.
* \param pid The player ID.
* \return The hairstyle mesh of the player.
API_FUNCTION const char *CDECL GetHairstyle(PlayerId pid) NOEXCEPT;
* \brief Check whether a player is male or not.
* \param pid The player ID.
* \return Whether the player is male.
* \brief Get the birthsign of a player.
* \param pid The player ID.
* \return The birthsign of the player.
API_FUNCTION const char *CDECL GetBirthsign(PlayerId pid) NOEXCEPT;
* \brief Get the character level of a player.
* \param pid The player ID.
* \return The level of the player.
* \brief Get the player's progress to their next character level.
* \param pid The player ID.
* \return The level progress.
API_FUNCTION int CDECL GetLevelProgress(PlayerId pid) NOEXCEPT;
* \brief Get the base health of the player.
* \param pid The player ID.
* \return The base health.
API_FUNCTION double CDECL GetHealthBase(PlayerId pid) NOEXCEPT;
* \brief Get the current health of the player.
* \param pid The player ID.
* \return The current health.
API_FUNCTION double CDECL GetHealthCurrent(PlayerId pid) NOEXCEPT;
* \brief Get the base magicka of the player.
* \param pid The player ID.
* \return The base magicka.
API_FUNCTION double CDECL GetMagickaBase(PlayerId pid) NOEXCEPT;
* \brief Get the current magicka of the player.
* \param pid The player ID.
* \return The current magicka.
API_FUNCTION double CDECL GetMagickaCurrent(PlayerId pid) NOEXCEPT;
* \brief Get the base fatigue of the player.
* \param pid The player ID.
* \return The base fatigue.
API_FUNCTION double CDECL GetFatigueBase(PlayerId pid) NOEXCEPT;
* \brief Get the current fatigue of the player.
* \param pid The player ID.
* \return The current fatigue.
API_FUNCTION double CDECL GetFatigueCurrent(PlayerId pid) NOEXCEPT;
* \brief Get the base value of a player's attribute.
* \param pid The player ID.
* \param attributeId The attribute ID.
* \return The base value of the attribute.
API_FUNCTION int CDECL GetAttributeBase(PlayerId pid, unsigned short attributeId) NOEXCEPT;
* \brief Get the modifier value of a player's attribute.
* \param pid The player ID.
* \param attributeId The attribute ID.
* \return The modifier value of the attribute.
API_FUNCTION int CDECL GetAttributeModifier(PlayerId pid, unsigned short attributeId) NOEXCEPT;
* \brief Get the base value of a player's skill.
* \param pid The player ID.
* \param skillId The skill ID.
* \return The base value of the skill.
API_FUNCTION int CDECL GetSkillBase(PlayerId pid, unsigned short skillId) NOEXCEPT;
* \brief Get the modifier value of a player's skill.
* \param pid The player ID.
* \param skillId The skill ID.
* \return The modifier value of the skill.
API_FUNCTION int CDECL GetSkillModifier(PlayerId pid, unsigned short skillId) NOEXCEPT;
* \brief Get the progress the player has made towards increasing a certain skill by 1.
* \param pid The player ID.
* \param skillId The skill ID.
* \return The skill progress.
API_FUNCTION double CDECL GetSkillProgress(PlayerId pid, unsigned short skillId) NOEXCEPT;
* \brief Get the bonus applied to a certain attribute at the next level up as a result
* of associated skill increases.
* Although confusing, the term "skill increase" for this is taken from OpenMW itself.
* \param pid The player ID.
* \param skillId The attribute ID.
* \return The increase in the attribute caused by skills.
API_FUNCTION int CDECL GetSkillIncrease(PlayerId pid, unsigned int attributeId) NOEXCEPT;
* \brief Get the bounty of the player.
* \param pid The player ID.
* \return The bounty.
API_FUNCTION int CDECL GetBounty(PlayerId pid) NOEXCEPT;
* \brief Set the name of a player.
