Tom Mason dc91211b12 Fixed Small bug where scripts were being removed when they shouldn't be.
Scripts should only be removed when the item is being moved to another cell, otherwise they should remain active.
2013-01-31 00:21:04 +00:00

1437 lines
44 KiB

#include "worldimp.hpp"
#include <components/bsa/bsa_archive.hpp>
#include <components/files/collections.hpp>
#include "../mwbase/environment.hpp"
#include "../mwbase/soundmanager.hpp"
#include "../mwbase/mechanicsmanager.hpp"
#include "../mwbase/windowmanager.hpp"
#include "../mwrender/sky.hpp"
#include "../mwrender/player.hpp"
#include "../mwclass/door.hpp"
#include "player.hpp"
#include "manualref.hpp"
#include "cellfunctors.hpp"
using namespace Ogre;
/* // NOTE this code is never instantiated (proper copy in localscripts.cpp),
// so this commented out to not produce syntactic errors
template<typename T>
void listCellScripts (const MWWorld::ESMStore& store,
MWWorld::CellRefList<T>& cellRefList, MWWorld::LocalScripts& localScripts,
MWWorld::Ptr::CellStore *cell)
for (typename MWWorld::CellRefList<T>::List::iterator iter (
iter!=cellRefList.mList.end(); ++iter)
if (!iter->mBase->mScript.empty() && iter->mData.getCount())
if (const ESM::Script *script = store.get<ESM::Script>().find (iter->mBase->mScript))
iter->mData.setLocals (*script);
localScripts.add (iter->mBase->mScript, MWWorld::Ptr (&*iter, cell));
template<typename T>
MWWorld::LiveCellRef<T> *searchViaHandle (const std::string& handle,
MWWorld::CellRefList<T>& refList)
typedef typename MWWorld::CellRefList<T>::List::iterator iterator;
for (iterator iter (refList.mList.begin()); iter!=refList.mList.end(); ++iter)
if(iter->mData.getCount() > 0 && iter->mData.getBaseNode()){
if (iter->mData.getHandle()==handle)
return &*iter;
return 0;
namespace MWWorld
Ptr World::getPtrViaHandle (const std::string& handle, Ptr::CellStore& cell)
if (MWWorld::LiveCellRef<ESM::Activator> *ref =
searchViaHandle (handle, cell.mActivators))
return Ptr (ref, &cell);
if (MWWorld::LiveCellRef<ESM::Potion> *ref = searchViaHandle (handle, cell.mPotions))
return Ptr (ref, &cell);
if (MWWorld::LiveCellRef<ESM::Apparatus> *ref = searchViaHandle (handle, cell.mAppas))
return Ptr (ref, &cell);
if (MWWorld::LiveCellRef<ESM::Armor> *ref = searchViaHandle (handle, cell.mArmors))
return Ptr (ref, &cell);
if (MWWorld::LiveCellRef<ESM::Book> *ref = searchViaHandle (handle, cell.mBooks))
return Ptr (ref, &cell);
if (MWWorld::LiveCellRef<ESM::Clothing> *ref = searchViaHandle (handle, cell.mClothes))
return Ptr (ref, &cell);
if (MWWorld::LiveCellRef<ESM::Container> *ref =
searchViaHandle (handle, cell.mContainers))
return Ptr (ref, &cell);
if (MWWorld::LiveCellRef<ESM::Creature> *ref =
searchViaHandle (handle, cell.mCreatures))
return Ptr (ref, &cell);
if (MWWorld::LiveCellRef<ESM::Door> *ref = searchViaHandle (handle, cell.mDoors))
return Ptr (ref, &cell);
if (MWWorld::LiveCellRef<ESM::Ingredient> *ref =
searchViaHandle (handle, cell.mIngreds))
return Ptr (ref, &cell);
if (MWWorld::LiveCellRef<ESM::Light> *ref = searchViaHandle (handle, cell.mLights))
return Ptr (ref, &cell);
if (MWWorld::LiveCellRef<ESM::Tool> *ref = searchViaHandle (handle, cell.mLockpicks))
return Ptr (ref, &cell);
if (MWWorld::LiveCellRef<ESM::Miscellaneous> *ref = searchViaHandle (handle, cell.mMiscItems))
return Ptr (ref, &cell);
if (MWWorld::LiveCellRef<ESM::NPC> *ref = searchViaHandle (handle, cell.mNpcs))
return Ptr (ref, &cell);
if (MWWorld::LiveCellRef<ESM::Probe> *ref = searchViaHandle (handle, cell.mProbes))
return Ptr (ref, &cell);
if (MWWorld::LiveCellRef<ESM::Repair> *ref = searchViaHandle (handle, cell.mRepairs))
return Ptr (ref, &cell);
if (MWWorld::LiveCellRef<ESM::Static> *ref = searchViaHandle (handle, cell.mStatics))
return Ptr (ref, &cell);
if (MWWorld::LiveCellRef<ESM::Weapon> *ref = searchViaHandle (handle, cell.mWeapons))
return Ptr (ref, &cell);
return Ptr();
int World::getDaysPerMonth (int month) const
switch (month)
case 0: return 31;
case 1: return 28;
case 2: return 31;
case 3: return 30;
case 4: return 31;
case 5: return 30;
case 6: return 31;
case 7: return 31;
case 8: return 30;
case 9: return 31;
case 10: return 30;
case 11: return 31;
