forked from teamnwah/openmw-tes3coop
Animation sources are treated differently from base objects. When given "path\file.nif", base objects will look for "path\xfile.nif" and use that if it exists (falling back to the original name if not found). Animation sources will instead use "path\xfile.kf", ignoring it if the file doesn't exist.
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166 lines
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#include <OgreController.h>
#include <OgreVector3.h>
#include <components/nifogre/ogrenifloader.hpp>
#include "../mwworld/ptr.hpp"
namespace MWRender
class Animation
class AnimationValue : public Ogre::ControllerValue<Ogre::Real>
Animation *mAnimation;
size_t mIndex;
AnimationValue(Animation *anim, size_t layeridx)
: mAnimation(anim), mIndex(layeridx)
{ }
virtual Ogre::Real getValue() const;
virtual void setValue(Ogre::Real value);
struct AnimSource {
NifOgre::TextKeyMap mTextKeys;
std::vector<Ogre::Controller<Ogre::Real> > mControllers;
typedef std::vector<AnimSource> AnimSourceList;
struct AnimLayer {
std::string mGroupName;
AnimSource *mSource;
NifOgre::TextKeyMap::const_iterator mStartKey;
NifOgre::TextKeyMap::const_iterator mLoopStartKey;
NifOgre::TextKeyMap::const_iterator mStopKey;
NifOgre::TextKeyMap::const_iterator mNextKey;
float mTime;
bool mPlaying;
size_t mLoopCount;
MWWorld::Ptr mPtr;
Ogre::SceneNode *mInsert;
Ogre::Entity *mSkelBase;
NifOgre::ObjectList mObjectRoot;
AnimSourceList mAnimSources;
Ogre::Node *mAccumRoot;
Ogre::Node *mNonAccumRoot;
NifOgre::NodeTargetValue<Ogre::Real> *mNonAccumCtrl;
Ogre::Vector3 mAccumulate;
Ogre::Vector3 mLastPosition;
float mAnimVelocity;
float mAnimSpeedMult;
static const size_t sMaxLayers = 1;
AnimLayer mLayer[sMaxLayers];
Ogre::SharedPtr<AnimationValue> mAnimationValuePtr[sMaxLayers];
static float calcAnimVelocity(const NifOgre::TextKeyMap &keys,
NifOgre::NodeTargetValue<Ogre::Real> *nonaccumctrl,
const Ogre::Vector3 &accum,
const std::string &groupname);
/* Updates a skeleton instance so that all bones matching the source skeleton (based on
* bone names) are positioned identically. */
void updateSkeletonInstance(const Ogre::SkeletonInstance *skelsrc, Ogre::SkeletonInstance *skel);
/* Updates the position of the accum root node for the current time, and
* returns the wanted movement vector from the previous update. */
void updatePosition(Ogre::Vector3 &position);
static NifOgre::TextKeyMap::const_iterator findGroupStart(const NifOgre::TextKeyMap &keys, const std::string &groupname);
/* Resets the animation to the time of the specified start marker, without
* moving anything, and set the end time to the specified stop marker. If
* the marker is not found, or if the markers are the same, it returns
* false.
bool reset(size_t layeridx, const NifOgre::TextKeyMap &keys,
NifOgre::NodeTargetValue<Ogre::Real> *nonaccumctrl,
const std::string &groupname, const std::string &start, const std::string &stop,
float startpoint);
bool doLoop(size_t layeridx);
bool handleTextKey(size_t layeridx, const NifOgre::TextKeyMap::const_iterator &key);
void setObjectRoot(Ogre::SceneNode *node, const std::string &model, bool baseonly);
void addAnimSource(const std::string &model);
static void destroyObjectList(Ogre::SceneManager *sceneMgr, NifOgre::ObjectList &objects);
static void setRenderProperties(const NifOgre::ObjectList &objlist, Ogre::uint32 visflags, Ogre::uint8 solidqueue, Ogre::uint8 transqueue);
void clearAnimSources();
Animation(const MWWorld::Ptr &ptr);
virtual ~Animation();
void updatePtr(const MWWorld::Ptr &ptr);
bool hasAnimation(const std::string &anim);
// Specifies the axis' to accumulate on. Non-accumulated axis will just
// move visually, but not affect the actual movement. Each x/y/z value
// should be on the scale of 0 to 1.
void setAccumulation(const Ogre::Vector3 &accum);
void setSpeed(float speed);
/** Plays an animation.
* \param groupname Name of the animation group to play.
* \param start Key marker from which to start.
* \param stop Key marker to stop at.
* \param startpoint How far in between the two markers to start. 0 starts
* at the start marker, 1 starts at the stop marker.
* \param loops How many times to loop the animation. This will use the
* "loop start" and "loop stop" markers if they exist,
* otherwise it will use "start" and "stop".
* \return Boolean specifying whether the animation will return movement
* for the character at all.
bool play(const std::string &groupname, const std::string &start, const std::string &stop, float startpoint, size_t loops);
/** Stops and removes the animation from the given layer. */
void disable(size_t layeridx);
/** Gets info about the given animation layer.
* \param layeridx Layer index to get info about.
* \param complete Stores completion amount (0 = at start key, 0.5 = half way between start and stop keys), etc.
* \param groupname Stores animation group being played.
* \param start Stores the start key
* \param stop Stores the stop key
* \return True if an animation is active on the layer, false otherwise.
bool getInfo(size_t layeridx, float *complete=NULL, std::string *groupname=NULL, std::string *start=NULL, std::string *stop=NULL) const;
virtual Ogre::Vector3 runAnimation(float duration);
virtual void showWeapons(bool showWeapon);
/* Returns if there's an animation playing on the given layer. */
bool isPlaying(size_t layeridx) const
{ return mLayer[layeridx].mPlaying; }
Ogre::Node *getNode(const std::string &name);