@ -337,6 +337,7 @@ float2 blendUV = (UV - 0.5) * (16.0 / (16.0+1.0)) + 0.5;
float2 layerUV = float2(UV.x, 1.f-UV.y) * 16; // Reverse Y, required to get proper tangents
float2 thisLayerUV;
float4 normalTex;
float4 diffuseTex;
float3 eyeDir = normalize(cameraPos.xyz - worldPos);
@ -358,19 +359,18 @@ float2 blendUV = (UV - 0.5) * (16.0 / (16.0+1.0)) + 0.5;
thisLayerUV += TSeyeDir.xy * ( normalTex.a * PARALLAX_SCALE + PARALLAX_BIAS );
#if @shIterator == 0
// first layer of first pass is the base layer and doesn't need a blend map
albedo = shSample(diffuseMap0, layerUV);
albedo = shLerp(albedo, shSample(diffuseMap@shIterator, thisLayerUV), blendValues@shPropertyString(blendmap_component_@shIterator));
diffuseTex = shSample(diffuseMap@shIterator, layerUV);
#if !@shPropertyBool(use_specular_@shIterator)
diffuseTex.a = 0;
#if @shIterator == 0
albedo = shSample(diffuseMap@shIterator, layerUV) ;
albedo = diffuseTex ;
albedo = shLerp(albedo, shSample(diffuseMap@shIterator, thisLayerUV) , blendValues@shPropertyString(blendmap_component_@shIterator));
albedo = shLerp(albedo, diffuseTex , blendValues@shPropertyString(blendmap_component_@shIterator));
previousAlpha *= 1.f-blendValues@shPropertyString(blendmap_component_@shIterator);
@ -448,7 +448,7 @@ float2 blendUV = (UV - 0.5) * (16.0 / (16.0+1.0)) + 0.5;
float3 halfVec = normalize (light0Dir + eyeDir);
float3 specular = pow(max(dot(normal, halfVec), 0), 32) * lightSpec0;
shOutputColour(0).xyz += specular * (1.f- albedo.a) * shadow;
shOutputColour(0).xyz += specular * (albedo.a) * shadow;
#if FOG