throw std::runtime_error ("month out of range");
void World::adjustSky()
if (mSky && (isCellExterior() || isCellQuasiExterior()))
mRendering->skySetHour (mGlobalVariables->getFloat ("gamehour"));
mRendering->skySetDate (mGlobalVariables->getInt ("day"),
mGlobalVariables->getInt ("month"));
void World::setFallbackValues (const std::map<std::string,std::string>& fallbackMap)
mFallback = fallbackMap;
std::string World::getFallback (const std::string& key) const
return getFallback(key, "");
std::string World::getFallback (const std::string& key, const std::string& def) const
std::map<std::string,std::string>::const_iterator it;
if((it = mFallback.find(key)) == mFallback.end())
return def;
return it->second;
World::World (OEngine::Render::OgreRenderer& renderer,
const Files::Collections& fileCollections,
const std::string& master, const boost::filesystem::path& resDir, const boost::filesystem::path& cacheDir, bool newGame,
ToUTF8::Utf8Encoder* encoder, std::map<std::string,std::string> fallbackMap, int mActivationDistanceOverride)
: mPlayer (0), mLocalScripts (mStore), mGlobalVariables (0),
mSky (true), mCells (mStore, mEsm),
mNumFacing(0), mActivationDistanceOverride (mActivationDistanceOverride)
mPhysics = new PhysicsSystem(renderer);
mPhysEngine = mPhysics->getEngine();
mRendering = new MWRender::RenderingManager(renderer, resDir, cacheDir, mPhysEngine);
mWeatherManager = new MWWorld::WeatherManager(mRendering);
boost::filesystem::path masterPath (fileCollections.getCollection (".esm").getPath (master));
std::cout << "Loading ESM " << masterPath.string() << "\n";
// This parses the ESM file and loads a sample cell
mEsm.setEncoder(encoder); (masterPath.string());
mStore.load (mEsm);
mPlayer = new MWWorld::Player (mStore.get<ESM::NPC>().find ("player"), *this);
// global variables
mGlobalVariables = new Globals (mStore);
if (newGame)
// set new game mark
mGlobalVariables->setInt ("chargenstate", 1);
mGlobalVariables->setInt ("pcrace", 3);
mWorldScene = new Scene(*mRendering, mPhysics);
lastTick = mTimer.getMilliseconds();
delete mWeatherManager;
delete mWorldScene;
delete mGlobalVariables;
delete mRendering;
delete mPhysics;
delete mPlayer;
const ESM::Cell *World::getExterior (const std::string& cellName) const
// first try named cells
const ESM::Cell *cell = mStore.get<ESM::Cell>().searchExtByName (cellName);
if (cell != 0) {
return cell;
// didn't work -> now check for regions
const MWWorld::Store<ESM::Region> &regions = mStore.get<ESM::Region>();
MWWorld::Store<ESM::Region>::iterator it = regions.begin();
for (; it != regions.end(); ++it)
if (Misc::StringUtils::ciEqual(cellName, it->mName))
return mStore.get<ESM::Cell>().searchExtByRegion(it->mId);
return 0;
Ptr::CellStore *World::getExterior (int x, int y)
return mCells.getExterior (x, y);
Ptr::CellStore *World::getInterior (const std::string& name)
return mCells.getInterior (name);
MWWorld::Player& World::getPlayer()
return *mPlayer;
const MWWorld::ESMStore& World::getStore() const
return mStore;
ESM::ESMReader& World::getEsmReader()
return mEsm;
LocalScripts& World::getLocalScripts()
return mLocalScripts;
bool World::hasCellChanged() const
return mWorldScene->hasCellChanged();
Globals::Data& World::getGlobalVariable (const std::string& name)
return (*mGlobalVariables)[name];
Globals::Data World::getGlobalVariable (const std::string& name) const
return (*mGlobalVariables)[name];
char World::getGlobalVariableType (const std::string& name) const
return mGlobalVariables->getType (name);
std::vector<std::string> World::getGlobals () const
return mGlobalVariables->getGlobals();
std::string World::getCurrentCellName () const
std::string name;
Ptr::CellStore *cell = mWorldScene->getCurrentCell();
if (cell->mCell->isExterior())
if (cell->mCell->mName != "")
name = cell->mCell->mName;
const ESM::Region* region =
if (region)
name = region->mName;
const ESM::GameSetting *setting =
if (setting && setting->mType == ESM::VT_String)
name = setting->getString();
name = "Wilderness";
name = cell->mCell->mName;
return name;
void World::removeRefScript (MWWorld::RefData *ref)
mLocalScripts.remove (ref);
Ptr World::getPtr (const std::string& name, bool activeOnly)
// the player is always in an active cell.