* \param pid The player ID.
* \param name The new name of the player.
* \return void
API_FUNCTION void CDECL SetName(PlayerId pid, const char *name) NOEXCEPT;
* \brief Set the race of a player.
* \param pid The player ID.
* \param race The new race of the player.
* \return void
API_FUNCTION void CDECL SetRace(PlayerId pid, const char *race) NOEXCEPT;
* \brief Set the head mesh used by a player.
* \param pid The player ID.
* \param head The new head mesh of the player.
* \return void
API_FUNCTION void CDECL SetHead(PlayerId pid, const char *head) NOEXCEPT;
* \brief Set the hairstyle mesh used by a player.
* \param pid The player ID.
* \param hairstyle The new hairstyle mesh of the player.
* \return void
API_FUNCTION void CDECL SetHairstyle(PlayerId pid, const char *hairstyle) NOEXCEPT;
* \brief Set whether a player is male or not.
* \param pid The player ID.
* \param state Whether the player is male.
* \return void
API_FUNCTION void CDECL SetIsMale(PlayerId pid, int state) NOEXCEPT;
* \brief Set the birthsign of a player.
* \param pid The player ID.
* \param name The new birthsign of the player.
* \return void
API_FUNCTION void CDECL SetBirthsign(PlayerId pid, const char *name) NOEXCEPT;
* \brief Set whether the player's stats should be reset based on their
* current race as the result of a PlayerBaseInfo packet.
* This changes the resetState for that player in the server memory, but does not by itself
* send a packet.
* \param pid The player ID.
* \param resetStats The stat reset state.
* \return void
API_FUNCTION void CDECL SetResetStats(PlayerId pid, bool resetStats) NOEXCEPT;
* \brief Set the character level of a player.
* \param pid The player ID.
* \param value The new level of the player.
* \return void
API_FUNCTION void CDECL SetLevel(PlayerId pid, int value) NOEXCEPT;
* \brief Set the player's progress to their next character level.
* \param pid The player ID.
* \param value The new level progress of the player.
* \return void
API_FUNCTION void CDECL SetLevelProgress(PlayerId pid, int value) NOEXCEPT;
* \brief Set the base health of a player.
* \param pid The player ID.
* \param name The new base health of the player.
* \return void
API_FUNCTION void CDECL SetHealthBase(PlayerId pid, double value) NOEXCEPT;
* \brief Set the current health of a player.
* \param pid The player ID.
* \param name The new current health of the player.
* \return void
API_FUNCTION void CDECL SetHealthCurrent(PlayerId pid, double value) NOEXCEPT;
* \brief Set the base magicka of a player.
* \param pid The player ID.
* \param name The new base magicka of the player.
* \return void
API_FUNCTION void CDECL SetMagickaBase(PlayerId pid, double value) NOEXCEPT;
* \brief Set the current magicka of a player.
* \param pid The player ID.
* \param name The new current magicka of the player.
* \return void
API_FUNCTION void CDECL SetMagickaCurrent(PlayerId pid, double value) NOEXCEPT;
* \brief Set the base fatigue of a player.
* \param pid The player ID.
* \param name The new base fatigue of the player.
* \return void
API_FUNCTION void CDECL SetFatigueBase(PlayerId pid, double value) NOEXCEPT;
* \brief Set the current fatigue of a player.
* \param pid The player ID.
* \param name The new current fatigue of the player.
* \return void
API_FUNCTION void CDECL SetFatigueCurrent(PlayerId pid, double value) NOEXCEPT;
* \brief Set the base value of a player's attribute.
* \param pid The player ID.
* \param attributeId The attribute ID.
* \param value The new base value of the player's attribute.
* \return void
API_FUNCTION void CDECL SetAttributeBase(PlayerId pid, unsigned short attributeId, int value) NOEXCEPT;
* \brief Clear the modifier value of a player's attribute.
