$(function () { var keyLocation = $('#key-location'); var keyLocationContainer = keyLocation.parent(); var decryptKeyCheckbox = $('#decrypt-key'); var decryptKeyCheckboxContainer = decryptKeyCheckbox.parent(); var password = $('#password'); var passwordContainer = password.parent(); var embedConfiguration = $('#want-embedded'); var embedConfigurationContainer = embedConfiguration.parent(); var keyFileContent = null; var buildConfigZip = $('#build-config-zip'); var getCertificateForm = $('#get-certificate-form'); decryptKeyCheckbox.change(function () { if (this.checked) { passwordContainer.show(); return; } passwordContainer.hide(); }); function handleKeyFile(element) { keyFileContent = element.target.result; console.log(keyFileContent); // TODO: Add keyfile to embedded server config using forge } // Retrieve zip file with post getCertificateForm.submit(function (event) { event.preventDefault(); }); function handleZipResult(data) { //var blob = new Blob(data, {type: 'application/zip'}); var blobUrl = URL.createObjectURL(data); saveBlobUrl(blobUrl, 'config.zip'); } function handleEmbeddedResult(data) { var fileReader = new FileReader(); fileReader.onload = function() { var text = this.result; if (keyFileContent === null) { saveText(text, 'server-embedded.conf'); } var match = //.exec(text); matchOffset = match.index + 6; text = text.substring(0, matchOffset) + keyFileContent + text.substring(matchOffset); if (decryptKeyCheckbox.prop('checked') === true) { var keyPassword = password.val(); text = decryptKey(text, keyPassword); } saveText(text, 'server-embedded.conf'); }; fileReader.readAsText(data); } function decryptKey(text, keyPassword) { var match = //.exec(text); var keyStartOffset = match.index + 6; match = /<\/key>/.exec(text); var keyEndOffset = match.index; var keyContent = text.substring(keyStartOffset, keyEndOffset); var decryptedKey = 'DECRYPTED_KEY'; // actual decryption happens here return text.substring(0, keyStartOffset) + decryptedKey + text.substring(keyEndOffset); } function saveText(text, fileName) { var blob = new Blob([text], {type: 'text/plain'}); var blobUrl = URL.createObjectURL(blob); saveBlobUrl(blobUrl, fileName); } var downloadElement = document.createElement("a"); document.body.appendChild(downloadElement); downloadElement.style = "display: none"; function saveBlobUrl(url, fileName) { downloadElement.href = url; downloadElement.download = fileName; downloadElement.click(); window.URL.revokeObjectURL(url); } function submitCertificateForm(event) { var url = getCertificateForm.attr('action'), method = getCertificateForm.attr('method'), data = getCertificateForm.serialize(), handler = handleZipResult; if (embedConfiguration.prop('checked') === true) { handler = handleEmbeddedResult; } var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); xhr.onreadystatechange = function () { if (this.readyState == 4 && this.status == 200) { //this.response is what you're looking for handler(this.response); } }; xhr.open(method, url); xhr.setRequestHeader('Content-type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'); xhr.responseType = 'blob'; xhr.send(data); } buildConfigZip.on('click', submitCertificateForm); // Load content of embedded server config // Put keyfile content in embedded server config if it is not null // If the decrypt key checkbox is checked, attempt to decrypt the private key in the embedded server config // Offer the decrypted server config up as a file keyLocationContainer.on('show', function () { decryptKeyCheckboxContainer.show(); }); keyLocationContainer.on('hide', function () { decryptKeyCheckboxContainer.hide(); }); decryptKeyCheckboxContainer.on('show', function () { if (decryptKeyCheckbox.prop('checked') === true) { passwordContainer.show(); } }); decryptKeyCheckboxContainer.on('hide', function () { passwordContainer.hide(); passwordContainer.val(''); }); function setFileSelectVisibility() { var selectedOption = $('#certificate option:selected'); if (selectedOption.data('hasPrivateKey') != '1') { keyLocationContainer.show(); return; } keyLocationContainer.hide(); } keyLocation.change(function () { var file = this.files[0]; var reader = new FileReader(); reader.onload = handleKeyFile; reader.readAsText(file); }); embedConfiguration.change(function () { if (this.checked) { setFileSelectVisibility(); decryptKeyCheckboxContainer.show(); return; } decryptKeyCheckboxContainer.hide(); keyLocationContainer.hide(); }); });