if (name=="player")
return mPlayer->getPlayer();
// active cells
for (Scene::CellStoreCollection::const_iterator iter (mWorldScene->getActiveCells().begin());
iter!=mWorldScene->getActiveCells().end(); ++iter)
Ptr::CellStore* cellstore = *iter;
Ptr ptr = mCells.getPtr (name, *cellstore);
if (!ptr.isEmpty())
return ptr;
if (!activeOnly)
Ptr ptr = mCells.getPtr (name);
if (!ptr.isEmpty())
return ptr;
throw std::runtime_error ("unknown ID: " + name);
Ptr World::getPtrViaHandle (const std::string& handle)
Ptr res = searchPtrViaHandle (handle);
if (res.isEmpty ())
throw std::runtime_error ("unknown Ogre handle: " + handle);
return res;
Ptr World::searchPtrViaHandle (const std::string& handle)
if (mPlayer->getPlayer().getRefData().getHandle()==handle)
return mPlayer->getPlayer();
for (Scene::CellStoreCollection::const_iterator iter (mWorldScene->getActiveCells().begin());
iter!=mWorldScene->getActiveCells().end(); ++iter)
Ptr::CellStore* cellstore = *iter;
Ptr ptr = getPtrViaHandle (handle, *cellstore);
if (!ptr.isEmpty())
return ptr;
return MWWorld::Ptr();
void World::addContainerScripts(const Ptr& reference, Ptr::CellStore * cell)
if( reference.getTypeName()==typeid (ESM::Container).name() ||
reference.getTypeName()==typeid (ESM::NPC).name() ||
reference.getTypeName()==typeid (ESM::Creature).name())
MWWorld::ContainerStore& container = MWWorld::Class::get(reference).getContainerStore(reference);
for(MWWorld::ContainerStoreIterator it = container.begin(); it != container.end(); ++it)
std::string script = MWWorld::Class::get(*it).getScript(*it);
if(script != "")
MWWorld::Ptr item = *it;
item.mCell = cell;
mLocalScripts.add (script, item);
void World::enable (const Ptr& reference)
if (!reference.getRefData().isEnabled())
if(mWorldScene->getActiveCells().find (reference.getCell()) != mWorldScene->getActiveCells().end() && reference.getRefData().getCount())
mWorldScene->addObjectToScene (reference);
void World::removeContainerScripts(const Ptr& reference)
if( reference.getTypeName()==typeid (ESM::Container).name() ||
reference.getTypeName()==typeid (ESM::NPC).name() ||
reference.getTypeName()==typeid (ESM::Creature).name())
MWWorld::ContainerStore& container = MWWorld::Class::get(reference).getContainerStore(reference);
for(MWWorld::ContainerStoreIterator it = container.begin(); it != container.end(); ++it)
std::string script = MWWorld::Class::get(*it).getScript(*it);
if(script != "")
MWWorld::Ptr item = *it;
mLocalScripts.remove (item);
void World::disable (const Ptr& reference)
if (reference.getRefData().isEnabled())
if(mWorldScene->getActiveCells().find (reference.getCell())!=mWorldScene->getActiveCells().end() && reference.getRefData().getCount())
mWorldScene->removeObjectFromScene (reference);
void World::advanceTime (double hours)
mWeatherManager->advanceTime (hours);
hours += mGlobalVariables->getFloat ("gamehour");
setHour (hours);
int days = hours / 24;
if (days>0)
mGlobalVariables->setInt ("dayspassed", days + mGlobalVariables->getInt ("dayspassed"));
void World::setHour (double hour)
if (hour<0)
hour = 0;
int days = hour / 24;
hour = std::fmod (hour, 24);
mGlobalVariables->setFloat ("gamehour", hour);
mRendering->skySetHour (hour);
mWeatherManager->setHour (hour);
if (days>0)
setDay (days + mGlobalVariables->getInt ("day"));
void World::setDay (int day)
if (day<1)
day = 1;
int month = mGlobalVariables->getInt ("month");
while (true)
int days = getDaysPerMonth (month);
if (day<=days)
if (month<11)
month = 0;
mGlobalVariables->setInt ("year", mGlobalVariables->getInt ("year")+1);
day -= days;
mGlobalVariables->setInt ("day", day);
mGlobalVariables->setInt ("month", month);
mRendering->skySetDate (day, month);
mWeatherManager->setDate (day, month);
void World::setMonth (int month)
if (month<0)
month = 0;
int years = month / 12;
month = month % 12;
int days = getDaysPerMonth (month);
if (mGlobalVariables->getInt ("day")>days)
mGlobalVariables->setInt ("day", days);
mGlobalVariables->setInt ("month", month);
if (years>0)
mGlobalVariables->setInt ("year", years+mGlobalVariables->getInt ("year"));
mRendering->skySetDate (mGlobalVariables->getInt ("day"), month);
int World::getDay()
return mGlobalVariables->getInt("day");
