Manually merged
merged 1 commits from krageon/zer.ooo-web:feature/embedded-server-config
into master
5 years ago
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Delete Branch 'krageon/zer.ooo-web:feature/embedded-server-config'
Deleting a branch is permanent. It CANNOT be undone. Continue?
You can now create a server config with all information embedded. If you have a local private key, the form will ask for you to input the file in a file box. You can elect to decrypt it as well. The decryption of private keys happens clientside.
If you entered the private key file in the file box, the private key does not get sent to the server - the reference is used to read the file and manipulate the server output until a valid server config exists.
@ -0,0 +33,4 @@
function handleZipResult(data) {
//var blob = new Blob(data, {type: 'application/zip'});
commented code
@ -0,0 +71,4 @@
var keyEndOffset = match.index;
var keyContent = text.substring(keyStartOffset, keyEndOffset);
No, I'll pass
@ -0,0 +28,4 @@
{{ cert }}</cert>
{{ key }}</key>
please to end on next line
Keys have a return after them. This way it looks exactly as the end user expects when the template is filled. This is to my mind the superior option.
I would rather have you use the following in that case
Good point, it's fixed
@ -25,1 +37,4 @@
<!-- TODO: Check data attribute to see if the cert is present -->
<!-- If cert is not on server, also ask for this -->
.Step 1:
From your project repository, check out a new branch and test the changes.Step 2:
Merge the changes and update on Gitea.