* There's no way to set a modifier to a specific value because it can come from
* multiple different sources, but clearing it is a straightforward process that
* dispels associated effects on a client and, if necessary, unequips associated
* items.
* \param pid The player ID.
* \param attributeId The attribute ID.
* \return void
API_FUNCTION void CDECL ClearAttributeModifier(PlayerId pid, unsigned short attributeId) NOEXCEPT;
* \brief Set the base value of a player's skill.
* \param pid The player ID.
* \param skillId The skill ID.
* \param value The new base value of the player's skill.
* \return void
API_FUNCTION void CDECL SetSkillBase(PlayerId pid, unsigned short skillId, int value) NOEXCEPT;
* \brief Clear the modifier value of a player's skill.
* There's no way to set a modifier to a specific value because it can come from
* multiple different sources, but clearing it is a straightforward process that
* dispels associated effects on a client and, if necessary, unequips associated
* items.
* \param pid The player ID.
* \param skillId The skill ID.
* \return void
API_FUNCTION void CDECL ClearSkillModifier(PlayerId pid, unsigned short skillId) NOEXCEPT;
* \brief Set the progress the player has made towards increasing a certain skill by 1.
* \param pid The player ID.
* \param skillId The skill ID.
* \param value The progress value.
* \return void
API_FUNCTION void CDECL SetSkillProgress(PlayerId pid, unsigned short skillId, double value) NOEXCEPT;
* \brief Set the bonus applied to a certain attribute at the next level up as a result
* of associated skill increases.
* Although confusing, the term "skill increase" for this is taken from OpenMW itself.
* \param pid The player ID.
* \param skillId The attribute ID.
* \param value The increase in the attribute caused by skills.
* \return void
API_FUNCTION void CDECL SetSkillIncrease(PlayerId pid, unsigned int attributeId, int value) NOEXCEPT;
* \brief Set the bounty of a player.
* \param pid The player ID.
* \param value The new bounty.
* \return void
API_FUNCTION void CDECL SetBounty(PlayerId pid, int value) NOEXCEPT;
* \brief Set the current and ending stages of character generation for a player.
* This is used to repeat part of character generation or to only go through part of it.
* \param pid The player ID.
* \param currentStage The new current stage.
* \param endStage The new ending stage.
* \return void
API_FUNCTION void CDECL SetCharGenStage(PlayerId pid, int currentStage, int endStage) NOEXCEPT;
* \brief Send a PlayerBaseInfo packet with a player's name, race, head mesh,
* hairstyle mesh, birthsign and stat reset state.
* It is always sent to all players.
* \param pid The player ID.
* \return void
API_FUNCTION void CDECL SendBaseInfo(PlayerId pid) NOEXCEPT;
* \brief Send a PlayerStatsDynamic packet with a player's dynamic stats (health,
* magicka and fatigue).
* It is always sent to all players.
* \param pid The player ID.
* \return void
API_FUNCTION void CDECL SendStatsDynamic(PlayerId pid) NOEXCEPT;
* \brief Send a PlayerAttribute packet with a player's attributes and bonuses
* to those attributes at the next level up (the latter being called
* "skill increases" as in OpenMW).
* It is always sent to all players.
* \param pid The player ID.
* \return void
API_FUNCTION void CDECL SendAttributes(PlayerId pid) NOEXCEPT;
* \brief Send a PlayerSkill packet with a player's skills.
* It is always sent to all players.
* \param pid The player ID.
* \return void
API_FUNCTION void CDECL SendSkills(PlayerId pid) NOEXCEPT;
* \brief Send a PlayerLevel packet with a player's character level and
* progress towards the next level up
* It is always sent to all players.
* \param pid The player ID.
* \return void
API_FUNCTION void CDECL SendLevel(PlayerId pid) NOEXCEPT;
* \brief Send a PlayerBounty packet with a player's bounty.
* It is always sent to all players.
* \param pid The player ID.
* \return void
API_FUNCTION void CDECL SendBounty(PlayerId pid) NOEXCEPT;