int World::getMonth()
return mGlobalVariables->getInt("month");
TimeStamp World::getTimeStamp() const
return TimeStamp (mGlobalVariables->getFloat ("gamehour"),
mGlobalVariables->getInt ("dayspassed"));
bool World::toggleSky()
if (mSky)
mSky = false;
return false;
mSky = true;
return true;
int World::getMasserPhase() const
return mRendering->skyGetMasserPhase();
int World::getSecundaPhase() const
return mRendering->skyGetSecundaPhase();
void World::setMoonColour (bool red)
mRendering->skySetMoonColour (red);
float World::getTimeScaleFactor() const
return mGlobalVariables->getFloat ("timescale");
void World::changeToInteriorCell (const std::string& cellName, const ESM::Position& position)
return mWorldScene->changeToInteriorCell(cellName, position);
void World::changeToExteriorCell (const ESM::Position& position)
return mWorldScene->changeToExteriorCell(position);
void World::markCellAsUnchanged()
return mWorldScene->markCellAsUnchanged();
float World::getMaxActivationDistance ()
if (mActivationDistanceOverride >= 0)
return mActivationDistanceOverride;
return (std::max) (getNpcActivationDistance (), getObjectActivationDistance ());
float World::getNpcActivationDistance ()
if (mActivationDistanceOverride >= 0)
return mActivationDistanceOverride;
return getStore().get<ESM::GameSetting>().find ("iMaxActivateDist")->getInt()*5/4;
float World::getObjectActivationDistance ()
if (mActivationDistanceOverride >= 0)
return mActivationDistanceOverride;
return getStore().get<ESM::GameSetting>().find ("iMaxActivateDist")->getInt();
MWWorld::Ptr World::getFacedObject()
std::pair<float, std::string> result;
if (!mRendering->occlusionQuerySupported())
result = mPhysics->getFacedHandle (*this, getMaxActivationDistance ());
result = std::make_pair (mFacedDistance, mFacedHandle);
if (result.second.empty())
return MWWorld::Ptr ();
MWWorld::Ptr object = searchPtrViaHandle (result.second);
float ActivationDistance;
if (object.getTypeName ().find("NPC") != std::string::npos)
ActivationDistance = getNpcActivationDistance ();
ActivationDistance = getObjectActivationDistance ();
if (result.first > ActivationDistance)
return MWWorld::Ptr ();
return object;
void World::deleteObject (const Ptr& ptr)
if (ptr.getRefData().getCount()>0)
ptr.getRefData().setCount (0);
if (mWorldScene->getActiveCells().find (ptr.getCell())!=mWorldScene->getActiveCells().end() &&
mWorldScene->removeObjectFromScene (ptr);
mLocalScripts.remove (ptr);
removeContainerScripts (ptr);
void World::moveObject(const Ptr &ptr, CellStore &newCell, float x, float y, float z)
ESM::Position &pos = ptr.getRefData().getPosition();
pos.pos[0] = x, pos.pos[1] = y, pos.pos[2] = z;
Ogre::Vector3 vec(x, y, z);
CellStore *currCell = ptr.getCell();
bool isPlayer = ptr == mPlayer->getPlayer();
bool haveToMove = mWorldScene->isCellActive(*currCell) || isPlayer;
if (*currCell != newCell)
if (isPlayer)
if (!newCell.isExterior())
changeToInteriorCell(Misc::StringUtils::lowerCase(newCell.mCell->mName), pos);
int cellX = newCell.mCell->getGridX();
int cellY = newCell.mCell->getGridY();
mWorldScene->changeCell(cellX, cellY, pos, false);
else {
if (!mWorldScene->isCellActive(*currCell))
copyObjectToCell(ptr, newCell, pos);
else if (!mWorldScene->isCellActive(newCell))
MWWorld::Class::get(ptr).copyToCell(ptr, newCell);
haveToMove = false;
MWWorld::Ptr copy =
MWWorld::Class::get(ptr).copyToCell(ptr, newCell);
addContainerScripts(copy, &newCell);
mRendering->moveObjectToCell(copy, vec, currCell);
if (MWWorld::Class::get(ptr).isActor())
MWBase::MechanicsManager *mechMgr =
std::string script =
if (!script.empty())
mLocalScripts.add(script, copy);
if (haveToMove)
mRendering->moveObject(ptr, vec);
mPhysics->moveObject (ptr);
bool World::moveObjectImp(const Ptr& ptr, float x, float y, float z)
CellStore *cell = ptr.getCell();
if (cell->isExterior()) {
int cellX, cellY;
positionToIndex(x, y, cellX, cellY);
cell = getExterior(cellX, cellY);
moveObject(ptr, *cell, x, y, z);
return cell != ptr.getCell();
void World::moveObject (const Ptr& ptr, float x, float y, float z)
moveObjectImp(ptr, x, y, z);
void World::scaleObject (const Ptr& ptr, float scale)
ptr.getCellRef().mScale = scale;
