#. This font is missing a few glyphs (mostly punctuation), but it has all the primary glyphs. If desired, you can now delete the original ``daedric.*`` files from your ``Data Files/Fonts`` directory.
Any Resolution or Size properties in the file have no effect because the engine settings override them.
The engine automatically takes UI scaling factor into account, so don't account for it when tweaking the settings.
Pre-0.45.0 way
- To replace the primary "Magic Cards" font:
#. Download `Pelagiad <https://isaskar.github.io/Pelagiad/>`_ by Isak Larborn (aka Isaskar).
#. Install the ``openmw_font.xml`` file into ``resources/mygui/openmw_font.xml`` in your OpenMW installation.
#. Copy ``Pelagiad.ttf`` into ``resources/mygui/`` as well.
#. If desired, you can now delete the original ``Magic_Cards.*`` files from your Data Files/Fonts directory.
#. If desired, you can now delete the original ``Magic_Cards.*`` files from your ``Data Files/Fonts`` directory.
- You can also replace the Daedric font:
#. Download `Ayembedt <https://github.com/georgd/OpenMW-Fonts>`_ by Georg Duffner.
#. Install ``OMWAyembedt.otf`` into ``/resources/mygui/`` folder in your OpenMW installation.
#. Add the following lines to openmw_font.xml::
#. Add the following lines to ``openmw_font.xml``::
@ -45,12 +86,12 @@ This is the recommended way to create new fonts.
#. This font is missing a few glyphs (mostly punctuation), but is complete in the primary glyphs. If desired, you can now delete the original ``daedric.*`` files from your Data Files/Fonts directory.
#. This font is missing a few glyphs (mostly punctuation), but it has all the primary glyphs. If desired, you can now delete the original ``daedric.*`` files from your ``Data Files/Fonts`` directory.
- Another replacement for the Daedric font is `Oblivion <http://www.uesp.net/wiki/File:Obliviontt.zip>`_ by Dongle.
#. Install the ``Oblivion.ttf`` file resources/mygui/.
#. The openmw_fonts.xml entry is::
#. Install the ``Oblivion.ttf`` file into ``resources/mygui/``.