language: cpp
- master
- coverity_scan
- /openmw-.*$/
- /^[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+.*$/
# The next declaration is the encrypted COVERITY_SCAN_TOKEN, created
# via the "travis encrypt" command using the project repo's public key
- secure: 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
- sourceline: 'ppa:openmw/openmw'
- sourceline: 'ppa:rakhimov/boost'
- ubuntu-toolchain-r-test
use c++11 std::align from <memory> (#2026)
* use c++11 std::align from <memory>
* for Ubuntu, use gcc5 instead of 4.8
* use travis to set gcc to 5
and sudo
* use eval in .travis.yml
* use gcc-8
* replace precise with trusty llvm toolchain, because we have been using trusty for awhile now
* push things to matrix, so we can support multiple releases if we want
* we should not be allowing for failures, we are ready to start trusting clang and its analyzer
* scan-build was pushed to another package
* use gcc-8 still but wrap in scan-build
* travis.yml cleanup, have output of scripts go to stdout, make search for substring a regex
use double []
fix missing ,
use bash to use regex
black spaces matter
* set human readable names for our various builds, split out our static analysis between openmw and openmw-cs
* test if not set, then set otherwise ignore
* use quotes
* do not eval it, set it in travis env
* no more &&
* what does clang7 have to say?
* use sourceline for now
* use clang-7 instead of clang-7.0
* yes, llvm-toolchain-trusty-7 not llvm-toolchain-trusty-7.0
* for static analysis, openmw is compiled and checked on its own while openmw-cs is build with all the rest. this might change in the future.
and actually do it the other way around
6 years ago
- llvm-toolchain-trusty-7
packages: [
# Dev
cmake, clang-7, clang-tools-7, gcc-8, g++-8,
# Boost
libboost-filesystem-dev, libboost-program-options-dev, libboost-system-dev,
# FFmpeg
libavcodec-dev, libavformat-dev, libavutil-dev, libswscale-dev,
use c++11 std::align from <memory> (#2026)
* use c++11 std::align from <memory>
* for Ubuntu, use gcc5 instead of 4.8
* use travis to set gcc to 5
and sudo
* use eval in .travis.yml
* use gcc-8
* replace precise with trusty llvm toolchain, because we have been using trusty for awhile now
* push things to matrix, so we can support multiple releases if we want
* we should not be allowing for failures, we are ready to start trusting clang and its analyzer
* scan-build was pushed to another package
* use gcc-8 still but wrap in scan-build
* travis.yml cleanup, have output of scripts go to stdout, make search for substring a regex
use double []
fix missing ,
use bash to use regex
black spaces matter
* set human readable names for our various builds, split out our static analysis between openmw and openmw-cs
* test if not set, then set otherwise ignore
* use quotes
* do not eval it, set it in travis env
* no more &&
* what does clang7 have to say?
* use sourceline for now
* use clang-7 instead of clang-7.0
* yes, llvm-toolchain-trusty-7 not llvm-toolchain-trusty-7.0
* for static analysis, openmw is compiled and checked on its own while openmw-cs is build with all the rest. this might change in the future.
and actually do it the other way around
6 years ago
# Audio, Video and Misc. deps
libsdl2-dev, libqt4-dev, libopenal-dev, libunshield-dev, libtinyxml-dev,
# The other ones from OpenMW ppa
libbullet-dev, libswresample-dev, libopenscenegraph-3.4-dev, libmygui-dev,
# tes3mp stuff
libboost-dev, libqt5opengl5-dev, libluajit-5.1-dev
name: "TES3MP/openmw-tes3mp"
description: "<Your project description here>"
branch_pattern: coverity_scan
notification_email: koncord@tes3mp.com
build_command: "make VERBOSE=1 -j3"
- os: linux
- ANALYZE="scan-build-7 --use-cc clang-7 --use-c++ clang++-7 "
- MATRIX_CC="CC=clang-7 && CXX=clang++-7"
compiler: clang
use c++11 std::align from <memory> (#2026)
* use c++11 std::align from <memory>
* for Ubuntu, use gcc5 instead of 4.8
* use travis to set gcc to 5
and sudo
* use eval in .travis.yml
* use gcc-8
* replace precise with trusty llvm toolchain, because we have been using trusty for awhile now
* push things to matrix, so we can support multiple releases if we want
* we should not be allowing for failures, we are ready to start trusting clang and its analyzer
* scan-build was pushed to another package
* use gcc-8 still but wrap in scan-build
* travis.yml cleanup, have output of scripts go to stdout, make search for substring a regex
use double []
fix missing ,
use bash to use regex
black spaces matter
* set human readable names for our various builds, split out our static analysis between openmw and openmw-cs
* test if not set, then set otherwise ignore
* use quotes
* do not eval it, set it in travis env
* no more &&
* what does clang7 have to say?
* use sourceline for now
* use clang-7 instead of clang-7.0
* yes, llvm-toolchain-trusty-7 not llvm-toolchain-trusty-7.0
* for static analysis, openmw is compiled and checked on its own while openmw-cs is build with all the rest. this might change in the future.
and actually do it the other way around
6 years ago
sudo: required
dist: xenial
- os: linux
- MATRIX_CC="CC=gcc-8 && CXX=g++-8"
sudo: required
dist: xenial
- os: linux
- MATRIX_CC="CC=clang-7 && CXX=clang++-7"
sudo: required
dist: xenial
- env:
- MATRIX_CC="CC=clang-7 && CXX=clang++-7"
- env:
- ANALYZE="scan-build-7 --use-cc clang-7 --use-c++ clang++-7 "
- MATRIX_CC="CC=clang-7 && CXX=clang++-7"
- ./CI/before_install.${TRAVIS_OS_NAME}.sh
before_script: ./CI/before_script.${TRAVIS_OS_NAME}.sh
- cd ./build
- if [ "$COVERITY_SCAN_BRANCH" != 1 ]; then ${ANALYZE}make -j3; fi
- if [ "$COVERITY_SCAN_BRANCH" != 1 ] && [ "${TRAVIS_OS_NAME}" = "osx" ]; then make package; fi
- if [ "$COVERITY_SCAN_BRANCH" != 1 ] && [ "${TRAVIS_OS_NAME}" = "linux" ]; then ./openmw_test_suite; fi
- if [ "$COVERITY_SCAN_BRANCH" != 1 ] && [ "${TRAVIS_OS_NAME}" = "linux" ]; then cd .. && ./CI/check_tabs.sh; fi
# provider: script
# script: ./CI/deploy.osx.sh
# skip_cleanup: true
# on:
# branch: master
# condition: "$TRAVIS_EVENT_TYPE = cron && $TRAVIS_OS_NAME = osx"
# repo: TES3MP/openmw-tes3mp
# email:
# recipients:
# - corrmage+travis-ci@gmail.com
# on_success: change
# on_failure: always
# irc:
# channels:
# - "chat.freenode.net#openmw"
# on_success: change
# on_failure: always
# use_notice: true