if(ptr.getRefData().getBaseNode() == 0)
mRendering->scaleObject(ptr, Vector3(scale,scale,scale));
void World::rotateObject (const Ptr& ptr,float x,float y,float z, bool adjust)
Ogre::Vector3 rot;
rot.x = Ogre::Degree(x).valueRadians();
rot.y = Ogre::Degree(y).valueRadians();
rot.z = Ogre::Degree(z).valueRadians();
float *objRot = ptr.getRefData().getPosition().rot;
if(ptr.getRefData().getBaseNode() == 0 || !mRendering->rotateObject(ptr, rot, adjust))
objRot[0] = (adjust ? objRot[0] + rot.x : rot.x), objRot[1] = (adjust ? objRot[1] + rot.y : rot.y), objRot[2] = (adjust ? objRot[2] + rot.z : rot.z);
// do this after rendering rotated the object so it gets changed by Class->adjustRotation
objRot[0] = rot.x, objRot[1] = rot.y, objRot[2] = rot.z;
void World::safePlaceObject(const MWWorld::Ptr& ptr,MWWorld::CellStore &Cell,ESM::Position pos)
void World::indexToPosition (int cellX, int cellY, float &x, float &y, bool centre) const
const int cellSize = 8192;
x = cellSize * cellX;
y = cellSize * cellY;
if (centre)
x += cellSize/2;
y += cellSize/2;
void World::positionToIndex (float x, float y, int &cellX, int &cellY) const
const int cellSize = 8192;
cellX = static_cast<int> (x/cellSize);
if (x<0)
cellY = static_cast<int> (y/cellSize);
if (y<0)
void World::doPhysics (const std::vector<std::pair<std::string, Ogre::Vector3> >& actors,
float duration)
mPhysics->doPhysics(duration, actors);
const int tick = 16; // 16 ms ^= 60 Hz
// Game clock part of the loop, contains everything that has to be executed in a fixed timestep
long long dt = mTimer.getMilliseconds() - lastTick;
if (dt >= 100)
// throw away wall clock time if necessary to keep the framerate above the minimum of 10 fps
lastTick += (dt - 100);
dt = 100;
while (dt >= tick)
dt -= tick;
lastTick += tick;
std::vector< std::pair<std::string, Ogre::Vector3> > vectors = mPhysics->doPhysicsFixed (actors);
std::vector< std::pair<std::string, Ogre::Vector3> >::iterator player = vectors.end();
for (std::vector< std::pair<std::string, Ogre::Vector3> >::iterator it = vectors.begin();
it!= vectors.end(); ++it)
if (it->first=="player")
player = it;
MWWorld::Ptr ptr = getPtrViaHandle (it->first);
moveObjectImp (ptr, it->second.x, it->second.y, it->second.z);
// Make sure player is moved last (otherwise the cell might change in the middle of an update
// loop)
if (player!=vectors.end())
if (moveObjectImp (getPtrViaHandle (player->first),
player->second.x, player->second.y, player->second.z) == true)
return; // abort the current loop if the cell has changed
bool World::toggleCollisionMode()
return mPhysics->toggleCollisionMode();;
bool World::toggleRenderMode (RenderMode mode)
return mRendering->toggleRenderMode (mode);
const ESM::Potion *World::createRecord (const ESM::Potion& record)
return mStore.insert(record);
const ESM::Class *World::createRecord (const ESM::Class& record)
return mStore.insert(record);
const ESM::Spell *World::createRecord (const ESM::Spell& record)
return mStore.insert(record);
const ESM::Cell *World::createRecord (const ESM::Cell& record)
return mStore.insert(record);
const ESM::NPC *World::createRecord(const ESM::NPC &record)
bool update = false;
if (Misc::StringUtils::ciEqual(record.mId, "player"))
static const char *sRaces[] =
"Argonian", "Breton", "Dark Elf", "High Elf", "Imperial", "Khajiit", "Nord", "Orc", "Redguard",
"Woodelf", 0
int i=0;
for (; sRaces[i]; ++i)
if (Misc::StringUtils::ciEqual (sRaces[i], record.mRace))
mGlobalVariables->setInt ("pcrace", sRaces[i] ? i+1 : 0);
const ESM::NPC *player =
update = record.isMale() != player->isMale() ||
!Misc::StringUtils::ciEqual(record.mRace, player->mRace) ||
!Misc::StringUtils::ciEqual(record.mHead, player->mHead) ||
!Misc::StringUtils::ciEqual(record.mHair, player->mHair);
const ESM::NPC *ret = mStore.insert(record);
if (update) {
return ret;
void World::playAnimationGroup (const MWWorld::Ptr& ptr, const std::string& groupName, int mode,
int number)
mRendering->playAnimationGroup (ptr, groupName, mode, number);
void World::skipAnimation (const MWWorld::Ptr& ptr)
mRendering->skipAnimation (ptr);
void World::update (float duration, bool paused)
mWorldScene->update (duration, paused);
float pitch, yaw;
Ogre::Vector3 eyepos;
mRendering->getPlayerData(eyepos, pitch, yaw);
mPhysics->updatePlayerData(eyepos, pitch, yaw);
mWeatherManager->update (duration);
performUpdateSceneQueries ();
updateWindowManager ();
void World::updateWindowManager ()
// inform the GUI about focused object
MWWorld::Ptr object = getFacedObject ();
// retrieve object dimensions so we know where to place the floating label
if (!object.isEmpty ())
Ogre::SceneNode* node = object.getRefData().getBaseNode();
Ogre::AxisAlignedBox bounds;
int i;
for (i=0; i<node->numAttachedObjects(); ++i)
Ogre::MovableObject* ob = node->getAttachedObject(i);
if (bounds.isFinite())
Vector4 screenCoords = mRendering->boundingBoxToScreen(bounds);
screenCoords[0], screenCoords[1], screenCoords[2], screenCoords[3]);
void World::performUpdateSceneQueries ()
if (!mRendering->occlusionQuerySupported())
// cast a ray from player to sun to detect if the sun is visible
// this is temporary until we find a better place to put this code
// currently its here because we need to access the physics system
float* p = mPlayer->getPlayer().getRefData().getPosition().pos;
Vector3 sun = mRendering->getSkyManager()->getRealSunPos();
sun = Vector3(sun.x, -sun.z, sun.y);
mRendering->getSkyManager()->setGlare(!mPhysics->castRay(Ogre::Vector3(p[0], p[1], p[2]), sun));
// update faced handle (object the player is looking at)
// this uses a mixture of raycasts and occlusion queries.
else // if (mRendering->occlusionQuerySupported())
MWRender::OcclusionQuery* query = mRendering->getOcclusionQuery();
if (!query->occlusionTestPending())
processFacedQueryResults (query);
beginFacedQueryProcess (query);
void World::processFacedQueryResults (MWRender::OcclusionQuery* query)
// get result of last query
if (mNumFacing == 0)
mFacedHandle = "";
mFacedDistance = FLT_MAX;
else if (mNumFacing == 1)
bool result = query->getTestResult();
mFacedHandle = result ? mFaced1Name : "";
mFacedDistance = result ? mFaced1Distance : FLT_MAX;
else if (mNumFacing == 2)
bool result = query->getTestResult();
mFacedHandle = result ? mFaced2Name : mFaced1Name;
mFacedDistance = result ? mFaced1Distance : mFaced1Distance;
void World::beginFacedQueryProcess (MWRender::OcclusionQuery* query)
// send new query
// figure out which object we want to test against
std::vector < std::pair < float, std::string > > results;
if (MWBase::Environment::get().getWindowManager()->isGuiMode())
float x, y;
MWBase::Environment::get().getWindowManager()->getMousePosition(x, y);
results = mPhysics->getFacedHandles(x, y, getMaxActivationDistance ());
results = mPhysics->getFacedHandles(getMaxActivationDistance ());
// ignore the player and other things we're not interested in
std::vector < std::pair < float, std::string > >::iterator it = results.begin();
while (it != results.end())
if ( (*it).second.find("HeightField") != std::string::npos // not interested in terrain
|| getPtrViaHandle((*it).second) == mPlayer->getPlayer() ) // not interested in player (unless you want to talk to yourself)
it = results.erase(it);
if (results.size() == 0)
mNumFacing = 0;
else if (results.size() == 1)
beginSingleFacedQueryProcess (query, results);
beginDoubleFacedQueryProcess (query, results);
void World::beginSingleFacedQueryProcess (MWRender::OcclusionQuery* query, std::vector < std::pair < float, std::string > > const & results)
mFaced1 = getPtrViaHandle(results.front().second);
mFaced1Name = results.front().second;
mFaced1Distance = results.front().first;
mNumFacing = 1;
btVector3 p;
if (MWBase::Environment::get().getWindowManager()->isGuiMode())
float x, y;
MWBase::Environment::get().getWindowManager()->getMousePosition(x, y);
p = mPhysics->getRayPoint(results.front().first, x, y);
p = mPhysics->getRayPoint(results.front().first);
Ogre::Vector3 pos(p.x(), p.z(), -p.y());
Ogre::SceneNode* node = mFaced1.getRefData().getBaseNode();
//std::cout << "Num facing 1 : " << mFaced1Name << std::endl;
//std::cout << "Type 1 " << mFaced1.getTypeName() << std::endl;
query->occlusionTest(pos, node);
void World::beginDoubleFacedQueryProcess (MWRender::OcclusionQuery* query, std::vector < std::pair < float, std::string > > const & results)
mFaced1Name = (0).second;
mFaced2Name = (1).second;
mFaced1Distance = (0).first;
mFaced2Distance = (1).first;
mFaced1 = getPtrViaHandle( (0).second);
mFaced2 = getPtrViaHandle( (1).second);
mNumFacing = 2;
btVector3 p;
if (MWBase::Environment::get().getWindowManager()->isGuiMode())
float x, y;
MWBase::Environment::get().getWindowManager()->getMousePosition(x, y);
p = mPhysics->getRayPoint( (1).first, x, y);
p = mPhysics->getRayPoint( (1).first);
Ogre::Vector3 pos(p.x(), p.z(), -p.y());
Ogre::SceneNode* node1 = mFaced1.getRefData().getBaseNode();
Ogre::SceneNode* node2 = mFaced2.getRefData().getBaseNode();
// no need to test if the first node is not occluder
if (!query->isPotentialOccluder(node1) && (mFaced1.getTypeName().find("Static") == std::string::npos))
mFacedHandle = mFaced1Name;
mFacedDistance = mFaced1Distance;
//std::cout << "node1 Not an occluder" << std::endl;
// no need to test if the second object is static (thus cannot be activated)
if (mFaced2.getTypeName().find("Static") != std::string::npos)
mFacedHandle = mFaced1Name;
mFacedDistance = mFaced1Distance;
// work around door problems
if (mFaced1.getTypeName().find("Static") != std::string::npos
&& mFaced2.getTypeName().find("Door") != std::string::npos)
mFacedHandle = mFaced2Name;
mFacedDistance = mFaced2Distance;
query->occlusionTest(pos, node2);
bool World::isCellExterior() const
Ptr::CellStore *currentCell = mWorldScene->getCurrentCell();
if (currentCell)
return currentCell->mCell->isExterior();
return false;
bool World::isCellQuasiExterior() const
Ptr::CellStore *currentCell = mWorldScene->getCurrentCell();
if (currentCell)
if (!(currentCell->mCell->mData.mFlags & ESM::Cell::QuasiEx))
return false;
return true;
return false;
int World::getCurrentWeather() const
return mWeatherManager->getWeatherID();
void World::changeWeather(const std::string& region, const unsigned int id)
mWeatherManager->changeWeather(region, id);
OEngine::Render::Fader* World::getFader()
return mRendering->getFader();
Ogre::Vector2 World::getNorthVector (CellStore* cell)
MWWorld::CellRefList<ESM::Static>& statics = cell->mStatics;
MWWorld::LiveCellRef<ESM::Static>* ref = statics.find("northmarker");
if (!ref)
return Vector2(0, 1);
Ogre::SceneNode* node = ref->mData.getBaseNode();
Vector3 dir = node->_getDerivedOrientation().yAxis();
Vector2 d = Vector2(dir.x, dir.z);
return d;
std::vector<World::DoorMarker> World::getDoorMarkers (CellStore* cell)
std::vector<World::DoorMarker> result;
MWWorld::CellRefList<ESM::Door>& doors = cell->mDoors;
std::list< MWWorld::LiveCellRef<ESM::Door> >& refList = doors.mList;
for (std::list< MWWorld::LiveCellRef<ESM::Door> >::iterator it = refList.begin(); it != refList.end(); ++it)
MWWorld::LiveCellRef<ESM::Door>& ref = *it;
if (ref.mRef.mTeleport)
World::DoorMarker newMarker; = MWClass::Door::getDestination(ref);
ESM::Position pos = ref.mData.getPosition ();
newMarker.x = pos.pos[0];
newMarker.y = pos.pos[1];
return result;
void World::getInteriorMapPosition (Ogre::Vector2 position, float& nX, float& nY, int &x, int& y)
mRendering->getInteriorMapPosition(position, nX, nY, x, y);
bool World::isPositionExplored (float nX, float nY, int x, int y, bool interior)
return mRendering->isPositionExplored(nX, nY, x, y, interior);
void World::setWaterHeight(const float height)
void World::toggleWater()
bool World::placeObject (const Ptr& object, float cursorX, float cursorY)
std::pair<bool, Ogre::Vector3> result = mPhysics->castRay(cursorX, cursorY);
if (!result.first)
return false;
CellStore* cell;
if (isCellExterior())
int cellX, cellY;
positionToIndex(result.second[0], -result.second[2], cellX, cellY);
cell = mCells.getExterior(cellX, cellY);
cell = getPlayer().getPlayer().getCell();
ESM::Position pos = getPlayer().getPlayer().getRefData().getPosition();
pos.pos[0] = result.second[0];
pos.pos[1] = -result.second[2];
pos.pos[2] = result.second[1];
copyObjectToCell(object, *cell, pos);
return true;
bool World::canPlaceObject(float cursorX, float cursorY)
std::pair<bool, Ogre::Vector3> result = mPhysics->castRay(cursorX, cursorY);
/// \todo also check if the wanted position is on a flat surface, and not e.g. against a vertical wall!
if (!result.first)
return false;
return true;
World::copyObjectToCell(const Ptr &object, CellStore &cell, const ESM::Position &pos)
/// \todo add searching correct cell for position specified
MWWorld::Ptr dropped =
MWWorld::Class::get(object).copyToCell(object, cell, pos);
Ogre::Vector3 min, max;
if (mPhysics->getObjectAABB(object, min, max)) {
float *pos = dropped.getRefData().getPosition().pos;
pos[0] -= (min.x + max.x) / 2;
pos[1] -= (min.y + max.y) / 2;
pos[2] -= min.z;
if (mWorldScene->isCellActive(cell)) {
if (dropped.getRefData().isEnabled()) {
std::string script = MWWorld::Class::get(dropped).getScript(dropped);
if (!script.empty()) {
mLocalScripts.add(script, dropped);
addContainerScripts(dropped, &cell);
void World::dropObjectOnGround (const Ptr& actor, const Ptr& object)
MWWorld::Ptr::CellStore* cell = actor.getCell();
ESM::Position pos =
Ogre::Vector3 orig =
Ogre::Vector3(pos.pos[0], pos.pos[1], pos.pos[2]);
Ogre::Vector3 dir = Ogre::Vector3(0, 0, -1);
float len = (pos.pos[2] >= 0) ? pos.pos[2] : -pos.pos[2];
len += 100.0;
std::pair<bool, Ogre::Vector3> hit =
mPhysics->castRay(orig, dir, len);
pos.pos[2] = hit.second.z;
copyObjectToCell(object, *cell, pos);
void World::processChangedSettings(const Settings::CategorySettingVector& settings)
void World::getTriangleBatchCount(unsigned int &triangles, unsigned int &batches)
mRendering->getTriangleBatchCount(triangles, batches);
World::isSwimming(const MWWorld::Ptr &object)
/// \todo add check ifActor() - only actors can swim
float *fpos = object.getRefData().getPosition().pos;
Ogre::Vector3 pos(fpos[0], fpos[1], fpos[2]);
/// \fixme should rely on object height
pos.z += 30;
return isUnderwater(*object.getCell()->mCell, pos);
World::isUnderwater(const ESM::Cell &cell, const Ogre::Vector3 &pos)
if (!(cell.mData.mFlags & ESM::Cell::HasWater)) {
return false;
return pos.z < cell.mWater;
void World::renderPlayer()
void World::setupExternalRendering (MWRender::ExternalRendering& rendering)
mRendering->setupExternalRendering (rendering);
int World::canRest ()
Ptr::CellStore *currentCell = mWorldScene->getCurrentCell();
Ogre::Vector3 playerPos;
float* pos = mPlayer->getPlayer ().getRefData ().getPosition ().pos;
playerPos.x = pos[0];
playerPos.y = pos[1];
playerPos.z = pos[2];
std::pair<bool, Ogre::Vector3> hit =
mPhysics->castRay(playerPos, Ogre::Vector3(0,0,-1), 50);
bool isOnGround = (hit.first ? (hit.second.distance (playerPos) < 25) : false);
if (!isOnGround || isUnderwater (*currentCell->mCell, playerPos))
return 2;
if (currentCell->mCell->mData.mFlags & ESM::Cell::NoSleep)
return 1;
return 0;
void World::playVideo (const std::string &name, bool allowSkipping)
mRendering->playVideo(name, allowSkipping);
void World::stopVideo ()